Example #1
        public static LookupInstructions Load(string resourcePath, Func <LookupInstructions> getDefault = null)
            var isEditor = Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying;

            var assetPath = isEditor
                ? Path.Combine(ConstFolder.ASSETS_RESOURCES, resourcePath)
                : resourcePath;
            var textAsset = isEditor
                ? AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <TextAsset>(assetPath)
                : Resources.Load <TextAsset>(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath)));

            var instructions = (LookupInstructions)null;

            if (textAsset == null)
                instructions = new LookupInstructions(getDefault.SafeInvoke());
                instructions = JsonUtility.FromJson <LookupInstructions>(textAsset.text);

Example #2
        public static void Run(Func <IDisposable> allocationCode, Action <IDisposable> bodyCode)
            IDisposable resource = null;

                    resource = allocationCode.SafeInvoke(null);
                if (resource != null)
                if (resource != null)
Example #3
 public static TReturn SafeWith <T, TReturn>(this T obj, Func <T, TReturn> action, Func <TReturn> alternative, TReturn def)
     if (!ReferenceEquals(obj, null))
         return(action.SafeInvoke(obj, alternative, def));
Example #4
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public T ResolveDependency <T>(Func <T> objectFactory)
            if (this._dependencies.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out var dependency))

            dependency = objectFactory.SafeInvoke();
            this._dependencies.Add(typeof(T), dependency);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a binding template for the given binding key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bindingKey">The registered binding key.</param>
        /// <returns>A binding template.  Returns null if no template is found.</returns>
        private static BindingTemplate GetBindingTemplate(string bindingKey)
            // The default UDDI inquiry service entry in the configuration file.
            var defaultDirectoryEntry = Cache.SingleOrDefault(entry => entry.Key == DefaultUddiInquiryService);

            // The first binding template, if found.
            Func <UddiSiteLocation, BindingTemplate> getBindingTemplate = // Search a site location for a binding template:
                                                                          siteLocation =>
                                                                          new GetBindingDetail(bindingKey).Send(new UddiConnection(siteLocation))

            // Search for and return the business service:
            return // Search the default directory for the binding template...
                   (getBindingTemplate.SafeInvoke(string.Format("Binding key: {0}", bindingKey))(
                    ?? // ...and if nothing is found, search through all discovered directories.
                    (from entry in Cache
                     where entry.Key != ControlCacheRefreshEntry && entry.Key != DefaultUddiInquiryService
                     select getBindingTemplate.SafeInvoke(string.Format("Binding key: {0}", bindingKey))(entry.Value))
                    .FirstOrDefault(bindingTemplate => bindingTemplate != null));
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the value associated with this property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the property to get</typeparam>
        /// <param name="preceeding">Action to invoke before the property value is retrieved</param>
        /// <param name="following">Action to be invoked after the property value is retrieved. Recieves the retrieved value as an argument</param>
        /// <param name="modifier">Used to modify the returned value without actually setting the underlying property</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to retrieve.  Supplied by CallerMemberName</param>
        /// <returns>The value of the given property</returns>
        protected T GetProperty <T>(Action preceeding, Action <T> following, Func <T, T> modifier, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
            // func to simplify control flow
            Func <T> getValue;

            // we need to get the property, which may either exist in one of the registered models,
            // in our internal properties dictionary, or not exist at all.  If it does not exist,
            // we need to also create it, since we cannot gaurentee that SetProperty will be called prior
            var models = m_propertyModels.Where(o => o.GetType().GetProperties()
                                                .Where(p => p.Name == propertyName && p.PropertyType == typeof(T)).Any());

            if (models.Any())
                // property exists on model, retrieve it
                var model = models.Single();
                var prop  = model.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
                if (prop == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not retrieve expected model property: " + propertyName);
                getValue = (() => (T)prop.GetValue(model));
                // property does not exist on model
                object res;
                if (!m_properties.TryGetValue(propertyName, out res))
                    m_properties.Add(propertyName, default(T));

                var prop = this.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
                if (prop == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not retrieve expected model property: " + propertyName);
                if (!prop.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T)))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Property type cannot be assigned to expected type: " + typeof(T).FullName);
                getValue = (() => (T)res);

            // invoke our delegates in the apropriate order
            T retVal = getValue();

            retVal = modifier.SafeInvoke(retVal);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a UDDI business service for the given site location, treating the
        /// string as a service key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceKey">The service key.</param>
        /// <param name="siteLocation">The UDDI site location.</param>
        /// <returns>The UDDI business service.</returns>
        public static BusinessService UddiBusinessServiceByKey(this string serviceKey, UddiSiteLocation siteLocation)
            // The UDDI business service for the given key.
            Func <BusinessService> uddiBusinessServiceByKey =
                () =>
                new GetServiceDetail(serviceKey)
                .Send(new UddiConnection(siteLocation))

                       string.Format("UDDI service key: {0}", serviceKey))());
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a UDDI business entity for the given site location, treating the
        /// string as a business key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="businessKey">The business entity key.</param>
        /// <param name="siteLocation">The UDDI site location.</param>
        /// <returns>The UDDI business entity.</returns>
        public static BusinessEntity UddiBusinessEntityByKey(this string businessKey, UddiSiteLocation siteLocation)
            // The UDDI business entity for the given key.
            Func <BusinessEntity> uddiBusinessEntityByKey =
                () =>
                new GetBusinessDetail(businessKey)
                .Send(new UddiConnection(siteLocation))

                       string.Format("UDDI business key: {0}", businessKey))());
Example #9
 public static TReturn DisposableSafeWith <T, TReturn>(this T disposable, Func <T, TReturn> action, Func <TReturn> alternative, TReturn def)
     where T : IExtendedDisposable
     if (!ReferenceEquals(disposable, null))
                    () => action.SafeInvoke(disposable, alternative, def)
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Bootstrapper"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Bootstrapper(IRunnableFactory runnableFactory, IDescriptorRepository descriptorRepository, Func<Bootstrapper, ICommandDescriptorManager> commandDescriptorManager = null,
                            Func<Bootstrapper, ICommandCallResolver> commandResolver = null, Func<Bootstrapper, ISelectorFactory> selectorFactory = null,
                            Func<Bootstrapper, ISelectorResolver> selectorResolver = null, Func<Bootstrapper, IRunnableManager> runnableManager = null, Func<Bootstrapper, IExecutor> executor = null,
                            Func<Bootstrapper, IControlFlowFactory<ControlFlowBase>> controlFlowFactory = null)
            Assume.NotNull(runnableFactory, nameof(runnableFactory));
            Assume.NotNull(descriptorRepository, nameof(descriptorRepository));

            RunnableFactory = runnableFactory;
            DescriptorRepository = descriptorRepository;
            CommandDescriptorManager = commandDescriptorManager.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultCommandDescriptorManager();
            CommandCallResolver = commandResolver.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultCommandCallResolver(descriptorRepository, RunnableFactory);
            SelectorFactory = selectorFactory.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultSelectorFactory();
            SelectorResolver = selectorResolver.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultSelectorResolver(SelectorFactory, DescriptorRepository);
            RunnableManager = runnableManager.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultRunnableManager();
            Executor = executor.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new StandardExecutor(RunnableManager);

            ControlFlowFactory = controlFlowFactory.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultControlFlowFactory(CommandCallResolver, SelectorResolver, Executor);
            Compiler = new CodeQueryCompiler();
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Bootstrapper"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Bootstrapper(IRunnableFactory runnableFactory, IDescriptorRepository descriptorRepository, Func <Bootstrapper, ICommandDescriptorManager> commandDescriptorManager = null,
                            Func <Bootstrapper, ICommandCallResolver> commandResolver = null, Func <Bootstrapper, ISelectorFactory> selectorFactory = null,
                            Func <Bootstrapper, ISelectorResolver> selectorResolver   = null, Func <Bootstrapper, IRunnableManager> runnableManager = null, Func <Bootstrapper, IExecutor> executor = null,
                            Func <Bootstrapper, IControlFlowFactory <ControlFlowBase> > controlFlowFactory = null)
            Assume.NotNull(runnableFactory, nameof(runnableFactory));
            Assume.NotNull(descriptorRepository, nameof(descriptorRepository));

            RunnableFactory          = runnableFactory;
            DescriptorRepository     = descriptorRepository;
            CommandDescriptorManager = commandDescriptorManager.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultCommandDescriptorManager();
            CommandCallResolver      = commandResolver.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultCommandCallResolver(descriptorRepository, RunnableFactory);
            SelectorFactory          = selectorFactory.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultSelectorFactory();
            SelectorResolver         = selectorResolver.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultSelectorResolver(SelectorFactory, DescriptorRepository);
            RunnableManager          = runnableManager.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultRunnableManager();
            Executor = executor.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new StandardExecutor(RunnableManager);

            ControlFlowFactory = controlFlowFactory.SafeInvoke(this) ?? new DefaultControlFlowFactory(CommandCallResolver, SelectorResolver, Executor);
            Compiler           = new CodeQueryCompiler();
Example #12
 public T SafeInvoke()