Example #1




        public override void moveTo(float x, float y)
            if (OnMoveStart != null)
                if (!OnMoveStart.Invoke(this, this.polyCenter.X, this.polyCenter.Y))

            if (OnMoving != null)
                OnMoving.Invoke(this, this.polyCenter.X, this.polyCenter.Y);

            GlVectorR2 delta = new GlVectorR2(x - polyCenter.X, y - polyCenter.Y);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexes.Length; i++)
                vertexes[i] = delta.fromPointToPoint(vertexes[i]);

            GlPointR2 OP = new GlPointR2(this.polyCenter);

            this.polyCenter = new GlPointR2(x, y);

            if (OnMoved != null)
                OnMoved.Invoke(this, OP.X, OP.Y);
Example #2
        public override void Rotate(float SIN, float COS)
            if (OnRotateStart != null)
                if (!OnRotateStart.Invoke(this, SIN, COS))

            if (OnRotating != null)
                OnRotating.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexes.Length; i++)
                vertexes[i] = new GlVectorR2(vertexes[i].X - polyCenter.X, vertexes[i].Y - polyCenter.Y).getRotatedVector(-SIN, COS).fromPointToPoint(polyCenter);

            if (OnRotated != null)
                OnRotated.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);
Example #3




        public override void moveTo(float x, float y)
            float oldX = systemCenter.X, oldY = systemCenter.Y;

            if (OnMoveStart != null)
                if (!OnMoveStart.Invoke(this, oldX, oldY))

            if (OnMoving != null)
                OnMoving.Invoke(this, oldX, oldY);

            GlVectorR2 moveVector = new GlVectorR2(x - this.systemCenter.X, y - this.systemCenter.Y);

            this.systemCenter = new GlPointR2(x, y);

            foreach (GlFigure F in this.figuresAmount)
                GlPointR2 newCenter = moveVector.fromPointToPoint(F.Center);
                F.moveTo(newCenter.X, newCenter.Y);

            if (OnMoved != null)
                OnMoving.Invoke(this, oldX, oldY);
Example #4
        public override void Rotate(float SIN, float COS)
            float oldX = this.Center.X;
            float oldY = this.Center.Y;

            if (OnRotateStart != null)
                if (!OnRotateStart.Invoke(this, SIN, COS))

            if (OnRotating != null)
                OnRotating.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);

            this.directVector = this.directVector.getRotatedVector(-SIN, COS);

            if (OnRotated != null)
                OnRotated.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);
Example #5



        public GlHyperbola(float realHalfAxis, float additionalHalfAxis, GlVectorR2 xAxisDirection, GlPointR2 systemCenter)
            this.curvePoints = new GlPointR2[179];

            if (xAxisDirection == null || systemCenter == null)
                directVector = new GlVectorR2(0, 0);
                systemCenter = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                Ra           = 0;
                Rb           = 0;

            this.directVector = xAxisDirection;
            this.systemCenter = systemCenter;

            this.Ra = realHalfAxis;
            this.Rb = additionalHalfAxis;

            if (directVector.isNullVector() || systemCenter.isNullPoint())

Example #6



        /// <param name="R1">size of X half-axis</param>
        /// <param name="R2">size of Y half-axis</param>
        /// <param name="VectorR1">Vector of x-axis positive direction</param>
        /// <param name="OvalCenter">Point of the center of the oval</param>
        public GlOval(float R1, float R2, GlVectorR2 VectorR1, GlPointR2 OvalCenter)
            this.curvePoints = new GlPointR2[360];

            if (VectorR1 == null || OvalCenter == null)
                directVector = new GlVectorR2(0, 0);
                systemCenter = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                Ra           = 0;
                Rb           = 0;

            this.systemCenter = new GlPointR2(OvalCenter);

            this.Ra = R1;
            this.Rb = R2;

            this.directVector = VectorR1;

            if (VectorR1.isNullVector())

            this.Length = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.PI * Math.Sqrt(2 * (R1 * R1 + R2 * R2)));

Example #7
        /// <returns>If the line intersects the oval</returns>
        public bool isIntersects(GlLineR2 L)
            if (L == null || L.isNullLine())

            GlVectorR2 LV = L.DirectVector.getRotatedVector(this.SIN, this.COS);

            return(Math.Pow(this.RadA * LV.deltaY, 2.0) + Math.Pow(this.RadB * LV.deltaX, 2.0) != 0);
Example #8



        public GlLineR2(GlPointR2 belongsPoint, GlVectorR2 directVector)
            if (belongsPoint == null || directVector == null)
                this.directVector = new GlVectorR2(0, 0);
                pointOfLine       = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);

            this.pointOfLine  = belongsPoint;
            this.directVector = directVector;
Example #9

        public override GlPointR2[] getIntersection(GlLineR2 L)
            GlVectorR2 translatedVector = new GlVectorR2(L.DirectVector).getRotatedVector(this.SIN, this.COS);
            GlPointR2  FP = L.PointOfLine.getPointTranslatedToRotatedSystem(this.SIN, this.COS, this.Center);
            GlPointR2  SP = translatedVector.fromPointToPoint(FP);

            float fPartRes = (float)Math.Pow(AdditionalHalfAixis * (FP.X - SP.X), 2.0);
            float sPartRes = (float)Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis * (FP.Y - SP.Y), 2.0);
            float tPartRes = FP.X * SP.Y - SP.X * FP.Y;
            float sqrtPart = RealHalfAixis * AdditionalHalfAixis * (FP.X - SP.X) * (float)Math.Sqrt(fPartRes - sPartRes + Math.Pow(tPartRes, 2.0));

            float x1 = (-(float)Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0) * (FP.Y - SP.Y) * tPartRes + sqrtPart) / (sPartRes - fPartRes);
            float x2 = (-(float)Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0) * (FP.Y - SP.Y) * tPartRes - sqrtPart) / (sPartRes - fPartRes);

            float y1 = AdditionalHalfAixis * (float)Math.Sqrt(x1 * x1 - Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0)) / RealHalfAixis;
            float y2 = -AdditionalHalfAixis * (float)Math.Sqrt(x2 * x2 - Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0)) / RealHalfAixis;

            float y3 = -AdditionalHalfAixis * (float)Math.Sqrt(x1 * x1 - Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0)) / RealHalfAixis;
            float y4 = AdditionalHalfAixis * (float)Math.Sqrt(x2 * x2 - Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0)) / RealHalfAixis;

            GlPointR2[] RP =
                new GlPointR2(x1, y1).getTranslatedBackPoint(this.SIN, this.COS, this.Center),
                new GlPointR2(x2, y2).getTranslatedBackPoint(this.SIN, this.COS, this.Center),
                new GlPointR2(x1, y3).getTranslatedBackPoint(this.SIN, this.COS, this.Center),
                new GlPointR2(x2, y4).getTranslatedBackPoint(this.SIN, this.COS, this.Center)

            List <GlPointR2> res = new List <GlPointR2>();

            for (int i = 0; i < RP.Length; i++)
                bool a = this.isPointBelongs(RP[i]);
                bool b = L.isPointBelongs(RP[i]);
                if (a && b)

Example #10

        public float getDistance(GlPointR2 P)
            if (P == null || this.pointOfLine.isNullPoint() || P.isNullPoint())

            if (GlPointR2.Equals(P, this.pointOfLine))

            if (this.DirectVector.isNullVector())

            GlVectorR2 directVector = new GlVectorR2(this.DirectVector.deltaX, this.DirectVector.deltaY);

            return((new GlVectorR2(P.X - this.pointOfLine.X, P.Y - this.pointOfLine.Y) ^ directVector) / (float)directVector.Length);
Example #11
        public override void Rotate(float SIN, float COS)
            if (OnRotateStart != null)
                if (!OnRotateStart.Invoke(this, SIN, COS))

            if (OnRotating != null)
                OnRotating.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);

            this.directVector = this.DirectVector.getRotatedVector(-SIN, COS);

            if (OnRotated != null)
                OnRotated.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);
Example #12



        public GlPolygon(GlPointR2 Center, params GlPointR2[] POLY)
            S = 0;

            if (POLY == null || Center == null)
                polyCenter = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                vertexes   = new GlPointR2[0];


            if (POLY.Length > 3)
                GlPointR2 P = new GlPointR2((POLY[0].X + POLY[POLY.Length / 2].X) / 2, (POLY[0].Y + POLY[POLY.Length / 2].Y) / 2);
                for (int i = 0; i < POLY.Length - 1; i++)
                    S += new GlTriangle(P, POLY[i], POLY[i + 1]).S;
                S += new GlTriangle(P, POLY[POLY.Length - 1], POLY[0]).S;

            this.polyCenter = Center;

            this.vertexes = new GlPointR2[POLY.Length];
            Array.Copy(POLY, this.vertexes, this.vertexes.Length);

            if (this.vertexes.Length == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < this.vertexes.Length - 1; i++)
                P += new GlVectorR2(this.vertexes[i + 1].X - this.vertexes[i].X, this.vertexes[i + 1].Y - this.vertexes[i].Y).Length;
            P += new GlVectorR2(this.vertexes[0].X - this.vertexes[this.vertexes.Length - 1].X, this.vertexes[0].Y - this.vertexes[this.vertexes.Length - 1].Y).Length;
Example #13



        public GlParabola(float aCoeff, GlPointR2 Vertex, GlVectorR2 directVector)
            this.curvePoints = new GlPointR2[360];

            if (Vertex == null || directVector == null)
                this.directVector = new GlVectorR2(0, 0);
                systemCenter      = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                a = 0;

            this.a            = Math.Abs(aCoeff);
            this.systemCenter = Vertex;
            this.directVector = (aCoeff < 0 && !directVector.isNullVector()) ? directVector.getReversedVector() : directVector;

            if (isNullParabola())

Example #14



        public GlRectangle(GlPointR2 PLT, float width, float height, GlVectorR2 directVector)
            : base((PLT == null || directVector == null)?
                   new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN) :
                   new GlPointR2(PLT.X + (height * directVector.deltaY + width * directVector.deltaX) / (2 * directVector.Length),
                                 PLT.Y + (width * directVector.deltaY - height * directVector.deltaX) / (2 * directVector.Length)),
                   (PLT == null || directVector == null)?
                   new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN), new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN),
                                     new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN), new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN) } :
                   new GlPointR2[] {
            PLT, new GlPointR2(PLT.X + width * directVector.deltaX / directVector.Length,
                               PLT.Y + width * directVector.deltaY / directVector.Length),
            new GlLineR2(new GlPointR2(PLT.X + height * directVector.deltaY / directVector.Length,
                                       PLT.Y - height * directVector.deltaX / directVector.Length), directVector)
            .getIntersection(new GlLineR2(new GlPointR2(PLT.X + width * directVector.deltaX / directVector.Length,
                                                        PLT.Y + width * directVector.deltaY / directVector.Length),
                                          directVector.getRotatedVector((float)Math.PI / 2)))[0],
            new GlPointR2(PLT.X + height * directVector.deltaY / directVector.Length,
                          PLT.Y - height * directVector.deltaX / directVector.Length)
            if (PLT == null || directVector == null)
                this.directVector = new GlVectorR2(0, 0);
                this.leftTopPoint = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                this.Width        = 0;
                this.Height       = 0;
                this.S            = 0;
                this.P            = 0;
            this.directVector = directVector;
            this.Width        = width;
            this.Height       = height;
            this.leftTopPoint = PLT;

            this.S = width * height;
Example #15
 public GlRectangle(GlPointR2 PLT, float width, float height, GlVectorR2 directVector)
Example #16
 public GlOval(float R1, float R2, GlVectorR2 directVector, GlPointR2 OvalCenter)
Example #17

        public GlSqaure(GlPointR2 PLT, float sideLength, GlVectorR2 directVector) : base(PLT, sideLength, sideLength, directVector)
Example #18
 public GlHyperbola(float RealHalfAxis, float AddHalfAxis, GlVectorR2 directVector, GlPointR2 HypCenter)
Example #19

        public override GlPointR2[] getIntersection(GlLineR2 L)
            if (L == null || L.pointOfLine.isNullPoint())
                return new GlPointR2[] { }

            if (GlPointR2.Equals(this.pointOfLine, L.pointOfLine))//already have a result
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(L.pointOfLine) }

            bool isL1Point = this.DirectVector.isNullVector();
            bool isL2Point = L.DirectVector.isNullVector();

            if (isL1Point && isL2Point)//same points were catched in previous step
                return new GlPointR2[] { }

            if (this.DirectVector.isNullVector() && L.isPointBelongs(this.pointOfLine))//line and a point
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(this.pointOfLine) }

            if (L.DirectVector.isNullVector() && this.isPointBelongs(L.pointOfLine))//line and a point
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(L.pointOfLine) }

            if (GlLineR2.Equals(this, L))//lines are identical
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(this.pointOfLine), new GlPointR2(L.PointOfLine) }

            if (GlVectorR2.isParallel(this.DirectVector, L.DirectVector))//lines are parallel
                return new GlPointR2[] { }

            if (L.DirectVector.deltaX == 0)//L2 is parallel to Y axis
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(L.pointOfLine.X, this.DirectVector.deltaY * (L.pointOfLine.X - this.pointOfLine.X) / this.DirectVector.deltaX + this.pointOfLine.Y) }

            if (this.DirectVector.deltaY == 0)//L1 is parallel to X axis
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(L.DirectVector.deltaX * (this.pointOfLine.Y - L.pointOfLine.Y) / L.DirectVector.deltaY + L.pointOfLine.X, this.pointOfLine.Y) }

            float v2RatYX = L.DirectVector.deltaY / L.DirectVector.deltaX;
            float v1RatXY = this.DirectVector.deltaX / this.DirectVector.deltaY;
            float yInter  = (v1RatXY * v2RatYX * this.pointOfLine.Y - v2RatYX * this.pointOfLine.X + v2RatYX * L.pointOfLine.X - L.pointOfLine.Y) / (v1RatXY * v2RatYX - 1);
            float xInter  = v1RatXY * (yInter - this.pointOfLine.Y) + this.pointOfLine.X;

            return(new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(xInter, yInter) });//common situation
Example #20
 public GlParabola(float aCoeff, GlPointR2 vertex, GlVectorR2 directVector)
Example #21
 public GlSquare(GlPointR2 PLT, int side, GlVectorR2 directVector)
Example #22
 public GlLineR2(GlPointR2 belongsPoint, GlVectorR2 directVector)
Example #23
 public static bool Equals(GlLineR2 L1, GlLineR2 L2)
     return((L1 == null || L2 == null || L1.isNullLine() || L2.isNullLine()) ? false : GlVectorR2.isParallel(L1.DirectVector, L2.DirectVector) && GlVectorR2.isParallel(L1.DirectVector, new GlVectorR2(L2.pointOfLine.X - L1.pointOfLine.X, L2.pointOfLine.Y - L1.pointOfLine.Y)));