public void DeleteRowTest() { Filler.AddSetOfProduct(); IProduct iproduct = new Product(); int id = 1; var row = Filler.products[id]; string expectedRow = row.ProductName + " " + row.Description + " " + row.ProductType + " " + row.CurrentPrice; string updateRow = iproduct.DeleteRow(id); Assert.AreEqual(expectedRow, updateRow); }
public void UpdateTest() { IProduct iproduct = new Product(); Filler.AddSetOfProduct(); int id = 1; string newname = "TEST"; string descrip = "My new test"; string type = "Juice"; int newprice = 100; string expectedRow = String.Concat(newname, type, descrip, newprice); string updateRow = iproduct.UpdateOfRow(id, newname, descrip, newprice); Assert.AreEqual(expectedRow, updateRow); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Login:"******"Password:"******"LoginFailes."); Console.ReadKey(); System.Environment.Exit(-1); } Product stuff = new Product(); Console.WriteLine("Hi " + UserName + " Please, select what you want to do: "); Console.WriteLine("1) Create/Create/Update/Delete product manualy."); Console.WriteLine("2) Look through the store warehouse (upload set of products, read them...)."); Console.WriteLine("3) Conveyor. Upload standart set of products and have an overview of what is loaded."); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); StoreWarehouse warehouse = new StoreWarehouse(); switch (choice) { case "3": warehouse.ProcessConveyor(); break; case "2": warehouse.AllProductsAdd(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("New product with product type- ' Juice'- Created: "); warehouse.CreateProduct("Juice"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Product with product type- ' Mineral Water'- Read: "); warehouse.ReadProduct("Mineral Water"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Product with product type- 'Soft Drink' with name'Cola'- Updated to 'some value' "); warehouse.UpdateProduct("Soft Drink", "Cola"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Product with product type- 'Soft Drink' with name'Cola'- Deleted "); warehouse.DeleteProduct("Soft Drink", "Cola"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Results of SEARH by juice with name 'Apple' "); warehouse.SearchToFindJuiceInfo("Apple"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Results of SEARH by mineral water with trade mark 'Morshinska' "); warehouse.SearchToFidMineralWaterInfo("Morshinska"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Results of SEARH by soft drink with name 'Pepsi' "); warehouse.SearchToFindSoftDrinkInfo("Pepsi"); break; case "1": IProduct iproduct = new Product(); Filler.AddSetOfProduct(); int ix = 0; string userrespond; string currentprice; string description = " "; string productype; Console.WriteLine("Please make choice about what you want to do : Create/add new product(C), Read(R),Update(U) or Delete (D) ? (just type the first symbol)"); firsstinp: userrespond = Console.ReadLine(); userrespond = userrespond.ToUpper(); if (!(String.Equals(userrespond, "C") || String.Equals(userrespond, "R") || String.Equals(userrespond, "U") || String.Equals(userrespond, "D"))) { Console.WriteLine("Please, make CORRECT ('C','R','U','D') choice - Create/add new product(C), Read(R),Update(U) or Delete (D) "); goto firsstinp; } switch (userrespond) { case "C": Console.WriteLine("Please input product name: "); productname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please make choice about what product you want to add : Mineral water(M), Juice(J) or Soft drink(S) ? (just type the first symbol)"); productype = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please input product Description: "); description = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please input product current price: "); currentprice = Console.ReadLine(); var productList = iproduct.Create(productname, productype, description, currentprice); Console.WriteLine("The List of Product is now next:" + productList); break; case "R": // Find items according to type Console.WriteLine("Please select type of product you want to inspect: : Mineral water(M), Juice(J) or Soft drink(S) ? (just type the first symbol) "); productype = Console.ReadLine(); productype = iproduct.TypeFinder(productype); var selectedList = iproduct.Read(productype); Console.WriteLine("The List of selected product type is next:" + selectedList); break; case "U": iproduct.Update(); break; case "D": int id; foreach (Product product in Filler.products) { Console.WriteLine(ix + ") " + product.ProductName + " " + product.Description + " " + product.ProductType + " " + product.CurrentPrice); ix++; } Console.WriteLine("Please select from the list a product you want to delete(use it number) : "); // if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Console.ReadLine())) { throw new ArgumentException("Selected row number can't be empty."); } id = System.Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); string deletedRow = iproduct.DeleteRow(id); break; } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Sorry, can't help with your choice."); break; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} ", "User with next login name: "); sb.AppendFormat("{0} ", UserName); sb.AppendFormat("{0} ", "has next activity: "); foreach (var log in UserLog.loggingdata) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} ", log); } Console.WriteLine(sb); Console.ReadKey(); }