Example #1
        // Nov 27, 2008: Nicolette modified this function to initialize the connection to
        // KickBack in one function and to check the time out inside this class instead of the POS
        // April 15, 2010: Svetlana added system to make this class completely generic
        //Public Function Initialize(ByVal strHostIP As String, _
        //ByVal intHostPort As Integer) As Boolean
        public bool Initialize(string strHostIP, short intHostPort, short System_Renamed)
            bool    returnValue    = false;
            dynamic Policy_Renamed = default(dynamic);

            int   nError  = 0;
            float timeIN  = 0;
            byte  TimeOut = 0;

            HostIP   = strHostIP;
            HostPort = intHostPort;

            swTCP               = new SocketWrench();
            swTCP.OnConnect    += new EventHandler(swTCP_OnConnect);
            swTCP.OnDisconnect += new EventHandler(swTCP_OnDisconnect);
            swTCP.OnError      += new SocketWrench.OnErrorEventHandler(swTCP_OnError);
            swTCP.OnRead       += new EventHandler(swTCP_OnRead);

            swTCP.AutoResolve = false;
            swTCP.Blocking    = false;
            swTCP.Secure      = false;
            // TODO: Updated call of the socket wrench for the new dll. - Ipsit_33
            // Refer: https://sockettools.com/webhelp/dotnet/dotnet/htmlhelp/SocketTools.SocketWrench.Initialize_overload_1.html
            nError = Convert.ToInt32(swTCP.Initialize(CSTOOLS4_LICENSE_KEY));
            if (nError != 0)
                returnValue = false;
                WriteToLog("Failed to initialize SocketWrench control");

            // TODO: Updated call of the socket wrench for the new dll. - Ipsit_34
            if (swTCP.Status == SocketWrench.SocketStatus.statusDisconnect ||
                swTCP.Status == SocketWrench.SocketStatus.statusUnused)
                nError = Convert.ToInt32(swTCP.Connect(HostIP, HostPort, SocketWrench.SocketProtocol.socketStream, TimeOut));

                if (nError != 0)
                    returnValue = false;

                    WriteToLog("Connect method returned an error in Comm class. Cannot connect to " + HostIP + ":" + Convert.ToString(HostPort));

                commSystem = System_Renamed;

                if (commSystem == 1)
                    TimeOut = Convert.ToByte(Policy_Renamed.FUELONLY_TMT);
                    TimeOut = (byte)5; //default timeout

                timeIN = (float)DateAndTime.Timer;
                while (true)
                    // since this function is used not only by Kickback
                    //If (Timer - timeIN > Policy.KICKBACK_TMT) Or boolIsConnected Then
                    if ((DateAndTime.Timer - timeIN > TimeOut) || boolIsConnected)
            if (boolIsConnected)
                if (commSystem == 1)
                    WriteToLog("Connected to FuelOnly Server " + HostIP + ":" + Convert.ToString(HostPort));
                if (commSystem == 2)
                    carwashSeqNum = (byte)1;
                    WriteToLog("Connected to the Carwash Server" + HostIP + ":" + Convert.ToString(HostPort));
                WriteToLog("Cannot connect to " + HostIP + ":" + Convert.ToString(HostPort));
            returnValue = boolIsConnected;
