//Flower delete private void xuiSuperButton4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //value passs to business layer Logclass variable to FlowerClass obj = new FlowerClass(); //check text box empty or not if (textBoxFlowerCode.Text != "") { obj.flowerId = textBoxFlowerCode.Text; // ExecuteNonQuery() if worked return value=truee return value=0 CtegoryClass in BusinessLayer if (obj.flowerDelete() == 1) { String x; x = obj.flowerId; MessageBox.Show("---Deleted Flower---" + x); } else { MessageBox.Show("---Can not Delete Flower !---"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("---please enter values !---"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("---ERROR IN SQL CONNECTION---" + '\n' + ex); } }
public void Generate(Enum.Itemtype item) { switch (item) { case Enum.Itemtype.Star: IItem star = new StarClass(Mygame, new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y)); Mygame.World.AddItem(star); break; case Enum.Itemtype.GreenMushroom: IItem GreenMushroom = new GreenMushroomClass(Mygame, new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y)); Mygame.World.AddItem(GreenMushroom); break; case Enum.Itemtype.RedMushroom: IItem RedMushroom = new RedMushroomClass(Mygame, new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y)); Mygame.World.AddItem(RedMushroom); break; case Enum.Itemtype.Coin: IItem Coin = new CoinClass(Mygame, new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y)); Mygame.World.AddItem(Coin); break; case Enum.Itemtype.Flower: IItem Flower = new FlowerClass(Mygame, new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y)); Mygame.World.AddItem(Flower); break; } this.ItemNumber--; }
//Flower table refresh Dtabase Table Data private void RefreshFlower_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { FlowerClass oobj = new FlowerClass(); //Datas Set obj put to the Dtaview grid auto rende all the colums and values. ///you dont create custom table colums in Data grid grid //variable of data grid view+daat source dataGridViewFlower.DataSource = oobj.flowerViewAll().Tables[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
//flower search butoon private void flowerSearchBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //value passs to business layer Logclass variable to FlowerClass obj = new FlowerClass(); //check text box empty or not if (textBoxFlowerCode.Text != "") { //set value to search obj.flowerId = textBoxFlowerCode.Text; //obj.CategoryName = textBox2.Text; // ExecuteNonQuery() if worked return value=truee return value=0 CtegoryClass in BusinessLayer if (obj.flowerSearch() == 1) { //out put values textBoxFlowerCode.Text = obj.flowerId; textBoxFlowerName.Text = obj.flowerName; textBoxFlowerPriceOne.Text = obj.flowerPriceone; textBoxFlowerQuentity.Text = obj.flowerQuentity; //CategoryFbox.Text = obj.flowerCategory; richTextBoxFlowerDiscription.Text = obj.flowerDescription; //Bitmap Imag = obj.flowerSearch(); //pictureBoxFlower.Image = Imag; } else { MessageBox.Show("---Can not Search category !---"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("---please enter values !---"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("---ERROR IN SQL CONNECTION---" + '\n' + ex); } }
//Flower ADD private void xuiSuperButton5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //value passs to business layer Logclass variable to FlowerClass obj = new FlowerClass(); //check text box empty or not if ((textBoxFlowerCode.Text != "") && (textBoxFlowerName.Text != "") && (textBoxFlowerPriceOne.Text != "")) { obj.flowerId = textBoxFlowerCode.Text; obj.flowerName = textBoxFlowerName.Text; obj.flowerPriceone = textBoxFlowerPriceOne.Text;; obj.flowerQuentity = textBoxFlowerQuentity.Text; // obj.flowerCategory = "category"; obj.flowerDescription = richTextBoxFlowerDiscription.Text; obj.flowerCategory = flowerCombo.SelectedItem.ToString(); Image img = pictureBoxFlower.Image; byte[] arr; ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter(); arr = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(img, typeof(byte[])); obj.flowerImageFile = arr; // ExecuteNonQuery() if worked return value=truee return value=0 CtegoryClass in BusinessLayer if (obj.flowerAdd() == 1) { MessageBox.Show("---Added new Flower---" + obj.flowerName); } else { MessageBox.Show("---Can not Add same Flower name again !---"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("---please enter values !---"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("---ERROR IN SQL CONNECTION---" + '\n' + ex); } }
protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("Order.aspx");//move to the next link i.e Order.aspx try { //value passs to business layer Logclass variable to FlowerClass obj = new FlowerClass(); //check text box empty or not if (flowerOrderTxt.Text != "") { //set value to search obj.flowerId = flowerOrderTxt.Text; // ExecuteNonQuery() if worked return value=truee return value=0 CtegoryClass in BusinessLayer if (obj.flowerSearch() == 1) { //out put values fcode = obj.flowerId; fname = obj.flowerName; fprice = obj.flowerPriceone; fqentity = obj.flowerQuentity; fcategory = obj.flowerCategory; //Bitmap Imag = obj.flowerSearch(); //pictureBoxFlower.Image = Imag; } else { } } else { } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }