public FilestoreFile Create(SampleEventMap map, EntityBundle sites, EntityBundle instruments) { if (this.CanModify(map)) { Guid id = Guid.NewGuid(); WaterQualityDET det = new WaterQualityDET(); det.Id = id; det.Owner = "originator:" + sites.PrincipalOrgId.Identity.ToString() + ":" + instruments.PrincipalOrgId.Identity.ToString(); int ct = 0; foreach (BundleElement cur in sites.Elements) { SiteDTO tmp = new SiteDTO(); tmp.Key = cur.LocalKey; tmp.Name = cur.DisplayName; det.Sites.Add(tmp); ct++; } if (ct > 0) //has to be elements in the collection { ct = 0; foreach (BundleElement cur in instruments.Elements) { InstrumentDTO tmp = new InstrumentDTO(); tmp.Key = cur.LocalKey; tmp.Name = cur.DisplayName; det.Instruments.Add(tmp); ct++; } if (ct > 0) { det.Validate(); if (det.ValidationIssues.Count == 0) { IFileStoreProvider prov = this.FileStore; if (prov != null) { FilestoreFile fil = prov.Make(id); if (fil != null) { ExcelWaterQualityDET excel = new ExcelWaterQualityDET(det); excel.Save(fil); fil.Flush(); fil.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); return(fil); } } } } } } return(null); }
private Guid CreateExcelFile(Dictionary <CompoundIdentity, Tuple <int, Site> > siteDict, Dictionary <CompoundIdentity, Tuple <int, SamplingEvent> > eventDict, Dictionary <CompoundIdentity, Tuple <int, WaterQualityDeployment> > deploymentDict, List <Tuple <int, WaterQualityMeasurement> > measurementList, Dictionary <CompoundIdentity, Organization> orgDict, Dictionary <CompoundIdentity, FieldTrip> fieldTripDict, Dictionary <CompoundIdentity, FieldActivity> fieldActivityDict, Dictionary <CompoundIdentity, Project> projectDict) { IFileStoreProvider provider = FileStoreManager.Instance.GetProvider(); //Setting up file and Excel Workbook FilestoreFile deployFile = provider.MakeTemp(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(4)); XlWorkbook book = new XlWorkbook(); XlWorksheets sheets = book.Worksheets; //Generating Sampling Event Sheet XlSchema eventSchema = GetSampleEventSchema(); XlWorksheet eventSheet = sheets.AddWorksheet("SamplingEvents", XlColor.White, eventSchema); XlRows eventRows = eventSheet.Rows; var orderedEvents = eventDict.OrderBy(x => x.Value.Item1); foreach (var evt in orderedEvents) { string orgName = na; if (orgDict.ContainsKey(evt.Value.Item2.PrincipalOrgId)) { orgName = orgDict[evt.Value.Item2.PrincipalOrgId].Name; } string ftripName = na; string factivityName = na; string projName = na; if (fieldTripDict.ContainsKey(evt.Value.Item2.FieldTripId)) { FieldTrip ftrip = fieldTripDict[evt.Value.Item2.FieldTripId]; ftripName = ftrip.Name; if (fieldActivityDict.ContainsKey(ftrip.FieldActivityId)) { FieldActivity factivity = fieldActivityDict[ftrip.FieldActivityId]; factivityName = factivity.Name; if (projectDict.ContainsKey(factivity.ProjectId)) { projName = projectDict[factivity.ProjectId].Name; } } } List <string> evtItems = new List <string>(); evtItems.Add(orgName); evtItems.Add(projName); evtItems.Add(factivityName); evtItems.Add(ftripName); evtItems.Add(evt.Value.Item2.Name); evtItems.Add(evt.Value.Item1.ToString()); evtItems.Add(evt.Value.Item2.Description); //evtItems.Add(evt.Value.Item2.DateRange.Min.ToString()); //evtItems.Add(evt.Value.Item2.DateRange.Max.ToString()); SchemaRowData row = new SchemaRowData(eventSchema, evtItems); eventRows.AddRow(row); } //Generating Deployment/Measurement Sheet XlSchema measSchema = GetDeployMeasurementSchema(); XlWorksheet measSheet = sheets.AddWorksheet("WaterQualityMeasurements", XlColor.White, measSchema); XlRows measRows = measSheet.Rows; var orderedMeasurements = measurementList.OrderBy(x => x.Item1); foreach (var meas in orderedMeasurements) { WaterQualityDeployment deploy = deploymentDict[meas.Item2.DeploymentId].Item2; WaterQualityMeasurement measurement = meas.Item2; int eventIndex = eventDict[deploy.SampleEventId].Item1; //deploy.SiteId could be a dangling reference string siteFK = na; if (siteDict.ContainsKey(deploy.SiteId)) { siteFK = siteDict[deploy.SiteId].Item1.ToString(); } List <string> measItems = new List <string>(); measItems.Add(meas.Item1.ToString()); measItems.Add(deploy.Name); measItems.Add(deploy.Description); measItems.Add(eventIndex.ToString()); measItems.Add(siteFK); measItems.Add(deploy.Range.StartDate.ToString()); measItems.Add(deploy.Range.EndDate.ToString()); measItems.Add(measurement.SampleDate.ToString()); measItems.Add(measurement.SurfaceElevation.ToString()); measItems.Add(measurement.Temperature.ToString()); measItems.Add(measurement.pH.ToString()); measItems.Add(measurement.DissolvedOxygen.ToString()); measItems.Add(measurement.Conductivity.ToString()); measItems.Add(measurement.Salinity.ToString()); measItems.Add(measurement.Velocity.ToString()); SchemaRowData row = new SchemaRowData(measSchema, measItems); measRows.AddRow(row); } //Generating Site Sheet XlSchema siteSchema = GetSiteSchema(); XlWorksheet siteSheet = sheets.AddWorksheet("Sites", XlColor.White, siteSchema); XlRows siteRows = siteSheet.Rows; var orderedSites = siteDict.OrderBy(x => x.Value.Item1); foreach (var site in orderedSites) { Site s = site.Value.Item2; List <string> siteItems = new List <string>(); siteItems.Add(site.Value.Item1.ToString()); siteItems.Add(s.Name); siteItems.Add(s.Description); IGeometry2 <double> geom = s.Location; if (geom != null) { if (geom is PolygonBag2 <double> ) { siteItems.Add(WktUtils.ToWkt(geom as PolygonBag2 <double>).ToString()); } else if (geom is Polygon2 <double> ) { siteItems.Add(WktUtils.ToWkt(geom as Polygon2 <double>).ToString()); } else if (geom is Polyline2 <double> ) { siteItems.Add(WktUtils.ToWkt(geom as Polyline2 <double>).ToString()); } else if (geom is PolylineBag2 <double> ) { siteItems.Add(WktUtils.ToWkt(geom as PolylineBag2 <double>).ToString()); } else if (geom is Point2 <double> ) { siteItems.Add(WktUtils.ToWkt(geom as Point2 <double>).ToString()); } } else { siteItems.Add(""); } Point2 <double> geom2 = s.LocationMark; if (geom2 != null) { siteItems.Add(WktUtils.ToWkt(geom2 as Point2 <double>).ToString()); } else { siteItems.Add(""); } SchemaRowData row = new SchemaRowData(siteSchema, siteItems); siteRows.AddRow(row); } book.Save(deployFile); deployFile.Flush(); deployFile.Close(); deployFile.Dispose(); return(deployFile.FileId); }
public FilestoreFile Create(SampleEventMap map, EntityBundle sites, EntityBundle plotTypes, EntityBundle shrubSpecies, EntityBundle treeSpecies, EntityBundle herbSpecies, EntityBundle nonLiving, bool isPrivate) { if (this.CanModify(map)) { Guid id = Guid.NewGuid(); VegDET det = new VegDET(); det.Id = id; det.Owner = "originator:" + sites.PrincipalOrgId.Identity.ToString() + ":" + plotTypes.PrincipalOrgId.Identity.ToString(); int ct = 0; foreach (BundleElement cur in sites.Elements) { SiteDTO tmp = new SiteDTO(); tmp.Key = cur.LocalKey; tmp.Name = cur.DisplayName; det.Sites.Add(tmp); ct++; } if (ct > 0) //has to be elements in the collection { ct = 0; foreach (BundleElement cur in plotTypes.Elements) { PlotTypeDTO tmp = new PlotTypeDTO(); tmp.Key = cur.LocalKey; tmp.Name = cur.DisplayName; det.PlotTypes.Add(tmp); ct++; } if (ct > 0) { ct = 0; foreach (BundleElement cur in shrubSpecies.Elements) { SpeciesDTO tmp = new SpeciesDTO(); tmp.Key = cur.LocalKey; tmp.Name = cur.DisplayName; det.ShrubSpecies.Add(tmp); ct++; } if (treeSpecies != null) { foreach (BundleElement cur in treeSpecies.Elements) { SpeciesDTO tmp = new SpeciesDTO(); tmp.Key = cur.LocalKey; tmp.Name = cur.DisplayName; det.TreeSpecies.Add(tmp); ct++; } } if (herbSpecies != null) { foreach (BundleElement cur in herbSpecies.Elements) { SpeciesDTO tmp = new SpeciesDTO(); tmp.Key = cur.LocalKey; tmp.Name = cur.DisplayName; det.HerbSpecies.Add(tmp); ct++; } } if (nonLiving != null) { foreach (BundleElement cur in nonLiving.Elements) { SpeciesDTO tmp = new SpeciesDTO(); tmp.Key = cur.LocalKey; tmp.Name = cur.DisplayName; det.NonLiving.Add(tmp); } } if (ct > 0) //have to have at least one of herb, tree, shrub to POSSIBLY be valid { det.Validate(); if (det.ValidationIssues.Count == 0) { IFileStoreProvider prov = this.FileStore; if (prov != null) { FilestoreFile fil = prov.Make(id); if (fil != null) { ExcelVegDET excel = new ExcelVegDET(det); excel.Save(fil); fil.Flush(); fil.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); return(fil); } } } } } } } return(null); }
public override void Handle(HttpContext context, CancellationToken cancel) { if (context != null) { UserIdentityBase user = Security.Session.GetUser(context); if (user != null) { UserSecurityContext ctx = new UserSecurityContext(user); string localUrl = RestUtils.LocalUrl(this, context.Request); string meth = RestUtils.StripLocal(this.BaseUrl, localUrl); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(meth)) { if (meth.StartsWith(Upload, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string err = null; try { string fName = MetaInfo.GetFileName(context); //TODO -- add origin filename handling if (fName != null && MetaInfo.SupportedUploadType(fName)) //this might be a bogus way to go { if (prov == null) { prov = FileStoreManager.Instance.GetProvider(); } if (prov != null) { Stream input = context.Request.Body; if (input != null) { FilestoreFile fil = prov.MakeTemp(); if (fil != null) { input.CopyTo(fil); fil.Flush(); fil.Close(); fil.FileName = fName; prov.Update(fil); RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Ok, "\"" + fil.FileId.ToString() + "\"")); return; } else { err = "failed to make"; } } else { err = "no file received"; } } else { err = "no provider"; } } else { err = "unsupported file extension"; //this might be a bogus way to go } } catch { err = "unknown error"; } if (err == null) { RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Failed)); } else { RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Failed, "\"" + err + "\"")); } return; } if (meth.StartsWith(Download, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string err = null; try { //this should be a Guid string string filename = Uri.UnescapeDataString(meth.Substring(Download.Length)); Guid fileId; if (Guid.TryParse(filename, out fileId)) { if (prov == null) { prov = FileStoreManager.Instance.GetProvider(); } if (prov != null) { FilestoreFile fil = prov.Get(fileId); if (fil != null) { if (fil.Length > -1) { //send the bytes of a file in the response body context.Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", "attachment ; filename=\"" + fil.FileName + "\""); context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status200OK; context.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; fil.CopyTo(context.Response.Body); return; } else { err = "no stream"; } } else { err = "no such file"; } } else { err = "no provider"; } } else { err = "fileid is not legal"; } } catch { err = "unknown error"; } if (err == null) { RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Failed)); } else { RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Failed, "\"" + err + "\"")); } return; } } } else { context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized; return; } } context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest; }