Example #1
    void Scan(bool argCubeMeshOff)
        points = new List <GameObject>();
        Queue <GameObject> toVisit = new Queue <GameObject>();

        // create the first point and add it to the gridpoint list and the toVisit list
        Vector3 startPosition = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + gridHeight, transform.position.z);

        GameObject point = Instantiate(gridPoint, startPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        point.transform.parent = mapObject.transform;

        GridPoint gp = point.GetComponent <GridPoint>();

        segmentDistance = gp.GetGpSegmentDist();
        if (argCubeMeshOff)

        firstPoint = point;


        // while there are points in the queue, tell each one to scan for new points
        while (toVisit.Count > 0)
            GameObject p = toVisit.Dequeue();
            p.GetComponent <GridPoint>().Scan(points, toVisit, mapObject);

        // remove points that are too close to spatial mesh

        //remove any points that are not connected to root node (firstPoint)

        GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>().GridBuilt(this);