Example #1
        private void OnBodyComplete(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance)
            IElement element = _element.Get(context);

            if (element != null && element is UIElement ui)
                //var window = ((UIElement)element).GetWindow();
                var x           = X.Get(context);
                var y           = Y.Get(context);
                var width       = Width.Get(context);
                var height      = Height.Get(context);
                var animatemove = AnimateMove.Get(context);
                //if(width > 0 && height > 0)
                //    ui.SetWindowSize(width, height);
                //if (x>0 && y>0)
                // if (animatemove) ui.MoveWindowTo(x, y);
                if (animatemove)
                    ui.MoveWindowTo(x, y, width, height);
                if (!animatemove)
                    ui.SetWindowSize(width, height);
                    ui.SetWindowPosition(x, y);
Example #2
        private void OnBodyComplete(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance)
            if (breakRequested)
            IElement element = _element.Get(context);

            if (element != null && element is UIElement ui)
                var x           = X.Get(context);
                var y           = Y.Get(context);
                var width       = Width.Get(context);
                var height      = Height.Get(context);
                var animatemove = AnimateMove.Get(context);
                if (animatemove)
                    ui.MoveWindowTo(x, y, width, height);
                if (!animatemove)
                    ui.SetWindowSize(width, height);
                    ui.SetWindowPosition(x, y);
Example #3
        protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
            var       relativelement = Element.Get(context);
            Rectangle match          = new Rectangle(0, 0, System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height);

            if (relativelement != null)
                match = relativelement.Rectangle;
            match.X += X.Get(context);
            match.Y += Y.Get(context);
            var h = Height.Get(context);
            var w = Width.Get(context);

            if (h > 10)
                match.Height = h;
            if (w > 10)
                match.Width = w;
            var b = Interfaces.Image.Util.Screenshot(match);
            var v = new ImageElement(match, b);

            context.SetValue(Result, v);
            context.ScheduleAction(Body, v, OnBodyComplete);
Example #4
        protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
            var relativelement = Element.Get(context);
            var match          = relativelement.Rectangle;

            match.X     += OffsetX.Get(context);
            match.Y     += OffsetY.Get(context);
            match.Width  = Width.Get(context);
            match.Height = Height.Get(context);
            var imageelement = relativelement as ImageElement;

            if (imageelement != null)
                var processname = imageelement.Processname;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(processname))
                    var _element = AutomationHelper.GetFromPoint(match.X, match.Y);
                    if (_element.ProcessId < 1)
                        throw new ElementNotFoundException("Failed locating Image, expected " + processname + " but found nothing");
                    var p = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(_element.ProcessId);
                    if (p.ProcessName != processname)
                        throw new ElementNotFoundException("Failed locating Image, expected " + processname + " but found " + p.ProcessName);
            var b = Interfaces.Image.Util.Screenshot(match);
            //Interfaces.Image.Util.SaveImageStamped(b, "c:\\temp", "GetImage-result");
            var v = new ImageElement(match, b);

            context.SetValue(Result, v);
            context.ScheduleAction(Body, v, OnBodyComplete);
Example #5
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            string message = Message.Get(context);
            int    width   = Width.Get(context);
            int    height  = Height.Get(context);

            Image image = QrCodeDrawer.Draw(message, width, height);

            Result.Set(context, image);
Example #6
        protected override IAsyncResult BeginExecute(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            Window currWindow = ActiveWindow.Get(context);

                if (currWindow == null)
                    PropertyDescriptor property = context.DataContext.GetProperties()[WindowActive.OpenBrowsersPropertyTag];
                    if (property == null)
                        property = context.DataContext.GetProperties()[WindowAttach.OpenBrowsersPropertyTag];
                    if (property != null)
                        currWindow = property.GetValue(context.DataContext) as Window;
                Win32Api.Rect rect = new Win32Api.Rect();
                Win32Api.GetWindowRect((IntPtr)currWindow.getWindowHwnd(), out rect);
                int oldWidth  = rect.Right - rect.Left;
                int oldHeight = rect.Bottom - rect.Top;
                int oldPosX   = rect.Left;
                int oldPosY   = rect.Top;

                int newPosX   = PosX.Get(context);
                int newPosY   = PosY.Get(context);
                int newWidth  = Width.Get(context);
                int newHeight = Height.Get(context);

                int defPosX   = newPosX == 0 ? oldPosX : newPosX;
                int defPosY   = newPosY == 0 ? oldPosY : newPosY;
                int defWidth  = newWidth == 0 ? oldWidth : newWidth;
                int defHeight = newHeight == 0 ? oldHeight : newHeight;

                Win32Api.MoveWindow(currWindow.getWindowHwnd(), defPosX, defPosY, defWidth, defHeight, true);
            catch (Exception e)
                SharedObject.Instance.Output(SharedObject.enOutputType.Error, "关闭窗口错误产生", e.Message);
                if (ContinueOnError.Get(context))
            m_Delegate = new runDelegate(Run);
            return(m_Delegate.BeginInvoke(callback, state));
Example #7
        protected override void StartLoop(NativeActivityContext context)
            var selectorstring = Selector.Get(context);

            selectorstring = OpenRPA.Interfaces.Selector.Selector.ReplaceVariables(selectorstring, context.DataContext);
            var selector     = new Interfaces.Selector.Selector(selectorstring);
            var checkrunning = CheckRunning.Get(context);

            checkrunning = true;
            var pluginname = selector.First().Selector;
            var Plugin     = Plugins.recordPlugins.Where(x => x.Name == pluginname).First();
            var timeout    = Timeout.Get(context);
            var element    = Plugin.LaunchBySelector(selector, checkrunning, timeout);

            Result.Set(context, element);
            _element.Set(context, element);
            if (element != null && element is UIElement ui && Body == null)
                //var window = ((UIElement)element).GetWindow();
                var x           = X.Get(context);
                var y           = Y.Get(context);
                var width       = Width.Get(context);
                var height      = Height.Get(context);
                var animatemove = AnimateMove.Get(context);
                if ((width == 0 && height == 0) || (x == 0 && y == 0))
                    if (animatemove)
                        ui.MoveWindowTo(x, y, width, height);
                    if (!animatemove)
                        ui.SetWindowSize(width, height);
                        ui.SetWindowPosition(x, y);
            if (element != null && Body != null)
                SetTotal(context, 1);
                context.ScheduleAction(Body, element, OnBodyComplete);
Example #8
        protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
            string expression = null;
            Expr   expr       = null;

            if (Expression.Get(context) is null)
                expr = Expr.Get(context);
                expression = Expression.Get(context);

            var w      = Width.Get(context);
            var h      = Height.Get(context);
            var client = (Application)context.Properties.Find(@"Application");

            while (client == null || !client.Ready)

            if (expr is null)
                expression = Timeout is null || Timeout.Get(context) <= 0 ? expression : Application.ApplyTimeConstraint(expression, Timeout.Get(context));
                expr = Timeout is null || Timeout.Get(context) <= 0 ? expr : Application.ApplyTimeConstraint(expr, Timeout.Get(context));

                       expr is null ? client.EvaluateToImage(expression, w, h) : client.EvaluateToImage(expr, w, h));
Example #9
        protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
            // получим все параметры
            var teCode = TeCode.Get(context);

            // переведем код ТЕ в верхний регистр
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(teCode))
                teCode = teCode.ToUpper();
            var placeCode  = PlaceCode.Get(context);
            var isPack     = IsPack.Get(context);
            var length     = Length.Get(context);
            var width      = Width.Get(context);
            var height     = Height.Get(context);
            var tareWeight = TareWeight.Get(context);
            var weight     = Weight.Get(context);
            var mandants   = Mandants.Get(context);
            var teTypeCode = TeTypeCode.Get(context);
            var autoTeType = AutoTeType.Get(context);
            var extFilter  = Filter.Get(context);

            _fontSize = FontSize.Get(context);
            var suspendNotifyCollectionChanged = SuspendNotifyCollectionChanged.Get(context);

            var teManager = IoC.Instance.Resolve <IBaseManager <TE> >();

                if (suspendNotifyCollectionChanged)

                // если поле тип ТЕ пустое и не стоит признак пытаться определить тип ТЕ автоматически
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(teTypeCode) && !autoTeType)
                    throw new OperationException("Не указан тип ТЕ");

                // если поле тип ТЕ заполнено и установлен признак получения автоматически
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(teTypeCode) && autoTeType)
                    throw new OperationException("Неверные настройки получения типа ТЕ");

                var uw = BeginTransactionActivity.GetUnitOfWork(context);
                if (uw != null)
                    throw new OperationException("Действие в транзакции запрещено");

                // проверим существование ТЕ
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(teCode))
                    var bpManager = IoC.Instance.Resolve <IBPProcessManager>();
                    var existTe   = bpManager.CheckInstanceEntity("TE", teCode);
                    if (existTe == 1)
                        var existTeObj = teManager.Get(teCode);
                        if (existTeObj == null)
                            throw new OperationException("Нет прав на ТЕ с кодом {0}", teCode);
                        ExceptionResult.Set(context, null);
                        TeCode.Set(context, teCode);
                        OutTe.Set(context, existTeObj);
                        Exist.Set(context, true);
                        Result.Set(context, true);

                // фильтр на тип ТЕ
                var filter = string.Empty;
                // фильтр по мандантам
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mandants))
                    filter = string.Format(
                        "tetypecode in (select tt2m.tetypecode_r from wmstetype2mandant tt2m where tt2m.partnerid_r in ({0}))",

                // фильтр по упаковкам
                if (isPack)
                    filter =
                            "{0}tetypecode in (select CUSTOMPARAMVAL.cpvkey from wmscustomparamvalue CUSTOMPARAMVAL  where CUSTOMPARAMVAL.CPV2ENTITY = 'TETYPE' and CUSTOMPARAMVAL.CUSTOMPARAMCODE_R = 'TETypeIsPackingL2' and CUSTOMPARAMVAL.CPVVALUE is not null and CUSTOMPARAMVAL.CPVVALUE != '0')",
                            string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) ? string.Empty : filter + " and ");

                // дополнительный фильтр по типам ТЕ
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extFilter))
                    filter =
                            string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) ? string.Empty : filter + " and ", extFilter);

                // если надо определить тип ТЕ автоматически
                if (autoTeType)
                    teTypeCode = BPH.DetermineTeTypeCodeByTeCode(teCode, filter);

                var teTypeObj = GetTeType(teTypeCode, filter);

                // если не выбрали тип ТЕ
                if (teTypeObj == null)
                    ExceptionResult.Set(context, null);
                    TeCode.Set(context, teCode);
                    OutTe.Set(context, null);
                    Exist.Set(context, false);
                    Result.Set(context, false);

                var teObj = new TE();
                teObj.SetProperty(TE.TETypeCodePropertyName, teTypeObj.GetKey());
                teObj.SetProperty(TE.CreatePlacePropertyName, placeCode);
                teObj.SetProperty(TE.CurrentPlacePropertyName, placeCode);
                teObj.SetProperty(TE.StatusCodePropertyName, TEStates.TE_FREE.ToString());
                                  isPack ? TEPackStatus.TE_PKG_CREATED.ToString() : TEPackStatus.TE_PKG_NONE.ToString());

                teObj.SetProperty(TE.TELengthPropertyName, length ?? teTypeObj.GetProperty(TEType.LengthPropertyName));
                teObj.SetProperty(TE.TEWidthPropertyName, width ?? teTypeObj.GetProperty(TEType.WidthPropertyName));
                teObj.SetProperty(TE.TEHeightPropertyName, height ?? teTypeObj.GetProperty(TEType.HeightPropertyName));
                                  tareWeight ?? teTypeObj.GetProperty(TEType.TareWeightPropertyName));
                                  tareWeight ?? teTypeObj.GetProperty(TEType.MaxWeightPropertyName));
                                  weight ?? teTypeObj.GetProperty(TEType.TareWeightPropertyName));

                teManager.Insert(ref teObj);

                ExceptionResult.Set(context, null);
                TeCode.Set(context, teCode);
                OutTe.Set(context, teObj);
                Exist.Set(context, false);
                Result.Set(context, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                TeCode.Set(context, teCode);
                ExceptionResult.Set(context, ex);
                OutTe.Set(context, null);
                Exist.Set(context, false);
                Result.Set(context, false);
                if (suspendNotifyCollectionChanged)
Example #10
        protected override void StartLoop(NativeActivityContext context)
            var selectorstring = Selector.Get(context);

            selectorstring = OpenRPA.Interfaces.Selector.Selector.ReplaceVariables(selectorstring, context.DataContext);
            var selector     = new Interfaces.Selector.Selector(selectorstring);
            var checkrunning = CheckRunning.Get(context);

            checkrunning = true;
            var pluginname = selector.First().Selector;
            var Plugin     = Plugins.recordPlugins.Where(x => x.Name == pluginname).First();
            var timeout    = Timeout.Get(context);

            if (Timeout == null || Timeout.Expression == null)
                timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
            var element = Plugin.LaunchBySelector(selector, checkrunning, timeout);

            Result.Set(context, element);
            _element.Set(context, element);
            if (element != null && element is UIElement ui && Body == null)
                //var window = ((UIElement)element).GetWindow();
                var screen      = Screen.Get(context);
                var x           = X.Get(context);
                var y           = Y.Get(context);
                var width       = Width.Get(context);
                var height      = Height.Get(context);
                var animatemove = AnimateMove.Get(context);
                // if ((width == 0 && height == 0) || (x == 0 && y == 0))
                if (width <= 30 || height <= 10)
                    var allScreens = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens.ToList();
                    if (screen < 0)
                        Log.Warning("screen cannot be below 0, using screen 0");
                        screen = 0;
                    if (screen >= allScreens.Count)
                        Log.Warning("screen " + screen + " does not exists, using " + (allScreens.Count - 1) + " instead");
                        screen = allScreens.Count - 1;
                    x += allScreens[screen].WorkingArea.X;
                    y += allScreens[screen].WorkingArea.Y;
                    if (animatemove)
                        ui.MoveWindowTo(x, y, width, height);
                    if (!animatemove)
                        ui.SetWindowSize(width, height);
                        ui.SetWindowPosition(x, y);
            if (element != null && Body != null)
                SetTotal(context, 1);
                context.ScheduleAction(Body, element, OnBodyComplete);
Example #11
        protected override async Task <Action <AsyncCodeActivityContext> > ExecuteAsync(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Inputs
            var timeout    = TimeoutMS.Get(context);
            var inputImage = InputImage.Get(context);
            var positionX  = PositionX.Get(context);
            var positionY  = PositionY.Get(context);
            var width      = Width.Get(context);
            var height     = Height.Get(context);
            var blur       = Blur.Get(context);
            var blurAmount = BlurAmount.Get(context);

            // Set a timeout on the execution
            var task = ExecuteWithTimeout(context, cancellationToken);

            if (await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(timeout, cancellationToken)) != task)
                throw new TimeoutException(Resources.Timeout_Error);

            Image returnImage;

            // Check if activity should blur or hide part of the image

            if (blur)
                // Convert image to bytestream
                ImageConverter _imageConverter = new ImageConverter();
                byte[]         imageByteStream = (byte[])_imageConverter.ConvertTo(inputImage, typeof(byte[]));

                // Create image from bytestream for MagickImage use
                var magickimage = new MagickImage(imageByteStream);

                // Blur part of image
                magickimage.RegionMask(new MagickGeometry(positionX, positionY, width, height));
                magickimage.GaussianBlur(blurAmount, 25);

                // Convert MagickInmage to Bytestream
                var          imageBytesOut = magickimage.ToByteArray();
                MemoryStream ms            = new MemoryStream(imageBytesOut);

                // Create return image from bytestream
                returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms);
                // Create graphics context with returnImage
                returnImage = inputImage;

                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(returnImage))
                    // Define brush and rectangle
                    SolidBrush blackBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
                    Rectangle  rect       = new Rectangle(positionX, positionY, width, height);

                    // Fill rectangle
                    g.FillRectangle(blackBrush, rect);

                    // Cleanup

            // Outputs
            return((ctx) => {
                OutputImage.Set(ctx, returnImage);
Example #12
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            var el = Element.Get(context);

            if (el == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("element cannot be null");
            var screen      = Screen.Get(context);
            var x           = X.Get(context);
            var y           = Y.Get(context);
            var width       = Width.Get(context);
            var height      = Height.Get(context);
            var animatemove = AnimateMove.Get(context);
            var windowstate = WindowState.Get(context);

            if (width <= 30 || height <= 10)
                var allScreens = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens.ToList();
                if (screen < 0)
                    Log.Warning("screen cannot be below 0, using screen 0");
                    screen = 0;
                if (screen >= allScreens.Count)
                    Log.Warning("screen " + screen + " does not exists, using " + (allScreens.Count - 1) + " instead");
                    screen = allScreens.Count - 1;
                x += allScreens[screen].WorkingArea.X;
                y += allScreens[screen].WorkingArea.Y;
                var _window = ((UIElement)el).GetWindow();
                var window  = new UIElement(_window);
                if (_window.Properties.NativeWindowHandle.IsSupported)
                if (animatemove)
                    window.MoveWindowTo(x, y, width, height);
                if (!animatemove)
                    window.SetWindowSize(width, height);
                    window.SetWindowPosition(x, y);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(windowstate) && _window.Properties.NativeWindowHandle.IsSupported)
                    switch (windowstate)
                    case "Normal": GenericTools.Restore(_window.Properties.NativeWindowHandle.Value); break;

                    case "Minimized": GenericTools.Minimize(_window.Properties.NativeWindowHandle.Value); break;

                    case "Maximized": GenericTools.Maximized(_window.Properties.NativeWindowHandle.Value); break;