Example #1
    private bool OnCollisionEvent(FSFixture fixtureA, FSFixture fixtureB, Contact contact)
        FSBody bodyB = fixtureB.Body;
        //if (bodyB.UserTag == "Respawn") {
        FVector2 normal;

        FarseerPhysics.Common.FixedArray2 <FVector2> contactPoints;
        contact.GetWorldManifold(out normal, out contactPoints);
        bodyB.ApplyLinearImpulse(normal * (-1 * Force));
Example #2
        public override void Start()

            CircleShape     circ;
            PolygonShape    box;
            FSFixture       fixture;
            FSRevoluteJoint joint;

            // Add 2 ragdolls along the top
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                float startX = 70f + Random.value * 20f + 480f * (float)i;
                float startY = (20f + Random.value * 50f) * -1f;

                // Head
                FSBody head = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                circ                = new CircleShape(12.5f / physScale, 1f);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(head, circ);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.3f;
                head.Position       = new FVector2(startX / physScale, startY / physScale);
                head.ApplyLinearImpulse(new FVector2(Random.value * 100f - 50f, Random.value * 100f - 50f), head.Position);
                head.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

                // Torso 1
                FSBody torso1 = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(15f / physScale, 10f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(torso1, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                torso1.Position     = new FVector2(startX / physScale, (startY - 28f) / physScale);
                torso1.BodyType     = BodyType.Dynamic;

                // Torso 2
                FSBody torso2 = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(15f / physScale, 10f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(torso2, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                torso2.Position     = new FVector2(startX / physScale, (startY - 43f) / physScale);
                torso2.BodyType     = BodyType.Dynamic;

                // Torso 3
                FSBody torso3 = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(15f / physScale, 10f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(torso3, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                torso3.Position     = new FVector2(startX / physScale, (startY - 58f) / physScale);
                torso3.BodyType     = BodyType.Dynamic;

                // UpperArm
                // L
                FSBody upperArmL = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(18f / physScale, 6.5f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(upperArmL, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                upperArmL.Position  = new FVector2((startX - 30f) / physScale, (startY - 20f) / physScale);
                upperArmL.BodyType  = BodyType.Dynamic;
                // R
                FSBody upperArmR = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(18f / physScale, 6.5f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(upperArmR, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                upperArmR.Position  = new FVector2((startX + 30f) / physScale, (startY - 20f) / physScale);
                upperArmR.BodyType  = BodyType.Dynamic;

                // LowerArm
                // L
                FSBody lowerArmL = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(17f / physScale, 6f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(lowerArmL, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                lowerArmL.Position  = new FVector2((startX - 57f) / physScale, (startY - 20f) / physScale);
                lowerArmL.BodyType  = BodyType.Dynamic;
                // R
                FSBody lowerArmR = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(17f / physScale, 6f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(lowerArmR, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                lowerArmR.Position  = new FVector2((startX + 57f) / physScale, (startY - 20f) / physScale);
                lowerArmR.BodyType  = BodyType.Dynamic;

                // UpperLeg
                // L
                FSBody upperLegL = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(7.5f / physScale, 22f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(upperLegL, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                upperLegL.Position  = new FVector2((startX - 8f) / physScale, (startY - 85f) / physScale);
                upperLegL.BodyType  = BodyType.Dynamic;
                // R
                FSBody upperLegR = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(7.5f / physScale, 22f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(upperLegR, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                upperLegR.Position  = new FVector2((startX + 8f) / physScale, (startY - 85f) / physScale);
                upperLegR.BodyType  = BodyType.Dynamic;

                // LowerLeg
                // L
                FSBody lowerLegL = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(7.5f / physScale, 22f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(lowerLegL, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                lowerLegL.Position  = new FVector2((startX - 8f) / physScale, (startY - 120f) / physScale);
                lowerLegL.BodyType  = BodyType.Dynamic;
                // R
                FSBody lowerLegR = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox(7.5f / physScale, 22f / physScale);
                fixture             = new FSFixture(lowerLegR, box);
                fixture.Friction    = 0.4f;
                fixture.Restitution = 0.1f;
                lowerLegR.Position  = new FVector2((startX + 8f) / physScale, (startY - 120f) / physScale);
                lowerLegR.BodyType  = BodyType.Dynamic;

                // JOINTS

                // Head to shoulders
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, torso1, head, head.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2(startX / physScale, (startY - 15f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -40f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 40f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;

                // Upper arm to shoulders
                // L
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, torso1, upperArmL, upperArmL.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2((startX - 18f) / physScale, (startY - 20f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -85f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 130f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;
                // R
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, torso1, upperArmR, upperArmR.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2((startX + 18f) / physScale, (startY - 20f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -130f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 85f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;

                // Lower arm to upper arm
                // L
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, upperArmL, lowerArmL, lowerArmL.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2((startX - 45f) / physScale, (startY - 20f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -130f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 10f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;
                // R
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, upperArmR, lowerArmR, lowerArmR.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2((startX + 45f) / physScale, (startY - 20f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -10f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 130f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;

                // Shoulders/stomach
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, torso1, torso2, torso2.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2((startX + 0f) / physScale, (startY - 35f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -15f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 15f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;
                // Stomach/hips
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, torso2, torso3, torso3.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2((startX + 0f) / physScale, (startY - 50f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -15f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 15f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;

                // Torso to upper leg
                // L
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, torso3, upperLegL, upperLegL.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2((startX - 8f) / physScale, (startY - 72f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -25f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 45f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;
                // R
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, torso3, upperLegR, upperLegR.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2((startX + 8f) / physScale, (startY - 72f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -45f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 25f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;

                // Upper leg to lower leg
                // L
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, upperLegL, lowerLegL, lowerLegL.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2((startX - 8f) / physScale, (startY - 105f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -25f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 115f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;
                // R
                joint                  = JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld, upperLegR, lowerLegR, lowerLegR.GetLocalPoint(new FVector2((startX + 8f) / physScale, (startY - 105f) / physScale)));
                joint.LowerLimit       = -115f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.UpperLimit       = 25f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                joint.LimitEnabled     = true;
                joint.CollideConnected = false;

            // Add stairs on the left, these are static bodies so set the type accordingly
            for (int j = 1; j <= 10; j++)
                FSBody body = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox((10f * (float)j) / physScale, 10f / physScale);
                fixture       = new FSFixture(body, box);
                body.Position = new FVector2((10f * (float)j) / physScale, ((150f + 20f * (float)j) / physScale) * -1f);
            // Add stairs on the right
            for (int k = 1; k <= 10; k++)
                FSBody body = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);
                box = new PolygonShape(1f);
                box.SetAsBox((10f * (float)k) / physScale, 10f / physScale);
                fixture       = new FSFixture(body, box);
                body.Position = new FVector2((640f - 10f * (float)k) / physScale, ((150f + 20f * (float)k) / physScale) * -1f);

            FSBody ground = new FSBody(FSWorldComponent.PhysicsWorld);

            box = new PolygonShape(1f);
            box.SetAsBox(30f / physScale, 40f / physScale);
            fixture         = new FSFixture(ground, box);
            ground.Position = new FVector2(320f / physScale, (320f / physScale) * -1f);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Kohdistaa kappaleeseen impulssin. Tällä kappaleen saa nopeasti liikkeeseen.
 /// </summary>
 public void ApplyImpulse(Vector impulse)
     FSBody.ApplyLinearImpulse(impulse * FSConvert.DisplayToSim * FSConvert.DisplayToSim * FSConvert.DisplayToSim);