Ejemplo n.º 1




        public override void moveTo(float x, float y)
            if (OnMoveStart != null)
                if (!OnMoveStart.Invoke(this, this.polyCenter.X, this.polyCenter.Y))

            if (OnMoving != null)
                OnMoving.Invoke(this, this.polyCenter.X, this.polyCenter.Y);

            GlVectorR2 delta = new GlVectorR2(x - polyCenter.X, y - polyCenter.Y);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexes.Length; i++)
                vertexes[i] = delta.fromPointToPoint(vertexes[i]);

            GlPointR2 OP = new GlPointR2(this.polyCenter);

            this.polyCenter = new GlPointR2(x, y);

            if (OnMoved != null)
                OnMoved.Invoke(this, OP.X, OP.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Rotate(float SIN, float COS)
            if (OnRotateStart != null)
                if (!OnRotateStart.Invoke(this, SIN, COS))

            if (OnRotating != null)
                OnRotating.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexes.Length; i++)
                vertexes[i] = new GlVectorR2(vertexes[i].X - polyCenter.X, vertexes[i].Y - polyCenter.Y).getRotatedVector(-SIN, COS).fromPointToPoint(polyCenter);

            if (OnRotated != null)
                OnRotated.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);
Ejemplo n.º 3




        public override void moveTo(float x, float y)
            float oldX = systemCenter.X, oldY = systemCenter.Y;

            if (OnMoveStart != null)
                if (!OnMoveStart.Invoke(this, oldX, oldY))

            if (OnMoving != null)
                OnMoving.Invoke(this, oldX, oldY);

            GlVectorR2 moveVector = new GlVectorR2(x - this.systemCenter.X, y - this.systemCenter.Y);

            this.systemCenter = new GlPointR2(x, y);

            foreach (GlFigure F in this.figuresAmount)
                GlPointR2 newCenter = moveVector.fromPointToPoint(F.Center);
                F.moveTo(newCenter.X, newCenter.Y);

            if (OnMoved != null)
                OnMoving.Invoke(this, oldX, oldY);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Rotate(float SIN, float COS)
            float oldX = this.Center.X;
            float oldY = this.Center.Y;

            if (OnRotateStart != null)
                if (!OnRotateStart.Invoke(this, SIN, COS))

            if (OnRotating != null)
                OnRotating.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);

            this.directVector = this.directVector.getRotatedVector(-SIN, COS);

            if (OnRotated != null)
                OnRotated.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);
Ejemplo n.º 5



        public GlHyperbola(float realHalfAxis, float additionalHalfAxis, GlVectorR2 xAxisDirection, GlPointR2 systemCenter)
            this.curvePoints = new GlPointR2[179];

            if (xAxisDirection == null || systemCenter == null)
                directVector = new GlVectorR2(0, 0);
                systemCenter = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                Ra           = 0;
                Rb           = 0;

            this.directVector = xAxisDirection;
            this.systemCenter = systemCenter;

            this.Ra = realHalfAxis;
            this.Rb = additionalHalfAxis;

            if (directVector.isNullVector() || systemCenter.isNullPoint())

Ejemplo n.º 6



        /// <param name="R1">size of X half-axis</param>
        /// <param name="R2">size of Y half-axis</param>
        /// <param name="VectorR1">Vector of x-axis positive direction</param>
        /// <param name="OvalCenter">Point of the center of the oval</param>
        public GlOval(float R1, float R2, GlVectorR2 VectorR1, GlPointR2 OvalCenter)
            this.curvePoints = new GlPointR2[360];

            if (VectorR1 == null || OvalCenter == null)
                directVector = new GlVectorR2(0, 0);
                systemCenter = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                Ra           = 0;
                Rb           = 0;

            this.systemCenter = new GlPointR2(OvalCenter);

            this.Ra = R1;
            this.Rb = R2;

            this.directVector = VectorR1;

            if (VectorR1.isNullVector())

            this.Length = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.PI * Math.Sqrt(2 * (R1 * R1 + R2 * R2)));

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <returns>If the line intersects the oval</returns>
        public bool isIntersects(GlLineR2 L)
            if (L == null || L.isNullLine())

            GlVectorR2 LV = L.DirectVector.getRotatedVector(this.SIN, this.COS);

            return(Math.Pow(this.RadA * LV.deltaY, 2.0) + Math.Pow(this.RadB * LV.deltaX, 2.0) != 0);
Ejemplo n.º 8



        public GlLineR2(GlPointR2 belongsPoint, GlVectorR2 directVector)
            if (belongsPoint == null || directVector == null)
                this.directVector = new GlVectorR2(0, 0);
                pointOfLine       = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);

            this.pointOfLine  = belongsPoint;
            this.directVector = directVector;
Ejemplo n.º 9

        public override GlPointR2[] getIntersection(GlLineR2 L)
            GlVectorR2 translatedVector = new GlVectorR2(L.DirectVector).getRotatedVector(this.SIN, this.COS);
            GlPointR2  FP = L.PointOfLine.getPointTranslatedToRotatedSystem(this.SIN, this.COS, this.Center);
            GlPointR2  SP = translatedVector.fromPointToPoint(FP);

            float fPartRes = (float)Math.Pow(AdditionalHalfAixis * (FP.X - SP.X), 2.0);
            float sPartRes = (float)Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis * (FP.Y - SP.Y), 2.0);
            float tPartRes = FP.X * SP.Y - SP.X * FP.Y;
            float sqrtPart = RealHalfAixis * AdditionalHalfAixis * (FP.X - SP.X) * (float)Math.Sqrt(fPartRes - sPartRes + Math.Pow(tPartRes, 2.0));

            float x1 = (-(float)Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0) * (FP.Y - SP.Y) * tPartRes + sqrtPart) / (sPartRes - fPartRes);
            float x2 = (-(float)Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0) * (FP.Y - SP.Y) * tPartRes - sqrtPart) / (sPartRes - fPartRes);

            float y1 = AdditionalHalfAixis * (float)Math.Sqrt(x1 * x1 - Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0)) / RealHalfAixis;
            float y2 = -AdditionalHalfAixis * (float)Math.Sqrt(x2 * x2 - Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0)) / RealHalfAixis;

            float y3 = -AdditionalHalfAixis * (float)Math.Sqrt(x1 * x1 - Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0)) / RealHalfAixis;
            float y4 = AdditionalHalfAixis * (float)Math.Sqrt(x2 * x2 - Math.Pow(RealHalfAixis, 2.0)) / RealHalfAixis;

            GlPointR2[] RP =
                new GlPointR2(x1, y1).getTranslatedBackPoint(this.SIN, this.COS, this.Center),
                new GlPointR2(x2, y2).getTranslatedBackPoint(this.SIN, this.COS, this.Center),
                new GlPointR2(x1, y3).getTranslatedBackPoint(this.SIN, this.COS, this.Center),
                new GlPointR2(x2, y4).getTranslatedBackPoint(this.SIN, this.COS, this.Center)

            List <GlPointR2> res = new List <GlPointR2>();

            for (int i = 0; i < RP.Length; i++)
                bool a = this.isPointBelongs(RP[i]);
                bool b = L.isPointBelongs(RP[i]);
                if (a && b)

Ejemplo n.º 10

        public float getDistance(GlPointR2 P)
            if (P == null || this.pointOfLine.isNullPoint() || P.isNullPoint())

            if (GlPointR2.Equals(P, this.pointOfLine))

            if (this.DirectVector.isNullVector())

            GlVectorR2 directVector = new GlVectorR2(this.DirectVector.deltaX, this.DirectVector.deltaY);

            return((new GlVectorR2(P.X - this.pointOfLine.X, P.Y - this.pointOfLine.Y) ^ directVector) / (float)directVector.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void Rotate(float SIN, float COS)
            if (OnRotateStart != null)
                if (!OnRotateStart.Invoke(this, SIN, COS))

            if (OnRotating != null)
                OnRotating.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);

            this.directVector = this.DirectVector.getRotatedVector(-SIN, COS);

            if (OnRotated != null)
                OnRotated.Invoke(this, SIN, COS);
Ejemplo n.º 12



        public GlPolygon(GlPointR2 Center, params GlPointR2[] POLY)
            S = 0;

            if (POLY == null || Center == null)
                polyCenter = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                vertexes   = new GlPointR2[0];


            if (POLY.Length > 3)
                GlPointR2 P = new GlPointR2((POLY[0].X + POLY[POLY.Length / 2].X) / 2, (POLY[0].Y + POLY[POLY.Length / 2].Y) / 2);
                for (int i = 0; i < POLY.Length - 1; i++)
                    S += new GlTriangle(P, POLY[i], POLY[i + 1]).S;
                S += new GlTriangle(P, POLY[POLY.Length - 1], POLY[0]).S;

            this.polyCenter = Center;

            this.vertexes = new GlPointR2[POLY.Length];
            Array.Copy(POLY, this.vertexes, this.vertexes.Length);

            if (this.vertexes.Length == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < this.vertexes.Length - 1; i++)
                P += new GlVectorR2(this.vertexes[i + 1].X - this.vertexes[i].X, this.vertexes[i + 1].Y - this.vertexes[i].Y).Length;
            P += new GlVectorR2(this.vertexes[0].X - this.vertexes[this.vertexes.Length - 1].X, this.vertexes[0].Y - this.vertexes[this.vertexes.Length - 1].Y).Length;
Ejemplo n.º 13



        public GlParabola(float aCoeff, GlPointR2 Vertex, GlVectorR2 directVector)
            this.curvePoints = new GlPointR2[360];

            if (Vertex == null || directVector == null)
                this.directVector = new GlVectorR2(0, 0);
                systemCenter      = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                a = 0;

            this.a            = Math.Abs(aCoeff);
            this.systemCenter = Vertex;
            this.directVector = (aCoeff < 0 && !directVector.isNullVector()) ? directVector.getReversedVector() : directVector;

            if (isNullParabola())

Ejemplo n.º 14



        public GlRectangle(GlPointR2 PLT, float width, float height, GlVectorR2 directVector)
            : base((PLT == null || directVector == null)?
                   new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN) :
                   new GlPointR2(PLT.X + (height * directVector.deltaY + width * directVector.deltaX) / (2 * directVector.Length),
                                 PLT.Y + (width * directVector.deltaY - height * directVector.deltaX) / (2 * directVector.Length)),
                   (PLT == null || directVector == null)?
                   new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN), new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN),
                                     new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN), new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN) } :
                   new GlPointR2[] {
            PLT, new GlPointR2(PLT.X + width * directVector.deltaX / directVector.Length,
                               PLT.Y + width * directVector.deltaY / directVector.Length),
            new GlLineR2(new GlPointR2(PLT.X + height * directVector.deltaY / directVector.Length,
                                       PLT.Y - height * directVector.deltaX / directVector.Length), directVector)
            .getIntersection(new GlLineR2(new GlPointR2(PLT.X + width * directVector.deltaX / directVector.Length,
                                                        PLT.Y + width * directVector.deltaY / directVector.Length),
                                          directVector.getRotatedVector((float)Math.PI / 2)))[0],
            new GlPointR2(PLT.X + height * directVector.deltaY / directVector.Length,
                          PLT.Y - height * directVector.deltaX / directVector.Length)
            if (PLT == null || directVector == null)
                this.directVector = new GlVectorR2(0, 0);
                this.leftTopPoint = new GlPointR2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
                this.Width        = 0;
                this.Height       = 0;
                this.S            = 0;
                this.P            = 0;
            this.directVector = directVector;
            this.Width        = width;
            this.Height       = height;
            this.leftTopPoint = PLT;

            this.S = width * height;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public GlRectangle(GlPointR2 PLT, float width, float height, GlVectorR2 directVector)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public GlOval(float R1, float R2, GlVectorR2 directVector, GlPointR2 OvalCenter)
Ejemplo n.º 17

        public GlSqaure(GlPointR2 PLT, float sideLength, GlVectorR2 directVector) : base(PLT, sideLength, sideLength, directVector)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public GlHyperbola(float RealHalfAxis, float AddHalfAxis, GlVectorR2 directVector, GlPointR2 HypCenter)
Ejemplo n.º 19

        public override GlPointR2[] getIntersection(GlLineR2 L)
            if (L == null || L.pointOfLine.isNullPoint())
                return new GlPointR2[] { }

            if (GlPointR2.Equals(this.pointOfLine, L.pointOfLine))//already have a result
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(L.pointOfLine) }

            bool isL1Point = this.DirectVector.isNullVector();
            bool isL2Point = L.DirectVector.isNullVector();

            if (isL1Point && isL2Point)//same points were catched in previous step
                return new GlPointR2[] { }

            if (this.DirectVector.isNullVector() && L.isPointBelongs(this.pointOfLine))//line and a point
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(this.pointOfLine) }

            if (L.DirectVector.isNullVector() && this.isPointBelongs(L.pointOfLine))//line and a point
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(L.pointOfLine) }

            if (GlLineR2.Equals(this, L))//lines are identical
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(this.pointOfLine), new GlPointR2(L.PointOfLine) }

            if (GlVectorR2.isParallel(this.DirectVector, L.DirectVector))//lines are parallel
                return new GlPointR2[] { }

            if (L.DirectVector.deltaX == 0)//L2 is parallel to Y axis
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(L.pointOfLine.X, this.DirectVector.deltaY * (L.pointOfLine.X - this.pointOfLine.X) / this.DirectVector.deltaX + this.pointOfLine.Y) }

            if (this.DirectVector.deltaY == 0)//L1 is parallel to X axis
                return new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(L.DirectVector.deltaX * (this.pointOfLine.Y - L.pointOfLine.Y) / L.DirectVector.deltaY + L.pointOfLine.X, this.pointOfLine.Y) }

            float v2RatYX = L.DirectVector.deltaY / L.DirectVector.deltaX;
            float v1RatXY = this.DirectVector.deltaX / this.DirectVector.deltaY;
            float yInter  = (v1RatXY * v2RatYX * this.pointOfLine.Y - v2RatYX * this.pointOfLine.X + v2RatYX * L.pointOfLine.X - L.pointOfLine.Y) / (v1RatXY * v2RatYX - 1);
            float xInter  = v1RatXY * (yInter - this.pointOfLine.Y) + this.pointOfLine.X;

            return(new GlPointR2[] { new GlPointR2(xInter, yInter) });//common situation
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public GlParabola(float aCoeff, GlPointR2 vertex, GlVectorR2 directVector)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public GlSquare(GlPointR2 PLT, int side, GlVectorR2 directVector)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public GlLineR2(GlPointR2 belongsPoint, GlVectorR2 directVector)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public static bool Equals(GlLineR2 L1, GlLineR2 L2)
     return((L1 == null || L2 == null || L1.isNullLine() || L2.isNullLine()) ? false : GlVectorR2.isParallel(L1.DirectVector, L2.DirectVector) && GlVectorR2.isParallel(L1.DirectVector, new GlVectorR2(L2.pointOfLine.X - L1.pointOfLine.X, L2.pointOfLine.Y - L1.pointOfLine.Y)));