public IHttpActionResult GetHouses(HouseSearchRequest search)
            //throw new NotImplementedException("To do");

            // #01 get the result from projection
            HouseSearchResponse responseObject = HouseProjections.GetHouseList(search);

            // #02 send back 200 OK with response
        public static HouseSearchResponse GetHouseList(HouseSearchRequest filter)
            using (DatabaseContext context = new DatabaseContext())
                HouseSearchResponse houseSearchResponse = new HouseSearchResponse();
                context.Database.Log = delegate(string s)
                // #01 get IQueryable with filter applied, not paging yet
                var result = context.Houses;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.City))
                    result.Where(x => x.Address.City.Contains(filter.City)).Where(x => x.Rent.Equals(filter.TypeRent));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Street))
                    result.Where(x => x.Address.Address2.Contains(filter.Street)).Where(x => x.Rent.Equals(filter.TypeRent));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Address))
                    result.Where(x => x.Address.Address1.Contains(filter.Address)).Where(x => x.Rent.Equals(filter.TypeRent));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.ZipCode))
                    result.Where(x => x.Address.ZipCode.Contains(filter.ZipCode)).Where(x => x.Rent.Equals(filter.TypeRent));

                if (!(filter.Price < 0))
                    result.Where(x => x.Price.Equals(filter.Price)).Where(x => x.Rent.Equals(filter.TypeRent));
                // #02 get total count with filter applied
                var totalRows = result.Count();

                // #03 get record using paging

                var items = result
                            .OrderBy(x => x.Code)
                            .Select(x => new HouseListItem
                    Id      = x.Id,
                    Code    = x.Code,
                    Price   = x.Price,
                    Address = x.Address.Address1
                              + " " + x.Address.Address2
                              + " " + x.Address.City
                              + " " + x.Address.Country
                              + " " + x.Address.Province
                houseSearchResponse.Items        = items.ToList();
                houseSearchResponse.TotalRecords = totalRows;