public ChangesetDiffViewModel(IApplicationService applicationService, IFilesystemService filesystemService) { Comments = new ReactiveList <CommentModel>(); GoToCommentCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(); GoToCommentCommand.OfType <int?>().Subscribe(line => { var vm = CreateViewModel <CommentViewModel>(); ReactiveUI.Legacy.ReactiveCommandMixins.RegisterAsyncTask(vm.SaveCommand, async t => { var req = applicationService.Client.Users[Username].Repositories[Repository].Commits[Branch].Comments.Create(vm.Comment, Filename, line); var response = await applicationService.Client.ExecuteAsync(req); Comments.Add(response.Data); vm.DismissCommand.ExecuteIfCan(); }); ShowViewModel(vm); }); this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Filename).Subscribe(x => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)) { Title = "Diff"; } else { _actualFilename = Path.GetFileName(Filename) ?? Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); Title = _actualFilename; } }); _loadCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async t => { var branch = applicationService.Client.Users[Username].Repositories[Repository].Commits[Branch]; //Make sure we have this information. If not, go get it if (CommitFile == null) { var data = await applicationService.Client.ExecuteAsync(branch.Get()); CommitFile = data.Data.Files.First(x => string.Equals(x.Filename, Filename)); } string path; using (var stream = filesystemService.CreateTempFile(out path)) { using (var fs = new StreamWriter(stream)) { fs.Write(CommitFile.Patch); } } SourceItem = new FileSourceItemViewModel { FilePath = path }; await Comments.SimpleCollectionLoad(branch.Comments.GetAll(), t as bool?); }); }
/// <summary> /// Add the specified language to this object /// </summary> public void AddLanguage(string languageCode, bool copyValues) { if (Languages.ContainsKey(languageCode.ToLower())) { return; } // Create the file var cleanFilename = Filename.Substring(0, Filename.LastIndexOf('.')); var newFilename = $"{cleanFilename}.{languageCode}.resx"; File.Delete(newFilename); using (var writer = new ResXResourceWriter(newFilename)) { if (copyValues) { using (var reader = new ResXResourceReader(Filename)) { reader.UseResXDataNodes = true; var dataEnumerator = reader.GetEnumerator(); while (dataEnumerator.MoveNext()) { var key = (string)dataEnumerator.Key; var node = (ResXDataNode)dataEnumerator.Value; if (!IsLocalizableString(key, node)) { continue; } var value = node.GetValueAsString(); // Skip saving unnecessary items if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { writer.AddResource(key, value); } } } } writer.Generate(); } // Add the created file to this ResourceHolder var languageHolder = new LanguageHolder(languageCode, newFilename); Languages.Add(languageCode.ToLower(), languageHolder); _stringsTable.Columns.Add(languageCode.ToLower()); ReadResourceFile(languageHolder.Filename, _stringsTable, languageHolder.LanguageId, true); EvaluateAllRows(); Dirty = true; OnLanguageChange(); }
public string GetFileExtension() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filename) || !Filename.Contains(".")) { return(string.Empty); } var dotIndex = Filename.LastIndexOf('.'); return(Filename.Substring(dotIndex)); }
private string GetFileEnding() { if (!Filename.Contains(".")) { return(""); } if (Filename.EndsWith(".")) { return(""); } return(this.Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf('.') + 1).ToLower()); }
public ChangesetDiffViewModel(IApplicationService applicationService, IActionMenuFactory actionMenuFactory) { var comments = new ReactiveList <CommitComment>(); Comments = comments.CreateDerivedCollection(x => x); GoToCommentCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(); GoToCommentCommand.OfType <int?>().Subscribe(line => { // var vm = this.CreateViewModel<CommentViewModel>(); // ReactiveUI.Legacy.ReactiveCommandMixins.RegisterAsyncTask(vm.SaveCommand, async t => // { // var req = applicationService.Client.Users[Username].Repositories[Repository].Commits[Branch].Comments.Create(vm.Comment, Filename, line); // var response = await applicationService.Client.ExecuteAsync(req); // comments.Add(response.Data); // Dismiss(); // }); // NavigateTo(vm); }); _patch = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CommitFile) .IsNotNull().Select(x => x.Patch).ToProperty(this, x => x.Patch); this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Filename).Subscribe(x => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)) { Title = "Diff"; } else { _actualFilename = Path.GetFileName(Filename) ?? Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); Title = _actualFilename; } }); ShowMenuCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(_ => { var sheet = actionMenuFactory.Create(Title); sheet.AddButton("Add Comment", ReactiveCommand.Create()); return(sheet.Show()); }); LoadCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async t => { applicationService.GitHubClient.Repository.RepositoryComments.GetForCommit(Username, Repository, Branch) .ToBackground(x => comments.Reset(x)); var commits = await applicationService.GitHubClient.Repository.Commits.Get(Username, Repository, Branch); CommitFile = commits.Files.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Filename, Filename, StringComparison.Ordinal)); }); }
public ChangesetDiffViewModel(ISessionService sessionService, IActionMenuFactory actionMenuFactory, IAlertDialogFactory alertDialogFactory) { var comments = new ReactiveList <CommitComment>(); Comments = comments.CreateDerivedCollection( x => new FileDiffCommentViewModel(x.User.Login, x.User.AvatarUrl, x.Body, x.Position ?? 0)); var gotoCreateCommentCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create().WithSubscription(_ => { var vm = new ComposerViewModel(async s => { var cmd = new NewCommitComment(s) { Path = Filename, Position = SelectedPatchLine.Item1 }; var comment = await sessionService.GitHubClient.Repository.RepositoryComments.Create(Username, Repository, Branch, cmd); _commentCreatedObservable.OnNext(comment); comments.Add(comment); }, alertDialogFactory); NavigateTo(vm); }); GoToCommentCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedPatchLine).Select(x => x != null), sender => { var sheet = actionMenuFactory.Create(); sheet.AddButton(string.Format("Add Comment on Line {0}", SelectedPatchLine.Item2), gotoCreateCommentCommand); return(sheet.Show(sender)); }); _patch = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CommitFile) .IsNotNull().Select(x => x.Patch).ToProperty(this, x => x.Patch); this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Filename).Subscribe(x => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)) { Title = "Diff"; } else { _actualFilename = Path.GetFileName(Filename) ?? Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); Title = _actualFilename; } }); LoadCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async t => { sessionService.GitHubClient.Repository.RepositoryComments.GetAllForCommit(Username, Repository, Branch) .ToBackground(x => comments.Reset(x.Where(y => string.Equals(y.Path, Filename)))); var commits = await sessionService.GitHubClient.Repository.Commits.Get(Username, Repository, Branch); CommitFile = commits.Files.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Filename, Filename, StringComparison.Ordinal)); }); }
public void SaveBackup() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Filename)) { return; } var backupName = Filename; backupName = backupName.Insert(Filename.LastIndexOf("."), $".{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd}"); backupName = Path.Combine(Session.BackupDirectory, Path.GetFileName(backupName)); Write(backupName, isBackup: true); }
/// <summary> /// Download the File data. /// </summary> /// <param name="callback">File data as Unity specific object or bytes.</param> /// <param name="forceBytes">Stops intelligent conversion of file array (e.g png -> Texture) and forces returning of a raw byte array.</param> public IEnumerator Download(Action <object> callback, bool forceBytes = false) { var manager = Request.Instance; using (UnityWebRequest www = manager.Generate("contents/" + Id, UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbGET)) { yield return(www.Send()); if (www.isError) { Debug.LogError("Failed to Download File: " + www.error); } else { // Get Headers. var headers = www.GetResponseHeaders(); // Get data as bytes. Data =; // Get filename from Content-Disposition header. Filename = headers["Content-Disposition"].Split('"')[1]; // Parse Extension. Extension = Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf('.') + 1).ToLower(); // Figure Unity-native ReturnType. SetReturnType(); // Convert data to ReturnType. if (forceBytes) { // Specifically asked for bytes. callback(Data); } else if (ReturnType == typeof(Texture)) { // Downloaded File is a supported image. var texture = new Texture2D(2, 2); texture.LoadImage(Data); callback(texture); } else { // TODO: Support more file types. // Unsupported file type, returning bytes. Debug.LogWarning(Extension + " is unsupported, returning bytes."); ReturnType = typeof(Byte); callback(Data); } } } }
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.Clear(Color.White); CircleDoc.Draw(e.Graphics); if (Filename != string.Empty) { this.Text = $"Pulsing circles | {Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1)}"; } else { this.Text = "Pulsing circles"; } }
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.Clear(Color.White); BaloonsDoc.DrawBaloons(e.Graphics); if (Filename != string.Empty) { this.Text = $"Moving baloons | {Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1)}"; } else { this.Text = "Moving baloons"; } }
public void SaveBackup() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Filename)) { return; } var backupDir = Global.Config.PathEntries.MovieBackupsAbsolutePath(); var backupName = Filename; backupName = backupName.Insert(Filename.LastIndexOf("."), $".{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd}"); backupName = Path.Combine(backupDir, Path.GetFileName(backupName)); Write(backupName, isBackup: true); }
public void ReadGroups() { if (MOHD == null || MOHD.nGroups == 0) { return; } var directory = Filename.Substring(0, Filename.LastIndexOf('.')); Groups = new List <WMOGroup>(); for (int i = 0; i < MOHD.nGroups; i++) { try { Groups.Add(new WMOGroup(string.Format("{0}_{1:000}.wmo", directory, i))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } } }
public PullRequestDiffViewModel(ISessionService sessionService, IActionMenuFactory actionMenuFactory, IAlertDialogFactory alertDialogFactory) { var gotoCreateCommentCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create().WithSubscription(_ => { var vm = new ComposerViewModel(async s => { var req = new PullRequestReviewCommentCreate(s, ParentViewModel.HeadSha, Filename, SelectedPatchLine.Item1); var comment = await sessionService.GitHubClient.PullRequest.Comment.Create(ParentViewModel.RepositoryOwner, ParentViewModel.RepositoryName, ParentViewModel.PullRequestId, req); _commentCreatedObservable.OnNext(comment); }, alertDialogFactory); NavigateTo(vm); }); GoToCommentCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedPatchLine).Select(x => x != null), sender => { var sheet = actionMenuFactory.Create(); sheet.AddButton(string.Format("Add Comment on Line {0}", SelectedPatchLine.Item2), gotoCreateCommentCommand); return(sheet.Show(sender)); }); this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequestFile.Patch) .IsNotNull() .ToProperty(this, x => x.Patch, out _patch); var comments = new ReactiveList <PullRequestReviewComment>(); Comments = comments.CreateDerivedCollection( x => new FileDiffCommentViewModel(x.User.Login, x.User.AvatarUrl, x.Body, x.Position ?? 0)); this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ParentViewModel.Comments) .Merge(this.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.ParentViewModel.Comments.Changed).Select(_ => ParentViewModel.Comments)) .Select(x => x.Where(y => string.Equals(y.Path, Filename, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList()) .Subscribe(x => comments.Reset(x)); this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequestFile.FileName) .ToProperty(this, x => x.Filename, out _filename); this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Filename) .Subscribe(x => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)) { Title = "Diff"; } else { Title = Path.GetFileName(Filename) ?? Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); } }); }
public int Load(bool ForceFromInternet = false) { try { this.CompletionLevel = MetaCompletionLevel.Loading; string filenameNoExtension = Filename.Substring(0, Filename.LastIndexOf(".")); // if there is already a nfo file, skip it string path = new FileInfo(Filename).Directory.FullName; this.NfoFile = filenameNoExtension + ".nfo"; if (!ForceFromInternet && File.Exists(this.NfoFile)) { // load nfo LoadFromNfo(); return(1); } else { this.FileInfo = VideoFileMeta.Load(Filename); // lookup if (LoadFromTheTvDb()) { Save(); } return(2); } } finally { if (this.Episodes == null || this.Episodes.Length == 0) { this.CompletionLevel = MetaCompletionLevel.None; } else { this.CompletionLevel = MetaCompletionLevel.Full; if (Settings.AutoRenameEpisodes) { RenameEpisode(); } } if (this.Episodes != null && this.Episodes.Length > 0) { this.Rating = (from e in this.Episodes select e.Rating).Average(); } } }
private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer1.Stop(); var dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "Pulsing circle files (*.psf)|*.psf"; dialog.Title = "Open your game"; if (Filename != string.Empty) { dialog.FileName = Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); } if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Filename = dialog.FileName; } else { if (toolStripButton1.Text != "Ста&рт") { timer1.Start(); } return; } try { using (var stream = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); CircleDoc = (CircleDoc)formatter.Deserialize(stream); Invalidate(true); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show($"EXCEPTION HAPPENED. HERE ARE THE DETAILS:\n\n{exception}"); } finally { if (toolStripButton1.Text != "Ста&рт") { timer1.Start(); } } }
public void Init(NavObject navObject) { Username = navObject.Username; Repository = navObject.Repository; Branch = navObject.Branch; Filename = navObject.Filename; _actualFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Filename); if (_actualFilename == null) { _actualFilename = Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); } Title = _actualFilename; _commitFileModel = Mvx.Resolve <IViewModelTxService>().Get() as ChangesetDiffModel; }
public void Save() { if (this.Episodes == null || this.Episodes.Length < 1) { return; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (TvEpisodeMeta episode in this.Episodes) { builder.AppendLine(episode.CreateXElement().ToString()); } string filenameNoExtension = Filename.Substring(0, Filename.LastIndexOf(".")); File.WriteAllText(filenameNoExtension + ".nfo", builder.ToString()); }
public int Load(bool ForceFromInternet = false) { this.CompletionLevel = MetaCompletionLevel.Loading; try { string filenameNoExtension = Filename.Substring(0, Filename.LastIndexOf(".")); // if there is already a nfo file, skip it string path = new FileInfo(Filename).Directory.FullName; this.NfoFile = filenameNoExtension + ".nfo"; if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, "movie.nfo")) && !ForceFromInternet) { this.NfoFile = Path.Combine(path, "movie.nfo"); LoadFromNfo(); return(1); } else if (File.Exists(this.NfoFile) && !ForceFromInternet) { LoadFromNfo(); return(1); } else { if (LoadFromTheMovieDb(ForceFromInternet)) { Save(); } return(2); } } finally { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Title) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Plot) || this.Genres == null || this.Genres.Length == 0 || this.ReleaseDate == DateTime.MinValue || this.Year == 0) { this.CompletionLevel = MetaCompletionLevel.Partial; } else { this.CompletionLevel = MetaCompletionLevel.Full; } } }
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.Clear(Color.White); var pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 3); e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, _left, _top, _width, _height); pen.Dispose(); BallsDoc.DrawHoles(e.Graphics, new Font("Arial", 20)); BallsDoc.DrawBalls(e.Graphics); if (Filename != string.Empty) { this.Text = $"Balls in Holes | {Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1)}"; } else { this.Text = "Balls in Holes"; } }
public void SaveBackup() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Filename)) { return; } var backupName = Filename; backupName = backupName.Insert(Filename.LastIndexOf("."), $".{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd}"); backupName = Path.Combine(Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Movie backups"].Path, Path.GetFileName(backupName)); var directoryInfo = new FileInfo(backupName).Directory; if (directoryInfo != null) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryInfo.FullName); } Write(backupName, backup: true); }
private void saveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer1.Stop(); var dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "Balls in Holes file (*.bhf)|*.bhf"; dialog.Title = "Save your game"; if (Filename != string.Empty) { dialog.FileName = Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); } if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Filename = dialog.FileName; } else { timer1.Start(); return; } try { using (var stream = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { var formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); formatter.Serialize(stream, BallsDoc); Invalidate(true); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show($"EXCEPTION HAPPENED. HERE ARE THE DETAILS:\n\n{exception}"); } finally { timer1.Start(); } }
/// <summary> /// Only retrieve the headers of the file. /// </summary> /// <param name="callback">Dictionary of headers.</param> public IEnumerator GetHeaders(Action <Dictionary <string, string> > callback) { var manager = Request.Instance; using (UnityWebRequest www = manager.Generate("contents/" + Id, UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbHEAD)) { yield return(www.Send()); if (www.isError) { Debug.LogError("Failed to Download File Headers: " + www.error); } else { var headers = www.GetResponseHeaders(); Filename = headers["Content-Disposition"].Split('"')[1]; Extension = Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf('.') + 1).ToLower(); SetReturnType(); callback(headers); } } }
public XElement CreateXElement() { string filenameNoExtension = Filename.Substring(0, Filename.LastIndexOf(".")); XElement element = new XElement("episodedetails"); if (this.TvdbId > 0) { element.Add(new XElement("tvdbid", this.TvdbId)); } if (this.TvdbSeriesId > 0) { element.Add(new XElement("tvdbseriesid", this.TvdbSeriesId)); } element.Add(new XElement("title", this.Title ?? "")); element.Add(new XElement("showtitle", this.ShowTitle ?? "")); if (this.Rating > 0) { element.Add(new XElement("rating", this.Rating)); } if (this.Aired > new DateTime(1910, 1, 1)) // i doubt think anyone will have a tv show from before 1910 :) { element.Add(new XElement("aired", this.Aired.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); } if (this.Premiered > new DateTime(1910, 1, 1)) { element.Add(new XElement("premiered", this.Premiered.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); } element.Add(new XElement("season", this.Season)); element.Add(new XElement("episode", this.Episode)); element.Add(new XElement("displayseason", this.DisplaySeason)); element.Add(new XElement("displayepisode", this.DisplayEpisode)); element.Add(new XElement("plot", this.Plot)); if (this.EpBookmark > 0) { element.Add(new XElement("epbookmark", this.EpBookmark)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Thumb)) { string strThumb = this.Thumb; if (this.Thumb.StartsWith("http")) { FileInfo thumbFile = new FileInfo(filenameNoExtension + ".tbn"); if (thumbFile.Exists || ImageDownloader.DownloadImage(this.Thumb, thumbFile.FullName)) // only set to local file if exists or successfully downloads, if fails keep the URL in there { strThumb = thumbFile.Name; } } element.Add(new XElement("thumb", strThumb)); } if (this.Directors != null) { foreach (string director in this.Directors) { element.Add(new XElement("director", director)); } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Studio)) { element.Add(new XElement("studio", this.Studio)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Mpaa)) { element.Add(new XElement("mpaa", this.Mpaa)); } if (this.Actors != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> actor in this.Actors) { XElement xActor = new XElement("actor", new XElement("name", actor.Key)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(actor.Value)) { xActor.Add(new XElement("role", actor.Value)); } element.Add(xActor); } } if (this.FileInfo != null) { XElement fileinfo = this.FileInfo.CreateXElement(); if (fileinfo != null) { element.Add(fileinfo); } } return(element); }