/// <summary>
        /// Resets the propetry grid to be without properties
        /// </summary>
        public void Reset()
            if (IsDisposed)

            propertyBag = new PropertyTable();
            this.SelectedObject = propertyBag;
        ///Retrieves the selected object from the desktop or archive and
        ///displays its properties in the property bar
        public void Adapt()
            if (IsDisposed)

            temporaryValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            temporaryPropertyTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            moreBoxesValuesState =
                new Dictionary<string, EMoreBoxesTemporaryValueState>();

            if (IsOneBoxSelected) //creating properties for 1 box only
                PropertyTable prop = CreatePropertiesFromBox(SelectedBox);
                propertyBag = prop;
                AddSocketProperties(propertyBag, SelectedBox);

                this.SelectedObject = propertyBag;
            else //creating it for more selected boxes
                PropertyTable prop = CreatePropertiesFromMoreBoxes(SelectedBoxes);
                propertyBag = prop;
                this.SelectedObject = propertyBag;