internal ProjectServiceExtension GetNext (IBuildTarget item)
			if (Next.SupportsItem (item))
				return Next;
				return Next.GetNext (item);
		public virtual object GetService (IBuildTarget item, Type type)
			if (type.IsInstanceOfType (this))
				return this;
				return GetNext (item).GetService (item, type);
		public override bool SupportsItem (IBuildTarget item)
			if (!IdeApp.IsInitialized)
				return false;
			DotNetProject project = item as DotNetProject;
			return project != null && GtkDesignInfo.HasDesignedObjects (project);
        protected override BuildResult Build(MonoDevelop.Core.IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget item, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
            try {
                return base.Build(monitor, item, configuration);
            } finally {

		public override BuildResult RunTarget (IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget item, string target, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			var solutionItem = item as SolutionItem;
			if (solutionItem == null)
				return base.RunTarget (monitor, item, target, configuration);

			return solutionItem.ParentSolution.Build (monitor, configuration);
Example #6
		public void ClearErrors ()
			errors.Clear ();
			warningCount = errorCount = 0;
			buildCount = 1;
			failedBuildCount = 0;
			compilerOutput = "";
			sourceTarget = null;
		public override bool CanExecute (IBuildTarget item, ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			var retval = false;
			if(item is DotNetProject)
				var p = item as DotNetProject;
				retval = p.References.Any(y=>y.Reference.Contains("manos"));
			return retval || base.CanExecute(item,context, configuration);
Example #8
		public static IAsyncOperation Debug (this ProjectOperations opers, IBuildTarget entry)
			if (opers.CurrentRunOperation != null && !opers.CurrentRunOperation.IsCompleted)
				return opers.CurrentRunOperation;

			ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext (DebuggingService.GetExecutionHandler (), IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors, IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveExecutionTarget);

			IAsyncOperation op = opers.Execute (entry, context);
			return op;
		public override bool CanExecute (IBuildTarget item, ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			// We check for DefaultExecutionHandlerFactory because the tests can't run using any other execution mode
			bool res = base.CanExecute (item, context, configuration);
			if (!res && (item is IWorkspaceObject)) {
				UnitTest test = NUnitService.Instance.FindRootTest ((IWorkspaceObject)item);
				return (test != null) && test.CanRun (context.ExecutionHandler);
			} else
				return res;
		void HandleTreeSelectionChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
			TreeIter it;
			if (tree.Selection.GetSelected (out it))
				currentSelection = (IBuildTarget) store.GetValue (it, 2);
				currentSelection = null;
			if (SelectionChanged != null)
				SelectionChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty);
Example #11
		public static IAsyncOperation Profile (IProfiler profiler, IBuildTarget entry)
			if (IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentRunOperation != null
			       && !IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentRunOperation.IsCompleted)
			       return IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentRunOperation;
			SwitchWorkbenchContext (ProfileWorkbenchContext);
			ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext (profiler.GetDefaultExecutionHandlerFactory (), IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors);
			return IdeApp.ProjectOperations.Execute (entry, context);
		/// <summary>
		/// Launch Unity project
		/// </summary>
		public override void Execute (MonoDevelop.Core.IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget item, ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			if (CanExecuteProject (item as Project, context)) {
				DispatchService.GuiDispatch (delegate {
					IdeApp.Workbench.CurrentLayout = "Debug";
					IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentRunOperation = context.ExecutionHandler.Execute (new UnityExecutionCommand (item.BaseDirectory.FullPath), context.ConsoleFactory.CreateConsole (true));
			} else {
				base.Execute (monitor, item, context, configuration);
		public static IAsyncOperation Debug (this ProjectOperations opers, IBuildTarget entry)
			if (opers.CurrentRunOperation != null && !opers.CurrentRunOperation.IsCompleted)
				return opers.CurrentRunOperation;

			string oldLayout = IdeApp.Workbench.CurrentLayout;
			IdeApp.Workbench.CurrentLayout = "Debug";

			ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext (DebuggingService.GetExecutionHandler (), IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors, IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveExecutionTarget);

			IAsyncOperation op = opers.Execute (entry, context);
			op.Completed += delegate {
				Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate {
					IdeApp.Workbench.CurrentLayout = oldLayout;
			return op;
        void OnToggled(object sender, Gtk.ToggledArgs args)
            TreeIter iter;

            store.GetIterFromString(out iter, args.Path);
            IBuildTarget ob = (IBuildTarget)store.GetValue(iter, 2);

            if (activeItems.Contains(ob))
                if (CascadeCheckboxSelection)
                    foreach (var i in GetAllChildren(ob))
                    SetSelection(iter, null, new HashSet <IBuildTarget> ());
                    store.SetValue(iter, 3, false);
                if (CascadeCheckboxSelection)
                    foreach (var i in GetAllChildren(ob))
                    SetSelection(iter, null, activeItems);
                    store.SetValue(iter, 3, true);
            if (ActiveChanged != null)
                ActiveChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Example #15
        protected override void Run(object dataItem)
            IExecutionHandler h      = ExecutionModeCommandService.GetExecutionModeForCommand(dataItem);
            IBuildTarget      target = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedBuildTarget;

            if (h == null || !IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentRunOperation.IsCompleted)

            var op = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CheckAndBuildForExecute(target);

            op.Completed += delegate {
                if (op.Success)
                    IdeApp.ProjectOperations.Execute(target, h);
        void Fill()
            IBuildTarget sel = SelectedItem;

            if (rootItem is RootWorkspace)
                foreach (var item in ((RootWorkspace)rootItem).Items)
                    AddEntry(TreeIter.Zero, item);
                SelectedItem = sel;
            else if (rootItem != null)
                AddEntry(TreeIter.Zero, rootItem);
                SelectedItem = sel;
 IEnumerable <IBuildTarget> GetChildren(IBuildTarget item)
     if (item is SolutionFolder)
     else if (item is Solution)
     else if (item is Workspace)
         return(new IBuildTarget [0]);
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Launch Unity project
        /// </summary>
        public override void Execute(IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget item, ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
            var project = item as Project;
            var target  = context.ExecutionTarget as UnityExecutionTarget;

            if (!CanExecuteProject(project) || target == null)
                base.Execute(monitor, item, context, configuration);

            if (target.Id.StartsWith("Unity.Instance"))
                var processes            = UnityDebuggerEngine.GetAttachableProcesses();
                var unityEngineProcesses = processes.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(target.ProcessName)).ToArray();

                if (unityEngineProcesses.Length == 0)
                    MessageService.ShowError(target.Name + " not found");
                    LoggingService.LogError(target.Name + " not found");
                else if (unityEngineProcesses.Length == 1)
                    DispatchService.GuiDispatch(delegate {
                        IdeApp.ProjectOperations.AttachToProcess(unityDebuggerEngine, unityEngineProcesses [0]);
            else if (target.Id == "Unity.AttachToProcess")
                MessageService.ShowError("UnityProjectServiceExtension: Unsupported target.Id: " + target.Id);
                MonoDevelop.Core.LoggingService.LogError("UnityProjectServiceExtension: Unsupported target.Id: " + target.Id);
                base.Execute(monitor, item, context, configuration);
		/// <summary>
		/// Launch project
		/// </summary>
		public override void Execute (MonoDevelop.Core.IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget item, ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			if (CanExecuteProject (item as Project, context)) {
				DispatchService.GuiDispatch (delegate {

					foreach(var file in ((Project)item).Files)
						string filePath = file.FilePath.ToString();
							WorkingDir = Path.Combine(filePath.Remove(filePath.LastIndexOf(@"Game\Scripts")), "Bin32");
					IdeApp.Workbench.CurrentLayout = "Debug";
					IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentRunOperation = context.ExecutionHandler.Execute (new CryEngineExecutionCommand (item.BaseDirectory.FullPath), context.ConsoleFactory.CreateConsole (true));
			} else {
				base.Execute (monitor, item, context, configuration);
Example #20
 protected override void Update(CommandInfo info)
     if (IdeApp.Workspace.IsOpen)
         IBuildTarget buildTarget = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedBuildTarget;
         info.Enabled = ((buildTarget != null) && (IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentBuildOperation.IsCompleted));
         if (buildTarget != null)
             info.Text        = GettextCatalog.GetString("R_ebuild {0}", IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedBuildTarget.Name.Replace("_", "__"));
             info.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Rebuild {0}", IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedBuildTarget.Name);
         info.Enabled = ((IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument != null) && (IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument.IsBuildTarget) && (IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentBuildOperation.IsCompleted));
         if (info.Enabled)
             info.Text        = GettextCatalog.GetString("R_ebuild {0}", IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument.FileName.FileName.Replace("_", "__"));
             info.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Rebuild {0}", IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument.FileName);
Example #21
        public override bool GetNeedsBuilding(IBuildTarget item, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
            if (item is SolutionItem)
                SolutionItem entry = (SolutionItem)item;
                // This is a cache to avoid unneeded recursive calls to GetNeedsBuilding.
                bool cleanCache = false;
                if (needsBuildingCache == null)
                    needsBuildingCache = new Dictionary <SolutionItem, bool> ();
                    cleanCache         = true;
                    bool res;
                    if (needsBuildingCache.TryGetValue(entry, out res))

                bool nb = entry.OnGetNeedsBuilding(configuration);

                needsBuildingCache [entry] = nb;
                if (cleanCache)
                    needsBuildingCache = null;
            else if (item is WorkspaceItem)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown item type: " + item);
		public override void Execute (MonoDevelop.Core.IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget item, ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			if (base.CanExecute (item, context, configuration)) {
				// It is executable by default
				base.Execute(monitor, item, context, configuration);
			} else if (item is IWorkspaceObject) {
				UnitTest test = NUnitService.Instance.FindRootTest ((IWorkspaceObject)item);
				if (test != null) {
					IAsyncOperation oper = null;
					DispatchService.GuiSyncDispatch (delegate {
						oper = NUnitService.Instance.RunTest (test, context.ExecutionHandler, false);
//					if (oper != null) {
//						monitor.CancelRequested += delegate {
//							oper.Cancel ();
//						};
//						oper.WaitForCompleted ();
//					}
        internal static CheckResult CheckBeforeDebugging(IBuildTarget target)
            if (IdeApp.Preferences.BuildBeforeExecuting)

            if (!IdeApp.Workspace.NeedsBuilding())

            AlertButton bBuild = new AlertButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("Build"));
            AlertButton bRun   = new AlertButton(Gtk.Stock.Execute, true);
            AlertButton res    = MessageService.AskQuestion(
                GettextCatalog.GetString("Outdated Debug Information"),
                GettextCatalog.GetString("The project you are executing has changes done after the last time it was compiled. The debug information may be outdated. Do you want to continue?"),

            // This call is a workaround for bug #6907. Without it, the main monodevelop window is left it a weird
            // drawing state after the message dialog is shown. This may be a gtk/mac issue. Still under research.

            if (res == AlertButton.Cancel)
            else if (res == bRun)
		protected override BuildResult Build (IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget item, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			if (!(item is MonoDroidProject))
				return base.Build (monitor, item, configuration);

			MonoDroidProject project = (MonoDroidProject) item;
			TargetFramework requiredFramework = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.GetTargetFramework ("4.0");

			// Check that we support 4.0 to infer we are at Mono 2.8 at least.
			if (!project.TargetRuntime.IsInstalled (requiredFramework)) {
				var message = "Mono 2.8 or newer is required.";
				MessageService.GenericAlert (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.MonoDevelop, message,
						"Mono 2.8 or newer is requiered. Please go to to update your installation.",

				var buildResult = new BuildResult ();
				buildResult.AddError (message);
				return buildResult;

			return base.Build (monitor, item, configuration);
Example #25
        public static IAsyncOperation Debug(this ProjectOperations opers, IBuildTarget entry)
            if (opers.CurrentRunOperation != null && !opers.CurrentRunOperation.IsCompleted)

            string oldLayout = IdeApp.Workbench.CurrentLayout;

            IdeApp.Workbench.CurrentLayout = "Debug";

            ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext(DebuggingService.GetExecutionHandler(), IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors);

            IAsyncOperation op = opers.Execute(entry, context);

            op.Completed += delegate {
                Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate {
                    IdeApp.Workbench.CurrentLayout = oldLayout;
Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Includes an IBuildTarget in the list of potential target build platforms.
 /// </summary>
 public static void RegisterBuildTarget(IBuildTarget target)
     if (target == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Build targets cannot be null!");
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.Name))
         throw new ArgumentException("Build target names cannot be null or empty!");
     foreach (IBuildTarget bt in _buildTargets)
         if (bt == target)
             return;                 // build target already registered, ignore it
         if (bt.Name == target.Name) // otherwise, if two targets share the same name
             throw new ArgumentException("Another build target with the same name ('" + target.Name + "') already exists.");
Example #27
        public override BuildResult RunTarget(IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget item, string target, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
            BuildResult res;

            if (item is WorkspaceItem)
                res = ((WorkspaceItem)item).OnRunTarget(monitor, target, configuration);
            else if (item is SolutionItem)
                res = ((SolutionItem)item).OnRunTarget(monitor, target, configuration);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown item type: " + item);

            if (res != null)
                res.SourceTarget = item;
Example #28
        protected override BuildResult Build(IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget item, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
            BuildResult res;

            if (item is SolutionEntityItem)
                SolutionEntityItem        entry = (SolutionEntityItem)item;
                SolutionItemConfiguration conf  = entry.GetConfiguration(configuration) as SolutionItemConfiguration;
                if (conf != null && conf.CustomCommands.HasCommands(CustomCommandType.Build))
                    conf.CustomCommands.ExecuteCommand(monitor, entry, CustomCommandType.Build, configuration);
                    res = new BuildResult();
                    res = entry.OnBuild(monitor, configuration);
            else if (item is WorkspaceItem)
                res = ((WorkspaceItem)item).OnRunTarget(monitor, ProjectService.BuildTarget, configuration);
            else if (item is SolutionItem)
                res = ((SolutionItem)item).OnBuild(monitor, configuration);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown item type: " + item);

            if (res != null)
                res.SourceTarget = item;
        private static IEnumerable <string> GetReferenceAliases(IBuildTarget target, string resultingFragmentName)
             * Add ReferenceAlias"es
             * At some point, we might port the conversion so it doesn"t use the directly injected property,
             * but instead has a map to aliases and we"ll map accordingly and have references point to aliases instead
            string sourcePath      = target.GetSourceFromPath(resultingFragmentName);
            string scriptName      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourcePath);
            string?sourceDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath);

            if (sourceDirectory == null)
                throw new NullableException(nameof(sourceDirectory));
            string aliasesFile = Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, scriptName + ".aliases");

            string[] aliasesLines = File.ReadAllLines(aliasesFile);
            return(aliasesLines.Select(a => a.Trim()).Where(a => a != "").Select(a =>
                //WTM:  Change:  This used to build an alias like this:
                //I changed it to generate this:

                /*const string Alias_ = "Alias_";
                 * if (!trimmedAlias.StartsWith(Alias_)) { throw new ConversionException(nameof(trimmedAlias) + " did not start with " + Alias_ + ":  " + trimmedAlias); }
                 * string formIDString = trimmedAlias.Substring(Alias_.Length);
                 * int formID = Convert.ToInt32(formIDString, 16);
                 * string? edid = esmAnalyzer.GetEDIDByFormIDNullable(formID);
                 * string innerName = edid != null ? edid : formIDString;
                 * string propertyName = Alias_ + innerName;*/
                //WTM:  Note:  The above didn't work.  GECKFrontend couldn't seem to associate the properties correctly.
                return a;
 private static void GetBuildTargetAndPrefix(IBuildTarget qfBuildTarget, IBuildTarget tifBuildTarget, TES4Record record, out IBuildTarget buildTarget, out string prefix)
     if (record.RecordType == TES4RecordType.QUST)
         buildTarget = qfBuildTarget; prefix = TES5ReferenceFactory.qf_Prefix;
     else if (record.RecordType == TES4RecordType.INFO)
         buildTarget = tifBuildTarget; prefix = TES5ReferenceFactory.tif_Prefix;
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid record type:  " + record.RecordType.Name);
Example #31
 public virtual bool SupportsItem(IBuildTarget item)
Example #32
		public static DebuggerFeatures GetSupportedFeatures (IBuildTarget target)
			FeatureCheckerHandlerFactory fc = new FeatureCheckerHandlerFactory ();
			ExecutionContext ctx = new ExecutionContext (fc, null);
			target.CanExecute (ctx, IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration);
			return fc.SupportedFeatures;
Example #33
		void CleanDone (IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget entry, ITimeTracker tt)
			tt.Trace ("Begin reporting clean result");
			try {
				monitor.Log.WriteLine ();
				monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("---------------------- Done ----------------------"));
				tt.Trace ("Reporting result");			
				monitor.ReportSuccess (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Clean successful."));
				OnEndClean (monitor, tt);
			} finally {
				monitor.Dispose ();
				tt.End ();
Example #34
		public IAsyncOperation Clean (IBuildTarget entry)
			if (currentBuildOperation != null && !currentBuildOperation.IsCompleted) return currentBuildOperation;
			ITimeTracker tt = Counters.BuildItemTimer.BeginTiming ("Cleaning " + entry.Name);
			try {
				IProgressMonitor monitor = IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors.GetCleanProgressMonitor ();
				OnStartClean (monitor, tt);
				DispatchService.ThreadDispatch (() => CleanAsync (entry, monitor, tt, false));
				currentBuildOperation = monitor.AsyncOperation;
				currentBuildOperationOwner = entry;
				currentBuildOperation.Completed += delegate {
					currentBuildOperationOwner = null;
			catch {
				tt.End ();
			return currentBuildOperation;
Example #35
		public IAsyncOperation Execute (IBuildTarget entry)
			return Execute (entry, Runtime.ProcessService.DefaultExecutionHandler);
Example #36
		public bool CanExecute (IBuildTarget entry, IExecutionHandler handler)
			ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext (handler, IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors);
			return entry.CanExecute (context, IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration);
Example #37
		internal static bool ContainsTarget (IBuildTarget owner, IBuildTarget target)
			if (owner == target)
				return true;
			else if (target is RootWorkspace)
				return ContainsTarget (owner, IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedSolution);
			else if (owner is WorkspaceItem)
				return ((WorkspaceItem)owner).ContainsItem (target);
			return false;
        IEnumerable <IBuildTarget> GetAllChildren(IBuildTarget item)
            IEnumerable <IBuildTarget> res = GetChildren(item);

            return(res.Concat(res.SelectMany(i => GetAllChildren(i))));
 public static string GetRootBuildTargetPath(this IBuildTarget buildTarget)
     return(Path.Combine(DataDirectory.GetBuildTargetsPath(), buildTarget.Name) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
        internal static async Task RunTest(UnitTest test, MonoDevelop.Projects.ExecutionContext context, bool buildOwnerObject, bool checkCurrentRunOperation, CancellationTokenSource cs)
            string testName = test.FullName;

            if (buildOwnerObject)
                IBuildTarget bt = test.OwnerObject as IBuildTarget;
                if (bt != null)
                    if (!IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentRunOperation.IsCompleted)
                        await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentRunOperation.Task;

                    var res = await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.Build(bt, cs.Token).Task;

                    if (res.HasErrors)

                    await RefreshTests(cs.Token);

                    test = SearchTest(testName);
                    if (test != null)
                        await RunTest(test, context, false, checkCurrentRunOperation, cs);

            if (checkCurrentRunOperation && !IdeApp.ProjectOperations.ConfirmExecutionOperation())

            Pad resultsPad = IdeApp.Workbench.GetPad <TestResultsPad>();

            if (resultsPad == null)
                resultsPad = IdeApp.Workbench.ShowPad(new TestResultsPad(), "MonoDevelop.UnitTesting.TestResultsPad", GettextCatalog.GetString("Test results"), "Bottom", "md-solution");

            // Make the pad sticky while the tests are runnig, so the results pad is always visible (even if minimized)
            // That's required since when running in debug mode, the layout is automatically switched to debug.

            resultsPad.Sticky = true;

            TestSession session = new TestSession(test, context, (TestResultsPad)resultsPad.Content, cs);

            OnTestSessionStarting(new TestSessionEventArgs {
                Session = session, Test = test

            if (checkCurrentRunOperation)
                IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentRunOperation = session;

            try {
                await session.Start();
            } finally {
                resultsPad.Sticky = false;
Example #41
 public TestRunner(string testCase, IBuildTarget project, bool debug)
     this.testCase = testCase;
     this.debug    = debug;
     this.project  = project;
Example #42
		public IAsyncOperation Execute (IBuildTarget entry, ExecutionContext context)
			if (currentRunOperation != null && !currentRunOperation.IsCompleted) return currentRunOperation;

			NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor ();

			DispatchService.ThreadDispatch (delegate {
				ExecuteSolutionItemAsync (monitor, entry, context);
			currentRunOperation = monitor.AsyncOperation;
			currentRunOperationOwner = entry;
			currentRunOperation.Completed += delegate {
			 	DispatchService.GuiDispatch (() => {
					var error = monitor.Errors.FirstOrDefault ();
					if (error != null)
						IdeApp.Workbench.StatusBar.ShowError (error.Message);
					currentRunOperationOwner = null;
			return currentRunOperation;
Example #43
		public bool IsRunning (IBuildTarget target)
			return !currentRunOperation.IsCompleted && ContainsTarget (target, currentRunOperationOwner);
        public override bool SupportsItem(IBuildTarget item)
            AspNetAppProject aspProject = item as AspNetAppProject;

            return(aspProject != null && aspProject.LanguageBinding != null);
Example #45
		public bool CanExecute (IBuildTarget entry)
			ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext (Runtime.ProcessService.DefaultExecutionHandler, IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors);
			return CanExecute (entry, context);
 protected bool IsVisible(IBuildTarget item)
Example #47
		public bool CanExecute (IBuildTarget entry, ExecutionContext context)
			return entry.CanExecute (context, IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration);
        public static void GenerateINFOAddTopicScripts(ESMAnalyzer esmAnalyzer, BuildTracker buildTracker, IBuildTarget tifBuildTarget)
            TES5TypeInferencer    typeInferencer    = new TES5TypeInferencer(esmAnalyzer);
            TES5ObjectCallFactory objectCallFactory = new TES5ObjectCallFactory(typeInferencer);
            TES4TopicsToTES5GlobalVariableFinder globalVariableFinder = new TES4TopicsToTES5GlobalVariableFinder();
            TES5GlobalVariables globalVariables = esmAnalyzer.GlobalVariables;
            var builtTIFs = buildTracker.GetBuiltScripts(BuildTargetFactory.TIFName);

            foreach (TES4Record infoRecord in esmAnalyzer.GetRecords().Where(r => r.RecordType == TES4RecordType.INFO))
                TES4SubrecordData[] names = infoRecord.GetSubrecords("NAME").ToArray();
                if (names.Any())
                    string                fragment0Name     = TES5FragmentFactory.GetFragmentName(0);
                    string                nameTES5FormIDHex = (infoRecord.FormID + 0x01000000).ToString("x8");
                    string                scriptName        = TES5ReferenceFactory.tif_Prefix + "_" + nameTES5FormIDHex;
                    TES5Script?           infoTIF           = builtTIFs.Where(s => s.Key == scriptName).Select(s => s.Value.Script).FirstOrDefault();
                    TES5FunctionCodeBlock fragment0;
                    if (infoTIF != null)
                        fragment0 = infoTIF.BlockList.Blocks.OfType <TES5FunctionCodeBlock>().Where(b => b.BlockName == fragment0Name).First();
                        TES5ScriptHeader  scriptHeader  = TES5ScriptHeaderFactory.GetFromCacheOrConstructByBasicType(scriptName, TES5BasicType.T_TOPICINFO, TES5TypeFactory.TES4_Prefix, true);
                        TES5GlobalScope   globalScope   = new TES5GlobalScope(scriptHeader);
                        TES5FunctionScope functionScope = new TES5FunctionScope(fragment0Name);
                        functionScope.AddParameter(new TES5SignatureParameter("akSpeakerRef", TES5BasicType.T_OBJECTREFERENCE, true));
                        TES5LocalScope localScope = new TES5LocalScope(functionScope);
                        TES5CodeScope  codeScope  = TES5CodeScopeFactory.CreateCodeScope(localScope);
                        fragment0 = new TES5FunctionCodeBlock(functionScope, codeScope, TES5VoidType.Instance, false, true);
                        TES5BlockList blockList = new TES5BlockList()
                        infoTIF = new TES5Script(globalScope, blockList, true);
                        string     outputPath = tifBuildTarget.GetTranspileToPath(scriptName);
                        TES5Target target     = new TES5Target(infoTIF, outputPath);
                        buildTracker.RegisterBuiltScript(tifBuildTarget, target);
                    foreach (TES4SubrecordData name in names)
                        int                 formID                   = infoRecord.ExpandBytesIntoFormID(name);
                        TES4Record          addedTopic               = esmAnalyzer.GetRecordByFormID(formID);
                        Tuple <int, string>?globalVariable           = globalVariableFinder.GetGlobalVariableNullable(addedTopic.FormID);
                        string              globalVariableEditorID   = globalVariable != null ? globalVariable.Item2 : globalVariableFinder.GetGlobalVariableEditorID(addedTopic.GetEditorID());
                        Nullable <int>      globalVariableTES5FormID = globalVariable != null ? globalVariable.Item1 : (Nullable <int>)null;
                        TES5Property        topicAddedProperty       = TES5PropertyFactory.ConstructWithTES5FormID(globalVariableEditorID, TES5BasicType.T_GLOBALVARIABLE, globalVariableEditorID, globalVariableTES5FormID);
                        TES5Reference topicAddedReference = TES5ReferenceFactory.CreateReferenceToVariableOrProperty(topicAddedProperty);
                        fragment0.AddChunk(objectCallFactory.CreateObjectCall(topicAddedReference, "SetValueInt", new TES5ObjectCallArguments()
                            new TES5Integer(1)
Example #49
		public IAsyncOperation Execute (IBuildTarget entry, IExecutionHandler handler)
			ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext (handler, IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors);
			return Execute (entry, context);
Example #50
 public static bool IsFeatureSupported(IBuildTarget target, DebuggerFeatures feature)
     return((GetSupportedFeatures(target) & feature) == feature);
Example #51
		void ExecuteSolutionItemAsync (IProgressMonitor monitor, IBuildTarget entry, ExecutionContext context)
			try {
				OnBeforeStartProject ();
				entry.Execute (monitor, context, IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Execution failed."), ex);
				LoggingService.LogError ("Execution failed", ex);
			} finally {
				monitor.Dispose ();
Example #52
        protected async override void Run()
            IBuildTarget entry = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedBuildTarget;

            await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.Debug(entry).Task;
Example #53
		void CleanAsync (IBuildTarget entry, IProgressMonitor monitor, ITimeTracker tt, bool isRebuilding)
			try {
				tt.Trace ("Cleaning item");
				SolutionItem it = entry as SolutionItem;
				if (it != null) {
					it.Clean (monitor, IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration);
				else {
					entry.RunTarget (monitor, ProjectService.CleanTarget, IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Clean failed."), ex);
			} finally {
				tt.Trace ("Done cleaning");
			if (isRebuilding) {
				if (EndClean != null) {
					DispatchService.GuiSyncDispatch (() => OnEndClean (monitor, tt));
			} else {
				DispatchService.GuiDispatch (() => CleanDone (monitor, entry, tt));
Example #54
        protected override void Update(CommandInfo info)
            IBuildTarget target = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedBuildTarget;

            info.Enabled = target != null && !(target is Workspace) && IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CanDebug(target);
Example #55
		public static bool IsFeatureSupported (IBuildTarget target, DebuggerFeatures feature)
			return (GetSupportedFeatures (target) & feature) == feature;
 public static string GetArchivePath(this IBuildTarget buildTarget)
     return(Path.Combine(buildTarget.GetRootBuildTargetPath(), "Archive") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
Example #57
 public override object GetService(IBuildTarget item, Type type)
Example #58
        protected override void Update(CommandInfo info)
            IBuildTarget buildTarget = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedBuildTarget;

            info.Enabled = ((buildTarget != null) && (!(buildTarget is Workspace)) && IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CanExecute(buildTarget) && IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentRunOperation.IsCompleted);
 public static string GetArchivedBuildPath(this IBuildTarget buildTarget, int buildNumber)
     return(Path.Combine(buildTarget.GetRootBuildTargetPath(), "Archive", buildNumber.ToString()) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
 public static string GetSourceFromPath(this IBuildTarget buildTarget, string scriptName)
     return(buildTarget.GetSourcePath() + scriptName + ".txt");