Example #1
        public byte[] EnDecrypt(bool forEncrypt, byte[] inBytes)
            cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(algorithm);
            cipher.Init(forEncrypt, key);
            int outBytesSize = cipher.GetOutputSize(inBytes.Length);
            byte[] outBytes = new byte[outBytesSize];
            int outLentgh;

            outLentgh = cipher.ProcessBytes(inBytes, 0, inBytes.Length, outBytes, 0);
            outLentgh += cipher.DoFinal(outBytes, outLentgh);

            if (outLentgh != outBytesSize)
                return null;

            return outBytes;
Example #2
        public static string PrivateKeyEncrypt(string data)
            RSACryptoServiceProvider privateRsa             = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
            RsaPkcs8Util             m_pPrivateRsaPkcs8Util = new RsaPkcs8Util(Encoding.GetEncoding(m_cConfigConstants.SYSTEM_ENCODING), null, m_cConfigConstants.PRIVATE_KEY);


            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keyPair = DotNetUtilities.GetKeyPair(privateRsa);
            IBufferedCipher cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");

            cipher.Init(true, keyPair.Private);
            byte[] dataToEncrypt = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
            int    bufferSize    = (privateRsa.KeySize / 8) - 11;

            byte[] buffer   = new byte[bufferSize];
            byte[] outBytes = null;
            using (MemoryStream input = new MemoryStream(dataToEncrypt))
                using (MemoryStream ouput = new MemoryStream())
                    while (true)
                        int readLine = input.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
                        if (readLine <= 0)
                        byte[] temp = new byte[readLine];
                        Array.Copy(buffer, 0, temp, 0, readLine);
                        byte[] encrypt = cipher.DoFinal(temp);
                        ouput.Write(encrypt, 0, encrypt.Length);
                    outBytes = ouput.ToArray();
Example #3
        public IActionResult Get()
            string plain_text = "hello world";

            // 加密
            byte[]                 pubkey    = System.Convert.FromBase64String(pub_key);
            Asn1Object             pubKeyObj = Asn1Object.FromByteArray(pubkey);
            AsymmetricKeyParameter pubKey    = PublicKeyFactory.CreateKey(SubjectPublicKeyInfo.GetInstance(pubKeyObj));
            IBufferedCipher        cipher1   = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");

            cipher1.Init(true, pubKey);//true表示加密
            byte[] enc_utf8     = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plain_text);
            byte[] encoded_data = cipher1.DoFinal(enc_utf8);

            // 解密
            var keyPair = ReadPem(pri_key);

            AsymmetricKeyParameter private_key       = keyPair.Private;
            PrivateKeyInfo         privateKeyInfo    = PrivateKeyInfoFactory.CreatePrivateKeyInfo(private_key);
            Asn1Object             asn1ObjectPrivate = privateKeyInfo.ToAsn1Object();
            AsymmetricKeyParameter priKey            = PrivateKeyFactory.CreateKey(PrivateKeyInfo.GetInstance(asn1ObjectPrivate));
            IBufferedCipher        cipher            = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");

            cipher.Init(false, priKey); //false表示解密
            var dec_utf8 = cipher.DoFinal(encoded_data);
            var answer   = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(dec_utf8);

            var result = new
                enc_utf8     = (enc_utf8),
                encoded_data = (encoded_data),
                encoded_len  = (encoded_data.Length),
                dec_utf8     = (dec_utf8),

        internal static byte[] TripleDESKeyWrapEncrypt(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbWrappedKeyData)
            byte[] rgbCKS;

            var sha = DigestUtilities.GetDigest("SHA-1");

            rgbCKS = new byte[sha.GetDigestSize()];
            sha.BlockUpdate(rgbWrappedKeyData, 0, rgbWrappedKeyData.Length);
            sha.DoFinal(rgbCKS, 0);

            byte[]       rgbIV = new byte[8];
            SecureRandom rng   = new SecureRandom();


            byte[]          rgbWKCKS = new byte[rgbWrappedKeyData.Length + 8];
            IBufferedCipher enc1     = null;
            IBufferedCipher enc2     = null;

                enc1 = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("DESEDE/CBC/NOPADDING");
                enc2 = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("DESEDE/CBC/NOPADDING");
                enc1.Init(true, new ParametersWithIV(new DesEdeParameters(rgbKey), rgbIV));
                enc2.Init(true, new ParametersWithIV(new DesEdeParameters(rgbKey), s_rgbTripleDES_KW_IV));

                Buffer.BlockCopy(rgbWrappedKeyData, 0, rgbWKCKS, 0, rgbWrappedKeyData.Length);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(rgbCKS, 0, rgbWKCKS, rgbWrappedKeyData.Length, 8);
                byte[] temp1 = enc1.DoFinal(rgbWKCKS);
                byte[] temp2 = new byte[rgbIV.Length + temp1.Length];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(rgbIV, 0, temp2, 0, rgbIV.Length);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(temp1, 0, temp2, rgbIV.Length, temp1.Length);

        public static EncryptionResult EncryptMessage(byte[] userKey, byte[] userSecret, byte[] data,
                                                      ushort padding = 0, bool randomisePadding = false)
            SecureRandom Random = new SecureRandom();

            byte[] Salt = new byte[16];
            X9ECParameters     Curve     = ECNamedCurveTable.GetByName("prime256v1");
            ECDomainParameters Spec      = new ECDomainParameters(Curve.Curve, Curve.G, Curve.N, Curve.H, Curve.GetSeed());
            ECKeyPairGenerator Generator = new ECKeyPairGenerator();

            Generator.Init(new ECKeyGenerationParameters(Spec, new SecureRandom()));
            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair KeyPair            = Generator.GenerateKeyPair();
            ECDHBasicAgreement      AgreementGenerator = new ECDHBasicAgreement();

            BigInteger IKM = AgreementGenerator.CalculateAgreement(new ECPublicKeyParameters(Spec.Curve.DecodePoint(userKey), Spec));

            byte[] PRK       = GenerateHKDF(userSecret, IKM.ToByteArrayUnsigned(), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Content-Encoding: auth\0"), 32);
            byte[] PublicKey = ((ECPublicKeyParameters)KeyPair.Public).Q.GetEncoded(false);
            byte[] CEK       = GenerateHKDF(Salt, PRK, CreateInfoChunk("aesgcm", userKey, PublicKey), 16);
            byte[] Nonce     = GenerateHKDF(Salt, PRK, CreateInfoChunk("nonce", userKey, PublicKey), 12);
            if (randomisePadding && padding > 0)
                padding = Convert.ToUInt16(Math.Abs(Random.NextInt()) % (padding + 1));
            byte[] Input = new byte[padding + 2 + data.Length];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(ConvertInt(padding), 0, Input, 0, 2);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, Input, padding + 2, data.Length);
            IBufferedCipher Cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/GCM/NoPadding");

            Cipher.Init(true, new AeadParameters(new KeyParameter(CEK), 128, Nonce));
            byte[] Message = new byte[Cipher.GetOutputSize(Input.Length)];
            Cipher.DoFinal(Input, 0, Input.Length, Message, 0);
            return(new EncryptionResult()
                Salt = Salt, Payload = Message, PublicKey = PublicKey
Example #6
        public static PrivateKeyInfo CreatePrivateKeyInfo(
            char[]                                      passPhrase,
            bool wrongPkcs12Zero,
            EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo encInfo)
            AlgorithmIdentifier algID = encInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm;

            IBufferedCipher cipher = PbeUtilities.CreateEngine(algID) as IBufferedCipher;

            if (cipher == null)
                throw new Exception("Unknown encryption algorithm: " + algID.Algorithm);

            ICipherParameters cipherParameters = PbeUtilities.GenerateCipherParameters(
                algID, passPhrase, wrongPkcs12Zero);

            cipher.Init(false, cipherParameters);
            byte[] keyBytes = cipher.DoFinal(encInfo.GetEncryptedData());

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 私钥解密(XML格式)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlPrivateKey"></param>
        /// <param name="strDncryptString"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string RSADecryptByPrivateKey(string xmlPrivateKey, string strDncryptString)
            RSACryptoServiceProvider privateRsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();


            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keyPair = DotNetUtilities.GetKeyPair(privateRsa);

            IBufferedCipher c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");// 参数与Java中加密解密的参数一致

            c.Init(false, keyPair.Private);

            byte[] DataToDecrypt = Convert.FromBase64String(strDncryptString);
            byte[] outBytes      = c.DoFinal(DataToDecrypt);                      //解密
            string str           = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(outBytes); //Convert.ToBase64String(outBytes);

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 用私钥给数据进行RSA加密(PEM格式)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pemPrivateKey">pem格式私钥</param>
        /// <param name="strEncryptString">加密字符串</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string RSAEncryptByPrivateKeyPem(string pemPrivateKey, string strEncryptString)
            var xmlPrivateKey = RSAKeyConvert.RSAPrivateKeyJava2DotNet(pemPrivateKey.Replace("\n", "").Replace("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "").Replace("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "")).Replace("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "").Replace("-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----", "");
            RSACryptoServiceProvider privateRsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();


            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keyPair = DotNetUtilities.GetKeyPair(privateRsa);

            IBufferedCipher c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");// 参数与Java中加密解密的参数一致

            c.Init(true, keyPair.Private);

            byte[] DataToEncrypt = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strEncryptString);
            byte[] outBytes      = c.DoFinal(DataToEncrypt);//加密
            string strBase64     = Convert.ToBase64String(outBytes);

        private static byte[] CryptPbeData(
            bool forEncryption,
            AlgorithmIdentifier algId,
            char[] password,
            bool wrongPkcs12Zero,
            byte[] data)
            Pkcs12PbeParams   pbeParams    = Pkcs12PbeParams.GetInstance(algId.Parameters);
            ICipherParameters cipherParams = PbeUtilities.GenerateCipherParameters(
                algId.ObjectID, password, wrongPkcs12Zero, pbeParams);

            IBufferedCipher cipher = PbeUtilities.CreateEngine(algId.ObjectID) as IBufferedCipher;

            if (cipher == null)
                throw new Exception("Unknown encryption algorithm: " + algId.ObjectID);

            cipher.Init(forEncryption, cipherParams);

Example #10
        public void TestCcm()
            byte[] K = Hex.Decode("404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f");
            byte[] N = Hex.Decode("10111213141516");
            byte[] P = Hex.Decode("68656c6c6f20776f726c642121");
            byte[] C = Hex.Decode("39264f148b54c456035de0a531c8344f46db12b388");

            KeyParameter key = ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter("AES", K);

            IBufferedCipher inCipher  = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/CCM/NoPadding");
            IBufferedCipher outCipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/CCM/NoPadding");

            inCipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithIV(key, N));

            byte[] enc = inCipher.DoFinal(P);
            if (!AreEqual(enc, C))
                Fail("ciphertext doesn't match in CCM");

            outCipher.Init(false, new ParametersWithIV(key, N));

            byte[] dec = outCipher.DoFinal(C);
            if (!AreEqual(dec, P))
                Fail("plaintext doesn't match in CCM");

                inCipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/CCM/PKCS5Padding");

                Fail("bad padding missed in CCM");
            catch (SecurityUtilityException)
                // expected
Example #11
        private static EncryptionResult EncryptMessage(byte[] userKey, byte[] userSecret, byte[] data,
                                                       ushort padding = 0, bool randomisePadding = false)
            SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();

            byte[] salt = new byte[16];
            X9ECParameters     curve     = ECNamedCurveTable.GetByName("prime256v1");
            ECDomainParameters spec      = new ECDomainParameters(curve.Curve, curve.G, curve.N, curve.H, curve.GetSeed());
            ECKeyPairGenerator generator = new ECKeyPairGenerator();

            generator.Init(new ECKeyGenerationParameters(spec, new SecureRandom()));
            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keyPair            = generator.GenerateKeyPair();
            ECDHBasicAgreement      agreementGenerator = new ECDHBasicAgreement();

            BigInteger ikm = agreementGenerator.CalculateAgreement(new ECPublicKeyParameters(spec.Curve.DecodePoint(userKey), spec));

            byte[] prk       = GenerateHkdf(userSecret, ikm.ToByteArrayUnsigned(), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Content-Encoding: auth\0"), 32);
            byte[] publicKey = ((ECPublicKeyParameters)keyPair.Public).Q.GetEncoded(false);
            byte[] cek       = GenerateHkdf(salt, prk, CreateInfoChunk("aesgcm", userKey, publicKey), 16);
            byte[] nonce     = GenerateHkdf(salt, prk, CreateInfoChunk("nonce", userKey, publicKey), 12);
            if (randomisePadding && padding > 0)
                padding = Convert.ToUInt16(Math.Abs(random.NextInt()) % (padding + 1));
            byte[] input = new byte[padding + 2 + data.Length];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(ConvertInt(padding), 0, input, 0, 2);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, input, padding + 2, data.Length);
            IBufferedCipher cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/GCM/NoPadding");

            cipher.Init(true, new AeadParameters(new KeyParameter(cek), 128, nonce));
            byte[] message = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(input.Length)];
            cipher.DoFinal(input, 0, input.Length, message, 0);
            return(new EncryptionResult()
                Salt = salt, Payload = message, PublicKey = publicKey
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 公钥解密
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlPublicKey">C#格式公钥</param>
        /// <param name="strEncryptString">密文</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string RSADecryptByPublicKey(string xmlPublicKey, string strEncryptString)
            RsaKeyParameters keyParams = RSAPublicKeyDotNet2Java(xmlPublicKey);

            IBufferedCipher c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");

            //第一个参数 true-加密,false-解密;第二个参数表示密钥
            c.Init(false, keyParams);

            byte[] dataFromEncrypt = Convert.FromBase64String(strEncryptString);

            byte[] outBytes = c.DoFinal(dataFromEncrypt);

            string clearText = Encoding.Default.GetString(outBytes);

        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms the specified region of the specified byte array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputBuffer">The input for which to compute the transform.</param>
        /// <param name="inputOffset">The offset into the byte array from which to begin using data.</param>
        /// <param name="inputCount">The number of bytes in the byte array to use as data.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The computed transform.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException">Implementation only supports whole block processing and ECB.</exception>
        public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount)
                byte[] final = new byte[_cipher.GetOutputSize(inputCount)];
                int    len   = _cipher.ProcessBytes(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, final, 0);
                len += _cipher.DoFinal(final, len);
                if (len != final.Length)
                    byte[] shorter = new byte[len];
                    Array.Copy(final, 0, shorter, 0, len);
                    final = shorter;

            catch (CryptoException ce)
                throw new Core.Runtime.CryptoException("Error in cryptographic transformation.", ErrorStatus.CryptographicError, ce);
Example #14
        public static void Decrypt(Stream inputStream, Stream outputStream, string gamePath)
            // Read the entire file into an array
            byte[] encryptedData = new byte[inputStream.Length - 8];
            inputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            inputStream.Read(encryptedData, 0, (int)inputStream.Length - 8);

            // Generate a CRC32 over the game path
            Crc32 crc32 = new Crc32();
            uint  seed  = crc32.Get(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(gamePath));

            // Create a new SeadRandom instance using the seed
            Nintendo.Sead.Random seadRandom = new Nintendo.Sead.Random(seed);

            // Create the encryption key and IV
            byte[] encryptionKey = CreateSequence(seadRandom);
            byte[] iv            = CreateSequence(seadRandom);

            // Generate a KeyParameter instance
            KeyParameter parameter = new KeyParameter(encryptionKey);

            // Initialize the AES-CBC cipher
            IBufferedCipher cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/CBC/NoPadding");

            cipher.Init(false, new ParametersWithIV(parameter, iv));

            // Return the decrypted bytes
            byte[] output = cipher.DoFinal(encryptedData);

            // Seek to the beginning
            outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Write to the output stream
            outputStream.Write(output, 0, output.Length);

            // Seek back to the beginning
            outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Example #15
        public void TestEax()
            byte[] K = Hex.Decode("233952DEE4D5ED5F9B9C6D6FF80FF478");
            byte[] N = Hex.Decode("62EC67F9C3A4A407FCB2A8C49031A8B3");
            byte[] P = Hex.Decode("68656c6c6f20776f726c642121");
            byte[] C = Hex.Decode("2f9f76cb7659c70e4be11670a3e193ae1bc6b5762a");

            KeyParameter    key       = ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter("AES", K);
            IBufferedCipher inCipher  = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/EAX/NoPadding");
            IBufferedCipher outCipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/EAX/NoPadding");

            inCipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithIV(key, N));

            byte[] enc = inCipher.DoFinal(P);
            if (!AreEqual(enc, C))
                Fail("ciphertext doesn't match in EAX");

            outCipher.Init(false, new ParametersWithIV(key, N));

            byte[] dec = outCipher.DoFinal(C);
            if (!AreEqual(dec, P))
                Fail("plaintext doesn't match in EAX");

                inCipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/EAX/PKCS5Padding");

                Fail("bad padding missed in EAX");
            catch (SecurityUtilityException)
                // expected
Example #16
        internal Asn1Sequence DecryptData(
            AlgorithmIdentifier algId,
            byte[]                              data,
            char[]                              password,
            bool wrongPkcs12Zero)
            Pkcs12PbeParams   pbeParams     = Pkcs12PbeParams.GetInstance(algId.Parameters);
            ICipherParameters keyParameters = PbeUtilities.GenerateCipherParameters(
                algId.ObjectID, password, wrongPkcs12Zero, pbeParams);

            IBufferedCipher cipher = PbeUtilities.CreateEngine(algId.ObjectID) as IBufferedCipher;

            if (cipher == null)
                // TODO Throw exception?

            cipher.Init(false, keyParameters);

            byte[] encoding = cipher.DoFinal(data);

Example #17
        public static byte[] DecryptDES(byte[] cipherData, byte[] derivedKey)
            byte[] output = null;
                KeyParameter    keyparam = ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter("DES", derivedKey);
                IBufferedCipher cipher   = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("DES/ECB/ISO7816_4PADDING");
                cipher.Init(false, keyparam);
                    output = cipher.DoFinal(cipherData);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    throw new CryptoException(ex.Message);

Example #18
        /// <summary>用私钥给数据进行RSA加密
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlPrivateKey">私钥</param>
        /// <param name="m_strEncryptString">待加密数据</param>
        /// <returns>加密后的数据(Base64)</returns>
        public static string RSAEncryptByPrivateKey(string xmlPrivateKey, string strEncryptString)
            //xmlPrivateKey = RSAPrivateKeyJava2DotNet(RSAUtils.Siyao_privateKeyPEM);
            xmlPrivateKey = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>pe3HJgQ8U39K4cxD4IvOu/FjCnk0nmubcGq9PHg3Zfcum5C5WJNXSDaEcxIdxKmcBChRV5GIJxcNADh5sSiIMAdF8+B0YYFYhrH0JoZuJCRoxkKcxMwGwZcbnzXi6MEQ4a25Y5TO08fm0Ov/IipuLBd3EqKfMUZqPlFoiKB2BD0=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent><P>7P4HYz0ZQ2RWXnN0mn2MdN+3EqViLjTlO5kyyZwW3DPj9sCwTGTjtheM3iN+8cEbFc0FBABh33Eo9DwV2xPdUQ==</P><Q>szyo/g1auPHg8FMTd/69KDOKEHUpOavDO/24wazpkdP5G1nJfliPaLCKZGdp/PfZDkuajsKsB8iV+4i1tUsNLQ==</Q><DP>GHAhhuQ4BLEGDvtM3NlxcGPZVvzi4OznbnvfttZ3rQFU0o8QHvCQYqiPCCEU6A0Ho/neOIlpjkb2+ChyAINN4Q==</DP><DQ>a1CLgijuw8MWwe2Lv5HHIbXSGU5802nS6C1enJ9x7X00LjsRGFPf8XeaNMlyPSMMU7HSpV1LcRGZM1REL3rzNQ==</DQ><InverseQ>NHp47DqSikbu3y4EaAC72XYqZqhnsM7sh6QFGFGKVDC3mJvQiPR7EKUq+lCDL6DHplJYPaVi4SaEHZG9U6iuWg==</InverseQ><D>gVGJBXsFnTm3HbX6LNYpgFbIDtCaDuHk2j+GTsuOuXxlKb8ohP0IaHJ81cYHx089FgxqIOp+h6CydDqPtV/WivuqTqecAM7KFx8/3Z+VnfAd2cvNzXbdLnVfEjvjCas1ew7iUmk3E/Oay65is3xyZzHYqapxsmusu4pYd7BDoME=</D></RSAKeyValue>";
            RSACryptoServiceProvider privateRsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();


            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keyPair = DotNetUtilities.GetKeyPair(privateRsa);
            IBufferedCipher         c       = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");

            // 参数与Java中加密解密的参数一致
            c.Init(true, keyPair.Private);

            byte[] DataToEncrypt = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strEncryptString);
            byte[] outBytes      = c.DoFinal(DataToEncrypt);//加密
            string strBase64     = Convert.ToBase64String(outBytes);

Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// 用公钥给数据进行RSA解密
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlPublicKey"> 公钥(XML格式字符串) </param>
        /// <param name="strDecryptString"> 要解密数据 </param>
        /// <returns> 解密后的数据 </returns>
        public static string PublicKeyDecrypt(string xmlPublicKey, string strDecryptString)
            RSACryptoServiceProvider publicRsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

            RSAParameters rp = publicRsa.ExportParameters(false);

            AsymmetricKeyParameter pbk = DotNetUtilities.GetRsaPublicKey(rp);

            IBufferedCipher c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");

            c.Init(false, pbk);

            byte[] DataToDecrypt = Convert.FromBase64String(strDecryptString);
            byte[] outBytes      = c.DoFinal(DataToDecrypt);//解密

            string strDec = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(outBytes);

Example #20
         * signature with a "forged signature" (sig block not at end of plain text)
        private void DoTestBadSig(
            IAsymmetricKeyParameter priv,
            IAsymmetricKeyParameter pub)
            IDigest         sha1   = DigestUtilities.GetDigest("SHA1");
            IBufferedCipher signer = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA//PKCS1Padding");

            signer.Init(true, priv);

            byte[] block = new byte[signer.GetBlockSize()];


            byte[] sigHeader = Hex.Decode("3021300906052b0e03021a05000414");
            Array.Copy(sigHeader, 0, block, 0, sigHeader.Length);

//			byte[] dig = sha1.digest();
            byte[] dig = DigestUtilities.DoFinal(sha1);

            Array.Copy(dig, 0, block, sigHeader.Length, dig.Length);

            Array.Copy(sigHeader, 0, block,
                       sigHeader.Length + dig.Length, sigHeader.Length);

            byte[] sig = signer.DoFinal(block);

            ISigner verifier = SignerUtilities.GetSigner("SHA1WithRSA");

            verifier.Init(false, pub);


            if (verifier.VerifySignature(sig))
                Fail("bad signature passed");
Example #21
        private Asn1Object CreateDERForRecipient(byte[] inp, X509Certificate cert)
            String s = "1.2.840.113549.3.2";

            byte[] outp = new byte[100];
            DerObjectIdentifier derob = new DerObjectIdentifier(s);

            byte[]          keyp = IVGenerator.GetIV(16);
            IBufferedCipher cf   = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(derob);
            KeyParameter    kp   = new KeyParameter(keyp);

            byte[]           iv  = IVGenerator.GetIV(cf.GetBlockSize());
            ParametersWithIV piv = new ParametersWithIV(kp, iv);

            cf.Init(true, piv);
            int len = cf.DoFinal(inp, outp, 0);

            byte[] abyte1 = new byte[len];
            System.Array.Copy(outp, 0, abyte1, 0, len);
            DerOctetString        deroctetstring        = new DerOctetString(abyte1);
            KeyTransRecipientInfo keytransrecipientinfo = ComputeRecipientInfo(cert, keyp);
            DerSet derset          = new DerSet(new RecipientInfo(keytransrecipientinfo));
            Asn1EncodableVector ev = new Asn1EncodableVector();

            ev.Add(new DerInteger(58));
            ev.Add(new DerOctetString(iv));
            DerSequence          seq = new DerSequence(ev);
            AlgorithmIdentifier  algorithmidentifier  = new AlgorithmIdentifier(derob, seq);
            EncryptedContentInfo encryptedcontentinfo =
                new EncryptedContentInfo(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Data, algorithmidentifier, deroctetstring);
            Asn1Set       set = null;
            EnvelopedData env = new EnvelopedData(null, derset, encryptedcontentinfo, set);

            Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.ContentInfo contentinfo =
                new Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.ContentInfo(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.EnvelopedData, env);
Example #22
        protected void oidTest(
            string[]        oids,
            string[]        names,
            int groupSize)
            byte[] data = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 };

            for (int i = 0; i != oids.Length; i++)
                IBufferedCipher    c1 = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(oids[i]);
                IBufferedCipher    c2 = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(names[i]);
                CipherKeyGenerator kg = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyGenerator(oids[i]);

                KeyParameter k = ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter(oids[i], kg.GenerateKey());

                ICipherParameters cp = k;
                if (names[i].IndexOf("/ECB/") < 0)
                    cp = new ParametersWithIV(cp, new byte[16]);

                c1.Init(true, cp);
                c2.Init(false, cp);

                byte[] result = c2.DoFinal(c1.DoFinal(data));

                if (!AreEqual(data, result))
                    Fail("failed OID test");

                if (k.GetKey().Length != (16 + ((i / groupSize) * 8)))
                    Fail("failed key length test");
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// <p>
        /// Close off the encrypted object - this is equivalent to calling Close() on the stream
        /// returned by the Open() method.
        /// </p>
        /// <p>
        /// <b>Note</b>: This does not close the underlying output stream, only the stream on top of
        /// it created by the Open() method.
        /// </p>
        /// </summary>
        public void Close()
            if (cOut != null)
                // TODO Should this all be under the try/catch block?
                if (digestOut != null)
                    // hand code a mod detection packet
                    BcpgOutputStream bOut = new BcpgOutputStream(
                        digestOut, PacketTag.ModificationDetectionCode, 20);


                    // TODO
                    byte[] dig = DigestUtilities.DoFinal(digestOut.WriteDigest());
                    cOut.Write(dig, 0, dig.Length);


                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new IOException(e.Message, e);

                cOut = null;
                pOut = null;
        public string Encrypt(string data)
            SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();

            // Generate 256-bits AES key
            byte[] aesKey = new byte[32];

            // Generate Initialization Vector
            byte[] IV = new byte[12];

            // Apply RSA/None/PKCS1Padding encryption to the AES key
            byte[] encyptedAESKey = rsaCipher.DoFinal(aesKey);

            // Apply AES/CCM/NoPadding encryption to the data
            byte[] cipherText = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);

            var ccmParameters = new CcmParameters(new KeyParameter(aesKey), 64, IV, new byte[] { });

            aesCipher = new CcmBlockCipher(new AesFastEngine());
            aesCipher.Init(true, ccmParameters);

            var encrypted = new byte[aesCipher.GetOutputSize(cipherText.Length)];
            var res       = aesCipher.ProcessBytes(cipherText, 0, cipherText.Length, encrypted, 0);

            aesCipher.DoFinal(encrypted, res);

            // Merge 'IV' and 'encrypted' to 'result'
            byte[] result = new byte[IV.Length + encrypted.Length];
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(IV, 0, result, 0, IV.Length);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(encrypted, 0, result, IV.Length, encrypted.Length);

            // Return encrypted data
            return(Prefix + Version + Separator + System.Convert.ToBase64String(encyptedAESKey) + Separator + System.Convert.ToBase64String(result));
Example #25
        private void doTestAlgorithm(
            string name,
            byte[]  keyBytes,
            byte[]  iv,
            byte[]  plainText,
            byte[]  cipherText)
            KeyParameter key = ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter(name, keyBytes);

            IBufferedCipher inCipher  = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(name);
            IBufferedCipher outCipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(name);

            if (iv != null)
                inCipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithIV(key, iv));
                outCipher.Init(false, new ParametersWithIV(key, iv));
                inCipher.Init(true, key);
                outCipher.Init(false, key);

            byte[] enc = inCipher.DoFinal(plainText);
            if (!AreEqual(enc, cipherText))
                Fail(name + ": cipher text doesn't match");

            byte[] dec = outCipher.DoFinal(enc);

            if (!AreEqual(dec, plainText))
                Fail(name + ": plain text doesn't match");
        public static PrivateKeyInfo CreatePrivateKeyInfo(
            char[]                                  passPhrase,
            bool wrongPkcs12Zero,
            EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo encInfo)
            AlgorithmIdentifier algID  = encInfo.EncryptionAlgorithm;
            IBufferedCipher     cipher = PbeUtilities.CreateEngine(algID) as IBufferedCipher;

            if (cipher == null)
                // TODO Throw exception?

            ICipherParameters keyParameters = PbeUtilities.GenerateCipherParameters(
                algID, passPhrase, wrongPkcs12Zero);

            cipher.Init(false, keyParameters);

            byte[]     keyBytes = encInfo.GetEncryptedData();
            byte[]     encoding = cipher.DoFinal(keyBytes);
            Asn1Object asn1Data = Asn1Object.FromByteArray(encoding);

Example #27
        // Decrypt data using AES
        public byte[] decryptWithAES(byte[] input, byte [] key, bool use_GCM, int inOffset = 0)
            string algo = AES_algorithm;

            if (use_GCM)
                algo = AES_GCM_algorithm;

            IBufferedCipher inCipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(algo);

            int blockSize = inCipher.GetBlockSize();

            // Perform key expansion
            byte[] salt = new byte[blockSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
                salt[i] = input[inOffset + i];

            ParametersWithIV withIV = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(key), salt);

                inCipher.Init(false, withIV);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.error(string.Format("Error initializing decryption. {0}", e.ToString()));

            byte[] bytes = inCipher.DoFinal(input, inOffset + blockSize, input.Length - inOffset - blockSize);

Example #28
        public override void PerformTest()
            for (int i = 0; i != cipherTests1.Length; i += 2)
                doTest(cipherTests1[i], input1, Hex.Decode(cipherTests1[i + 1]));

            for (int i = 0; i != cipherTests2.Length; i += 2)
                doTest(cipherTests2[i], input2, Hex.Decode(cipherTests2[i + 1]));

            // check for less than a block
                IBufferedCipher c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/CTS/NoPadding");

                c.Init(true, ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter("AES", new byte[16]));

                c.DoFinal(new byte[4]);

                Fail("CTS failed to throw exception");
            catch (Exception e)
//				if (!(e is IllegalBlockSizeException))
                if (!(e is DataLengthException))
                    Fail("CTS exception test - " + e, e);

Example #29
        private EncryptionResponse SealAes(KeyDataResponse keyDataResponse, string secret)
            var plainText = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secret);
            var bytes     = keyDataResponse.Plaintext.ToArray();
            var dataKey   = new byte[32];
            var hmacKey   = new byte[32];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, dataKey, 0, 32);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 32, hmacKey, 0, 32);

            IBufferedCipher cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("AES/CTR/NoPadding");

            cipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithIV(ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter("AES", dataKey), _initializationVector));
            var cipherText = cipher.DoFinal(plainText);

            var hmac       = new HMACSHA256(hmacKey);
            var hmacResult = hmac.ComputeHash(cipherText);

            return(new EncryptionResponse
                CipherText = cipherText,
                Hmac = hmacResult
Example #30
        internal static byte[] Crypt(
            bool encrypt,
            byte[]  bytes,
            char[]  password,
            string dekAlgName,
            byte[]  iv)
            PemBaseAlg baseAlg;
            PemMode    mode;

            ParseDekAlgName(dekAlgName, out baseAlg, out mode);

            string padding;

            switch (mode)
            case PemMode.CBC:
            case PemMode.ECB:
                padding = "PKCS5Padding";

            case PemMode.CFB:
            case PemMode.OFB:
                padding = "NoPadding";

                throw new EncryptionException("Unknown DEK algorithm: " + dekAlgName);

            string algorithm;

            byte[] salt = iv;
            switch (baseAlg)
            case PemBaseAlg.AES_128:
            case PemBaseAlg.AES_192:
            case PemBaseAlg.AES_256:
                algorithm = "AES";
                if (salt.Length > 8)
                    salt = new byte[8];
                    Array.Copy(iv, 0, salt, 0, salt.Length);

            case PemBaseAlg.BF:
                algorithm = "BLOWFISH";

            case PemBaseAlg.DES:
                algorithm = "DES";

            case PemBaseAlg.DES_EDE:
            case PemBaseAlg.DES_EDE3:
                algorithm = "DESede";

            case PemBaseAlg.RC2:
            case PemBaseAlg.RC2_40:
            case PemBaseAlg.RC2_64:
                algorithm = "RC2";

                throw new EncryptionException("Unknown DEK algorithm: " + dekAlgName);

            string          cipherName = algorithm + "/" + mode + "/" + padding;
            IBufferedCipher cipher     = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(cipherName);

            ICipherParameters cParams = GetCipherParameters(password, baseAlg, salt);

            if (mode != PemMode.ECB)
                cParams = new ParametersWithIV(cParams, iv);

            cipher.Init(encrypt, cParams);

Example #31
        private static void DecryptThread(IBufferedCipher cipher, byte[] input, BlockingCollection<string> producerConsumerCollection, bool allPaddings = false)
            var taskOutputs = new StringBuilder();
            int lineCount = 0;

            IBlockCipherPadding[] paddings;

            if (allPaddings)
                paddings = new IBlockCipherPadding[]
                                   new ZeroBytePadding(),
                                   new ISO10126d2Padding(),
                                   new ISO7816d4Padding(),
                                   new Pkcs7Padding(),
                                   new TbcPadding(),
                                   new X923Padding(),
                                   new X923Padding(),
                paddings = new IBlockCipherPadding[] {new Pkcs7Padding()};

            while (!producerConsumerCollection.IsCompleted)
                string line;
                    line = producerConsumerCollection.Take();
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    if (producerConsumerCollection.IsCompleted)

                // Use that line as the key.
                byte[] key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(line);

                // For each possible padding...
                foreach (IBlockCipherPadding padding in paddings)
                    // Decrypt
                    byte[] output;
                        cipher.Init(false, new KeyParameter(key));
                        output = cipher.DoFinal(input);
                    catch (InvalidCipherTextException)
                        // TODO: Possibly filder out those inputs before and/or tell the user not to generate them.

                    // Convert to hexadecimal.
                    foreach (byte b in output)
                    taskOutputs.AppendFormat(" `{0}` [{1}]", line, padding.PaddingName);

                // Output the hashed values in a batch.
                if (taskOutputs.Length > 100000)
                    lineCount = 0;

            // Output the last hashed values.
Example #32
 public static string EncryptPasswordForStorage(string password, string salt)
     byte[] toBeEncrypt = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(salt + password);
Example #33
		/// <summary>
		/// Encrypt or decrypt a stream and send the result to an output stream.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="instream">The input stream to be encrypted.</param>
		/// <param name="outstream">The encrypted stream.</param>
		/// <param name="cipher">A PaddedBufferedBlockCipher configured to encrypt or decrypt.</param>
		private void DoCipher(Stream instream, Stream outstream, IBufferedCipher cipher)
			byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
			int blocksize = buffer.Length;
			while((blocksize = instream.Read(buffer, 0, blocksize)) != 0)
				byte[] enc = cipher.ProcessBytes(buffer, 0, blocksize);
				outstream.Write(enc, 0, enc.Length);
			byte[] enc2 = cipher.DoFinal();
			outstream.Write(enc2, 0, enc2.Length);