public void Highlight() { if (instance.GlobalSettings["taskbar_highlight"]) { if ((Control is ChatConsole && instance.GlobalSettings["highlight_on_chat"]) || (Control is IMTabWindow && instance.GlobalSettings["highlight_on_im"]) || (Control is GroupIMTabWindow && instance.GlobalSettings["highlight_on_group_chat"]) || (Control is ConferenceIMTabWindow && instance.GlobalSettings["highlight_on_group_chat"])) { FormFlash.StartFlash(Control.FindForm()); } } if (Selected) { return; } if (!Detached) { Button.Image = Properties.Resources.arrow_forward_16; Button.ForeColor = Color.Red; } Highlighted = true; OnTabHighlighted(EventArgs.Empty); }
private void chkAI_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isloading) { return; } panel1.Enabled = groupBox1.Enabled = checkBox2.Enabled = chkAI.Checked; if (chkAI.Checked) { // Check to see if AI libraries have been installed string aimlDirectory = Application.StartupPath.ToString(); aimlDirectory += "\\aiml\\"; bool direxists = DirExists(aimlDirectory); if (!direxists) { DialogResult resp = MessageBox.Show("You must first install the AI libraries. Do you want to download them now?", "METAbrain", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (resp == DialogResult.Yes) { try { // Open Windows Explorer Process.Start("explorer.exe", Application.StartupPath.ToString()); // download the libraries WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.DownloadFile("", Application.StartupPath.ToString() + "\\"); FormFlash.Flash(instance.MainForm); MessageBox.Show("Download complete. \n\nLook for '' \n\nand unzip the contents into the folder \nthat's now visible in Windows Explorer.", "METAbrain"); webClient.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { string exp = ex.Message; MessageBox.Show("There has been an error downloading the library file: \n\n" + exp + "\n\nDownload manually from here:\n", "METAbrain"); } } else { chkAI.Checked = false; return; } } } }
public void Unhighlight() { FormFlash.StopFlash(instance.MainForm); if (!detached) { button.Image = null; button.ForeColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.ControlText); } highlighted = partialHighlighted = false; OnTabUnhighlighted(EventArgs.Empty); }
public void Unhighlight() { if (detached) { FormFlash.Unflash(owner); } else { button.Image = null; button.ForeColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.ControlText); } highlighted = partialHighlighted = imboxhighlighted = false; OnTabUnhighlighted(EventArgs.Empty); }
public void IMboxHighlight() { if (selected) { return; } if (detached) { if (!owner.Focused) { FormFlash.Flash(owner); } } else { //button.Image = Properties.Resources.arrow_forward_16; button.ForeColor = Color.Red; } imboxhighlighted = true; OnTabHighlighted(EventArgs.Empty); }
public void PartialHighlight() { if (selected) { return; } if (detached) { if (!owner.Focused) { FormFlash.Flash(owner); } } else { button.Image = null; button.ForeColor = Color.Blue; } partialHighlighted = true; OnTabPartiallyHighlighted(EventArgs.Empty); }