/// <summary> /// Processes the client message which has single receiver (message by unique id) /// </summary> private async Task ProcessSingleReceiverClientMessage(MqClient client, HorseMessage message) { //find the receiver MqClient other = _server.FindClient(message.Target); if (other == null) { await client.SendAsync(message.CreateResponse(HorseResultCode.NotFound)); return; } //check sending message authority foreach (IClientAuthorization authorization in _server.Authorizations) { bool grant = await authorization.CanDirectMessage(client, message, other); if (!grant) { await client.SendAsync(message.CreateResponse(HorseResultCode.Unauthorized)); return; } } //send the message await other.SendAsync(message); }
public async Task Handle(MqClient sender, HorseMessage message, bool fromNode) { //priority has no role in ack message. //we are using priority for helping receiver type recognization for better performance if (message.HighPriority) { //target should be client MqClient target = _server.FindClient(message.Target); if (target != null) { await target.SendAsync(message); return; } } //find queue HorseQueue queue = _server.FindQueue(message.Target); if (queue != null) { await queue.AcknowledgeDelivered(sender, message); return; } //if high prio, dont try to find client again if (!message.HighPriority) { //target should be client MqClient target = _server.FindClient(message.Target); if (target != null) { await target.SendAsync(message); } } }
/// <summary> /// Called when a new client is connected via HMQ protocol /// </summary> public async Task <HorseServerSocket> Connected(IHorseServer server, IConnectionInfo connection, ConnectionData data) { string clientId; bool found = data.Properties.TryGetValue(HorseHeaders.CLIENT_ID, out clientId); if (!found || string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientId)) { clientId = _server.ClientIdGenerator.Create(); } //if another client with same unique id is online, do not accept new client MqClient foundClient = _server.FindClient(clientId); if (foundClient != null) { await connection.Socket.SendAsync(HmqWriter.Create(MessageBuilder.Busy())); return(null); } if (_server.Options.ClientLimit > 0 && _server.GetOnlineClients() >= _server.Options.ClientLimit) { return(null); } //creates new mq client object MqClient client = new MqClient(_server, connection, _server.MessageIdGenerator, _server.Options.UseMessageId); client.Data = data; client.UniqueId = clientId.Trim(); client.Token = data.Properties.GetStringValue(HorseHeaders.CLIENT_TOKEN); client.Name = data.Properties.GetStringValue(HorseHeaders.CLIENT_NAME); client.Type = data.Properties.GetStringValue(HorseHeaders.CLIENT_TYPE); //authenticates client foreach (IClientAuthenticator authenticator in _server.Authenticators) { client.IsAuthenticated = await authenticator.Authenticate(_server, client); if (!client.IsAuthenticated) { await client.SendAsync(MessageBuilder.Unauthorized()); return(null); } } //client authenticated, add it into the connected clients list _server.AddClient(client); //send response message to the client, client should check unique id, //if client's unique id isn't permitted, server will create new id for client and send it as response await client.SendAsync(MessageBuilder.Accepted(client.UniqueId)); foreach (IClientHandler handler in _server.ClientHandlers) { await handler.Connected(_server, client); } return(client); }