//flower search butoon
        private void flowerSearchBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //value passs to business layer Logclass variable to
                FlowerClass obj = new FlowerClass();

                //check text box empty or not
                if (textBoxFlowerCode.Text != "")
                    //set value to search
                    obj.flowerId = textBoxFlowerCode.Text;
                    //obj.CategoryName = textBox2.Text;

                    //  ExecuteNonQuery() if worked return value=truee return value=0 CtegoryClass in BusinessLayer
                    if (obj.flowerSearch() == 1)
                        //out put values
                        textBoxFlowerCode.Text     = obj.flowerId;
                        textBoxFlowerName.Text     = obj.flowerName;
                        textBoxFlowerPriceOne.Text = obj.flowerPriceone;
                        textBoxFlowerQuentity.Text = obj.flowerQuentity;
                        //CategoryFbox.Text = obj.flowerCategory;
                        richTextBoxFlowerDiscription.Text = obj.flowerDescription;

                        //Bitmap Imag = obj.flowerSearch();
                        //pictureBoxFlower.Image = Imag;
                        MessageBox.Show("---Can not  Search category  !---");
                    MessageBox.Show("---please enter values !---");

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("---ERROR IN SQL CONNECTION---" + '\n' + ex);
        protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Response.Redirect("Order.aspx");//move to the next link i.e Order.aspx

                //value passs to business layer Logclass variable to
                FlowerClass obj = new FlowerClass();

                //check text box empty or not
                if (flowerOrderTxt.Text != "")
                    //set value to search
                    obj.flowerId = flowerOrderTxt.Text;

                    //  ExecuteNonQuery() if worked return value=truee return value=0 CtegoryClass in BusinessLayer
                    if (obj.flowerSearch() == 1)
                        //out put values
                        fcode     = obj.flowerId;
                        fname     = obj.flowerName;
                        fprice    = obj.flowerPriceone;
                        fqentity  = obj.flowerQuentity;
                        fcategory = obj.flowerCategory;

                        //Bitmap Imag = obj.flowerSearch();
                        //pictureBoxFlower.Image = Imag;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;