/// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new value into the Min Heap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyValue">The new key-value pair to be inserted in the tree.</param>
        /// <param name="heapArrayLength">The length of the heap array. </param>
        public override void Insert(KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> keyValue, int heapArrayLength)
            int index = heapArrayLength;

            BubbleUp_Recursively(index, heapArrayLength + 1);
Example #2
            /// <summary>Runs the Greedy search algorithm algorithm on a graph.</summary>
            /// <param name="start">The node to start at.</param>
            /// <param name="neighbors">Step function for all neigbors of a given node.</param>
            /// <param name="heuristic">Computes the heuristic value of a given node in a graph.</param>
            /// <param name="goal">Predicate for determining if we have reached the goal node.</param>
            /// <returns>Stepper of the shortest path or null if no path exists.</returns>
            public static Stepper <T> Greedy(T start, Neighbors neighbors, Heuristic heuristic, Goal goal)
                // using a heap (aka priority queue) to store nodes based on their computed heuristic value
                Heap <Greedy_Node> fringe = new HeapArray <Greedy_Node>(
                    // NOTE: I just reversed the order of left and right because smaller values are higher priority
                    (Greedy_Node left, Greedy_Node right) => { return(Compute <Math> .Compare(right.Priority, left.Priority)); });

                // push starting node
                Greedy_Node start_node = new Greedy_Node(null, start, default(Math));


                // run the algorithm
                while (fringe.Count != 0)
                    Greedy_Node current = fringe.Dequeue();
                    if (goal(current.Value))
                                  (T neighbor) =>
                            Greedy_Node newNode = new Greedy_Node(current, neighbor, heuristic(neighbor));
                return(null);                // goal node was not reached (no path exists)
Example #3
 internal HeapArray(HeapArray <T> heap)
     _compare         = heap._compare;
     _heap            = (T[])heap._heap.Clone();
     _minimumCapacity = heap._minimumCapacity;
     _count           = heap._count;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the min element from the heap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyValue">If the operation is successful, contains the minimum element in the array.</param>
        /// <param name="heapArrayLength">The length of the heap array. </param>
        /// <returns>True in case of success, and false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool TryRemoveRoot(out KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> keyValue, int heapArrayLength)
            keyValue = new KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue>((TKey)typeof(TKey).GetField("MinValue").GetValue(null), default(TValue)); // T.MinValue;

            /* If array is empty, returns false. */
            if (heapArrayLength == 0)

            /* If array has only one element left, it is the minimum value, and clear the array after removing it.*/
            if (heapArrayLength == 1)
                keyValue = HeapArray[0];

            /* If array has more than 1 element, the next instructions are executed. */
            keyValue     = HeapArray[0];                    /* In a minHeap the minimum value is always in the root, which is at index 0.*/
            HeapArray[0] = HeapArray[heapArrayLength - 1];  /* Move the last element to the place of root, and then bubble down. */
            HeapArray.RemoveAt(heapArrayLength - 1);        /* Removing the last element, as it is now placed in the root's position, and needs to be bubbled down.*/
            BubbleDown_Recursively(0, heapArrayLength - 1); /* Call this method to bubble down the (new) root.*/ /* Also notice that the array is shorter by one value now, thus the new array length is one smaller. */
Example #5
         * Time((V+E)logV), Space(V)
         * can't handle negative distances; can return shortest paths from vertex 0 to all other vertice.
         * 1. initialize the distance of vetex 0 to 0 and all others to INF.
         * 2. add all vertice to a minimum heap based on their distances from vetex 0
         * 2. loop until heap is empty, extract min from heap and update the distance of its all adjacent vertices.
        int[] Dijkstra(int n, IList <int[]>[] adj)
            var dist = new int[n];

            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                dist[i] = INF;
            var heap = new HeapArray(dist);

            var prev = new int[n]; // used to recover the path

            for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
                var min = heap.ExtractMin();
                foreach (var e in adj[min])
                    int src = e[0], dst = e[1], w = e[2];
                    if (dist[dst] > dist[src] + w)
                        heap.Update(dst, dist[src] + w);
                        dist[dst] = dist[src] + w;
                        prev[dst] = src;

Example #6
 internal HeapArray(HeapArray <T> heap)
     _compare = heap._compare;
     _heap    = new T[heap._heap.Length];
     _minimumCapacity = heap._minimumCapacity;
     _count           = heap._count;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new value into the Max Heap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The new value to be inserted in the tree.</param>
        /// <param name="heapArrayLength">The length/size of the heap array. </param>
        public override void Insert(KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> value, int heapArrayLength)
            HeapArray.Add(value);// means gets added to the end of the list.

            // Bubble up this element/node
            int nodeIndex = heapArrayLength;

            BubbleUp_Iteratively(nodeIndex, heapArrayLength + 1); // Notice that the size of the array is grown by one now.
Example #8
        public void Add()
            IHeap <Person> heap = new HeapArray <Person>();

            foreach (Person person in RandomTestData)
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new value into the Min Heap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newValue">The new key-value pair to be inserted in the tree.</param>
        /// <param name="heapArrayLength">The length of the heap array. </param>
        public override void Insert(KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> newValue, int heapArrayLength)
            /* Add the new value to the end of the array. List is a dynamic array and grows in size automatically. */

            /* Bubble up the new value, and stop when the parent is no longer bigger than the new value, or when new value is bubbled up to the root's position. */
            int nodeIndex = heapArrayLength;

            BubbleUp_Iteratively(nodeIndex, heapArrayLength + 1);
Example #10
        public void Enqueue()
            IHeap <int> heap         = new HeapArray <int>();
            int         enqueueCount = EnqueueCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < enqueueCount; i++)
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is for finding the root of the heap, without removing it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="keyValue">The key-value of the root.</param>
 /// <param name="heapArrayLength">The length of the heap array. </param>
 /// <returns>True in case of success, and false in case of failure.</returns>
 public override bool TryFindRoot(out KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> keyValue, int heapArrayLength)
     if (HeapArray.Any())
         keyValue = HeapArray[0];
     keyValue = new KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue>((TKey)typeof(TKey).GetField("MaxValue").GetValue(null), default(TValue));
Example #12
        public void InsertKey(T key)
            if (HeapSize == HeapArray.Length)
                T[] newHeap = new T[HeapArray.Length * 2];
                HeapArray.CopyTo(newHeap, 0);
                HeapArray = newHeap;

            HeapArray[HeapSize] = key;
Example #13
            /// <summary>Runs the A* search algorithm algorithm on a graph.</summary>
            /// <param name="start">The node to start at.</param>
            /// <param name="neighbors">Step function for all neigbors of a given node.</param>
            /// <param name="heuristic">Computes the heuristic value of a given node in a graph.</param>
            /// <param name="cost">Computes the cost of moving from the current node to a specific neighbor.</param>
            /// <param name="goal">Predicate for determining if we have reached the goal node.</param>
            /// <returns>Stepper of the shortest path or null if no path exists.</returns>
            public static Stepper <T> Astar(T start, Neighbors neighbors, Heuristic heuristic, Cost cost, Goal goal)
                // using a heap (aka priority queue) to store nodes based on their computed A* f(n) value
                Heap <Astar_Node> fringe = new HeapArray <Astar_Node>(
                    // NOTE: Typical A* implementations prioritize smaller values
                    (Astar_Node left, Astar_Node right) =>
                    Comparison comparison = Compute.Compare <Math>(right.Priority, left.Priority);

                // using a map (aka dictionary) to store costs from start to current nodes
                Map <Math, Astar_Node> computed_costs = new MapHashArray <Math, Astar_Node>();

                // construct the f(n) for this A* execution
                Astar_function function = (T node, Astar_Node previous) =>
                    Math previousCost  = computed_costs.Get(previous);
                    Math currentCost   = cost(previous.Value, node);
                    Math costFromStart = Compute.Add <Math>(previousCost, currentCost);
                    Math hueristic     = heuristic(node);
                    return(Compute.Add <Math>(costFromStart, hueristic));

                // push starting node
                Astar_Node start_node = new Astar_Node(null, start, default(Math));

                computed_costs.Add(start_node, default(Math));

                // run the algorithm
                while (fringe.Count != 0)
                    Astar_Node current = fringe.Dequeue();
                    if (goal(current.Value))
                                  (T neighbor) =>
                            Astar_Node newNode = new Astar_Node(current, neighbor, function(neighbor, current));
                            Math costValue     = Compute.Add <Math>(computed_costs.Get(current), cost(current.Value, neighbor));
                            computed_costs.Add(newNode, costValue);
                return(null);                // goal node was not reached (no path exists)
Example #14
        /// <summary>Runs the A* search algorithm algorithm on a graph.</summary>
        /// <typeparam name="Node">The node type of the graph being searched.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="Numeric">The numeric to use when performing calculations.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="start">The node to start at.</param>
        /// <param name="neighbors">Step function for all neigbors of a given node.</param>
        /// <param name="heuristic">Computes the heuristic value of a given node in a graph.</param>
        /// <param name="cost">Computes the cost of moving from the current node to a specific neighbor.</param>
        /// <param name="goal">Predicate for determining if we have reached the goal node.</param>
        /// <returns>Stepper of the shortest path or null if no path exists.</returns>
        public static Stepper <Node> Graph <Node, Numeric>(Node start, Neighbors <Node> neighbors, Heuristic <Node, Numeric> heuristic, Cost <Node, Numeric> cost, Goal <Node> goal)
            // using a heap (aka priority queue) to store nodes based on their computed A* f(n) value
            IHeap <AstarNode <Node, Numeric> > fringe = new HeapArray <AstarNode <Node, Numeric> >(
                // NOTE: Typical A* implementations prioritize smaller values
                (a, b) => Compute.Compare(b.Priority, a.Priority));

            // push starting node
                new AstarNode <Node, Numeric>()
                Previous = null,
                Value    = start,
                Priority = default,
Example #15
        public static void HeapSort <T>(T[] data, int size) where T : IComparable
            var heapArray = new HeapArray <T>(size);

            heapArray.BulidHeapBottomUp(data, size);

            while (size > 1)
                var maxValue = data[1];
                data[1]    = data[size];
                data[size] = maxValue;
                RestoreDown(1, data, size);
Example #16
        [TestMethod] public void Dequeue_Testing()
            void Test <T>(T[] values, Compare <T> compare)
                T[] clonedValues = (T[])values.Clone();
                IHeap <T> heap = new HeapArray <T>(compare);

                clonedValues.Stepper(x => heap.Enqueue(x));
                foreach (T value in values)
                    T dequeue = heap.Dequeue();

            {             // int compare
                const int count  = 100;
                int[]     values = new int[count];
                Stepper.Iterate(count, i => values[i] = i);
                Array.Sort(values, (a, b) => - a.CompareTo(b));
                Test(values, (a, b) => Compare.Wrap(a.CompareTo(b)));
            {             // string compare
                const int count  = 100;
                string[]  values = new string[count];
                Stepper.Iterate(count, i => values[i] = i.ToString());
                Array.Sort(values, (a, b) => - a.CompareTo(b));
                Test(values, (a, b) => Compare.Wrap(a.CompareTo(b)));
            {             // int reverse compare
                const int count  = 100;
                int[]     values = new int[count];
                Stepper.Iterate(count, i => values[i] = i);
                Test(values, (a, b) => Compare.Wrap(-a.CompareTo(b)));
            {             // string reverse compare
                const int count  = 100;
                string[]  values = new string[count];
                Stepper.Iterate(count, i => values[i] = i.ToString());
                Test(values, (a, b) => Compare.Wrap(-a.CompareTo(b)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the min element from the heap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyValue">If the operation is successful, contains the minimum element in the array.</param>
        /// <param name="heapArrayLength">The length of the heap array. </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool TryRemoveRoot(out KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> keyValue, int heapArrayLength)
            keyValue = new KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue>((TKey)typeof(TKey).GetField("MinValue").GetValue(null), default(TValue));

            if (heapArrayLength == 0)
            if (heapArrayLength == 1)
                keyValue = HeapArray[0];

            keyValue     = HeapArray[0];
            HeapArray[0] = HeapArray[heapArrayLength - 1];
            HeapArray.RemoveAt(heapArrayLength - 1);
            BubbleDownMin_Recursively(0, heapArrayLength - 1); /* Calling this method, because this is a min-max heap and 0 is expected to be on a min level.*/ /* Also notice that the array is shorter by one value now, thus the new array length is one smaller. */
Example #18
        /// <summary>Runs the A* search algorithm algorithm on a graph.</summary>
        /// <param name="start">The node to start at.</param>
        /// <param name="neighbors">Step function for all neigbors of a given node.</param>
        /// <param name="heuristic">Computes the heuristic value of a given node in a graph.</param>
        /// <param name="cost">Computes the cost of moving from the current node to a specific neighbor.</param>
        /// <param name="goal">Predicate for determining if we have reached the goal node.</param>
        /// <returns>Stepper of the shortest path or null if no path exists.</returns>
        public static Stepper <NODE> Graph <NODE, NUMERIC>(NODE start, Neighbors <NODE> neighbors, Heuristic <NODE, NUMERIC> heuristic, Cost <NODE, NUMERIC> cost, Goal <NODE> goal)
            // using a heap (aka priority queue) to store nodes based on their computed A* f(n) value
            IHeap <AstarNode <NODE, NUMERIC> > fringe = new HeapArray <AstarNode <NODE, NUMERIC> >(
                // NOTE: Typical A* implementations prioritize smaller values
                (a, b) => Compute.Compare(b.Priority, a.Priority));

            // push starting node
                new AstarNode <NODE, NUMERIC>(
                    Constant <NUMERIC> .Zero));

            // run the algorithm
            while (fringe.Count != 0)
                AstarNode <NODE, NUMERIC> current = fringe.Dequeue();
                if (goal(current.Value))
                              (NODE neighbor) =>
                        NUMERIC costValue = Compute.Add(current.Cost, cost(current.Value, neighbor));
                            new AstarNode <NODE, NUMERIC>(
                                Compute.Add(heuristic(neighbor), costValue),
            return(null); // goal node was not reached (no path exists)
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the max element from the heap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyValue">If the operation is successful, contains the maximum element in the array.</param>
        /// <param name="heapArrayLength">The length of the heap array. </param>
        /// <returns>True in case of success, and false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool TryRemoveRoot(out KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> keyValue, int heapArrayLength)
            keyValue = new KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue>((TKey)typeof(TKey).GetField("MaxValue").GetValue(null), default(TValue));

            if (heapArrayLength == 0)
            if (heapArrayLength == 1)
                keyValue = HeapArray[0];

            keyValue     = HeapArray[0];
            HeapArray[0] = HeapArray[heapArrayLength - 1];
            HeapArray.RemoveAt(heapArrayLength - 1);
            BubbleDown_Recursively(0, heapArrayLength - 1); /* notice that the array is shorter by one value now, thus the new array length is one smaller. */

Example #20
        public void Dequeue_Testing()
            void Test <T>(T[] values, Func <T, T, CompareResult> compare)
                T[] clonedValues = (T[])values.Clone();
                Shuffle <T>(clonedValues);
                IHeap <T> heap = HeapArray.New <T>(compare);

                clonedValues.Stepper(x => heap.Enqueue(x));
                foreach (T value in values)
                    T dequeue = heap.Dequeue();
                    Assert.IsTrue(value !.Equals(dequeue));

            {             // int compare
                int[] values = (..100).ToArray();
                Array.Sort(values, (a, b) => - a.CompareTo(b));
                Test(values, Compare);
            {             // string compare
                string[] values = (..100).ToArray(i => i.ToString());
                Array.Sort(values, (a, b) => - a.CompareTo(b));
                Test(values, Compare);
            {             // int reverse compare
                int[] values = (..100).ToArray();
                Test(values, (a, b) => Compare(b, a));
            {             // string reverse compare
                string[] values = (..100).ToArray(i => i.ToString());
                Test(values, (a, b) => Compare(b, a));
Example #21
        /// <summary>Runs the Greedy search algorithm algorithm on a graph.</summary>
        /// <param name="start">The node to start at.</param>
        /// <param name="neighbors">Step function for all neigbors of a given node.</param>
        /// <param name="heuristic">Computes the heuristic value of a given node in a graph.</param>
        /// <param name="goal">Predicate for determining if we have reached the goal node.</param>
        /// <returns>Stepper of the shortest path or null if no path exists.</returns>
        public static Stepper <NODE> Graph <NODE, NUMERIC>(NODE start, Neighbors <NODE> neighbors, Heuristic <NODE, NUMERIC> heuristic, Goal <NODE> goal)
            // using a heap (aka priority queue) to store nodes based on their computed heuristic value
            IHeap <GreedyNode <NODE, NUMERIC> > fringe = new HeapArray <GreedyNode <NODE, NUMERIC> >(
                // NOTE: Typical graph search implementations prioritize smaller values
                (a, b) => Compute.Compare(b.Priority, a.Priority));

            // push starting node
                new GreedyNode <NODE, NUMERIC>(

            // run the algorithm
            while (fringe.Count != 0)
                GreedyNode <NODE, NUMERIC> current = fringe.Dequeue();
                if (goal(current.Value))
                              (NODE neighbor) =>
                            new GreedyNode <NODE, NUMERIC>(
            return(null); // goal node was not reached (no path exists)
Example #22
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Random random = new Random();
            int    test   = 10;

            Console.WriteLine("You are runnning the Data Structures example.");

            #region Link (aka Tuple)

            Console.WriteLine("  Link------------------------------------");
            Console.WriteLine("    A \"Link\" is like a System.Tuple that implements");
            Console.WriteLine("    Towel.DataStructures.DataStructure. A Link/Tuple is");
            Console.WriteLine("    used when you have a small, known-sized set of objects");
            Console.WriteLine("    that you want to bundle together without making a custom");
            Console.WriteLine("    custom class.");

            Link link = new Link <int, int, int, int, int, int>(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            link.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

            Console.WriteLine("    Size: " + link.Size);


            #region Indexed (aka Array)

            Console.WriteLine("  Indexed---------------------------------");
            Console.WriteLine("    An \"Indexed\" is just a wrapper for arrays that implements");
            Console.WriteLine("    Towel.DataStructures.DataStructure. An array is used when");
            Console.WriteLine("    dealing with static-sized, known-sized sets of data. Arrays");
            Console.WriteLine("    can be sorted along 1 dimensions for binary searching algorithms.");

            IIndexed <int> indexed = new IndexedArray <int>(test);

            Console.Write("    Filling in (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
                indexed[i] = i;

            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            indexed.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

            Console.WriteLine("    Length: " + indexed.Length);



            #region Addable (aka List)

            Console.WriteLine("  Addable---------------------------------");
            Console.WriteLine("    An \"Addable\" is like an IList that implements");
            Console.WriteLine("    Towel.DataStructures.DataStructure. \"AddableArray\" is");
            Console.WriteLine("    the array implementation while \"AddableLinked\" is the");
            Console.WriteLine("    the linked-list implementation. An Addable/List is used");
            Console.WriteLine("    when dealing with an unknown quantity of data that you");
            Console.WriteLine("    will likely have to enumerate/step through everything. The");
            Console.WriteLine("    AddableArray shares the properties of an Indexed/Array in");
            Console.WriteLine("    that it can be relateively quickly sorted along 1 dimensions");
            Console.WriteLine("    for binary search algorithms.");

            // AddableArray ---------------------------------------
            IAddable <int> addableArray = new AddableArray <int>(test);

            Console.Write("    [AddableArray] Adding (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

            Console.Write("    [AddableArray] Traversal: ");
            addableArray.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

            Console.WriteLine("    [AddableArray] Count: " + addableArray.Count);

            addableArray.Clear(); // Clears the addable


            // AddableLinked ---------------------------------------
            IAddable <int> addableLinked = new AddableLinked <int>();

            Console.Write("    [AddableLinked] Adding (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

            Console.Write("    [AddableLinked] Traversal: ");
            addableLinked.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

            Console.WriteLine("    [AddableLinked] Count: " + addableLinked.Count);

            addableLinked.Clear(); // Clears the addable



            #region FirstInLastOut (aka stack)
                Console.WriteLine("  FirstInLastOut---------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    An \"FirstInLastOut\" is a Stack that implements");
                Console.WriteLine("    Towel.DataStructures.DataStructure. \"FirstInLastOutArray\" is");
                Console.WriteLine("    the array implementation while \"FirstInLastOutLinked\" is the");
                Console.WriteLine("    the linked-list implementation. A FirstInLastOut/Stack is used");
                Console.WriteLine("    specifically when you need the algorithm provided by the Push");
                Console.WriteLine("    and Pop functions.");

                IFirstInLastOut <int> firstInLastOutArray = new FirstInLastOutArray <int>();

                Console.Write("    [FirstInLastOutArray] Pushing (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                Console.Write("    [FirstInLastOutArray] Traversal: ");
                firstInLastOutArray.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInLastOutArray] Pop: " + firstInLastOutArray.Pop());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInLastOutArray] Pop: " + firstInLastOutArray.Pop());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInLastOutArray] Peek: " + firstInLastOutArray.Peek());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInLastOutArray] Pop: " + firstInLastOutArray.Pop());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInLastOutArray] Count: " + firstInLastOutArray.Count);

                firstInLastOutArray.Clear(); // Clears the firstInLastOut


                IFirstInLastOut <int> firstInLastOutLinked = new FirstInLastOutLinked <int>();

                Console.Write("    [FirstInLastOutLinked] Pushing (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                Console.Write("    [FirstInLastOutLinked] Traversal: ");
                firstInLastOutLinked.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInLastOutLinked] Pop: " + firstInLastOutLinked.Pop());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInLastOutLinked] Pop: " + firstInLastOutLinked.Pop());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInLastOutLinked] Peek: " + firstInLastOutLinked.Peek());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInLastOutLinked] Pop: " + firstInLastOutLinked.Pop());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInLastOutLinked] Count: " + firstInLastOutLinked.Count);

                firstInLastOutLinked.Clear(); // Clears the firstInLastOut


            #region FirstInFirstOut (aka Queue)
                Console.WriteLine("  FirstInFirstOut---------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    An \"FirstInFirstOut\" is a Queue that implements");
                Console.WriteLine("    Towel.DataStructures.DataStructure. \"FirstInFirstOutArray\" is");
                Console.WriteLine("    the array implementation while \"FirstInFirstOutLinked\" is the");
                Console.WriteLine("    the linked-list implementation. A FirstInFirstOut/Stack is used");
                Console.WriteLine("    specifically when you need the algorithm provided by the Queue");
                Console.WriteLine("    and Dequeue functions.");

                IFirstInFirstOut <int> firstInFirstOutArray = new FirstInFirstOutArray <int>();

                Console.Write("    [FirstInFirstOutArray] Enqueuing (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                Console.Write("    [FirstInFirstOutArray] Traversal: ");
                firstInFirstOutArray.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInFirstOutArray] Dequeue: " + firstInFirstOutArray.Dequeue());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInFirstOutArray] Dequeue: " + firstInFirstOutArray.Dequeue());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInFirstOutArray] Peek: " + firstInFirstOutArray.Peek());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInFirstOutArray] Dequeue: " + firstInFirstOutArray.Dequeue());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInFirstOutArray] Count: " + firstInFirstOutArray.Count);

                firstInFirstOutArray.Clear(); // Clears the firstInLastOut


                IFirstInFirstOut <int> firstInFirstOutLinked = new FirstInFirstOutLinked <int>();

                Console.Write("    [FirstInFirstOutLinked] Enqueuing (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                Console.Write("    [FirstInFirstOutLinked] Traversal: ");
                firstInFirstOutLinked.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInFirstOutLinked] Pop: " + firstInFirstOutLinked.Dequeue());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInFirstOutLinked] Pop: " + firstInFirstOutLinked.Dequeue());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInFirstOutLinked] Peek: " + firstInFirstOutLinked.Peek());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInFirstOutLinked] Pop: " + firstInFirstOutLinked.Dequeue());
                Console.WriteLine("    [FirstInFirstOutLinked] Count: " + firstInFirstOutLinked.Count);

                firstInFirstOutLinked.Clear(); // Clears the firstInLastOut


            #region Heap
                Console.WriteLine("  Heap---------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    An \"Heap\" is a binary tree that stores items based on priorities.");
                Console.WriteLine("    It implements Towel.DataStructures.DataStructure like the others.");
                Console.WriteLine("    It uses sifting algorithms to move nodes vertically through itself.");
                Console.WriteLine("    It is often the best data structure for standard priority queues.");
                Console.WriteLine("    \"HeapArray\" is an implementation where the tree has been flattened");
                Console.WriteLine("    into an array.");

                Console.WriteLine("    Let's say the priority is how close a number is to \"5\".");
                Console.WriteLine("    So \"Dequeue\" will give us the next closest value to \"5\".");
                Comparison Priority(int a, int b)
                    int        _a         = Compute.AbsoluteValue(a - 5);
                    int        _b         = Compute.AbsoluteValue(b - 5);
                    Comparison comparison = Compare.Wrap(_b.CompareTo(_a));



                IHeap <int> heapArray = new HeapArray <int>(Priority);

                Console.Write("    [HeapArray] Enqueuing (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                Console.WriteLine("    [HeapArray] Dequeue: " + heapArray.Dequeue());
                Console.WriteLine("    [HeapArray] Dequeue: " + heapArray.Dequeue());
                Console.WriteLine("    [HeapArray] Peek: " + heapArray.Peek());
                Console.WriteLine("    [HeapArray] Dequeue: " + heapArray.Dequeue());
                Console.WriteLine("    [HeapArray] Count: " + heapArray.Count);

                heapArray.Clear(); // Clears the heapArray


            #region Tree

            //Console.WriteLine("  Tree-----------------------------");

            //Tree<int> tree_Map = new TreeMap<int>(0, Compute.Equal, Hash.Default);

            //for (int i = 1; i < test; i++)
            //    tree_Map.Add(i, i / Compute.SquareRoot(i));
            //Console.Write("    Children of 0 (root): ");
            //tree_Map.Children(0, (int i) => { Console.Write(i + " "); });
            //Console.Write("    Children of " + ((int)System.Math.Sqrt(test) - 1) + " (root): ");
            //tree_Map.Children(((int)System.Math.Sqrt(test) - 1), (int i) => { Console.Write(i + " "); });
            //Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            //tree_Map.Stepper((int i) => { Console.Write(i + " "); });



            #region AVL Tree
                Console.WriteLine("  AvlTree------------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    An AVL Tree is a sorted binary tree.");
                Console.WriteLine("    It implements Towel.DataStructures.DataStructure like the others.");
                Console.WriteLine("    It allows for very fast 1D ranged queries/traversals.");
                Console.WriteLine("    It is very similar to an Red Black tree, but uses a different sorting algorithm.");

                IAvlTree <int> avlTree = new AvlTreeLinked <int>();

                Console.Write("    Adding (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
                avlTree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                //// Note: Because the nodes in AVL Tree linked do not have
                //// a parent pointer, the IEnumerable "foreach" iteration
                //// is extremely slow and should be avoided. It requires
                //// a stack for it's iteration.
                //Console.Write("    Traversal Foreach: ");
                //foreach (int i in avlTree)
                //    Console.Write(i);

                int minimum = random.Next(1, test / 2);
                int maximum = random.Next(1, test / 2) + test / 2;
                Console.Write("    Ranged Traversal [" + minimum + "-" + maximum + "]: ");
                avlTree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i), minimum, maximum);

                int removal = random.Next(0, test);
                Console.Write("    Remove(" + removal + "): ");
                avlTree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                int contains = random.Next(0, test);
                Console.WriteLine("    Contains(" + contains + "): " + avlTree.Contains(contains));
                Console.WriteLine("    Current Least: " + avlTree.CurrentLeast);
                Console.WriteLine("    Current Greatest: " + avlTree.CurrentGreatest);
                Console.WriteLine("    Count: " + avlTree.Count);

                avlTree.Clear(); // Clears the AVL tree


            #region Red-Black Tree
                Console.WriteLine("  Red-Black Tree------------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    An Red-Black Tree is a sorted binary tree.");
                Console.WriteLine("    It implements Towel.DataStructures.DataStructure like the others.");
                Console.WriteLine("    It allows for very fast 1D ranged queries/traversals.");
                Console.WriteLine("    It is very similar to an AVL tree, but uses a different sorting algorithm.");

                IRedBlackTree <int> redBlackTree = new RedBlackTreeLinked <int>();

                Console.Write("    Adding (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
                redBlackTree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                int minimum = random.Next(1, test / 2);
                int maximum = random.Next(1, test / 2) + test / 2;
                Console.Write("    Ranged Traversal [" + minimum + "-" + maximum + "]: ");
                redBlackTree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i), minimum, maximum);

                int removal = random.Next(0, test);
                Console.Write("    Remove(" + removal + "): ");
                redBlackTree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                int contains = random.Next(0, test);
                Console.WriteLine("    Contains(" + contains + "): " + redBlackTree.Contains(contains));
                Console.WriteLine("    Current Least: " + redBlackTree.CurrentLeast);
                Console.WriteLine("    Current Greatest: " + redBlackTree.CurrentGreatest);
                Console.WriteLine("    Count: " + redBlackTree.Count);

                redBlackTree.Clear(); // Clears the Red Black tree


            #region BTree
                Console.WriteLine("  B Tree------------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    A B Tree is a sorted binary tree that allows multiple values to");
                Console.WriteLine("    be stored per node. This makes it sort of a hybrid between a");
                Console.WriteLine("    binary tree and an array. Because multiple values are stored ");
                Console.WriteLine("    per node, it means less nodes must be traversed to completely");
                Console.WriteLine("    traverse the values in the B tree.");

                Console.WriteLine("    The generic B Tree in Towel is still in development.");


            #region Set
                Console.WriteLine("  Set------------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    A Set is like an Addable/List, but it does not allow duplicates. Sets are");
                Console.WriteLine("    usually implemented using hash codes. Implementations with hash codes");
                Console.WriteLine("    usually have very fast \"Contains\" checks to see if a value has already");
                Console.WriteLine("    been added to the set.");

                ISet <int> setHashLinked = new SetHashLinked <int>();

                Console.Write("    Adding (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
                setHashLinked.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                int a = random.Next(0, test);
                Console.Write("    Remove(" + a + "): ");
                setHashLinked.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                int b = random.Next(0, test);
                Console.WriteLine("    Contains(" + b + "): " + setHashLinked.Contains(b));
                Console.WriteLine("    Count: " + setHashLinked.Count);


            #region Map (aka Dictionary)
                Console.WriteLine("  Map------------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    A Map (aka Dictionary) is similar to a Set, but it stores two values (a ");
                Console.WriteLine("    key and a value). Maps do not allow duplicate keys much like Sets don't");
                Console.WriteLine("    allow duplicate values. When provided with the key, the Map uses that key");
                Console.WriteLine("    to look up the value that it is associated with. Thus, it allows you to ");
                Console.WriteLine("    \"map\" one object to another. As with Sets, Maps are usually implemented");
                Console.WriteLine("    using hash codes.");

                // Note: the first generic is the value, the second is the key
                IMap <string, int> mapHashLinked = new MapHashLinked <string, int>();

                Console.WriteLine("    Let's map each int to its word representation (ex 1 -> One).");

                Console.Write("    Adding (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
                    mapHashLinked.Add(i, ((decimal)i).ToEnglishWords());

                Console.WriteLine("    Traversal: ");
                mapHashLinked.Keys(i => Console.WriteLine("      " + i + "->" + mapHashLinked[i]));

                int a = random.Next(0, test);
                Console.Write("    Remove(" + a + "): ");
                mapHashLinked.Keys(i => Console.Write(i));

                int b = random.Next(0, test);
                Console.WriteLine("    Contains(" + b + "): " + mapHashLinked.Contains(b));
                Console.WriteLine("    Count: " + mapHashLinked.Count);


            #region OmnitreePoints
                Console.WriteLine("  OmnitreePoints--------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    An Omnitree is an ND SPT that allows for");
                Console.WriteLine("    multidimensional sorting. Any time you need to look");
                Console.WriteLine("    items up based on multiple fields/properties, then");
                Console.WriteLine("    you might want to use an Omnitree. If you need to");
                Console.WriteLine("    perform ranged queries on multiple dimensions, then");
                Console.WriteLine("    the Omnitree is the data structure for you.");
                Console.WriteLine("    The \"OmnitreePoints\" stores individual points (vectors),");
                Console.WriteLine("    and the \"OmnitreeBounds\" stores bounded objects (spaces).");

                IOmnitreePoints <int, double, string, decimal> omnitree =
                    new OmnitreePointsLinked <int, double, string, decimal>(
                        // This is a location delegate. (how to locate the item along each dimension)
                        (int index, out double a, out string b, out decimal c) =>
                    a = index;
                    b = index.ToString();
                    c = index;

                Console.Write("    Adding (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
                omnitree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                int    minimumXZ = random.Next(1, test / 2);
                int    maximumXZ = random.Next(1, test / 2) + test / 2;
                string minimumY  = minimumXZ.ToString();
                string maximumY  = maximumXZ.ToString();
                Console.Write("    Spacial Traversal [" +
                              "(" + minimumXZ + ", \"" + minimumY + "\", " + minimumXZ + ")->" +
                              "(" + maximumXZ + ", \"" + maximumY + "\", " + maximumXZ + ")]: ");
                omnitree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i),
                                 minimumXZ, maximumXZ,
                                 minimumY, maximumY,
                                 minimumXZ, maximumXZ);

                // Note: this "look up" is just a very narrow spacial query that (since we know the data)
                // wil only give us one result.
                int    lookUp         = random.Next(0, test);
                string lookUpToString = lookUp.ToString();
                Console.Write("    Look Up (" + lookUp + ", \"" + lookUpToString + "\", " + lookUp + "): ");
                omnitree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i),
                                 lookUp, lookUp,
                                 lookUp.ToString(), lookUp.ToString(),
                                 lookUp, lookUp);

                // Ignoring dimensions on traversals example.
                // If you want to ignore a column on a traversal, you can do so like this:
                omnitree.Stepper(i => { /*Do Nothing*/ },
                                 lookUp, lookUp,
                                 Omnitree.Bound <string> .None, Omnitree.Bound <string> .None,
                                 Omnitree.Bound <decimal> .None, Omnitree.Bound <decimal> .None);

                Console.Write("    Counting Items In a Space [" +
                              "(" + minimumXZ + ", \"" + minimumY + "\", " + minimumXZ + ")->" +
                              "(" + maximumXZ + ", \"" + maximumY + "\", " + maximumXZ + ")]: ");
                    minimumXZ, maximumXZ,
                    minimumY, maximumY,
                    minimumXZ, maximumXZ);

                int    removalMinimum  = random.Next(1, test / 2);
                int    removalMaximum  = random.Next(1, test / 2) + test / 2;
                string removalMinimumY = removalMinimum.ToString();
                string removalMaximumY = removalMaximum.ToString();
                Console.Write("    Remove (" + removalMinimum + "-" + removalMaximum + "): ");
                    removalMinimum, removalMaximum,
                    removalMinimumY, removalMaximumY,
                    removalMinimum, removalMaximum);
                omnitree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                Console.WriteLine("    Dimensions: " + omnitree.Dimensions);
                Console.WriteLine("    Count: " + omnitree.Count);

                omnitree.Clear(); // Clears the Omnitree


            #region OmnitreeBounds
                Console.WriteLine("  OmnitreeBounds--------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    An Omnitree is an ND SPT that allows for");
                Console.WriteLine("    multidimensional sorting. Any time you need to look");
                Console.WriteLine("    items up based on multiple fields/properties, then");
                Console.WriteLine("    you might want to use an Omnitree. If you need to");
                Console.WriteLine("    perform ranged queries on multiple dimensions, then");
                Console.WriteLine("    the Omnitree is the data structure for you.");
                Console.WriteLine("    The \"OmnitreePoints\" stores individual points (vectors),");
                Console.WriteLine("    and the \"OmnitreeBounds\" stores bounded objects (spaces).");

                IOmnitreeBounds <int, double, string, decimal> omnitree =
                    new OmnitreeBoundsLinked <int, double, string, decimal>(
                        // This is a location delegate. (how to locate the item along each dimension)
                        (int index,
                         out double min1, out double max1,
                         out string min2, out string max2,
                         out decimal min3, out decimal max3) =>
                    string indexToString = index.ToString();

                    min1 = index; max1 = index;
                    min2 = indexToString; max2 = indexToString;
                    min3 = index; max3 = index;

                Console.Write("    Adding (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
                omnitree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                int    minimumXZ = random.Next(1, test / 2);
                int    maximumXZ = random.Next(1, test / 2) + test / 2;
                string minimumY  = minimumXZ.ToString();
                string maximumY  = maximumXZ.ToString();
                Console.Write("    Spacial Traversal [" +
                              "(" + minimumXZ + ", \"" + minimumY + "\", " + minimumXZ + ")->" +
                              "(" + maximumXZ + ", \"" + maximumY + "\", " + maximumXZ + ")]: ");
                omnitree.StepperOverlapped(i => Console.Write(i),
                                           minimumXZ, maximumXZ,
                                           minimumY, maximumY,
                                           minimumXZ, maximumXZ);

                // Note: this "look up" is just a very narrow spacial query that (since we know the data)
                // wil only give us one result.
                int    lookUpXZ = random.Next(0, test);
                string lookUpY  = lookUpXZ.ToString();
                Console.Write("    Look Up (" + lookUpXZ + ", \"" + lookUpY + "\", " + lookUpXZ + "): ");
                omnitree.StepperOverlapped(i => Console.Write(i),
                                           lookUpXZ, lookUpXZ,
                                           lookUpY, lookUpY,
                                           lookUpXZ, lookUpXZ);

                // Ignoring dimensions on traversals example.
                // If you want to ignore a dimension on a traversal, you can do so like this:
                omnitree.StepperOverlapped(i => { /*Do Nothing*/ },
                                           lookUpXZ, lookUpXZ,
                                           // The "None" means there is no bound, so all values are valid
                                           Omnitree.Bound <string> .None, Omnitree.Bound <string> .None,
                                           Omnitree.Bound <decimal> .None, Omnitree.Bound <decimal> .None);

                Console.Write("    Counting Items In a Space [" +
                              "(" + minimumXZ + ", \"" + minimumY + "\", " + minimumXZ + ")->" +
                              "(" + maximumXZ + ", \"" + maximumY + "\", " + maximumXZ + ")]: " +
                                  minimumXZ, maximumXZ,
                                  minimumY, maximumY,
                                  minimumXZ, maximumXZ));

                int    removalMinimumXZ = random.Next(1, test / 2);
                int    removalMaximumXZ = random.Next(1, test / 2) + test / 2;
                string removalMinimumY  = removalMinimumXZ.ToString();
                string removalMaximumY  = removalMaximumXZ.ToString();
                Console.Write("    Remove (" + removalMinimumXZ + "-" + removalMaximumXZ + "): ");
                    removalMinimumXZ, removalMaximumXZ,
                    removalMinimumY, removalMaximumY,
                    removalMinimumXZ, removalMaximumXZ);
                omnitree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                Console.WriteLine("    Dimensions: " + omnitree.Dimensions);
                Console.WriteLine("    Count: " + omnitree.Count);

                omnitree.Clear(); // Clears the Omnitree


            #region KD Tree
                Console.WriteLine("  KD Tree------------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    A KD Tree binary tree that stores points sorted along along an");
                Console.WriteLine("    arbitrary number of dimensions. So it performs multidimensional");
                Console.WriteLine("    sorting similar to the Omnitree (Quadtree/Octree) in Towel, but");
                Console.WriteLine("    it uses a completely different algorithm and format.");

                Console.WriteLine("    The generic KD Tree in Towel is still in development.");


            #region Graph
                Console.WriteLine("  Graph------------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    A Graph is a data structure of nodes and edges. Nodes are values");
                Console.WriteLine("    and edges are connections between those values. Graphs are often");
                Console.WriteLine("    used to model real world data such as maps, and are often used in");
                Console.WriteLine("    path finding algoritms. See the \"Algorithms\" example for path");
                Console.WriteLine("    finding examples. This is just an example of how to make a graph.");
                Console.WriteLine("    A \"GraphSetOmnitree\" is an implementation where nodes are stored.");
                Console.WriteLine("    in a Set and edges are stored in an Omnitree (aka Quadtree).");

                IGraph <int> graphSetOmnitree = new GraphSetOmnitree <int>();

                Console.WriteLine("    Adding Nodes (0-" + (test - 1) + ")...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)

                int edgesPerNode = 3;
                Console.WriteLine("    Adding Random Edges (0-3 per node)...");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
                    // lets use a heap to randomize the edges using random priorities
                    IHeap <(int, int)> heap = new HeapArray <(int, int)>((x, y) => Compare.Wrap(x.Item2.CompareTo(y.Item2)));
                    for (int j = 0; j < test; j++)
                        if (j != i)
                            heap.Enqueue((j, random.Next()));

                    // dequeue some random edges from the heap and add them to the graph
                    int randomEdgeCount = random.Next(edgesPerNode + 1);
                    for (int j = 0; j < randomEdgeCount; j++)
                        graphSetOmnitree.Add(i, heap.Dequeue().Item1);

                Console.Write("    Nodes (Traversal): ");
                graphSetOmnitree.Stepper(i => Console.Write(i));

                Console.WriteLine("    Edges (Traversal): ");
                graphSetOmnitree.Stepper((from, to) => Console.WriteLine("      " + from + "->" + to));

                int a = random.Next(0, test);
                Console.Write("    Neighbors (" + a + "):");
                graphSetOmnitree.Neighbors(a, i => Console.Write(" " + i));

                int b = random.Next(0, test / 2);
                int c = random.Next(test / 2, test);
                Console.WriteLine("    Are Adjacent (" + b + ", " + c + "): " + graphSetOmnitree.Adjacent(b, c));
                Console.WriteLine("    Node Count: " + graphSetOmnitree.NodeCount);
                Console.WriteLine("    Edge Count: " + graphSetOmnitree.EdgeCount);

                graphSetOmnitree.Clear(); // Clears the graph


            #region Trie
                Console.WriteLine("  Trie------------------------------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("    A Trie is a tree where portions of the data are stored in each node");
                Console.WriteLine("    such that when you traverse the tree to a leaf, you have read the contents");
                Console.WriteLine("    of that leaf along the way. Because of this, a Trie allows for its values");
                Console.WriteLine("    to share data, which is a form of compression. So a Trie may be used to save");
                Console.WriteLine("    memory. A trie may also be a very useful tool in pattern matching, because it");
                Console.WriteLine("    it allows for culling based are portions of the data.");

                Console.WriteLine("    The generic Trie in Towel is still in development.");


            Console.WriteLine("Examples Complete...");
Example #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Random random = new Random();
            int    test   = 10;

            Console.WriteLine("You are runnning the Data Structures example.");

            #region Link

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing Link-------------------------------");
            Console.WriteLine("   Size: 6");
            Link link = new Link <int, int, int, int, int, int>(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            link.Stepper((dynamic current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            // Saving to a file
            //string linklink_file = "link." + ToExtension(link.GetType());
            //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + linklink_file + "\"");
            //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(linklink_file, link));
            //Link<int, int, int, int, int, int> deserialized_linklink;
            //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(linklink_file, out deserialized_linklink));


            #region Array

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing Array_Array<int>-------------------");
            Indexed <int> array = new IndexedArray <int>(test);
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
                array[i] = i;
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            array.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            // Saving to a file
            //string arrayarray_file = "array." + ToExtension(array.GetType());
            //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + arrayarray_file + "\"");
            //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(arrayarray_file, array));
            //ArrayArray<int> deserialized_arrayarray;
            //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(arrayarray_file, out deserialized_arrayarray));


            #region List

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing List_Array<int>--------------------");
            Addable <int> list_array = new AddableArray <int>(test);
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            list_array.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            //string list_array_serialization = (list_array as ListArray<int>).Serialize(x => x.ToString());
            //using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("ListArray.ListArray"))
            //    writer.WriteLine(list_array_serialization);
            //using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("ListArray.ListArray"))
            //    list_array = ListArray<int>.Deserialize(reader.ReadToEnd(), x => Int16.Parse(x.Trim()));
            //Console.Write("    Serialization/Deserialization is possible.");

            //ListArray<ListArray<int>> list_array2 = new ListArray<ListArray<int>>(test);
            //for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            //    ListArray<int> nested_list = new ListArray<int>();
            //    for (int j = 0; j < test; j++)
            //    {
            //        nested_list.Add(j);
            //    }
            //    list_array2.Add(nested_list);
            //string list_array2_serialization = list_array2.Serialize(x => x.Serialize(y => y.ToString()));
            //using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("ListArray2.ListArray"))
            //    writer.WriteLine(list_array2_serialization);
            //using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("ListArray2.ListArray"))
            //    list_array2 = ListArray<ListArray<int>>.Deserialize(reader.ReadToEnd(), x => ListArray<int>.Deserialize(x, y => Int16.Parse(y.Trim())));

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing List_Linked<int>-------------------");
            Addable <int> list_linked = new AddableLinked <int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            list_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });

            // Saving to a file
            //string listlinked_file = "list_linked." + ToExtension(list_linked.GetType());
            //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + listlinked_file + "\"");
            //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(listlinked_file, list_linked));
            //ListLinked<int> deserialized_listlinked;
            //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(listlinked_file, out deserialized_listlinked));


            #region Stack

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing Stack_Linked<int>------------------");
            FirstInLastOut <int> stack_linked = new FirstInLastOutLinked <int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            stack_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            // Saving to a file
            //string stacklinked_file = "stack_linked." + ToExtension(stack_linked.GetType());
            //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + stacklinked_file + "\"");
            //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(stacklinked_file, stack_linked));
            //StackLinked<int> deserialized_stacklinked;
            //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(stacklinked_file, out deserialized_stacklinked));


            #region Queue

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing Queue_Linked<int>------------------");
            FirstInFirstOut <int> queue_linked = new FirstInFirstOutLinked <int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            queue_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            // Saving to a file
            //string queuelinked_file = "queue_linked." + ToExtension(queue_linked.GetType());
            //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + queuelinked_file + "\"");
            //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(queuelinked_file, queue_linked));
            //QueueLinked<int> deserialized_queuelinked;
            //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(queuelinked_file, out deserialized_queuelinked));


            #region Heap

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing Heap_Array<int>--------------------");
            Heap <int> heap_array = new HeapArray <int>(Compute.Compare);
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            Console.Write("    Delegate: ");
            heap_array.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            // Saving to a file
            //string heaplinked_file = "heap_array." + ToExtension(heap_array.GetType());
            //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + heaplinked_file + "\"");
            //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(heaplinked_file, heap_array));
            //HeapArray<int> deserialized_heaplinked;
            //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(heaplinked_file, out deserialized_heaplinked));


            #region Tree

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing Tree_Map<int>----------------------");
            Tree <int> tree_Map = new TreeMap <int>(0, Compute.Equal, Hash.Default);
            for (int i = 1; i < test; i++)
                tree_Map.Add(i, i / (int)System.Math.Sqrt(test));
            Console.Write("    Children of 0 (root): ");
            tree_Map.Children(0, (int i) => { Console.Write(i + " "); });
            Console.Write("    Children of " + ((int)System.Math.Sqrt(test) - 1) + " (root): ");
            tree_Map.Children(((int)System.Math.Sqrt(test) - 1), (int i) => { Console.Write(i + " "); });
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            tree_Map.Stepper((int i) => { Console.Write(i + " "); });
            // Saving to a file
            //string treelinked_file = "tree_Map." + ToExtension(tree_Map.GetType());
            //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + treelinked_file + "\"");
            //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(treelinked_file, tree_Map));
            //TreeMap<int> deserialized_treelinked;
            //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(treelinked_file, out deserialized_treelinked));


            #region AVL Tree

            //Console.WriteLine("  Testing AvlTree_Linked<int>----------------");
            //// Construction
            //AvlTree<int> avlTree_linked = new AvlTree_Linked<int>(Logic.compare);
            //// Adding Items
            //Console.Write("    Adding (0-" + test + ")...");
            //for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            //	avlTree_linked.Add(i);
            //// Iteration
            //Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            //avlTree_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            //// Removal
            //int avl_tree_linked_removal = random.Next(0, test);
            //Console.Write("    Remove(" + avl_tree_linked_removal + "): ");
            //avlTree_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            //// Look Up Items
            //int avl_tree_linked_lookup = random.Next(0, test);
            //while (avl_tree_linked_lookup == avl_tree_linked_removal)
            //	avl_tree_linked_lookup = random.Next(0, test);
            //Console.WriteLine("    Look Up (" + avl_tree_linked_lookup + "): " + avlTree_linked.TryGet(avl_tree_linked_lookup, Logic.compare, out temp));
            //Console.WriteLine("    Look Up (" + avl_tree_linked_removal + "): " + avlTree_linked.TryGet(avl_tree_linked_removal, Logic.compare, out temp));
            //avlTree_linked.Get(avl_tree_linked_lookup, Logic.compare);
            //// Current Min-Max Values
            //Console.WriteLine("    Least: " + avlTree_linked.CurrentLeast + " Greatest: " + avlTree_linked.CurrentGreatest);
            //// Saving to a file
            //string avltreelinked_file = "avlTree_linked." + ToExtension(avlTree_linked.GetType());
            //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + avltreelinked_file + "\"");
            //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(avltreelinked_file, avlTree_linked));
            //AvlTree_Linked<int> deserialized_avltreelinked;
            //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(avltreelinked_file, out deserialized_avltreelinked));


            #region Red-Black Tree

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing RedBlack_Linked<int>---------------");
            RedBlackTree <int> redBlackTree_linked = new RedBlackTreeLinked <int>(Compute.Compare);
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            redBlackTree_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            // Saving to a file
            //string redblacktreelinked_file = "redBlackTree_linked." + ToExtension(redBlackTree_linked.GetType());
            //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + redblacktreelinked_file + "\"");
            //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(redblacktreelinked_file, redBlackTree_linked));
            //RedBlackTreeLinked<int> deserialized_redblacktreelinked;
            //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(redblacktreelinked_file, out deserialized_redblacktreelinked));


            #region BTree

            //Console.WriteLine("  Testing BTree_LinkedArray<int>-------------");
            //BTree<int> btree_linked = new BTree_LinkedArray<int>(Logic.compare, 3);
            //for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            //	btree_linked.Add(i);
            //Console.Write("    Delegate: ");
            //btree_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            //Console.Write("    IEnumerator: ");
            //foreach (int current in btree_linked)
            //	Console.Write(current);
            //Console.WriteLine("  Press Enter to continue...");
            //string maplinked_file = "maplinked.quad";
            //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + maplinked_file + "\"");
            //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(maplinked_file, hashTable_linked));
            //Omnitree_LinkedLinkedLists<int, double> deserialized_maplinked;
            //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(maplinked_file, out deserialized_maplinked));


            #region Set

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing Set_Hash<int>----------------------");
            Set <int> set_linked = new SetHashList <int>(Compute.Equal, Hash.Default);
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            // Traversal
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            set_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            Console.Write("    Table Size: " + (set_linked as SetHashList <int>).TableSize);


            #region Map

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing MapHashList<int, int>--------------");
            Map <int, int> map_sethash = new MapHashLinked <int, int>(Compute.Equal, Hash.Default);
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
                map_sethash.Add(i, i);
            Console.Write("    Look Ups: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            // Traversal
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            map_sethash.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            Console.Write("    Table Size: " + (map_sethash as MapHashLinked <int, int>).TableSize);


            #region OmnitreePoints
                Console.WriteLine("  Testing OmnitreeLinkedLinked<int, double>-------");
                // Construction
                OmnitreePoints <int, double, double, double> omnitree_linked = new OmnitreePointsLinked <int, double, double, double>(
                    (int index, out double a, out double b, out double c) => { a = index; b = index; c = index; }); // axis average function
                                                                                                                    // Properties
                Console.WriteLine("      Dimensions: " + omnitree_linked.Dimensions);
                Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitree_linked.Count);
                // Addition
                Console.Write("    Adding 0-" + test + ": ");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
                omnitree_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitree_linked.Count);
                // Traversal
                Console.Write("    Traversal [ALL]: ");
                omnitree_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                // Look Up 1
                Console.Write("    Traversal [(" + (test / 2) + ", " + (test / 2) + ", " + (test / 2) + ")->(" + test + ", " + test + ", " + test + ")]: ");
                omnitree_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); },
                                        test / 2, test,
                                        test / 2, test,
                                        test / 2, test);
                // Look Up 2
                Console.Write("    Look Up [" + (test / 3) + ", " + (test / 3) + ", " + (test / 3) + "]: ");
                omnitree_linked[(test / 3), (test / 3), (test / 3)]((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                // Removal
                Console.Write("    Remove 0-" + test / 3 + ": ");
                    0, test / 3,
                    0, test / 3,
                    0, test / 3);
                omnitree_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitree_linked.Count);
                // Clear
                Console.Write("    Clear: ");
                omnitree_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitree_linked.Count);
                // Saving to a file
                //string omnitreelinked_file = "omnitree_linkedlinkedlists." + ToExtension(omnitree_linked.GetType());
                //Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + omnitreelinked_file + "\"");
                //Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(omnitreelinked_file, omnitree_linked));
                //OmnitreeLinkedLinkedLists<int, double> deserialized_omnitreeLinked;
                //Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(omnitreelinked_file, out deserialized_omnitreeLinked));

                //Console.WriteLine("  Testing Omnitree_LinkedArrayLists<int, double>--------");
                //// Construction
                //Omnitree<int, double> omnitree_array = new OmnitreeLinkedArray<int, double>(
                //	new double[] { -test - 1, -test - 1, -test - 1 }, // minimum dimensions of the omnitree
                //	new double[] { test + 1, test + 1, test + 1 }, // maximum dimensions of the omnitree
                //	(int index) => { return Accessor.Get(new double[] { index, index, index }); }, // "N-D" location function
                //	Compute<double>.Compare, // comparison function
                //	(double a, double b) => { return (a + b) / 2; }); // average function
                //// Properties
                //Console.WriteLine("      Origin: [" + omnitree_array.Origin(0) + ", " + omnitree_array.Origin(1) + ", " + omnitree_array.Origin(2) + "]");
                //Console.WriteLine("      Minimum: [" + omnitree_array.Min(0) + ", " + omnitree_array.Min(1) + ", " + omnitree_array.Min(2) + "]");
                //Console.WriteLine("      Maximum: [" + omnitree_array.Max(0) + ", " + omnitree_array.Max(1) + ", " + omnitree_array.Max(2) + "]");
                //Console.WriteLine("      Dimensions: " + omnitree_array.Dimensions);
                //Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitree_array.Count);
                //// Addition
                //Console.Write("    Adding 0-" + test + ": ");
                //for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
                //	omnitree_array.Add(i);
                //omnitree_array.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                //Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitree_array.Count);
                //// Traversal
                //Console.Write("    Traversal [ALL]: ");
                //			omnitree_array.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                //// Look Up
                //Console.Write("    Traversal [" + (test / 2) + "-" + test + "]: ");
                //			omnitree_array.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); },
                //	new double[] { test / 2, test / 2, test / 2 },
                //	new double[] { test, test, test });
                //// Removal
                //Console.Write("    Remove 0-" + test / 3 + ": ");
                //	new double[] { 0, 0, 0 },
                //	new double[] { test / 3, test / 3, test / 3 });
                //omnitree_array.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                //Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitree_array.Count);
                //// Clear
                //Console.Write("    Clear: ");
                //			omnitree_array.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                //Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitree_array.Count);
                //// Saving to a file
                ////string omnitreearray_file = "omnitree_linkedarraylists." + ToExtension(omnitree_array.GetType());
                ////Console.WriteLine("    File: \"" + omnitreearray_file + "\"");
                ////Console.WriteLine("    Serialized: " + Serialize(omnitreearray_file, omnitree_array));
                ////OmnitreeLinkedLinkedLists<int, double> deserialized_omnitreearray;
                ////Console.WriteLine("    Deserialized: " + Deserialize(omnitreearray_file, out deserialized_omnitreearray));

            #region OmnitreeBounds
                Console.WriteLine("  Testing OmnitreeBoundsLinked<int, double>-------");
                // Construction
                OmnitreeBounds <int, double, double, double> omnitreeBounds_linked = new OmnitreeBoundsLinked <int, double, double, double>(
                    (int index,
                     out double min1, out double max1,
                     out double min2, out double max2,
                     out double min3, out double max3) =>
                    min1 = index; max1 = index;
                    min2 = index; max2 = index;
                    min3 = index; max3 = index;

                // Properties
                Console.WriteLine("      Dimensions: " + omnitreeBounds_linked.Dimensions);
                Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitreeBounds_linked.Count);

                // Addition
                Console.Write("    Adding 0-" + test + ": ");
                for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
                omnitreeBounds_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitreeBounds_linked.Count);
                // Traversal
                Console.Write("    Traversal [ALL]: ");
                omnitreeBounds_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                // Look Up 1
                //Console.Write("    Traversal [(" + (test / 2) + ", " + (test / 2) + ", " + (test / 2) + ")->(" + test + ", " + test + ", " + test + ")]: ");
                //omnitreeBounds_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); },
                //    test / 2, test,
                //    test / 2, test,
                //    test / 2, test);
                // Removal
                Console.Write("    Remove 0-" + test / 3 + ": ");
                    0, test / 3,
                    0, test / 3,
                    0, test / 3);
                omnitreeBounds_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitreeBounds_linked.Count);
                // Clear
                Console.Write("    Clear: ");
                omnitreeBounds_linked.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
                Console.WriteLine("      Count: " + omnitreeBounds_linked.Count);

            #region KD Tree

            ////List<KdTreeNode<float, string>> testNodes = new List_Linked<KdTreeNode<float, string>>();
            //KdTree_Linked<string, float> tree = new KdTree_Linked<string, float>(
            //	2,
            //	Logic.compare,
            //	float.MinValue,
            //	float.MaxValue,
            //	0,
            //	Arithmetic.Add,
            //	Arithmetic.Subtract,
            //	Arithmetic.Multiply);

            //List<KdTree_Linked<string, float>.Node> testNodes =
            //	new List_Linked<KdTree_Linked<string, float>.Node>
            //	new KdTree_Linked<string, float>.Node(new float[] { 5, 5 }, "Root"),
            //	new KdTree_Linked<string, float>.Node(new float[] { 2.5f, 2.5f }, "Root-Left"),
            //	new KdTree_Linked<string, float>.Node(new float[] { 7.5f, 7.5f }, "Root-Right"),
            //	new KdTree_Linked<string, float>.Node(new float[] { 1, 10 }, "Root-Left-Left"),
            //	new KdTree_Linked<string, float>.Node(new float[] { 10, 10 }, "Root-Right-Right")

            //foreach (var node in testNodes)
            //	if (!tree.Add(node.Point, node.Value))
            //		throw new Exception("Failed to add node to tree");

            //var nodesToRemove = new KdTreeNode<float, string>[] {
            //	testNodes[1], // Root-Left
            //	testNodes[0] // Root

            //foreach (var nodeToRemove in nodesToRemove)
            //	tree.RemoveAt(nodeToRemove.Point);
            //	testNodes.Remove(nodeToRemove);

            //	Assert.IsNull(tree.FindValue(nodeToRemove.Value));
            //	Assert.IsNull(tree.FindValueAt(nodeToRemove.Point));

            //	foreach (var testNode in testNodes)
            //	{
            //		Assert.AreEqual(testNode.Value, tree.FindValueAt(testNode.Point));
            //		Assert.AreEqual(testNode.Point, tree.FindValue(testNode.Value));
            //	}

            //	Assert.AreEqual(testNodes.Count, tree.Count);


            #region Graph

            Console.WriteLine("  Testing Graph_SetOmnitree<int>-------------");
            Graph <int> graph = new GraphSetOmnitree <int>(Compute.Equal, Compute.Compare, Hash.Default);
            // add nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
            // add edges
            for (int i = 0; i < test - 1; i++)
                graph.Add(i, i + 1);
            Console.Write("    Traversal: ");
            graph.Stepper((int current) => { Console.Write(current); });
            Console.WriteLine("    Edges: ");
            //((Graph_SetQuadtree<int>)graph)._edges.Foreach((Graph_SetQuadtree<int>.Edge e) => { Console.WriteLine("     " + e.Start + " " + e.End); });
                (int current) =>
                Console.Write("     " + current + ": ");
                                (int a) =>


            Console.WriteLine("Examples Complete...");
Example #24
    IEnumerator Search(Vector3 beginning, Vector3 end)
        HeapArray <State> openSet = new HeapArray <State>(gridMap.LargestSize);
        State             goal    = gridMap.RetrieveState(end);
        State             start   = gridMap.RetrieveState(beginning);


        HashSet <State> cameFrom = new HashSet <State>();

        Vector3[] intermediates = new Vector3[0];

        bool foundPath = false;

        while (openSet.Count > 0)
            State present = openSet.Dequeue();

            if (present == goal)
                foundPath     = true;
                intermediates = ReconstructPath(start, goal);
                List <State> adjacents = gridMap.RetrieveAdjacentStates(present);
                foreach (State s in adjacents)
                    if (cameFrom.Contains(s) || !(s.unblocked))
                        int yWeight    = Mathf.Abs(present.yCoordinate - s.yCoordinate);
                        int xWeight    = Mathf.Abs(present.xCoordinate - s.xCoordinate);
                        int edgeWeight = 0;
                        if (xWeight < yWeight)
                            edgeWeight = 10 * (yWeight - xWeight) + 14 * xWeight;
                            edgeWeight = 10 * (xWeight - yWeight) + 14 * yWeight;
                        int tentativeCost = present.gOfN + edgeWeight;

                        if (!(openSet.Contains(s)) || tentativeCost < s.gOfN)
                            s.parent = present;
                            s.gOfN   = tentativeCost;
                            yWeight  = Mathf.Abs(s.yCoordinate - goal.yCoordinate);
                            xWeight  = Mathf.Abs(s.xCoordinate - goal.xCoordinate);
                            if (xWeight < yWeight)
                                s.hOfN = 10 * (yWeight - xWeight) + 14 * xWeight;
                                s.hOfN = 10 * (xWeight - yWeight) + 14 * yWeight;

                            if (!openSet.Contains(s))
        yield return(null);

        searchHandler.FinishedPresentSearch(intermediates, foundPath);
        public override Structuring BuildStructuring()
                if (Set == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                int _current = 1;
                int _max = Set.ElementsCount;
                if (IContainerProgressBar != null)
                    IContainerProgressBar.ResetProgressBar(1, _max, true);
                    IContainerProgressBar.UpdateProgressBar(1, "Running Hierarchical agglomerative algorithm with Lifetime...", true);

                double AlfaI = 0, AlfaJ = 0, Beta = 0, Gamma = 0;

                //Al inicio cada elemento es un cluster
                double[,] DMatrix = new double[Set.Elements.Count, Set.Elements.Count];

                List<Cluster> clusters = new List<Cluster>();
                List<Cluster> best_clusters = null;
                List<double> distances = new List<double>();

                bool[] des = new bool[Set.Elements.Count];//true si ese elemento ya no es representativo

                for (int i = 0; i < Set.Elements.Count; i++)
                    List<Element> l = new List<Element>();
                    clusters.Add(new Cluster("C-" + i, l));

                //Construir para cada cluster una cola con prioridad
                //con las disimilitudes de el con el resto de los clusters
                //y la matriz de todas las disimilitudes O(n2*log n)

                List<HeapArray<Container>> lh = new List<HeapArray<Container>>();

                for (int i = 0; i < Set.Elements.Count; i++)
                    lh.Add(new HeapArray<Container>(Set.Elements.Count - 1));//No se pone la diss de un elemento con el mismo
                for (int i = 0; i < Set.Elements.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < Set.Elements.Count; j++)

                        double temp_diss = Proximity.CalculateProximity(Set.Elements[i], Set.Elements[j]);
                        DMatrix[i, j] = temp_diss;
                        DMatrix[j, i] = temp_diss;
                        lh[i].Add(new Container { Rank = temp_diss, Name = i, Cluster = j });
                        lh[j].Add(new Container { Rank = temp_diss, Name = j, Cluster = i });

                //Variables de las stopping rules
                double step = Set.ElementsCount - 1, bestST = double.MinValue;
                double stoprule = 1;

                //Algoritmo O(n2*log n)
                for (int i = Set.Elements.Count; i > 2; i--)
                    if (IContainerProgressBar != null)
                        IContainerProgressBar.UpdateProgressBar(_current++, "Running Hierarchical agglomerative algorithm with Lifetime...", false);

                    //Seleccionar los 2 clusters mas parecidos O(n)
                    double min = double.MaxValue;
                    int cluster_i = 0, cluster_j = 0;
                    int pos_cluster_i = 0, pos_cluster_j = 0;

                    for (int j = lh.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (lh[j].First.Rank < min)
                            min = lh[j].First.Rank;
                            cluster_i = lh[j].First.Name;
                            cluster_j = lh[j].First.Cluster;
                            pos_cluster_i = j;
                    for (int j = 0; j < lh.Count; j++)
                        if (lh[j].First != null && lh[j].First.Name == cluster_j)
                            pos_cluster_j = j;

                    //Calcular posiciones para borrar y guardar               

                    int erase_pos = 0, final_pos = 0;

                    erase_pos = pos_cluster_i > pos_cluster_j ? pos_cluster_i : pos_cluster_j;
                    final_pos = pos_cluster_i < pos_cluster_j ? pos_cluster_i : pos_cluster_j;


                    //Actualizar los parametros AlfaI, AlfaJ y Beta
                    double cluster_i_count = clusters[erase_pos].ElementsCount;
                    double cluster_j_count = clusters[final_pos].ElementsCount;

                    AlfaI = UpdateAlfaI(cluster_i_count, cluster_j_count);
                    AlfaJ = UpdateAlfaJ(cluster_i_count, cluster_j_count);
                    Beta = UpdateBeta(cluster_i_count, cluster_j_count);
                    Gamma = UpdateGamma(cluster_i_count, cluster_j_count);

                    //Llamado al Stopping Rule
                    stoprule = LifeTimeStoppingRule(distances, final_pos, erase_pos, min);
                    //stoprule = CHStoppingRule(clusters, step, final_pos);

                    if (stoprule > bestST)
                        bestST = stoprule;

                        best_clusters = new List<Cluster>();
                        foreach (Cluster item in clusters)
                            Cluster temp = new Cluster(item.Name);
                            foreach (var e in item.Elements)


                    //Unir los clusters

                    foreach (Element item in clusters[erase_pos].Elements)

                    //Actualizar DMatrix con la disimilitud del nuevo cluster
                    //y el resto de los clusters O(n)
                    //Formula que se usa segun el algoritmo

                    //La posicion del cluster i en Dmatrix es cluster_i
                    //La posicion del cluster j en Dmatrix es cluster_j

                    int pos_h = -1;
                    int pos_i = cluster_i;
                    int pos_j = cluster_j;

                    if (erase_pos == pos_cluster_i)
                        des[cluster_i] = true;
                        pos_h = cluster_j;
                        des[cluster_j] = true;
                        pos_h = cluster_i;

                    for (int k = 0; k < DMatrix.GetLength(0); k++)
                        DMatrix[pos_h, k] = AlfaI * DMatrix[pos_i, k] + AlfaJ * DMatrix[pos_j, k] + Beta * DMatrix[pos_i, pos_j] + Gamma * Math.Abs(DMatrix[pos_i, k] - DMatrix[pos_j, k]);
                        DMatrix[k, pos_h] = DMatrix[pos_h, k];

                    //Actualizar array de Heaps con la disimilitud del nuevo cluster
                    //y el resto de los clusters O(n*log n)

                    lh[final_pos] = new HeapArray<Container>(Set.Elements.Count - 1);

                    for (int j = 0; j < lh.Count; j++)

                        Container[] lc = lh[j].ToArray;
                        lh[j] = new HeapArray<Container>(Set.Elements.Count - 1);
                        for (int k = 1; k < lc.Length; k++)
                            if (lc[k] == null)
                            if (lc[k].Cluster != cluster_i && lc[k].Cluster != cluster_j)

                        if (j != final_pos && lh[j].First != null)
                            lh[j].Add(new Container { Rank = DMatrix[pos_h, lh[j].First.Name], Name = lh[j].First.Name, Cluster = pos_h });


                    for (int j = 0; j < DMatrix.GetLength(0); j++)
                        if (pos_h != j && pos_j != j && pos_i != j && !des[j])
                            lh[final_pos].Add(new Container { Rank = DMatrix[pos_h, j], Name = pos_h, Cluster = j });



                //Crear Dictionary<string,Cluster> para construir la particion
                Dictionary<string, Cluster> dic_clusters = new Dictionary<string, Cluster>();
                int cont = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < best_clusters.Count; i++)
                    if (best_clusters[i] != null)
                        best_clusters[i].Name = "C-" + cont;
                        dic_clusters.Add(best_clusters[i].Name, best_clusters[i]);

                Structuring = new Partition() { Clusters = dic_clusters, Proximity = Proximity };

                if (IContainerProgressBar != null)

                return Structuring;
                if (IContainerProgressBar != null)
                    IContainerProgressBar.ShowError("Error occurred in Hierarchical agglomerative algorithm with Lifetime.");
                return null;
Example #26
        public override Structuring BuildStructuring()
                if (Set == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                int _current = 1;
                int _max     = Set.ElementsCount;
                if (IContainerProgressBar != null)
                    IContainerProgressBar.ResetProgressBar(1, _max, true);
                    IContainerProgressBar.UpdateProgressBar(1, "Running Hierarchical agglomerative algorithm...", true);

                if (ClustersCount > Set.ElementsCount)
                    ClustersCount = Set.ElementsCount;

                if (ClustersCount <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("La cantidad de clusters debe ser mayor que cero");
                if (ClustersCount == 1)
                    Dictionary <string, Cluster> dic_clus = new Dictionary <string, Cluster>();
                    string         name = "C-0";
                    List <Element> temp = new List <Element>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < Set.ElementsCount; i++)
                        if (IContainerProgressBar != null)
                            IContainerProgressBar.UpdateProgressBar(_current++, "Running Hierarchical agglomerative algorithm...", false);


                    dic_clus.Add(name, new Cluster(name)
                        Elements = temp

                    Structuring = new Partition()
                        Clusters = dic_clus, Proximity = Proximity

                    if (IContainerProgressBar != null)


                double AlfaI = 0, AlfaJ = 0, Beta = 0, Gamma = 0;

                //Al inicio cada elemento es un cluster
                double[,] DMatrix = new double[Set.Elements.Count, Set.Elements.Count];
                List <Cluster> clusters = new List <Cluster>();
                bool[]         des      = new bool[Set.Elements.Count];//true si ese elemento ya no es representativo

                for (int i = 0; i < Set.Elements.Count; i++)
                    List <Element> l = new List <Element>();
                    clusters.Add(new Cluster("C-" + i, l));

                //Construir para cada cluster una cola con prioridad
                //con las disimilitudes de el con el resto de los clusters
                //y la matriz de todas las disimilitudes O(n2*log n)

                List <HeapArray <Container> > lh = new List <HeapArray <Container> >();

                for (int i = 0; i < Set.Elements.Count; i++)
                    lh.Add(new HeapArray <Container>(Set.Elements.Count - 1));//No se pone la diss de un elemento con el mismo
                for (int i = 0; i < Set.Elements.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < Set.Elements.Count; j++)
                        double temp_diss = Proximity.CalculateProximity(Set.Elements[i], Set.Elements[j]);

                        DMatrix[i, j] = temp_diss;
                        DMatrix[j, i] = temp_diss;
                        lh[i].Add(new Container {
                            Rank = temp_diss, Name = i, Cluster = j
                        lh[j].Add(new Container {
                            Rank = temp_diss, Name = j, Cluster = i

                //Algoritmo O(n2*log n)
                for (int i = Set.Elements.Count; i > ClustersCount; i--)
                    if (IContainerProgressBar != null)
                        IContainerProgressBar.UpdateProgressBar(_current++, "Running Hierarchical agglomerative algorithm...", false);

                    //Seleccionar los 2 clusters mas similares O(n)
                    double min = double.MaxValue;
                    int    cluster_i = 0, cluster_j = 0;
                    int    pos_cluster_i = 0, pos_cluster_j = 0;

                    for (int j = lh.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (lh[j].First.Rank < min)
                            min           = lh[j].First.Rank;
                            cluster_i     = lh[j].First.Name;
                            cluster_j     = lh[j].First.Cluster;
                            pos_cluster_i = j;
                    for (int j = 0; j < lh.Count; j++)
                        if (lh[j].First != null && lh[j].First.Name == cluster_j)
                            pos_cluster_j = j;

                    //Calcular posiciones para borrar y guardar

                    int erase_pos = 0, final_pos = 0;

                    erase_pos = pos_cluster_i > pos_cluster_j ? pos_cluster_i : pos_cluster_j;
                    final_pos = pos_cluster_i < pos_cluster_j ? pos_cluster_i : pos_cluster_j;


                    //Actualizar los parametros AlfaI, AlfaJ, Beta y Gamma
                    double cluster_i_count = clusters[erase_pos].ElementsCount;
                    double cluster_j_count = clusters[final_pos].ElementsCount;

                    AlfaI = UpdateAlfaI(cluster_i_count, cluster_j_count);
                    AlfaJ = UpdateAlfaJ(cluster_i_count, cluster_j_count);
                    Beta  = UpdateBeta(cluster_i_count, cluster_j_count);
                    Gamma = UpdateGamma(cluster_i_count, cluster_j_count);

                    //Unir los clusters

                    foreach (Element item in clusters[erase_pos].Elements)

                    //Actualizar DMatrix con la disimilitud del nuevo cluster
                    //y el resto de los clusters O(n)
                    //Formula que se usa segun el algoritmo

                    //La posicion del cluster i en Dmatrix es cluster_i
                    //La posicion del cluster j en Dmatrix es cluster_j

                    int pos_h = -1;
                    int pos_i = cluster_i;
                    int pos_j = cluster_j;

                    if (erase_pos == pos_cluster_i)
                        des[cluster_i] = true;
                        pos_h          = cluster_j;
                        des[cluster_j] = true;
                        pos_h          = cluster_i;

                    for (int k = 0; k < DMatrix.GetLength(0); k++)
                        DMatrix[pos_h, k] = AlfaI * DMatrix[pos_i, k] + AlfaJ * DMatrix[pos_j, k] + Beta * DMatrix[pos_i, pos_j] + Gamma * Math.Abs(DMatrix[pos_i, k] - DMatrix[pos_j, k]);
                        DMatrix[k, pos_h] = DMatrix[pos_h, k];

                    //Actualizar array de Heaps con la disimilitud del nuevo cluster
                    //y el resto de los clusters O(n*log n)

                    lh[final_pos] = new HeapArray <Container>(Set.Elements.Count - 1);

                    for (int j = 0; j < lh.Count; j++)
                        Container[] lc = lh[j].ToArray;
                        lh[j] = new HeapArray <Container>(Set.Elements.Count - 1);
                        for (int k = 1; k < lc.Length; k++)
                            if (lc[k] == null)
                            if (lc[k].Cluster != cluster_i && lc[k].Cluster != cluster_j)
                        if (j != final_pos && lh[j].First != null)
                            lh[j].Add(new Container {
                                Rank = DMatrix[pos_h, lh[j].First.Name], Name = lh[j].First.Name, Cluster = pos_h

                    for (int j = 0; j < DMatrix.GetLength(0); j++)
                        if (pos_h != j && pos_j != j && pos_i != j && !des[j])
                            lh[final_pos].Add(new Container {
                                Rank = DMatrix[pos_h, j], Name = pos_h, Cluster = j

                //Crear Dictionary<string,Cluster> para construir la particion
                Dictionary <string, Cluster> dic_clusters = new Dictionary <string, Cluster>();
                int cont = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < clusters.Count; i++)
                    if (clusters[i] != null)
                        clusters[i].Name = "C-" + cont;
                        dic_clusters.Add(clusters[i].Name, clusters[i]);

                Structuring = new Partition()
                    Clusters = dic_clusters, Proximity = Proximity

                if (IContainerProgressBar != null)

                if (IContainerProgressBar != null)
                    IContainerProgressBar.ShowError("Error occurred in Hierarchical agglomerative algorithm.");