//const string ATK = "Joystick1Button0"; //const string JUMP = "Joystick1Button1"; //const string SHANJIN = "Joystick1Button2"; //const string SKILL = "Joystick1Button3"; // Use this for initialization void Start() { _body = GetComponent <GameBody>(); _jijiaBody = GetComponent <JijiaGamebody>(); //print("body: "+_body.); //ObjectEventDispatcher.dispatcher.addEventListener(EventTypeName.ROLECANCONTROL, this.IsRoleCanControl); }
public void GetStart(GameObject obj) { EnemyObj = obj; //提高硬值 if (!isAcing) { isAcing = true; GetComponent <RoleDate>().addYZ(addYZNum); gameBody = GetComponent <GameBody>(); _aiBase = GetComponent <AIBase>(); if (RunName == "" || !gameBody.GetDB().animation.HasAnimation(RunName) || !gameBody.GetDB().animation.HasAnimation(AtkName)) { AcOver(); return; } oldRunName = gameBody.GetRunName(); oldRunSpeedX = gameBody.maxSpeedX; //print("---------------->AtkName " + AtkName + " RunName " + RunName+ " oldRunName "+ oldRunName); gameBody.RunACChange(RunName, moveSpeedX); if (AudioRunCut) { AudioRunCut.Play(); } } }
public override void GetStart(GameObject targetObj) { if (_targetObj == null) { _targetObj = targetObj.transform; } ChongJiStartPos = this.transform.position; if (GlobalTools.GetDistanceByTowPoint(this.transform.position, _targetObj.transform.position) < 2) { ReSetAll(); print("cj start 起始距离 在 小于2 直接 Over!! "); //ChongjiOver(); return; } isGetOver = false; isStarting = true; IsGetTargetPos = false; _gameBody = GetComponent <GameBody>(); //print("this.transform.position: " + this.transform.position); }
void Awake() { /*Dictionary<string, bool> dic = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); * ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); * int count = 0; * DateTime dateBegin = DateTime.Now; * for (int y = -100; y < 100; y++) * { * for(int x = -100; x < 100; x++) * { * if(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f,1f) < 0.05f) * { * GameBody body = BufferManager.Instance.CreateGameBody(x, y); * Ceil ceil = body.ceils[0] as Ceil; * ceil.gameObject.AddComponent<ControllerRandomAbility>(); * count++; * } * } * } * Debug.Log("All:" + count);*/ for (int i = -20; i < 20; i++) { BufferManager.Instance.CreateGameBody(i, -2); } for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) { BufferManager.Instance.CreateGameBody(-20, -2 + i); BufferManager.Instance.CreateGameBody(20, -2 + i); } GameBody body = BufferManager.Instance.CreateGameBody(0, 0); Ceil ceil = body.ceils [0] as Ceil; ceil.gameObject.AddComponent <ControllerAbility> (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { gameBody = GetComponent <GameBody>(); //DataZS d = DataZS.GetInstance(); //Type myType = typeof(DataZS); //PropertyInfo myPropInfo = myType.GetProperty("tt"); //print("--------------------> "+ (myPropInfo == null)+" > "+ myPropInfo+" length "+ arrays.Length); }
// Start is called before the first frame update protected virtual void Start() { if (IsGetBody) { //print(" 释放技能 ?? start! "); _gameBody = GetComponent <GameBody>(); _gameBody.GetDB().AddDBEventListener(DragonBones.EventObject.FRAME_EVENT, this.ShowACTX); } }
public void DeleteGameBodyCoord(GameBody body) { ArrayList ceils = body.ceils; foreach (Ceil ceil in ceils) { coords.Remove(ceil.coordx + "," + ceil.coordy); } }
public void AddGameBodyToWorld(GameBody body) { ArrayList ceils = body.ceils; foreach (Ceil ceil in ceils) { coords.Add(ceil.coordx + "," + ceil.coordy, ceil); } }
public void ChangeGameBodyCoord(GameBody body) { ArrayList ceils = body.ceils; foreach (Ceil ceil in ceils) { coords.Add(ceil.coordx + "," + ceil.coordy, ceil); } }
public GameBody CreateGameBody(int coordx, int coordy) { GameObject obj = new GameObject(); GameBody body = obj.AddComponent <GameBody> (); body.ChangeCoord(coordx, coordy); body.AddCeil(CreateCeil(), 0, 0); WorldManager.Instance.AddGameBodyToWorld(body); return(body); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _gameBody = GetComponent <GameBody>(); _roledate = GetComponent <RoleDate>(); _aiAirBase = GetComponent <AIAirBase>(); if (!_db) { _db = _gameBody.GetDB(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (player == null) { player = GlobalTools.FindObjByName("player"); if (player) { playerObj = player.GetComponent <GameBody>(); } } chushi = btnImg.transform.position; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // GetTypePC(); //GetTypeMobile(); if (player == null) { player = GlobalTools.FindObjByName("player"); if (player) { playerObj = player.GetComponent <GameBody>(); } } //this.GetComponent<Canvas>().Get = GlobalTools.FindObjByName("Main Camera"); if (Globals.isPC) { GetTypePC(); } else { GetTypeMobile(); } btn_zt.onClick.AddListener(GetSetUI); Txt_BossName.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0; saveing.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0; ObjectEventDispatcher.dispatcher.addEventListener(EventTypeName.GAME_SAVEING, this.GetSaveing); ObjectEventDispatcher.dispatcher.addEventListener(EventTypeName.GAME_RESTART, this.RemoveSelfAndRestart); ObjectEventDispatcher.dispatcher.addEventListener(EventTypeName.BOSS_NAME, this.ShowBossNameTxt); GetMainCamera(); //screenChangeZZ.gameObject.SetActive(false); //这里是控制 开始遮罩的 this.screenChangeZZ.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1; screenLoadTxt.text = ""; //StartCoroutine(IHideZZByTimes(0.5f)); if (GlobalTools.FindObjByName("maps") && GlobalTools.FindObjByName("maps").GetComponent <GetReMap2>()) { StartCoroutine(IHideZZByTimes(0.2f)); } else { HideUIZZ(); } print(" playerUI***************************************** "); //GlobalSetDate.instance.Hide_UIZZ(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _gameBody = GetComponent <GameBody>(); _roleDate = GetComponent <RoleDate>(); _gameBody.GetDB().AddDBEventListener(DragonBones.EventObject.FRAME_EVENT, this.ShowACTX); ObjectEventDispatcher.dispatcher.addEventListener(EventTypeName.ZD_SKILL_SHOW, ZDSkillShow); //ObjectEventDispatcher.dispatcher.addEventListener(EventTypeName.ZD_SKILL_OVER, ZDSkillOver); ObjectEventDispatcher.dispatcher.addEventListener(EventTypeName.ZD_SKILL_OVER_ALL, ZDSkillOverAll); //print(" zd ********************** 正厅了 "); _yuanshiOverDelayTimes = OverDelayTimes; _AtkDistances = AtkDistances; TheStart(); }
public void GetBeHit(JN_Date jn_date, float sx) { //print("被击中 !! "+this.transform.name+" 攻击力 "+ jn_date.atkPower+" 我的防御力 "+this.GetComponent<RoleDate>().def); gameBody = GetComponent <GameBody>(); roleDate = GetComponent <RoleDate>(); if (roleDate.isDie) { return; } float addxue = jn_date.atkPower - this.GetComponent <RoleDate>().def; addxue = addxue > 0 ? addxue : 1; roleDate.live -= addxue; if (roleDate.live < 0) { roleDate.live = 0; } //print("live "+ roleDate.live); if (!roleDate.isCanBeHit) { return; } if (gameBody != null) { //判断是否破防 D 代办事项 if (jn_date.atkPower - roleDate.yingzhi > 0) { } gameBody.HasBeHit(); } //判断是否在躲避阶段 无法被攻击 //判断击中特效播放位置 //击退 判断方向 float _psScaleX = sx; //判断是否在空中 //挨打动作 判断是否破硬直 //判断是否生命被打空 Bloods(_psScaleX); }
public void GetStart() { //停止移动 取消 寻路 和移动 GetComponent <AirGameBody>().GetStop(); //动作 gameBody = GetComponent <GameBody>(); if (gameBody.GetDB().animation.HasAnimation("")) { gameBody.GetAcMsg(""); } //动作做完冲刺弹射 速度用推力还是速度? 测试再看 BumpSpeed = GetJiaodu(); //gameBody.GetPlayerRigidbody2D().AddForce(BumpSpeed*400); //弹力炸弹 //速度的话 要计算速度 总速度 或者 横向速度 //播放特效 TuoWeiTXPlay(); isStart = true; }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D Coll) { gameBody = Coll.GetComponent <GameBody>(); roleDate = Coll.GetComponent <RoleDate>(); _rigidbody2D = Coll.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); //atkObj = txObj.GetComponent<JN_base>().atkObj; //print(atkObj.name); print(" ---coll name " + Coll.name + " roledate " + roleDate); if (roleDate && !IsCanHitBoss && roleDate.enemyType == "boss") { return; } JN_Date jn_date = GetComponent <JN_Date>(); if (roleDate != null && roleDate.team != jn_date.team) { //print("击中的2Dbox "+Coll.GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>().transform.position); if (roleDate.isDie) { return; } //if (!roleDate.isCanBeHit) return; //取到施展攻击角色的方向 //float _roleScaleX = -atkObj.transform.localScale.x; if (IsCanBeDodge) { //print("roleDate " + roleDate); //print(" isCanbeihit " + roleDate.isCanBeHit); if (!roleDate.isCanBeHit) { return; } } //这个已经不需要了 //if (Coll.GetComponent<BeHit>()) Coll.GetComponent<BeHit>().GetBeHit(jn_date, _roleScaleX); //print(" 这里是否进来 " + Coll.transform.position.x + " ------- " + this.transform.parent.transform.transform); if (this.transform.parent) { atkScaleX = Coll.transform.position.x < this.transform.parent.transform.position.x ? -1 : 1; } GetBeHit(jn_date, atkScaleX); //力作用 这个可以防止 推力重叠 导致任务飞出去 Vector3 tempV3 = _rigidbody2D.velocity; _rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector3(0, tempV3.y, tempV3.z); if (jn_date != null && gameBody != null) { gameBody.HasBeHit(); if (this.transform.parent == null) { return; } if (Coll.transform.position.x > this.transform.parent.transform.position.x) { //Coll.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(400 , 0)); Coll.GetComponent <GameBody>().GetZongTuili(new Vector2(400, 0)); } else { //Coll.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(-400 , 0)); Coll.GetComponent <GameBody>().GetZongTuili(new Vector2(-400, 0)); } } //毒伤害 if (jn_date.DuChixuShanghai != 0) { //print(beHitObj.name + " --beihitteam " + BeHitRoleDate.team + " jnteam " + jn_date.team + " atkObjname " + atkObj.name); if (gameBody != null && roleDate.team != jn_date.team) { gameBody.GetComponent <ChiXuShangHai>().InDu(jn_date.DuChixuShanghai, jn_date.DuChixuShanghaiTime); } } if (jn_date.HuoChixuShanghai != 0) { if (gameBody != null && roleDate.team != jn_date.team) { gameBody.GetComponent <ChiXuShangHai>().InHuo(jn_date.HuoChixuShanghai, jn_date.HuoChixuShanghaiTime); } } } }
void Start() { _roleDate = GetComponent <RoleDate>(); _gameBody = GetComponent <GameBody>(); }
void Awake() { ceil = gameObject.GetComponent <Ceil> (); body = ceil.body; this.init(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _gameBody = GetComponent <GameBody>(); _roleDate = GetComponent <RoleDate>(); _runNear = GetComponent <AIAirRunNear>(); }
//return 0.没撞到 1.撞到左边 2.撞到上面 3.撞到右边 4.撞到下面 public int MoveGameBody(GameBody body, float x, float y) { ArrayList ceils = body.ceils; float px = (body.gameObject.transform.position.x + x) / 0.16f; float py = (body.gameObject.transform.position.y + y) / 0.16f; int cx = 0; // = Mathf.RoundToInt(px); int cy = 0; // = Mathf.RoundToInt(py); int tx = 0; if (x > 0) { cx = (int)Mathf.Ceil(px); tx = (int)Mathf.Floor(px); } else { cx = (int)Mathf.Floor(px); tx = (int)Mathf.Ceil(px); } if (y > 0) { cx = (int)Mathf.Ceil(py); } else { cy = (int)Mathf.Floor(py); } int result = 0; int ground = -1; foreach (Ceil ceil in ceils) { if (coords.ContainsKey((cx + ceil.ceilx) + "," + (cy + ceil.ceily))) { if (coords[(cx + ceil.ceilx) + "," + (cy + ceil.ceily)].body != body) { if (cy - ceil.coordy == 0) { if (cx - ceil.coordx > 0) { result = 3; body.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(body.coordx * 0.16f, body.gameObject.transform.position.y); } else { result = 1; body.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(body.coordx * 0.16f, body.gameObject.transform.position.y); } } else { if (cy - ceil.coordy > 0) { result = 2; body.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(body.gameObject.transform.position.x, body.coordy * 0.16f); } else { result = 4; body.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(body.gameObject.transform.position.x, body.coordy * 0.16f); } } break; } } if (y == 0 && ground == -1) { if (coords.ContainsKey((tx + ceil.ceilx) + "," + (-1 + ceil.coordy))) { if (coords [(tx + ceil.ceilx) + "," + (-1 + ceil.coordy)].body != body) { ground = 0; } } } } if (result == 0) { x = body.gameObject.transform.position.x + x; y = body.gameObject.transform.position.y + y; if (cx != body.coordx || cy != body.coordy) { body.ChangeCoord(cx, cy); } body.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y); return(ground); } return(result); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D Coll) { gameBody = Coll.GetComponent <GameBody>(); roleDate = Coll.GetComponent <RoleDate>(); _rigidbody2D = Coll.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); var txObj = this.transform.parent; atkObj = txObj.GetComponent <JN_base>().atkObj; JN_Date jn_date = txObj.GetComponent <JN_Date>(); if (roleDate != null && roleDate.team != jn_date.team) { //print("击中的2Dbox "+Coll.GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>().transform.position); if (roleDate.isDie) { return; } if (!roleDate.isCanBeHit) { return; } //取到施展攻击角色的方向 float _roleScaleX = -atkObj.transform.localScale.x; //这个已经不需要了 //if (Coll.GetComponent<BeHit>()) Coll.GetComponent<BeHit>().GetBeHit(jn_date, _roleScaleX); GetBeHit(jn_date, _roleScaleX); //力作用 这个可以防止 推力重叠 导致任务飞出去 Vector3 tempV3 = _rigidbody2D.velocity; _rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector3(0, tempV3.y, tempV3.z); if (jn_date != null && gameBody != null) { //判断是否破防 D 代办事项 if (jn_date.atkPower - roleDate.yingzhi > roleDate.yingzhi * 0.5) { gameBody.HasBeHit(); //Coll.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(400 * _roleScaleX, 0)); gameBody.GetZongTuili(new Vector2(400 * _roleScaleX, 0)); } else if (jn_date.atkPower - roleDate.yingzhi > 0) { gameBody.HasBeHit(); //Coll.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(300 * _roleScaleX, 0)); gameBody.GetZongTuili(new Vector2(300 * _roleScaleX, 0)); if (atkObj && jn_date._type == "1") { atkObjV3Zero(); //atkObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(-300 * _roleScaleX, 0)); atkObj.GetComponent <GameBody>().GetZongTuili(new Vector2(-300 * _roleScaleX, 0)); } } else { if (atkObj && jn_date._type == "1") { atkObjV3Zero(); //atkObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(-500 * _roleScaleX, 0)); atkObj.GetComponent <GameBody>().GetZongTuili(new Vector2(-500 * _roleScaleX, 0)); } } } //判断作用力与反作用力 硬直判断 // //Coll.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(0, 300)); //如果是碰撞就消失 调用消失方法 if (jn_date != null && jn_date._type == "3") { //if (gameObject) ObjectPools.GetInstance().DestoryObject2(gameObject); txObj.GetComponent <JN_base>().DisObj(); } } }