public Pose PoseFromWrist(HandJointId jointid) { Pose pose = _posesFromWrist[(int)jointid]; UpdateWristJoint(jointid, ref pose); return(pose); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawPropertiesExcluding(serializedObject); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); HandVisual visual = (HandVisual)target; InitializeSkeleton(visual); if (Hand == null) { return; } if (GUILayout.Button("Auto Map Joints")) { AutoMapJoints(visual); EditorUtility.SetDirty(visual); EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(visual.gameObject.scene); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Joints", EditorStyles.boldLabel); HandJointId start = HandJointId.HandStart; HandJointId end = HandJointId.HandEnd; for (int i = (int)start; i < (int)end; ++i) { string jointName = HandJointLabelFromJointId((HandJointId)i); visual.Joints[i] = (Transform)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(jointName, visual.Joints[i], typeof(Transform), true); } }
public void InjectAllJointDistanceActiveState(IHand handA, HandJointId jointIdA, IHand handB, HandJointId jointIdB) { InjectHandA(handA); InjectJointIdA(jointIdA); InjectHandB(handB); InjectJointIdB(jointIdB); }
public JointCollection(List <HandJointMap> joints) { _jointMaps = joints; for (int i = 0; i < FingersMetadata.HAND_JOINT_IDS.Length; i++) { HandJointId boneId = FingersMetadata.HAND_JOINT_IDS[i]; _jointIndices[i] = joints.FindIndex(bone => == boneId); } }
/// <summary> /// Get the previous frame's pose /// </summary> /// <param name="joint">The joint for which to retrieve data</param> /// <param name="pose">The previous pose</param> /// <returns>True if data available</returns> public bool GetPrevJointPose(HandJointId joint, out Pose pose) { UpdateData(); PoseData poseData = _poseDataCache[joint][PrevDataIndex]; pose = poseData.Pose; return(poseData.IsValid); }
public HandJointPoseMetaData(HandFinger finger, HandJointId joint, int bufferLength) { Finger = finger; JointId = joint; Velocities = new List <Vector3>(); _previousPosition = null; _lastWritePos = -1; _bufferLength = bufferLength; }
private string FbxBoneNameFromHandJointId(HandVisual visual, HandJointId handJointId) { if (handJointId >= HandJointId.HandThumbTip && handJointId <= HandJointId.HandPinkyTip) { return(_fbxHandSidePrefix[(int)Hand.Handedness] + _fbxHandFingerNames[(int)handJointId - (int)HandJointId.HandThumbTip] + "_finger_tip_marker"); } else { return(_fbxHandBonePrefix + _fbxHandSidePrefix[(int)Hand.Handedness] + _fbxHandBoneNames[(int)handJointId]); } }
public bool GetJointPoseFromWrist(HandJointId handJointId, out Pose pose) { pose = Pose.identity; if (!GetJointPosesFromWrist(out ReadOnlyHandJointPoses jointPosesFromWrist)) { return(false); } pose = jointPosesFromWrist[(int)handJointId]; return(true); }
public bool GetJointPoseLocal(HandJointId handJointId, out Pose pose) { pose = Pose.identity; if (!GetJointPosesLocal(out ReadOnlyHandJointPoses localJointPoses)) { return(false); } pose = localJointPoses[(int)handJointId]; return(true); }
public bool GetJointPose(HandJointId handJointId, out Pose pose) { pose = Pose.identity; if (!IsTrackedDataValid || _jointPosesCache == null || !GetRootPose(out Pose rootPose)) { return(false); } CheckJointPosesCacheUpdate(); pose = _jointPosesCache.WorldJointPose(handJointId, rootPose, Scale); return(true); }
private bool GetJointPose(HandJointId handJointId, out Pose pose) { pose = Pose.identity; if (!Hand.IsTrackedDataValid) { return(false); } if (!Hand.GetJointPose(handJointId, out pose)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void UpdateWristJoint(HandJointId jointid, ref Pose pose) { int jointIndex = (int)jointid; if ((_dirtyWristJoints & (1 << jointIndex)) != 0)// its dirty { if (jointid > HandJointId.HandWristRoot) { UpdateWristJoint((HandJointId)_originalJoints[jointIndex].parent, ref pose); PoseUtils.Multiply(pose, _localPoses[jointIndex], ref _posesFromWrist[jointIndex]); } _dirtyWristJoints = _dirtyWristJoints & ~(1 << jointIndex); //set clean } pose.CopyFrom(_posesFromWrist[jointIndex]); }
private HandPose TrackedPose() { if (!_handGrabInteractor.Hand.GetJointPosesLocal(out ReadOnlyHandJointPoses localJoints)) { return(null); } HandPose result = new HandPose(_handGrabInteractor.Hand.Handedness); for (int i = 0; i < FingersMetadata.HAND_JOINT_IDS.Length; ++i) { HandJointId jointID = FingersMetadata.HAND_JOINT_IDS[i]; result.JointRotations[i] = localJoints[jointID].rotation; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Get the delta rotation between the previous pose and current pose /// </summary> /// <param name="joint">The joint for which to retrieve data</param> /// <param name="delta">The rotation delta between poses in world space</param> /// <returns>True if data available</returns> public bool GetRotationDelta(HandJointId joint, out Quaternion delta) { UpdateData(); PoseData prevPose = _poseDataCache[joint][PrevDataIndex]; PoseData curPose = _poseDataCache[joint][CurDataIndex]; if (!prevPose.IsValid || !curPose.IsValid) { delta = Quaternion.identity; return(false); } delta = curPose.Pose.rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(prevPose.Pose.rotation); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Get the delta position between the previous pose and current pose /// </summary> /// <param name="joint">The joint for which to retrieve data</param> /// <param name="delta">The position delta between poses in world space</param> /// <returns>True if data available</returns> public bool GetPositionDelta(HandJointId joint, out Vector3 delta) { UpdateData(); PoseData prevPose = _poseDataCache[joint][PrevDataIndex]; PoseData curPose = _poseDataCache[joint][CurDataIndex]; if (!prevPose.IsValid || !curPose.IsValid) { delta =; return(false); } delta = curPose.Pose.position - prevPose.Pose.position; return(true); }
public Pose WorldJointPose(HandJointId jointid, Pose rootPose, float handScale) { int jointIndex = (int)jointid; if ((_dirtyWorldJoints & (1 << jointIndex)) != 0) //its dirty { Pose wristPose = Pose.identity; UpdateWristJoint(jointid, ref wristPose); PoseUtils.Multiply(_localPoses[0], wristPose, ref _worldPoses[jointIndex]); _worldPoses[jointIndex].position *= handScale; _worldPoses[jointIndex].Postmultiply(rootPose); _dirtyWorldJoints = _dirtyWorldJoints & ~(1 << jointIndex); //set clean } return(_worldPoses[jointIndex]); }
public JointFilter(HandJointId jointId) { _jointId = jointId; _filter = OneEuroFilter.CreateQuaternion(); }
public void InjectJointIdB(HandJointId jointIdB) { _jointIdB = jointIdB; }
public FingerPinchData(HandFinger fingerId) { _finger = fingerId; _tipId = HandJointUtils.GetHandFingerTip(fingerId); }
public Pose LocalJointPose(HandJointId jointid) { return(_localPoses[(int)jointid]); }
public Transform GetTransformByHandJointId(HandJointId handJointId) { return(_jointTransforms[(int)handJointId]); }
public static int HandJointIdToIndex(HandJointId id) { return((int)id - (int)HandJointId.HandThumb0); }
// force aliased enum values to the more appropriate value private static string HandJointLabelFromJointId(HandJointId handJointId) { switch (handJointId) { case HandJointId.HandWristRoot: return("HandWristRoot"); case HandJointId.HandForearmStub: return("HandForearmStub"); case HandJointId.HandThumb0: return("HandThumb0"); case HandJointId.HandThumb1: return("HandThumb1"); case HandJointId.HandThumb2: return("HandThumb2"); case HandJointId.HandThumb3: return("HandThumb3"); case HandJointId.HandIndex1: return("HandIndex1"); case HandJointId.HandIndex2: return("HandIndex2"); case HandJointId.HandIndex3: return("HandIndex3"); case HandJointId.HandMiddle1: return("HandMiddle1"); case HandJointId.HandMiddle2: return("HandMiddle2"); case HandJointId.HandMiddle3: return("HandMiddle3"); case HandJointId.HandRing1: return("HandRing1"); case HandJointId.HandRing2: return("HandRing2"); case HandJointId.HandRing3: return("HandRing3"); case HandJointId.HandPinky0: return("HandPinky0"); case HandJointId.HandPinky1: return("HandPinky1"); case HandJointId.HandPinky2: return("HandPinky2"); case HandJointId.HandPinky3: return("HandPinky3"); case HandJointId.HandThumbTip: return("HandThumbTip"); case HandJointId.HandIndexTip: return("HandIndexTip"); case HandJointId.HandMiddleTip: return("HandMiddleTip"); case HandJointId.HandRingTip: return("HandRingTip"); case HandJointId.HandPinkyTip: return("HandPinkyTip"); default: return("HandUnknown"); } }
public void InjectJointIdA(HandJointId jointIdA) { _jointIdA = jointIdA; }
public void InjectJointToTest(HandJointId jointToTest) { _jointToTest = jointToTest; }
public void InjectAllColliderContainsHandJointActiveState(IHand hand, Collider[] entryColliders, Collider[] exitColliders, HandJointId jointToTest) { InjectHand(hand); InjectEntryColliders(entryColliders); InjectExitColliders(exitColliders); InjectJointToTest(jointToTest); }