// Player walks in field of view of NPC public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D player) { if (!hasTriggered) { Handheld.Vibrate(); hasTriggered = true; PlayerMovement.Inst.StopMoving(); // Pop up notification chat bubble notificaiton.enabled = true; // Set character sprite and slide in UIManager.Inst.StartMessage(null, UIManager.Inst.characterSlideIn(largeCharacerSprite)); // Starting dialogue foreach (string message in preBattleDialogue) { UIManager.Inst.StartNPCMessage(message, NPCName); } // Set Opp Delt stats foreach (DeltemonClass oppDelt in oppDelts) { // Set stats for oppDelts at runtime if not customized in inspector if (!customDeltPosse) { oppDelt.initializeDelt(); } // So opp Delts do not alter move prefabs foreach (MoveClass move in oppDelt.moveset) { Instantiate(move, oppDelt.transform); } } UIManager.Inst.StartMessage(null, UIManager.Inst.characterSlideOut(), () => UIManager.Inst.StartTrainerBattle(this, isGymLeader)); UIManager.Inst.StartMessage(null, null, () => notificaiton.enabled = false); } }
void Update() { if (!Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { return; } RaycastHit hit; Ray ray = GetComponent <Camera>().ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { Transform objectHit = hit.transform; { if (!(objectHit.gameObject.tag == "box")) { return; } // objectHit.gameObject.SetActive(false); StartCoroutine(ScaleDownAnimation(objectHit, 1.0f)); if (debug) { debug.text = objectHit.gameObject.ToString(); } removed++; Handheld.Vibrate(); source.PlayOneShot(soundClip, 1.0f); if (removed >= 3) { waypoint.Visited = true; waypoint.Enabled = false; } } } }
public void Reset() { //destroy track if (!gameObject.GetComponent <AI>()) { Handheld.Vibrate(); } for (int i = 0; i < m_laidTrack.Count; ++i) { Destroy(m_laidTrack[m_laidTrack.Count - 1 - i], i / 20.0f); } //reset trail length trailLengthCount = 0; //drop gold /*while (m_goldCount > 0) * { * Instantiate(grid.m_goldPrefab, new Vector3((int)transform.position.x, (int)transform.position.y, (int)transform.position.z), Quaternion.identity); * m_goldCount--; * UpdateGoldCountText(); * }*/ //clear list m_laidTrack.Clear(); //reset position grid.ResetTiles(playerNumber); direction = startDirection; gameObject.transform.position = startingNode.position; currentNode = startingNode; path.Clear(); path.Add(currentNode); pathIndex = 1; //m_goldCount = 0; wallHit = false; UpdateGoldCountText(); }
IEnumerator False() { Handheld.Vibrate(); maytimerrun = false; isdied = true; gameover.SetActive(false); aftergameover.SetActive(true); if (LevelsDataBase.isTaskString == true) { right_answer_after_gameover.text = LevelsDataBase.right_answer_string; } else { right_answer_after_gameover.text = LevelsDataBase.right_answer.ToString(); } Instantiate(effect, effectpoint_gameover.position, Quaternion.identity); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.5f)); if (Convert.ToInt32(MyDataBaseConnection.ExecuteQueryWithAnswer($"SELECT isRevivalBonusActive FROM Shop WHERE id = {CurrentUser};")) == 1) { revival_bonus_panel.SetActive(true); //Если есть бонус возрождения, откроется окошко с предложением использовать его } else { gameover.SetActive(true); if (isrecord == true) { record_panel_after.SetActive(true); } } aftergameover.SetActive(false); }
// Update is called once per frame private void Update() { if (GameManager.Instance == null) { return; } if (life <= 0 && isDead == false) { Handheld.Vibrate(); source.PlayOneShot(deadSound); GameManager.Instance.GameOver(); isDead = true; } else { if (!GameManager.Instance.pause) { GroundEffect(); if (IsGrounded() && (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))) { rigidbody.AddForce(Vector2.up * jampHight, ForceMode2D.Impulse); animator.SetBool("jump", true); if (jampSound != null) { source.PlayOneShot(jampSound); Handheld.Vibrate(); } } else { animator.SetBool("jump", false); } //rotObj.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, 0, rigidbody.velocity.y * dirMultipl); } } }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) { //camera.transform.DOShakePosition(2, Vector3.one, 10, 90); Handheld.Vibrate(); if (col.gameObject.tag == "outline") { this.AudioSource.PlayOneShot(SoundEffectsInGame.soundEffects[6], 0.1f); if (gameObject.transform.parent.name == "StoryMode1") { timer.HadSuccess = 1; camera.transform.DOMove(new Vector3(0.2799f, -1.010172f, 7.6226f), 2.0f); camera.transform.DORotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 2.0f); Camera.main.orthographic = true; Camera.main.orthographicSize = 4.2f; transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = Vector3.zero; } if (gameObject.transform.parent.name == "StoryMode2") { timer.HadSuccess = 1; camera.transform.DOMove(new Vector3(138.3961f, -954.5437f, 12.21743f), 2.0f); camera.transform.DORotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 2.0f); Camera.main.orthographic = true; Camera.main.orthographicSize = 3.47f; transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = Vector3.zero; } if (gameObject.transform.parent.name == "StoryMode3") { timer.HadSuccess = 1; camera.transform.DOMove(new Vector3(138.4361f, -954.6637f, 15.5594f), 2.0f); camera.transform.DORotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 2.0f); Camera.main.orthographic = true; Camera.main.orthographicSize = 3.5f; transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = Vector3.zero; } } }
void Collide_Left() { bLeftCollide = true; //transform.position += Vector3.left * (2.5f); transform.Translate(-Vector3.left * (1.5f), Space.Self); transform.Translate(-Vector3.forward * (2.0f), Space.Self); Debug.Log("Collide_Left"); #if UNITY_ANDROID Handheld.Vibrate(); #endif BGMPlayer_Play("dead", null, false); if (bLeftCollide == true && bRightCollide == true) { Debug.Log("Collide LR-L"); //transform.position+= Vector3.forward*(4.0f); transform.Translate(-Vector3.forward * (2.0f), Space.Self); //Speed = Speed_LowLimit-1; Speed = 0; Speed_SlowDown(); return; } Vector3 eulerAngles = transform.eulerAngles; eulerAngles.y += 15; transform.eulerAngles = eulerAngles; Speed_SlowDown(); }
static Vibration() { // Trick Unity into giving the App vibration permission when it builds. // This check will always be false, but the compiler doesn't know that. if (Application.isEditor) { Handheld.Vibrate(); } if (!IsAndroid()) { return; } using (var version = new AndroidJavaClass("android.os.Build$VERSION")) { Sdk = version.GetStatic <int>("SDK_INT"); } Vibrator = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer") // Get the Unity Player. .GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity") // Get the Current Activity from the Unity Player. ?.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("getSystemService", "vibrator"); // Then get the Vibration Service from the Current Activity. if (Vibrator != null) { VibratorPtr = Vibrator.GetRawObject(); VibrateWithEffectMethodPtr = AndroidJNI.GetMethodID(Vibrator.GetRawClass(), "vibrate", "(Landroid/os/VibrationEffect;)V"); VibrateMethodPtr = AndroidJNI.GetMethodID(Vibrator.GetRawClass(), "vibrate", "(J)V"); } if (Sdk >= MinSdkForVibrationEffect) { VibrationEffectClass = new AndroidJavaClass("android.os.VibrationEffect"); } }
public void PontuarNotaComum(Nota nota, Player p) { if (nota.kill) { return; } nota.kill = true; if (Vivaldos.VIBRAR) { Handheld.Vibrate(); } int pontuacaoAtual = p.mInfo.pontuacao; p.mInfo.pontuacao += pontosPorNota * multiplicador; notasAcertadasNaSequencia++; if (notasAcertadasNaSequencia >= (aCadaXNotas * multiplicador)) { multiplicador += 1; multiplicador = Mathf.Clamp(multiplicador, 1, maxMultiplicador); } acertos++; pontuacao = p.mInfo.pontuacao; if (p.mInfo.pontuacao == pontuacaoAtual) { return; } Atualizar(p.mInfo.pontuacao, 0, multiplicador); AtualizarErrosEAcertos(); }
public IEnumerator FillBlank() { //Debug.Log("touchLetter=" + touchLetter); //Debug.Log("gameComponent.letterUILabel.text=" + gameComponent.letterUILabel.text); //Debug.Log("g.texName=" + g.texName); //Debug.Log("blankPos[correctPos]=" + blankPos[correctPos] + " correctPos=" + correctPos); touchLetter = gameComponent.letterUILabel.text[0]; // correct if (touchLetter == g.texName [blankPos[correctPos]]) { tempTexName = g.texName.Substring(0, blankPos[correctPos] + 1); blankTexName = tempTexName + blankTexName.Substring(blankPos[correctPos] + 1, blankTexName.Length - blankPos[correctPos] - 1); correctPos++; gameComponent.clickWordUILabel.text = blankTexName; // incorrect } else { // Vibrate if (g.isVibrate) { Handheld.Vibrate(); } gameState.BlankInCorrect.SetActive(true); gameComponent.EnableGridBoxCollider(false); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(inCorrectPeneltyTime)); gameState.BlankInCorrect.SetActive(false); gameComponent.EnableGridBoxCollider(true); //Debug.Log( g.texName [ blankPos[correctPos] ] + " : " + touchLetter ); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void VeggieClicked(Veggie veggie) { if (veggie == null) { Debug.LogError("Null veggie came trough Veggie clicked event"); return; } if (veggie.IsVanished) { return; } SingleTask task = this.Tasks.FirstOrDefault(t => !t.Fulfilled && t.Model.IsEqual(veggie.CurrentModel)); if (task == null) { this.WrongClick(veggie); return; } veggie.Vanish(); task.MakeFulfilled(); Game.Settings.SessionMoney = Game.Settings.SessionMoney + DefaultContent.DefaultTargetReward; if (Game.Settings.VibrationEnabled) { Handheld.Vibrate(); Game.TimerManager.Start(0.3f, Handheld.Vibrate); } Game.AudioManager.PlaySound(AudioId.PositiveClick16); if (!this.HasMoreTasks) { Game.TimerManager.Start(0.35f, () => { Game.Events.GameWon.Invoke(); }); } }
IEnumerator TimerText(float s) { float _inputSeconds = s; //saving seconds to temp variable string minSec; //string variable for building timer's text bool sound = true; while (true) { //converting from sec to min:sec minSec = string.Format("{0}' {1:00}\"", Mathf.Floor(_inputSeconds / 60), _inputSeconds % 60); timerText.text = minSec; //displaying min:sec time on screen yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1)); _inputSeconds--; //counting down if (_inputSeconds <= 1 && sound) { audioSource.Play(0); //playing sound 1 sec before timer goes to Handheld.Vibrate(); //zero, so sound comes first :) sound = false; //preventing sound to play again } if (_inputSeconds < 0 && useRepositionTime) //if we have reposition on adding 5 sec { //between timers _inputSeconds = 5; for (int i = 0; i < _inputSeconds; i++) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1)); } _inputSeconds = s; //setting number of seconds to initial value sound = true; //and enabling sounds } else if (_inputSeconds < 0) { _inputSeconds = s; //setting number of seconds to initial value sound = true; //and enabling sounds } } }
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { //Çarpışma olduğunda yapılacaklar if (collision.gameObject.tag == interactive_object.gameObject.tag) { if (interactive_object.gameObject.tag == "Peanut") { scene.SetActive(true); btn_restart.gameObject.SetActive(false); btn_next.gameObject.SetActive(true); finish_text.text = "BASARDINIZ !"; finish_text.color = Color.green; GameObject fistik = GameObject.Find("Peanut"); Destroy(fistik); Debug.Log("peanut"); LevelSave(); } else if (interactive_object.gameObject.tag == "Elephant") { scene.SetActive(true); btn_next.gameObject.SetActive(false); btn_restart.gameObject.SetActive(true); finish_text.text = "BASARAMADINIZ !"; finish_text.color = Color.red; Debug.Log("Duvar"); } //Seviye kayıt işlemi Destroy(interactive_object); gamesettings = JsonUtility.FromJson <GameSettings>(File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/gamesettings.json")); if (gamesettings.vibration) { Handheld.Vibrate(); } } }
///<summary> /// Only on Android /// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Vibrator.html#vibrate(long) ///</summary> public static void Vibrate(long milliseconds) { if (Application.isMobilePlatform) { #if !UNITY_WEBGL #if UNITY_ANDROID if (AndroidVersion >= 26) { AndroidJavaObject createOneShot = vibrationEffect.CallStatic <AndroidJavaObject> ("createOneShot", milliseconds, -1); vibrator.Call("vibrate", createOneShot); } else { vibrator.Call("vibrate", milliseconds); } #elif UNITY_IOS Handheld.Vibrate(); #else Handheld.Vibrate(); #endif #endif } }
// Fireball collisons - player loses a heart void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Fireball") { if (!isInPowerupMode) { UIController.singleton.DecrementHeart(); Sounds.singleton.PlayIncorrectColorSound(); if (Sounds.singleton.GetSoundsAreOn()) { Handheld.Vibrate(); } CameraAnimationsController.singleton.ShakeCamera(); } else { ActivateFireballDeathParticleSystem(other.transform.position); Destroy(other.gameObject); Sounds.singleton.PlayCorrectColorSound(); PlayerPrefsController.singleton.SetCurrentAmountOfAchievementByAchievementType("Demolishers"); } } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.CompareTag("Player")) { SoundManager.Instance.playAudio(AudioType.bump); Handheld.Vibrate(); cameraScript.Shake(); gameObject.SetActive(false); for (int i = 0; i < explosionCubeAmount; i++) { explosionCubePool.spawnObject(transform.position, 0, 2); } if (!player) { player = other.GetComponent <Player>(); } if (player) { player.shedCube(); player.rb.AddForce(-transform.forward * player.rb.velocity.z * 2, ForceMode.Impulse); } } }
public static void Vibrate(long milliseconds) { if (apiLevel >= 26) { vibrationEffectClass = new AndroidJavaClass("android.os.VibrationEffect"); defaultAmplitude = vibrationEffectClass.GetStatic <int>("DEFAULT_AMPLITUDE"); } if (apiLevel >= 26) { CreateVibrationEffect("createOneShot", new object[] { milliseconds, defaultAmplitude }); } else { if (isAndroid()) { vibrator.Call("vibrate", milliseconds); } else { Handheld.Vibrate(); } } }
public override void OnEnterStruggle() { base.OnEnterStruggle(); _bApplyedResult = false; _level.raiseHookStruggleEvent(true); //Calculate the time limit int size = InfoManager.Instance.GetFishInfo(_toEscapeFishes[0].ObjType).size; ResSizeInfo sizeInfo = InfoManager.Instance.GetSizeInfo(size); _fEndStruggleTime = _fHookPassTime + sizeInfo.struggleTime * 1000; //Randomly generate how many times does player need to tap. _nTapTimes = UnityEngine.Random.Range(_nFloorTapTimes, _nCeilTapTimes + 1); //Vibration!! #if !UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN && !UNITY_EDITOR if (_level.bVibration) { Handheld.Vibrate(); } #endif _raiseEnterStruggleEvent(); }
// Square was created. Select all dots of given type public void Create(DotManager.DotType dotType) { for (int i = 0; i < board.BoardArray.Count; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < board.BoardArray[i].Count; k++) { BoardSpace curSpace = board.BoardArray[i][k]; DotController curDot = curSpace.GetCurrentDot(); if (curDot.GetDotType().typeID == dotType.typeID) { curDot.Select(); // only add to our toScore list once if (!squareCreated) { toScore.Add(curSpace); } } } } squareCreated = true; Handheld.Vibrate(); }
/// <summary> /// When player hit by player /// </summary> /// <param name="collision"></param> private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { var enemyBullet = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <TagAssigner>()?.AssignedTag; if (enemyBullet != null && enemyBullet == TagAssigner.Tag.EnemyBullet) { _playerLive--; Handheld.Vibrate(); } else if (enemyBullet != null && enemyBullet == TagAssigner.Tag.Enemy) { _playerLive = 0; Handheld.Vibrate(); } if (_playerLive <= 0) { _isPlayerDead = true; // End Game PlayerStateController(true); } }
public void AddGameOver() { //cameraParent.GetComponent<CameraController>().enabled = false; cameraParent.transform.parent = playerParent.transform;; Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(playerObject, collideObject, true); playerParent.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().isTrigger = false; BrokePlatform.SetActive(true); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("BoolGameOver", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Loser", Loser += 1); Handheld.Vibrate(); FBanalytic.Instanse.LevelLose(Loser); if (playerParent.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity.y < 0) { eggFall.Play(); } BigPlatform.GetComponent <Platform>().enabled = false; }
public void Thrust() { if (burning) { if (fuel >= burnRate) { rb.AddForce(Vector3.Normalize(rb.transform.right) * thrust, ForceMode.Acceleration); flame.Play(); Handheld.Vibrate(); fuel -= burnRate; print("fuel remaining " + fuel); } else { print("Out of fuel"); flame.Stop(); } } else { flame.Stop(); } }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) { if (col.gameObject.tag == "Ground") { if (rb.velocity.magnitude > 799 && ad.inAir == true) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR Handheld.Vibrate(); #endif rb.velocity = Vector2.zero; gp.GameOver(); } } else if (col.gameObject.tag == "Coin") { gp.AddCoin(); Destroy(col.gameObject); } else if (col.gameObject.tag == "Switcher") { SwitchColor(); } }
/* Notify server that player has left the station */ public void goBack() { Handheld.Vibrate(); if (Client.gameState.Equals(ClientGameState.MainMode)) { player = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <Player>(); player.notifyAboutStationLeft(); SceneManager.LoadScene("PlayerMainScreen"); } else if (FoodData.Instance.isChoppable(ingredient)) /* Set the mode to the next step of the tutorial */ { Client.gameState = ClientGameState.ChoppingTutorial; SceneManager.LoadScene("PlayerMainScreen"); } else if (ingredient.Name != "potato") { infoPanel.SetActive(true); fadeBackground.SetActive(true); imageTargetCupboard.SetActive(false); imageTargetFridge.SetActive(false); infoText.text = "Make sure you grab \n a potato before leaving!"; } }
private void OnDestroy() { if (paleFlag == false && Game2Manager.instance.quitSceneFlag == false) { //상하지 않았는데 파괴되면, 먹힌것으로 가정하여 현재 위치에 점수를 띄우고, 점수를 합산한다. Vector3 pos = transform.position; Quaternion angle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0); if (myScore > 0) { GameObject explode = (GameObject)Instantiate(explosion, pos + new Vector3(0, 3, 1), angle); Sound2Manager.instance.EatGoodSound(); } else { GameObject explode = (GameObject)Instantiate(explosion, pos + new Vector3(0, 3, 1), angle); Game2Manager.instance.badFlag = true; Handheld.Vibrate(); Sound2Manager.instance.EatBadSound(); Bar2Script.instance.TimePanelty(1); } GameObject score = (GameObject)Instantiate(Score, pos + new Vector3(0, 2, 0), angle); Game2Manager.instance.AddScore(myScore); } }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { if (transform.position.sqrMagnitude >= killY) { Destroy(gameObject); } if (touch != -1) { Handheld.Vibrate(); damage += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 5f; if (damage >= size) { Bang(); } } else if (animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("hold")) { animator.Play("idle"); //Debug.Log("Fix"); } //bangTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; //if (bangTime <= 0f) Bang(); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("POI")) { var poi = other.GetComponent <POIMarker>().data; InfoBoxLayout.instance.OpenInfoBoxWithPOI(poi); //Shake Device Handheld.Vibrate(); if (other.gameObject.transform.childCount == 0) { return; } Transform child = other.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0); if (child != null) { child.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.green; } } }
private void StartScanner() { BarcodeScanner.Scan((barCodeType, barCodeValue) => { BarcodeScanner.Stop(); if (TextHeader.text.Length > 250) { TextHeader.text = ""; } TextHeader.text += "Found: " + barCodeType + " / " + barCodeValue + "\n"; RestartTime += Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 1f; // Feedback Audio.Play(); #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS Handheld.Vibrate(); #endif //tempQrValue = barCodeValue; UpdateStartPos(barCodeValue); }); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider) { if (collider.gameObject.name == "puck") { collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().transform.position = new Vector2(0, 1.9f); puck.SetActive(false); Invoke("ResetPuckplayer", 0.75f); Invoke("rest", 1f); Invoke("issettriggerr", 1.5f); Invoke("rest1", 1.6f); GameControler.Increment(GameControler.Score.PlayerScore); GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(goalsound); particel.SetActive(true); Invoke("Activate", 0.5f); playerGoal.SetActive(true); Invoke("ActivateAi", 0.5f); if (PlayerPrefsManager.Instance.Vibrate) { Handheld.Vibrate(); } } }
private void StartScanner() { BarcodeScanner.Scan((barCodeType, barCodeValue) => { BarcodeScanner.Stop(); if (TextHeader.text.Length > 250) { TextHeader.text = ""; } print("Found: " + barCodeType + " / " + barCodeValue + "\n"); TextHeader.text = barCodeValue; RestartTime += Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 1f; // Feedback //Audio.Play(); transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS Handheld.Vibrate(); #endif }); }