public void TestMethod1() { ExpressionParser Parser = ExpressionParser.CreateParser(); Parser.ParsingContext.Parameters.Add("x", Parameter.NewParameter(0)); Parser.ParsingContext.Parameters.Add("c", Parameter.NewParameter(new List <int> { 1, 2, 3 })); DummyAction dummy = new DummyAction(); ForAction action = new ForAction { Parser = Parser, CollectionExpression = "c$", ItemVarName = "i", InnerAction = new BlockAction { ActionList = new List <IAction> { dummy, new SetVariableAction { VariableName = "x", Expression = "x + i$" } } } }; action.ExecuteAction(); Assert.AreEqual(3, dummy.Count); Assert.AreEqual(6.0, (double)Parser.ParsingContext.Parameters["x"].ParameterValue); }
private void onNewStep(GameObject unused) { if (unused == null || scriptIsRunning.Count != 0) // player has next action { Debug.Log("on new step"); GameObject nextAction; CurrentAction current; foreach (GameObject currentAction in currentActions) { current = currentAction.GetComponent <CurrentAction>(); if (current != null) //current not in gameData.actionsHistory { nextAction = getNextAction(currentAction, current.agent); Debug.Log("nextAction = " + nextAction); /* * //loop drone script * if(nextAction == null && current.agent.CompareTag("Drone")){ * nextAction = getFirstActionOf(current.agent.GetComponent<ScriptRef>().scriptContainer.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject, current.agent); * } */ if (nextAction == null && currentAction.GetComponent <CurrentAction>().agent.CompareTag("Drone")) { currentAction.GetComponent <CurrentAction>().agent.GetComponent <ScriptRef>().scriptFinished = true; } else if (nextAction != null) { //parent = for & first loop and first child, currentfor = 0 -> currentfor = 1 if (nextAction.transform.parent.GetComponent <ForAction>() && nextAction.transform.parent.GetComponent <ForAction>().currentFor == 0 && nextAction.Equals(nextAction.transform.parent.GetComponent <ForAction>().firstChild)) { ForAction forAct = nextAction.transform.parent.GetComponent <ForAction>(); forAct.currentFor++; forAct.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent <TMP_InputField>().text = (forAct.currentFor).ToString() + " / " + forAct.nbFor.ToString(); } //ask to add CurrentAction on next frame MainLoop.instance.StartCoroutine(delayAddCurrentAction(nextAction, current.agent)); } GameObjectManager.removeComponent <CurrentAction>(currentAction); } } } }
//return true to continue the macro, false to stop (macro's over) public bool ExecNext() { try { if (!m_Playing) { return(false); } if (m_Wait != null) { TimeSpan waitLen = DateTime.UtcNow - m_Wait.StartTime; if (!(m_Wait is PauseAction) && waitLen >= m_Wait.Timeout) { if (Loop) { if (Engine.MainWindow.WaitDisplay != null) { Engine.MainWindow.WaitDisplay.SafeAction(s => s.Text = string.Empty); } m_CurrentAction = -1; m_IfStatus.Clear(); PauseB4Loop.Perform(); PauseB4Loop.Parent = this; m_Wait = PauseB4Loop; return(true); } else { Stop(); return(false); } } else { if (!m_Wait.PerformWait()) { m_Wait = null; // done waiting if (Engine.MainWindow.WaitDisplay != null) { Engine.MainWindow.WaitDisplay.SafeAction(s => s.Text = string.Empty); } } else { if (waitLen >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4.0) && Engine.MainWindow.WaitDisplay != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Language.GetString(LocString.WaitingTimeout)); sb.AppendLine("\n"); int s = (int)(m_Wait.Timeout - waitLen).TotalSeconds; int m = 0; if (s > 60) { m = s / 60; s %= 60; if (m > 60) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}:", m / 60); m %= 60; } } sb.AppendFormat("{0:00}:{1:00}", m, s); Engine.MainWindow.WaitDisplay.SafeAction(w => w.Text = sb.ToString()); } return(true); // keep waiting } } } m_CurrentAction++; //MacroManager.ActionUpdate( this, m_CurrentAction ); if (m_ListBox != null) { if (m_CurrentAction < m_ListBox.Items.Count) { m_ListBox.SafeAction(s => s.SelectedIndex = m_CurrentAction); } else { m_ListBox.SafeAction(s => s.SelectedIndex = -1); } } if (m_CurrentAction >= 0 && m_CurrentAction < m_Actions.Count) { MacroAction action = (MacroAction)m_Actions[m_CurrentAction]; if (action is IfAction) { bool val = ((IfAction)action).Evaluate(); m_IfStatus.Push(val); if (!val) { // false so skip to an else or an endif int ifcount = 0; while (m_CurrentAction + 1 < m_Actions.Count) { if (m_Actions[m_CurrentAction + 1] is IfAction) { ifcount++; } else if (m_Actions[m_CurrentAction + 1] is ElseAction && ifcount <= 0) { break; } else if (m_Actions[m_CurrentAction + 1] is EndIfAction) { if (ifcount <= 0) { break; } else { ifcount--; } } m_CurrentAction++; } } } else if (action is ElseAction && m_IfStatus.Count > 0) { bool val = (bool)m_IfStatus.Peek(); if (val) { // the if was true, so skip to an endif int ifcount = 0; while (m_CurrentAction + 1 < m_Actions.Count) { if (m_Actions[m_CurrentAction + 1] is IfAction) { ifcount++; } else if (m_Actions[m_CurrentAction + 1] is EndIfAction) { if (ifcount <= 0) { break; } else { ifcount--; } } m_CurrentAction++; } } } else if (action is EndIfAction && m_IfStatus.Count > 0) { m_IfStatus.Pop(); } else if (action is ForAction) { ForAction fa = (ForAction)action; fa.Count++; if (fa.Count > fa.Max) { fa.Count = 0; int forcount = 0; m_CurrentAction++; while (m_CurrentAction < m_Actions.Count) { if (m_Actions[m_CurrentAction] is ForAction) { forcount++; } else if (m_Actions[m_CurrentAction] is EndForAction) { if (forcount <= 0) { break; } else { forcount--; } } m_CurrentAction++; } if (m_CurrentAction < m_Actions.Count) { action = (MacroAction)m_Actions[m_CurrentAction]; } } } else if (action is EndForAction && Client.Instance.AllowBit(FeatureBit.LoopingMacros)) { int ca = m_CurrentAction - 1; int forcount = 0; while (ca >= 0) { if (m_Actions[ca] is EndForAction) { forcount--; } else if (m_Actions[ca] is ForAction) { if (forcount >= 0) { break; } else { forcount++; } } ca--; } if (ca >= 0 && m_Actions[ca] is ForAction) { m_CurrentAction = ca - 1; } } else if (action is WhileAction && Client.Instance.AllowBit(FeatureBit.LoopingMacros)) { bool val = ((WhileAction)action).Evaluate(); if (!val) { // false so skip to the endwhile int whilecount = 0; while (m_CurrentAction + 1 < m_Actions.Count) { if (m_Actions[m_CurrentAction + 1] is WhileAction) { whilecount++; } else if (m_Actions[m_CurrentAction + 1] is EndWhileAction) { if (whilecount <= 0) { // Skip over the end while m_CurrentAction++; break; } whilecount--; } m_CurrentAction++; } } } else if (action is EndWhileAction && Client.Instance.AllowBit(FeatureBit.LoopingMacros)) { int ca = m_CurrentAction - 1; int whilecount = 0; while (ca >= 0) { if (m_Actions[ca] is EndWhileAction) { whilecount--; } else if (m_Actions[ca] is WhileAction) { if (whilecount >= 0) { break; } else { whilecount++; } } ca--; } if (ca >= 0 && m_Actions[ca] is WhileAction) { m_CurrentAction = ca - 1; } } else if (action is DoWhileAction && Client.Instance.AllowBit(FeatureBit.LoopingMacros)) { bool val = ((DoWhileAction)action).Evaluate(); if (val) { int ca = m_CurrentAction - 1; int dowhilecount = 0; while (ca >= 0) { if (m_Actions[ca] is DoWhileAction) { dowhilecount--; } else if (m_Actions[ca] is StartDoWhileAction) { if (dowhilecount >= 0) { break; } else { dowhilecount++; } } ca--; } if (ca >= 0 && m_Actions[ca] is StartDoWhileAction) { m_CurrentAction = ca - 1; } } } bool isWait = action is MacroWaitAction; if (!action.Perform() && isWait) { m_Wait = (MacroWaitAction)action; m_Wait.StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } else if (NextIsInstantWait() && !isWait) { return(ExecNext()); } } else { if (Engine.MainWindow.WaitDisplay != null) { Engine.MainWindow.WaitDisplay.SafeAction(s => s.Text = string.Empty); } if (Loop) { m_CurrentAction = -1; Reset(); PauseB4Loop.Perform(); PauseB4Loop.Parent = this; m_Wait = PauseB4Loop; } else { Stop(); return(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { new MessageDialog("Macro Exception", true, e.ToString()).Show(); return(false); } return(true); }
public GameObject getNextAction(GameObject currentAction, GameObject agent) { if (currentAction.GetComponent <BasicAction>()) { if (currentAction.GetComponent <BasicAction>().next == null || currentAction.GetComponent <BasicAction>().next.GetComponent <BasicAction>()) { return(currentAction.GetComponent <BasicAction>().next); } else { return(getNextAction(currentAction.GetComponent <BasicAction>().next, agent)); } } else if (currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>()) { ForAction forAct = currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>(); //do next action if (currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>().currentFor == currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>().nbFor) { if (currentAction.GetComponent <CurrentAction>()) { GameObjectManager.removeComponent <CurrentAction>(currentAction); } if (currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>().next == null || currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>().next.GetComponent <BasicAction>()) { return(currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>().next); } else { return(getNextAction(currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>().next, agent)); } } //loop else { if (!currentAction.GetComponent <CurrentAction>()) { GameObjectManager.addComponent <CurrentAction>(currentAction, new{ agent = agent }); } forAct.currentFor++; forAct.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent <TMP_InputField>().text = (forAct.currentFor).ToString() + " / " + forAct.nbFor.ToString(); if (currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>().firstChild == null || currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>().firstChild.GetComponent <BasicAction>()) { return(currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>().firstChild); } else { return(getNextAction(currentAction.GetComponent <ForAction>().firstChild, agent)); } } } else if (currentAction.GetComponent <IfAction>()) { if (currentAction.GetComponent <IfAction>().firstChild != null && ifValid(currentAction.GetComponent <IfAction>(), agent)) { if (currentAction.GetComponent <IfAction>().firstChild.GetComponent <BasicAction>()) { return(currentAction.GetComponent <IfAction>().firstChild); } else { return(getNextAction(currentAction.GetComponent <IfAction>().firstChild, agent)); } } else { if (currentAction.GetComponent <IfAction>().next == null || currentAction.GetComponent <IfAction>().next.GetComponent <BasicAction>()) { return(currentAction.GetComponent <IfAction>().next); } else { return(getNextAction(currentAction.GetComponent <IfAction>().next, agent)); } } } else if (currentAction.GetComponent <ForeverAction>()) { //loop if (!currentAction.GetComponent <CurrentAction>()) { GameObjectManager.addComponent <CurrentAction>(currentAction, new{ agent = agent }); } if (currentAction.GetComponent <ForeverAction>().firstChild == null || currentAction.GetComponent <ForeverAction>().firstChild.GetComponent <BasicAction>()) { return(currentAction.GetComponent <ForeverAction>().firstChild); } else { return(getNextAction(currentAction.GetComponent <ForeverAction>().firstChild, agent)); } } return(null); }
private IEnumerator delayInit() { yield return(null); GameObject firstAction = null; foreach (GameObject robot in playerGO) { if (robot.GetComponent <ScriptRef>().scriptContainer.transform.childCount > 0) { firstAction = getFirstActionOf(robot.GetComponent <ScriptRef>().scriptContainer.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject, robot); } Debug.Log("firstAction = " + firstAction); if (firstAction != null) { GameObjectManager.addComponent <CurrentAction>(firstAction, new{ agent = robot }); //Debug.Log("firstAction robot = "; if (firstAction.transform.parent.GetComponent <ForAction>()) { ForAction forAct = firstAction.transform.parent.GetComponent <ForAction>(); GameObjectManager.addComponent <CurrentAction>(firstAction.transform.parent.gameObject, new{ agent = robot }); forAct.currentFor++; forAct.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent <TMP_InputField>().text = (forAct.currentFor).ToString() + " / " + forAct.nbFor.ToString(); } else if (firstAction.transform.parent.GetComponent <ForeverAction>()) { GameObjectManager.addComponent <CurrentAction>(firstAction.transform.parent.gameObject, new{ agent = robot }); } } else { GameObjectManager.addComponent <EmptyExecution>(MainLoop.instance.gameObject); } } if (firstAction != null) //not an empty execution //current action drone(s) //Debug.Log("drones "+droneGO.Count); { firstAction = null; foreach (GameObject drone in droneGO) { if (!drone.GetComponent <ScriptRef>().scriptContainer.GetComponentInChildren <CurrentAction>() && !drone.GetComponent <ScriptRef>().scriptFinished) { if (drone.GetComponent <ScriptRef>().scriptContainer.transform.childCount > 0) { firstAction = getFirstActionOf(drone.GetComponent <ScriptRef>().scriptContainer.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject, drone); //Debug.Log("firstAction drone = "; } //Debug.Log(firstAction); if (firstAction != null) { GameObjectManager.addComponent <CurrentAction>(firstAction, new{ agent = drone }); Debug.Log("firstAction drone = " +; if (firstAction.transform.parent.GetComponent <ForAction>()) { ForAction forAct = firstAction.transform.parent.GetComponent <ForAction>(); GameObjectManager.addComponent <CurrentAction>(firstAction.transform.parent.gameObject, new{ agent = drone }); forAct.currentFor++; forAct.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent <TMP_InputField>().text = (forAct.currentFor).ToString() + " / " + forAct.nbFor.ToString(); } else if (firstAction.transform.parent.GetComponent <ForeverAction>()) { GameObjectManager.addComponent <CurrentAction>(firstAction.transform.parent.gameObject, new{ agent = drone }); } } } else { onNewStep(null); } } } }