public static Func<IHttpHeaders, IHttpContext, Task<JObject>> Get(Configuration config, Game.GameServer gameServer) { return async (headers, context) => { var result = new JObject(); var name = headers.GetByName("name"); var guid = headers.GetByName("guid"); string protocol = null; headers.TryGetByName("protocol", out protocol); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { result["error"] = "fields missing"; return result; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(protocol)) { protocol = "1"; } // check the protocol version uint protocolNum; if (!uint.TryParse(protocol, out protocolNum)) { result["error"] = "invalid protocol version"; return result; } if (config.Imports != null && config.Imports.Count > 0) { if (protocolNum < 2) { result["error"] = "Your client is too old to support imported resources. Please update to a cleanliness client or higher."; return result; } } IEnumerable<string> clientIdentifiers; // authentication if (!gameServer.Configuration.DisableAuth) { string authTicket; if (!headers.TryGetByName("authTicket", out authTicket)) { result["authID"] = gameServer.PlatformClient.LoginId; return result; } var validationAddress = ((IPEndPoint)context.RemoteEndPoint).Address; if (validationAddress.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { validationAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); // as these are whitelisted in NP code } var authResult = await gameServer.PlatformClient.ValidateTicket(validationAddress, ulong.Parse(guid), new NPSharp.RPC.Messages.Data.Ticket(Convert.FromBase64String(authTicket))); if (!authResult.IsValid) { result["error"] = "Invalid NPID sent."; return result; } clientIdentifiers = authResult.Identifiers; } else { // as there's no other authentication source, we'd guess clientIdentifiers = new[] { string.Format("ip:{0}", ((IPEndPoint)context.RemoteEndPoint).Address) }; } var client = new Client(); client.Token = TokenGenerator.GenerateToken(); client.Name = name; client.Guid = ulong.Parse(guid).ToString("x16"); client.Identifiers = clientIdentifiers; client.ProtocolVersion = protocolNum; client.Touch(); if (ClientInstances.Clients.ContainsKey(guid)) { gameServer.DropClient(ClientInstances.Clients[guid], "Duplicate GUID"); } ClientInstances.AddClient(client); result["token"] = client.Token; result["protocol"] = Game.GameServer.PROTOCOL_VERSION; return result; }; }