Example #1
 private void LoadDummies()
     foreach (var d in this.Model.Dummies.OrderBy(s => s.Key))
         if (d.Key.StartsWith("thruster_flame", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
             var f = new FlameInfo();
             f.Direction = Vector3.Normalize(d.Value.Matrix.Forward);
             f.Position  = d.Value.Matrix.Translation;
             f.Radius    = Math.Max(d.Value.Matrix.Scale.X, d.Value.Matrix.Scale.Y) * 0.5f;
Example #2
        private void DamageGrid(FlameInfo flameInfo, LineD l, MyCubeGrid grid)
            HkSphereShape sph       = new HkSphereShape(flameInfo.Radius * BlockDefinition.FlameDamageLengthScale);
            var           transform = MatrixD.CreateWorld(l.From, Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up);
            var           hit       = MyPhysics.CastShapeReturnPoint(l.To, sph, ref transform, (int)MyPhysics.CollisionLayers.DefaultCollisionLayer, 0.05f);


            if (hit.HasValue)
                //MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(hit.Value, 0.1f, Color.Green.ToVector3(), 1, true);
                MyPhysics.CastRay(hit.Value - l.Direction * 0.1f, hit.Value + l.Direction * 0.1f, m_gridRayCastLst, MyPhysics.CollisionLayers.ObjectDetectionCollisionLayer);
                if (m_gridRayCastLst.Count == 0 || m_gridRayCastLst[0].HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity() != grid)    //If you found something other than the targeted grid do nothing

                Vector3D offsetHit = hit.Value + l.Direction * 0.1;
                var block = grid.GetCubeBlock(grid.WorldToGridInteger(offsetHit));
                //if (block != this.SlimBlock)
                    //MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(hit.Value, 0.1f, Color.Green.ToVector3(), 1, true);
                    var invWorld = grid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;
                    var gridPos  = Vector3D.Transform(offsetHit, invWorld);
                    var gridDir  = Vector3D.TransformNormal(l.Direction, invWorld);
                    if (block != null)
                        //We dont want to damage thruster itself
                        //We dont want smallship thruster to damage heavy armors because of landing
                        if (block.FatBlock != this && (CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large || block.BlockDefinition.DeformationRatio > 0.25))
                            block.DoDamage(30 * BlockDefinition.FlameDamage, MyDamageType.Environment, attackerId: EntityId);

                    if (block == null || block.FatBlock != this)
                        var areaPlanar   = 0.5f * flameInfo.Radius * CubeGrid.GridSize;
                        var areaVertical = 0.5f * CubeGrid.GridSize;

                        grid.Physics.ApplyDeformation(BlockDefinition.FlameDamage, areaPlanar, areaVertical, gridPos, gridDir, MyDamageType.Environment, CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small ? 0.1f : 0, attackerId: EntityId);
Example #3
        public LineD GetDamageCapsuleLine(FlameInfo info)
            var world = Matrix.CreateFromDir(Vector3.TransformNormal(info.Direction, WorldMatrix));

            var halfLenght = ThrustLengthRand * info.Radius / 2;

            halfLenght *= m_thrustDefinition.FlameDamageLengthScale;
            var position = Vector3D.Transform(info.Position, WorldMatrix);

            if (halfLenght > info.Radius)
                return(new LineD(position - world.Forward * (info.Radius), position + world.Forward * (2 * halfLenght - info.Radius)));
                var l = new LineD(position + world.Forward * halfLenght, position + world.Forward * halfLenght);
                l.Direction = world.Forward;
Example #4
        private void DamageGrid(FlameInfo flameInfo, LineD l, MyCubeGrid grid)
            HkSphereShape sph       = new HkSphereShape(flameInfo.Radius * m_thrustDefinition.FlameDamageLengthScale);
            var           transform = MatrixD.CreateWorld(l.From, Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up);
            var           hit       = MyPhysics.CastShapeReturnPoint(l.To, sph, ref transform, (int)MyPhysics.DefaultCollisionLayer, 0.05f);


            if (hit.HasValue)
                //MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(hit.Value, 0.1f, Color.Green.ToVector3(), 1, true);
                MyPhysics.CastRay(hit.Value - l.Direction * 0.1f, hit.Value + l.Direction * 0.1f, m_gridRayCastLst, MyPhysics.ObjectDetectionCollisionLayer);
                if ((m_gridRayCastLst.Count == 0 || m_gridRayCastLst[0].HkHitInfo.Body.GetEntity() != grid) && grid == CubeGrid)
                var block = grid.GetCubeBlock(grid.WorldToGridInteger(hit.Value));
                //if (block != this.SlimBlock)
                    //MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(hit.Value, 0.1f, Color.Green.ToVector3(), 1, true);
                    var invWorld = grid.PositionComp.GetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv();
                    var gridPos  = Vector3D.Transform(hit.Value, invWorld);
                    var gridDir  = Vector3D.TransformNormal(l.Direction, invWorld);
                    if (block != null)
                        if (block.FatBlock != this && (CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large || block.BlockDefinition.DeformationRatio > 0.25))
                            block.DoDamage(30 * m_thrustDefinition.FlameDamage, MyDamageType.Environment, attackerId: EntityId);
                    var areaPlanar   = 0.5f * flameInfo.Radius * CubeGrid.GridSize;
                    var areaVertical = 0.5f * CubeGrid.GridSize;

                    grid.Physics.ApplyDeformation(m_thrustDefinition.FlameDamage, areaPlanar, areaVertical, gridPos, gridDir, MyDamageType.Environment, CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small ? 0.1f : 0, attackerId: EntityId);
Example #5
        public LineD GetDamageCapsuleLine(FlameInfo info)
            var world = Matrix.CreateFromDir(Vector3.TransformNormal(info.Direction, WorldMatrix));

            var halfLenght = ThrustLengthRand * info.Radius / 2;
            halfLenght *= BlockDefinition.FlameDamageLengthScale;
            var position = Vector3D.Transform(info.Position, WorldMatrix);

            if (halfLenght > info.Radius)
                return new LineD(position - world.Forward * (info.Radius), position + world.Forward * (2 * halfLenght - info.Radius));
                var l = new LineD(position + world.Forward * halfLenght, position + world.Forward * halfLenght);
                l.Direction = world.Forward;
                return l;
Example #6
        private void DamageGrid(FlameInfo flameInfo, LineD l, MyCubeGrid grid)
            HkSphereShape sph = new HkSphereShape(flameInfo.Radius * BlockDefinition.FlameDamageLengthScale);
            var transform = MatrixD.CreateWorld(l.From, Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up);
            var hit = MyPhysics.CastShapeReturnPoint(l.To, sph, ref transform, (int)MyPhysics.DefaultCollisionLayer, 0.05f);


            if (hit.HasValue)
                //MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(hit.Value, 0.1f, Color.Green.ToVector3(), 1, true);
                MyPhysics.CastRay(hit.Value - l.Direction * 0.1f, hit.Value + l.Direction * 0.1f, m_gridRayCastLst, MyPhysics.ObjectDetectionCollisionLayer);
                if ((m_gridRayCastLst.Count == 0 || m_gridRayCastLst[0].HkHitInfo.GetHitEntity() != grid) && grid == CubeGrid)
                var block = grid.GetCubeBlock(grid.WorldToGridInteger(hit.Value));
                //if (block != this.SlimBlock)
                    //MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(hit.Value, 0.1f, Color.Green.ToVector3(), 1, true);
                    var invWorld = grid.PositionComp.GetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv();
                    var gridPos = Vector3D.Transform(hit.Value, invWorld);
                    var gridDir = Vector3D.TransformNormal(l.Direction, invWorld);
                    if (block != null)
                        if (block.FatBlock != this && (CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large || block.BlockDefinition.DeformationRatio > 0.25))
                            block.DoDamage(30 * BlockDefinition.FlameDamage, MyDamageType.Environment, attackerId: EntityId);
                    var areaPlanar = 0.5f * flameInfo.Radius * CubeGrid.GridSize;
                    var areaVertical = 0.5f * CubeGrid.GridSize;

                    grid.Physics.ApplyDeformation(BlockDefinition.FlameDamage, areaPlanar, areaVertical, gridPos, gridDir, MyDamageType.Environment, CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Small ? 0.1f : 0, attackerId: EntityId);
Example #7
 private void LoadDummies()
     foreach (var d in this.Model.Dummies.OrderBy(s => s.Key))
         if (d.Key.StartsWith("thruster_flame", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
             var f = new FlameInfo();
             f.Direction = Vector3.Normalize(d.Value.Matrix.Forward);
             f.Position = d.Value.Matrix.Translation;
             f.Radius = Math.Max(d.Value.Matrix.Scale.X, d.Value.Matrix.Scale.Y) * 0.5f;
    // 火焰上升效果
    public void AddFlame(string signName, GameObject back, float width, Vector2 initPos)
        FlameInfo info = new FlameInfo(back, width, initPos);

        _flameSet[signName] = info;
Example #9
        public bool Draw()
            if (thrust.MarkedForClose || thrust.Closed)
                return(false); // remove from list
            MatrixD cm = MyAPIGateway.Session.Camera.WorldMatrix;

            if (thrust.IsWorking && Vector3D.DistanceSquared(cm.Translation, thrust.WorldMatrix.Translation) <= maxViewDistSq)
                if (firstFunctional)
                    firstFunctional = false;
                    GetFlameInfo(); // needed here because it relies on getting dummies from the main model

                float ClosedMultiplier = 1f;

                if (Reverser != null)
                    if (Reverser.MarkedForClose || Reverser.Closed)
                        Reverser = null;
                        ClosedMultiplier = 1 - Reverser.ReflectedThrust;

                bool paused = MyParticlesManager.Paused;
                Sandbox.Definitions.MyThrustDefinition def = thrust.BlockDefinition;
                float amount = Math.Min(thrust.CurrentStrength * 2, 1);

                if (!paused)
                    float lengthTarget = Math.Max(amount, 0.25f) * length * 3f * MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.9f, 1.1f) * ClosedMultiplier;
                    thrustLerpLength = lengthTarget; // MathHelper.Lerp(thrustLerpLength, lengthTarget, 0.3f);

                    float thickTarget = thickness * MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.9f, 1.1f);
                    thrustLerpThick = thickTarget; // MathHelper.Lerp(thrustLerpThick, thickTarget, 0.2f);

                    thurstLerpColor = MathHelper.Lerp(thurstLerpColor, amount, 0.25f);

                //var trailColor = Vector4.Lerp(new Vector4(1f, 0.3f, 0f, 1f) * 0.25f, new Vector4(0.5f, 0.6f, 1f, 1f) * 0.75f, thurstLerpColor);
                Vector4 trailColor  = Vector4.Lerp(new Vector4(0.5f, 0.6f, 1f, 1f) * 0.25f, new Vector4(1f, 0.3f, 0f, 1f), thurstLerpColor);
                Vector4 insideColor = trailColor;  // Vector4.Lerp(new Vector4(1f, 0.3f, 0f, 1f) * 0.5f, new Vector4(1f, 1f, 0.9f, 1f), thurstLerpColor);
                Vector4 lightColor  = insideColor; // Vector4.Lerp(new Vector4(1f, 0.3f, 0f, 1f), new Vector4(1f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 1f), thurstLerpColor);

                MatrixD    m         = thrust.WorldMatrix;
                float      gridScale = thrust.CubeGrid.GridScale;
                MyStringId material  = ThrustReversersMod.Instance.THRUST_MATERIAL;

                for (int i = 0; i < flames.Count; ++i)
                    FlameInfo flame = flames[i];

                    Vector3D direction = Vector3D.TransformNormal((Vector3D)flame.Direction, m);
                    Vector3D position  = Vector3D.Transform((Vector3D)flame.LocalFrom, m);

                    Vector3D trailPos = position + (direction * trailOffset);

                    Vector3 dirToCam = Vector3.Normalize(cm.Translation - position);
                    float   dot      = Vector3.Dot(dirToCam, direction);

                    float trailAlpha  = 0.5f;
                    float pointsAlpha = 2f;

                    const float TRAIL_ANGLE_LIMIT  = 0.95f;
                    const float POINTS_ANGLE_START = 0.9f;
                    const float POINTS_ANGLE_END   = 0.35f;

                    if (dot > TRAIL_ANGLE_LIMIT)
                        trailAlpha *= 1 - ((dot - TRAIL_ANGLE_LIMIT) / (1 - TRAIL_ANGLE_LIMIT));

                    if (dot < POINTS_ANGLE_END)
                        pointsAlpha = 0;
                    else if (dot < POINTS_ANGLE_START)
                        pointsAlpha *= (dot - POINTS_ANGLE_END) / (POINTS_ANGLE_START - POINTS_ANGLE_END);

                    if (trailAlpha > 0)
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, trailColor * trailAlpha, trailPos, direction, thrustLerpLength, JET_FLAME_SCALE_MUL * thrustLerpThick, blendType: BLEND_TYPE);

                    if (pointsAlpha > 0)
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddBillboardOriented(ThrustReversersMod.Instance.POINT_MATERIAL, trailColor * pointsAlpha, position + (direction * pointOffset), m.Left, m.Up, (thickness * pointScaleMul), blendType: BLEND_TYPE);

                    float   coneHeightFinal = coneHeight * (paused ? 1 : MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.9f, 1.1f));
                    MatrixD coneMatrix      = MatrixD.CreateWorld(position + (direction * (coneOffset + coneHeightFinal)), -direction, m.Up);
                    Color   coneColor       = new Color(insideColor);

                    DrawTransparentCone(ref coneMatrix, coneRadius, coneHeightFinal, ref coneColor, 16, ThrustReversersMod.Instance.CONE_MATERIAL, blendType: BLEND_TYPE);

                // TODO reflected flames
                //if(ClosedMultiplier < 1 && amount > 0)
                //    float reflectedTrailOffset = -0.25f;
                //    float reflectedTrailHeight = 1.5f;
                //    var door = (MyAdvancedDoor)Reverser.Entity;
                //    foreach(var part in door.Subparts.Values)
                //    {
                //        var pm = part.WorldMatrix;
                //        MyTransparentGeometry.AddBillboardOriented(ThrustReversersMod.Instance.THRUST_MATERIAL, trailColor * (1 - ClosedMultiplier), pm.Translation + (pm.Forward * reflectedTrailOffset) + pm.Up * (reflectedTrailHeight * 0.5), pm.Left, pm.Down, 0.5f, reflectedTrailHeight);
                //    }

                light.LightOn   = true;
                light.Position  = m.Translation + (m.Forward * lightOffset);
                light.Color     = lightColor;
                light.Intensity = 100 * Math.Max(trailColor.W * 2, 0.5f);
                light.Falloff   = 3f;
                light.Range     = thrustLerpThick * 2f;

                lightJet.LightOn   = true;
                lightJet.Position  = m.Translation + (m.Forward * lightJetOffset);
                lightJet.Color     = trailColor;
                lightJet.Falloff   = 1f;
                lightJet.Range     = thrustLerpLength * 0.75f;
                lightJet.Intensity = 10 * trailColor.W;
                if (light.LightOn)
                    light.LightOn = false;

                if (lightJet.LightOn)
                    lightJet.LightOn = false;

            return(true); // keep in list