Example #1
    void FuckWithRotationAndTransform(ExplosiveProjectile projectile)
        // TODO: F**k with the rotation
        CharacterController cc = GetComponent <CharacterController> ();

        cc.Move(new Vector3(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f));
    void Start()
        m_PreviousPosition = transform.position;

        m_Collider = GetComponent<Collider>();

        m_ExplosiveProjectile = GetComponent<ExplosiveProjectile>();
Example #3
 public void Hit(ExplosiveProjectile projectile)
     if (!isLocalPlayer)
     if (directHitAudioClip)
         AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(directHitAudioClip, transform.position);
     GetComponent <Points> ().CmdRemovePoints(hitPointPenalty);
Example #4
    public void ProjectileExploded(ExplosiveProjectile projectile)
        if (!isLocalPlayer)

        // Check to see if the projectile is visible
        Vector3 screenPoint = myCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(projectile.transform.position);

        if (screenPoint.z > 0 && screenPoint.x > 0 && screenPoint.x < 1 && screenPoint.y > 0 && screenPoint.y < 1)
            // TODO mask the raycast so that other projectiles do not interfere
            // TODO add maxDistance to the target - using distance between player and projectile
            Vector3 screenPointInPixels = new Vector3(
                screenPoint.x * myCamera.pixelWidth,
                screenPoint.y * myCamera.pixelHeight,
            Ray        ray = myCamera.ScreenPointToRay(screenPointInPixels);
            RaycastHit hitInfo;
            Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo);
            // If we raycast and found that the target we hit was the same projectile
            // Then we enable the crazy glitch effect
            if (hitInfo.collider != null && hitInfo.collider.gameObject == projectile.gameObject)
                // Calculate the distance between the two. This determines the glitch strength
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, projectile.transform.position);
                if (distance <= 0.0f)
                    distance = 0.1f;
                float glitchAmount = 1 / (distance / 2.0f);
                glitchAmount = Mathf.Clamp(glitchAmount, 0.0f, maximumGlitchTime);

                if (glitchAudioClip != null)
                    AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(glitchAudioClip, transform.position);
    public override GameObject NewProjectile(GameObject origin, Faction originFaction)
        GameObject          launchedProjectile = prefab.gameObject;
        ExplosiveProjectile p = launchedProjectile.GetComponent <ExplosiveProjectile>();

        p.velocity          = velocity;
        p.diameter          = diameter;
        p.gravityMultiplier = gravityMultiplier;
        p.hitDetection      = hitDetection;
        p.origin            = origin;
        p.originFaction     = originFaction;

        p.damage = damage;
        p.directHitMultiplier = directHitMultiplier;
        p.blastRadius         = blastRadius;
        p.explosionTime       = explosionTime;
        p.knockback           = knockback;
        p.damageFalloff       = damageFalloff;
        p.knockbackFalloff    = knockbackFalloff;

Example #6
    // Update is called once per frame
    #region Update Function
    public override void Update()

        if (isPickup || Time.timeScale == 0)
        if (!weaponEnabled)

        anim.SetFloat("Charge Speed", 1 / timeToFire);

        #region Setting Properties related To PlayerProperties
        if (playerProperties == null)
            Debug.Log("No PlayerProperties attached");
            reloadSpeed = playerProperties.handSpeed;

            if (currentMagazine > magazineSize)
                currentMagazine = magazineSize;
            if (aiming)
                aimingTimer = .25f / reloadSpeed;

        #region Setting canSwitchWeapon

        if (reloadTimer > 0)
            canSwitchWeapon = false;
            if (aimingTimer > 0)
                canSwitchWeapon = false;
                canSwitchWeapon = true;

        #region Setting maxAngleMultiplier and FOV
        if (reloadTimer <= 0)
            if (Input.GetKey(control.aim))
                maxAngleMultiplier = 1 / aimingDivider;
                aiming             = true;
                if (cam.fieldOfView > (30 / zoomAmount))
                    cam.fieldOfView -= 250 * Time.deltaTime;
                maxAngleMultiplier = 1;
                aiming             = false;
                if (cam.fieldOfView < 60)
                    cam.fieldOfView += 250f * Time.deltaTime;

        #region Setting gunAnim bool
        anim.SetBool("Aiming", aiming);

        #region Setting maxPelletSpreadAngle
        maxSpreadAngle  = defaultAngle;
        maxSpreadAngle *= maxAngleMultiplier;

        #region Shooting
        #region Valdating the player meets the shoot requirements
        if (canFireSemiAuto || timeToFireTimer > 0) //Player presses and holds the shoot button, or they have already held the shoot button
            if (timeToFireTimer >= timeToFire)
                if (Input.GetKeyUp(control.fire))//Player releases the shoot button
                    currentMagazine -= 1f;        //Using 1 ammo
                    lastShot         = Time.time; //Setting lastShot equal to current time
                    timeToFireTimer  = 0;
                    RaycastHit hit;               //Used to return hit data from when one of the rays hits a collider
                    soundCounter = true;
                    anim.SetBool("Charging", false);
                    Ray[] pellets = new Ray[numberOfPellets];//Creating an array of pellet rays that will be randomly fired in a specifically sized cone

                    if (!isProjectile)
                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPellets; i++) //Filling the array of Rays
                            #region Creating a random Ray with an unchanging starting point within a cone
                            Vector3    fireDirection  = cam.transform.forward;
                            Quaternion fireRotation   = Quaternion.LookRotation(fireDirection);
                            Quaternion randomRotation = Random.rotation;

                            fireRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(fireRotation, randomRotation, Random.Range(0f, maxSpreadAngle));
                            pellets[i] = new Ray(cam.transform.position, fireRotation * Vector3.forward);

                        float damageCounter = 0;

                        bool isHeadShot = false, isBodyShot = false, hitSomething = false;
                        #region Seeing if rays hit a collider and doing stuff with it
                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPellets; i++)
                            if (Physics.Raycast(pellets[i], out hit))
                                #region Instantiating Hit Particle facing player
                                var direction    = cam.transform.position - hit.point;
                                var tempParticle = Instantiate(hitParticle, hit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(direction)); //Spawns a hit particle where the ray intersects with a collider

                                Destroy(tempParticle, .5f);

                                hitSomething = true;
                                if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Enemy Body") || hit.collider.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                                    #region If ray hits the body
                                    if (hit.collider.transform.parent.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>())//Making sure the collider has a health object attached
                                        isBodyShot = true;
                                        health     = hit.collider.transform.parent.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>();
                                        health.TakeDamage(appliedDamage, !isSilenced);
                                        damageCounter += appliedDamage;
                                    else if (hit.collider.transform.root.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>())//Making sure the collider has a health object attached
                                        isBodyShot = true;
                                        health     = hit.collider.transform.root.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>();
                                        health.TakeDamage(appliedDamage, !isSilenced);
                                        damageCounter += appliedDamage;
                                        Debug.Log("No HealthSinglePlayer component is in the parent transform!!");//Debug
                                else if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Enemy Head"))
                                    #region If ray hits the head
                                    if (hit.collider.transform.parent.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>())
                                        isHeadShot = true;
                                        health     = hit.collider.transform.parent.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>();
                                        health.TakeDamage(appliedDamage * critMultiplier, !isSilenced);
                                        damageCounter += appliedDamage * critMultiplier;

                        if (isBodyShot && hitSomething)
                            playerProperties.ShowHitmarker(false, (int)damageCounter);
                        if (isHeadShot && hitSomething)
                            playerProperties.ShowHitmarker(true, (int)damageCounter);
                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPellets; i++) //Filling the array of Rays
                            #region Creating a random Ray with an unchanging starting point within a cone
                            Vector3    fireDirection  = projectileSpawn.transform.forward;
                            Quaternion fireRotation   = Quaternion.LookRotation(fireDirection);
                            Quaternion randomRotation = Random.rotation;

                            fireRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(fireRotation, randomRotation, Random.Range(0f, maxSpreadAngle));
                            pellets[i] = new Ray(projectileSpawn.transform.position, fireRotation * Vector3.forward);


                        #region Spawning in Projectiles and Shooting
                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPellets; i++)
                            GameObject tempProjectile = Instantiate(projectileToBeShot, pellets[i].origin, Quaternion.LookRotation(pellets[i].direction));
                            tempProjectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(pellets[i].direction * appliedProjectileSpeed, ForceMode.Impulse);
                            tempProjectile.SendMessage("SetDamage", appliedDamage);
                            tempProjectile.GetComponent <Projectile>().damage           = appliedDamage;
                            tempProjectile.GetComponent <Projectile>().playerProperties = playerProperties;
                            tempProjectile.GetComponent <Projectile>().critHitDamage    = critMultiplier;
                            if (tempProjectile.GetComponent <Projectile>().projectileType == Projectile.Type.Explosive)
                                ExplosiveProjectile tempExplosive = (ExplosiveProjectile)tempProjectile.GetComponent <Projectile>();
                                tempExplosive.blastRadius = 10;
                timeToFireTimer        += Time.deltaTime;
                appliedDamage          += rampUpDamageAmount * Time.deltaTime;
                appliedProjectileSpeed += rampUpSpeedAmount * Time.deltaTime;
                if (Input.GetKeyUp(control.fire))
                    Debug.Log("Released button");
                    if (fireEarly)
                        currentMagazine -= 1f;        //Using 1 ammo
                        lastShot         = Time.time; //Setting lastShot equal to current time
                        RaycastHit hit;               //Used to return hit data from when one of the rays hits a collider
                        soundCounter = true;
                        anim.SetBool("Charging", false);
                        Ray[] pellets = new Ray[numberOfPellets];//Creating an array of pellet rays that will be randomly fired in a specifically sized cone

                        if (!isProjectile)
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPellets; i++) //Filling the array of Rays
                                #region Creating a random Ray with an unchanging starting point within a cone
                                Vector3    fireDirection  = cam.transform.forward;
                                Quaternion fireRotation   = Quaternion.LookRotation(fireDirection);
                                Quaternion randomRotation = Random.rotation;

                                fireRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(fireRotation, randomRotation, Random.Range(0f, maxSpreadAngle));
                                pellets[i] = new Ray(cam.transform.position, fireRotation * Vector3.forward);

                            float damageCounter = 0;

                            bool isHeadShot = false, isBodyShot = false, hitSomething = false;
                            #region Seeing if rays hit a collider and doing stuff with it
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPellets; i++)
                                if (Physics.Raycast(pellets[i], out hit))
                                    #region Instantiating Hit Particle facing player
                                    var direction    = cam.transform.position - hit.point;
                                    var tempParticle = Instantiate(hitParticle, hit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(direction)); //Spawns a hit particle where the ray intersects with a collider
                                    tempParticle.GetComponent <SpawnBulletHoleImage>().SetHitRotation(hit.normal);
                                    tempParticle.GetComponent <SpawnBulletHoleImage>().SetHit(hit);
                                    Destroy(tempParticle, .5f);

                                    hitSomething = true;
                                    if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Enemy Body") || hit.collider.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                                        #region If ray hits the body
                                        if (hit.collider.transform.parent.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>())//Making sure the collider has a health object attached
                                            isBodyShot = true;
                                            health     = hit.collider.transform.parent.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>();
                                            damageCounter += appliedDamage;
                                        else if (hit.collider.transform.root.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>())//Making sure the collider has a health object attached
                                            isBodyShot = true;
                                            health     = hit.collider.transform.root.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>();
                                            damageCounter += appliedDamage;
                                            Debug.Log("No HealthSinglePlayer component is in the parent transform!!");//Debug
                                    else if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Enemy Head"))
                                        #region If ray hits the head
                                        if (hit.collider.transform.parent.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>())
                                            isHeadShot = true;
                                            health     = hit.collider.transform.parent.GetComponent <HealthSinglePlayer>();
                                            health.TakeDamage(appliedDamage * critMultiplier);
                                            damageCounter += appliedDamage * critMultiplier;

                            if (isBodyShot && hitSomething)
                                playerProperties.ShowHitmarker(false, (int)damageCounter);
                            if (isHeadShot && hitSomething)
                                playerProperties.ShowHitmarker(true, (int)damageCounter);
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPellets; i++) //Filling the array of Rays
                                #region Creating a random Ray with an unchanging starting point within a cone
                                Vector3    fireDirection  = projectileSpawn.transform.forward;
                                Quaternion fireRotation   = Quaternion.LookRotation(fireDirection);
                                Quaternion randomRotation = Random.rotation;

                                fireRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(fireRotation, randomRotation, Random.Range(0f, maxSpreadAngle));
                                pellets[i] = new Ray(projectileSpawn.transform.position, fireRotation * Vector3.forward);


                            #region Spawning in Projectiles and Shooting
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPellets; i++)
                                GameObject tempProjectile = Instantiate(projectileToBeShot, pellets[i].origin, Quaternion.LookRotation(pellets[i].direction));
                                tempProjectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(pellets[i].direction * appliedProjectileSpeed, ForceMode.Impulse);
                                tempProjectile.SendMessage("SetDamage", appliedDamage);
                                tempProjectile.SendMessage("SetBlastRadius", 10);
                                tempProjectile.SendMessage("SetPlayerProperties", playerProperties);
                        anim.SetBool("Charging", false);
                    timeToFireTimer = 0;
                Debug.Log("Holding down while less than charge time");
                if (!aud.isPlaying)
                    if (soundCounter)
                        soundCounter = false;
                anim.SetBool("Charging", true);
            Debug.Log("Player is not holding shoot button or the timer is 0");
            appliedDamage          = damage;
            appliedProjectileSpeed = projectileSpeed;
            timeToFireTimer        = 0;
            anim.SetBool("Charging", false);

        #region If Player Presses Reload Button
        if (!coroutinePlaying && currentMagazine != magazineSize && playerAmmo.GetAmount(ammoType) > 0)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(control.reload))

        #region Timers
        reloadTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
        aimingTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

        #region Setting Magazine Empty
        magazineEmpty = currentMagazine < 1;

        #region Calling reload If Magazine empty is true and asSoonAsEmpty is true
        if (magazineEmpty && asSoonAsMagEmpty)

        #region Updating Update Ammo and Weapon Switch
        updateAmmo.ChangeAmountObject(ammoAmount, currentMagazine);
Example #7
 static void buffExplosionRadius(ref ExplosiveProjectile projectile, float buff)
     projectile.detonator.explosionRadius += buff;