Example #1
    IEnumerator StartRoundCoroutine()
        state = ROUND_STATE.START;

        guiController.addCenterText("ROUND " + roundNum);

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.0f));

        // Spawn powerups, animals, and animals given round number
        // Set Time, Animals Saved, Animals Required
        isSpawnPowerups = true;
        spawnAliens(roundData[roundNum - 1].aliensSpawned);
        spawnAnimals(roundData[roundNum - 1].animalsSpawned);
        this.animalsNeeded     = roundData [roundNum - 1].animalsNeeded;
        this.animalsSaved      = 0;
        this.timeStarted       = Time.time;
        this.timeRoundDuration = roundData [roundNum - 1].roundDuration;
        this.timeEnding        = timeStarted + timeRoundDuration;

    public IEnumerator StartEndGameLeaderboard(int tempScore)
        score = tempScore;
        guicontroller.addCenterText("Score: " + score);
        //this.hideLeaderboard ();

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(4.0f));


         *      this.showLeaderboard ();
         *      scoreObj.SetActive (true);
         *      scoreObj.GetComponent<TextMesh> ().text = "Score: " + score;
         *      if (isFirebase) {
         *              if (isEntryHighScore (tempScore)) {
         *                      // Input Name for new highscore
         *                      // When Input complete,
         *                      // show score
         *                      // show main menu button
         *                      nameInputObj.SetActive (true);
         *                      leaderboardName.GetComponent<TextMesh> ().text = leaderboardNameString;
         *                      while(!isInputName)
         *                      {
         *                              yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
         *                      }
         *                      nameInputObj.SetActive (false);
         *                      string leaderboardText = "";
         *                      for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
         *                              leaderboardText += i + ": " + leaderboard [i - 1].name + " | " + leaderboard [i - 1].score + "\n";
         *                      }
         *                      leaderboardTitleObj.SetActive (true);
         *                      leaderboardObj.SetActive (true);
         *                      leaderboardObj.GetComponent<TextMesh> ().text = leaderboardText;
         *                      returnToMainMenuObj.SetActive(true);
         *              } else {
         *                      // Show score
         *                      // Show highscore list
         *                      // Show Main menu button
         *                      string leaderboardText = "";
         *                      for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
         *                              leaderboardText += i + ": " + leaderboard [i - 1].name + " | " + leaderboard [i - 1].score + "\n";
         *                      }
         *                      leaderboardTitleObj.SetActive (true);
         *                      leaderboardObj.SetActive (true);
         *                      leaderboardObj.GetComponent<TextMesh> ().text = leaderboardText;
         *                      returnToMainMenuObj.SetActive(true);
         *              }
         *      } else {
         *              // Show unable to get high score list
         *              // Prompt return to main menu only
         *              unavailableObj.SetActive(true);
         *              returnToMainMenuObj.SetActive (true);
         *      }