public TestRMWebServicesNodeLabels() : base(new WebAppDescriptor.Builder("org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.webapp" ).ContextListenerClass(typeof(TestRMWebServicesNodeLabels.GuiceServletConfig)).FilterClass (typeof(GuiceFilter)).ContextPath("jersey-guice-filter").ServletPath("/").Build( )) { injector = Guice.CreateInjector(new _ServletModule_68(this)); }
/// <summary>Create a mock injector for tests</summary> /// <?/> /// <param name="api">the interface class of the object to inject</param> /// <param name="impl">the implementation object to inject</param> /// <param name="modules">additional guice modules</param> /// <returns>an injector</returns> public static Injector CreateMockInjector <T>(T impl, params Module[] modules) { System.Type api = typeof(T); return(Guice.CreateInjector(new _AbstractModule_59(api, impl, modules))); }
public virtual WebApp Build(WebApp webapp) { if (webapp == null) { webapp = new _WebApp_171(); } // Defaults should be fine in usual cases webapp.SetName(name); webapp.SetWebServices(wsName); string basePath = "/" + name; webapp.SetRedirectPath(basePath); IList <string> pathList = new AList <string>(); if (basePath.Equals("/")) { webapp.AddServePathSpec("/*"); pathList.AddItem("/*"); } else { webapp.AddServePathSpec(basePath); webapp.AddServePathSpec(basePath + "/*"); pathList.AddItem(basePath + "/*"); } if (wsName != null && !wsName.Equals(basePath)) { if (wsName.Equals("/")) { webapp.AddServePathSpec("/*"); pathList.AddItem("/*"); } else { webapp.AddServePathSpec("/" + wsName); webapp.AddServePathSpec("/" + wsName + "/*"); pathList.AddItem("/" + wsName + "/*"); } } if (conf == null) { conf = new Configuration(); } try { if (application != null) { webapp.SetHostClass(application.GetType()); } else { string cls = InferHostClass(); Log.Debug("setting webapp host class to {}", cls); webapp.SetHostClass(Sharpen.Runtime.GetType(cls)); } if (devMode) { if (port > 0) { try { new Uri("http://localhost:" + port + "/__stop").GetContent(); Log.Info("stopping existing webapp instance"); Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(100); } catch (ConnectException e) { Log.Info("no existing webapp instance found: {}", e.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { // should not be fatal Log.Warn("error stopping existing instance: {}", e.ToString()); } } else { Log.Error("dev mode does NOT work with ephemeral port!"); System.Environment.Exit(1); } } string httpScheme; if (this.httpPolicy == null) { httpScheme = WebAppUtils.GetHttpSchemePrefix(conf); } else { httpScheme = (httpPolicy == HttpConfig.Policy.HttpsOnly) ? WebAppUtils.HttpsPrefix : WebAppUtils.HttpPrefix; } HttpServer2.Builder builder = new HttpServer2.Builder().SetName(name).AddEndpoint (URI.Create(httpScheme + bindAddress + ":" + port)).SetConf(conf).SetFindPort(findPort ).SetACL(new AccessControlList(conf.Get(YarnConfiguration.YarnAdminAcl, YarnConfiguration .DefaultYarnAdminAcl))).SetPathSpec(Sharpen.Collections.ToArray(pathList, new string [0])); bool hasSpnegoConf = spnegoPrincipalKey != null && conf.Get(spnegoPrincipalKey) != null && spnegoKeytabKey != null && conf.Get(spnegoKeytabKey) != null; if (hasSpnegoConf) { builder.SetUsernameConfKey(spnegoPrincipalKey).SetKeytabConfKey(spnegoKeytabKey). SetSecurityEnabled(UserGroupInformation.IsSecurityEnabled()); } if (httpScheme.Equals(WebAppUtils.HttpsPrefix)) { WebAppUtils.LoadSslConfiguration(builder); } HttpServer2 server = builder.Build(); foreach (WebApps.Builder.ServletStruct @struct in servlets) { server.AddServlet(, @struct.spec, @struct.clazz); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> entry in attributes) { server.SetAttribute(entry.Key, entry.Value); } HttpServer2.DefineFilter(server.GetWebAppContext(), "guice", typeof(GuiceFilter). FullName, null, new string[] { "/*" }); webapp.SetConf(conf); webapp.SetHttpServer(server); } catch (TypeLoadException e) { throw new WebAppException("Error starting http server", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WebAppException("Error starting http server", e); } Injector injector = Guice.CreateInjector(webapp, new _AbstractModule_280(this)); Log.Info("Registered webapp guice modules"); // save a guice filter instance for webapp stop (mostly for unit tests) webapp.SetGuiceFilter(injector.GetInstance <GuiceFilter>()); if (devMode) { injector.GetInstance <Dispatcher>().SetDevMode(devMode); Log.Info("in dev mode!"); } return(webapp); }