Example #1
 public Validator <T> Validate <U>(Func <T, U> projection,
                                   Predicate <U> validation,
                                   string message)
     //return Validate(t => validation(projection(t)), message);
     return(Validate(projection.AndThen(validation), message));
Example #2
        public void AndThen()
            Func <int, long>    plus2       = a => a + 2;
            Func <string, int>  length      = s => s.Length;
            Func <string, long> lengthPlus2 = length.AndThen(plus2);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, lengthPlus2("abc"));
        public void AndThen_Executes_Functions_In_Correct_Order()
            Func <int, int> add1               = x => x + 1;
            Func <int, int> doubleValue        = x => x * 2;
            Func <int, int> add1AndDoubleValue = add1.AndThen(doubleValue);

Example #4
        public void Test_Func_AndThen()
            Func <string, string> first    = input => input + "1";
            Func <string, string> second   = input => input + "2";
            Func <string, string> composed = first.AndThen(second);

            string result = composed("0");

            Assert.Equal("012", result);
        public void GivenALisOfItemHolds_WhenCalculateTotalCostCalled_ThenReturnsTotalCostWithSeviceTaxApplied()
            // Arrange
            var items = new List <ItemHolder>()
                new ItemHolder("1", 10, 50),
                new ItemHolder("2", 1, 500),
                new ItemHolder("3", 5, 100)

            Func <List <ItemHolder>, double> totalCalculator = SuperMarket.CalculateTotalCost;
            var costCalculator = totalCalculator.AndThen(SuperMarket.CalculateServiceTax(12.5));

            // Act
            var totalCost = costCalculator(items);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(totalCost, Is.EqualTo(1687.5));
 public ICoreStatBuilder Resolve(ResolveContext context) =>
 new BuffCoreStatBuilder(
     _buffs.Select(b => b.Resolve(context)).ToList(),
     _statFactory.AndThen(b => b.Resolve(context)),
 public ICoreStatBuilder Resolve(ResolveContext context)
 => new StatBuilderWithValueConverter(_inner.Resolve(context), _entity,
                                      _createValue.AndThen(b => b.Resolve(context)), _combineValues);
Example #8
        public void GivenEmptyCartProductWithBuyXAndGetYOffer_When5ProductsAdded_ThenReturnsExpectedTotalPriceAndDiscount()
            // Arrange
            var doveProduct       = new Product("Dove Soap", 39.99);
            var offerBuy2Get1Free = new Func <IProduct, uint, IProduct>((p, q) =>
                uint numberOfTimesToApply = q / 3;

                if (numberOfTimesToApply > 0)
                    return(new DiscountAsProduct(
                               p.Name + " - Buy 2 Get 1 Free offer",
                               numberOfTimesToApply * p.UnitPrice));

                return(new NullProduct());

            var discountCalculator = new Func <IEnumerable <IProduct>, double>((products) =>
                var discount     = 0.0d;
                var offerApplied = new List <IProduct>();

                var enumerable = products.ToList();

                foreach (var product in enumerable)
                    if (!(product is IProductWithAssociatedOffer productWithAssociatedOffer) || offerApplied.Contains(product))
                    var quantity = enumerable.Count(p => p.Name == product.Name);

                    discount -= productWithAssociatedOffer.GetOffer()(product, (uint)quantity).UnitPrice;



            var priceCalculator = new Func <IEnumerable <IProduct>, double>((products) =>
                var price = 0.0d;

                var enumerable = products.ToList();

                price = enumerable.Select(p => p.UnitPrice).Sum();

                price -= discountCalculator(enumerable);


            var serviceTaxCalculator = new Func <double, double>((price) => price + price * 0.125);

            var productWithOffer = new ProductWithAssociatedOffer(doveProduct, offerBuy2Get1Free);
            var cart             = new DiscountShoppingCart(

            // Act
            cart.AddProduct(productWithOffer, 3);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(cart.Products.Count(p => p.Name == "Dove Soap"), Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(cart.GetTotalPrice(), Is.EqualTo(89.98));
            Assert.That(cart.GetTotalDiscount(), Is.EqualTo(39.99));
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Composes two functions together.
 /// (Outer with the value of the result of inner will be called, if the resulting function will be called)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="outer">The outer function</param>
 /// <param name="inner">The inner function</param>
 /// <typeparam name="T1">Type of the first input parameter</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="T2">Type of the second input parameter</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="T3">The result type of the resulting function</typeparam>
 /// <returns>The composed function</returns>
 public static Func <T1, T3> Compose <T1, T2, T3>(this Func <T2, T3> outer, Func <T1, T2> inner) =>