IEnumerator BuildSpikes() { Vector3[] verts = GetSpikes(); int num = verts.Length; Easing[] easers = new Easing[num]; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { easers[i] = new Easing(Easing.EaseType.Back, originalVerts[i], verts[i], 10); } yield return null; while(!easers[0].finished) { Vector3[] temp = new Vector3[num]; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { temp[i] = easers[i].Vector3; } mesh.vertices = temp; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); yield return null; } yield return null; }
public static Task<bool> LayoutTo(this VisualElement view, Rectangle bounds, uint length = 250, Easing easing = null) { if (view == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("view"); if (easing == null) easing = Easing.Linear; var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); Rectangle start = view.Bounds; Func<double, Rectangle> computeBounds = progress => { double x = start.X + (bounds.X - start.X) * progress; double y = start.Y + (bounds.Y - start.Y) * progress; double w = start.Width + (bounds.Width - start.Width) * progress; double h = start.Height + (bounds.Height - start.Height) * progress; return new Rectangle(x, y, w, h); }; var weakView = new WeakReference<VisualElement>(view); Action<double> layout = f => { VisualElement v; if (weakView.TryGetTarget(out v)) v.Layout(computeBounds(f)); }; new Animation(layout, 0, 1, easing).Commit(view, "LayoutTo", 16, length, finished: (f, a) => tcs.SetResult(a)); return tcs.Task; }
private void _TestComposeRange (int [] values, Easing easing) { for (double i = 0, n = 100, p = 0, j = 0; i <= n; i += 5, p = i / n, j++) { int value = Choreographer.PixelCompose (p, (int)n, easing); Assert.AreEqual (values[(int)j], value); } }
public static Task<bool> TranslateXTo(this VisualElement view, double x, uint length = 250, Easing easing = null) { easing = easing ?? Easing.Linear; TaskCompletionSource<bool> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); WeakReference<VisualElement> weakViewRef = new WeakReference<VisualElement>(view); Animation animation = new Animation( (value) => { VisualElement viewRef; if (weakViewRef.TryGetTarget(out viewRef)) { viewRef.TranslationX = value; } }, // callback view.TranslationX, // start x, // end easing); // easing animation.Commit( view, // owner "TranslateXTo", // name 16, // rate length, // length null, // easing (finalValue, cancelled) => taskCompletionSource.SetResult(cancelled)); // finished return taskCompletionSource.Task; }
// Use this for initialization void Awake () { _Easing = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Easing> (); }
public TweenCreationSettings_old( Type type, Easing easing, float from, float to, TimeSpan duration ) { From = @from ; To = to ; Type = type ; Easing = easing ; Duration = duration ; }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { timer = 0; _easing = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Easing>(); _camera = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<ChangeCamera> (); //StartCoroutine (RandomShake(_camera.CurrentCamera)); //StartCoroutine(SlideIn(5.0f,_camera.CurrentCamera,true)); //StartCoroutine (R_HighFromCameraToTaget(3.0f,_camera.CurrentCamera)); }
public Animation (IAnimationDrawer drawer, uint duration, Easing easing, Blocking blocking) { this.Drawer = drawer; this.Duration = duration; this.Easing = easing; this.Blocking = blocking; this.AnimationState = AnimationState.Coming; }
public static LNEase Action(Easing e, LNAction act) { LNEase action = new LNEase(); action._duration = act._duration; action._action = act; act._easing = e; return action; }
public Task<bool> ProgressTo(double value, uint length, Easing easing) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); this.Animate("Progress", d => Progress = d, Progress, value, length: length, easing: easing, finished: (d, finished) => tcs.SetResult(finished)); return tcs.Task; }
static Task<bool> ColorAnimation(VisualElement element, string name, Func<double, Color> transform, Action<Color> callback, uint length, Easing easing) { easing = easing ?? Easing.Linear; var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); element.Animate<Color>(name, transform, callback, 16, length, easing, (v, c) => taskCompletionSource.SetResult(c)); return taskCompletionSource.Task; }
public static Task<bool> ColorTo(this VisualElement self, Color fromColor, Color toColor, Action<Color> callback, uint length = 250, Easing easing = null) { Func<double, Color> transform = (t) => Color.FromRgba(fromColor.R + t * (toColor.R - fromColor.R), fromColor.G + t * (toColor.G - fromColor.G), fromColor.B + t * (toColor.B - fromColor.B), fromColor.A + t * (toColor.A - fromColor.A)); return ColorAnimation(self, "ColorTo", transform, callback, length, easing); }
public static ContextOperation<TimeSpan> Animate(this IGameContext context, TimeSpan duration, float startValue, float endValue, Action<float> valueStep, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken), Easing easing = null) { var info = new FloatAnimation(duration, startValue, endValue, valueStep, easing); if (cancellationToken != default(CancellationToken)) cancellationToken.Register(info.Cancel); return context.Run(info); }
//Tween Constructor Not Set FromValue public XTween(object target, string property = null, double to = 0, double duration = 0, Easing easing = Easing.EaseNoneInOut, double delay = 0) { target_ = target; SetProperties(property); ClearFrom(); SetTo(to); SetDuration(duration); SetEasingFunction(easing); SetDelay(delay); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { //どれかしらにアタッチしてある場合 easing = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Easing> (); //このスクリプトがアタッチされてるオブジェクトに //Easing.csがアタッチされている場合 //easing = GetComponent<Easing>(); }
public static ContextOperation<TimeSpan> Animate(this IGameContext context, TimeSpan duration, Reference<Color> color, Color endColor, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken), Easing easing = null) { if (color == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("color"); return Animate(context, duration, color.Value, endColor, c => { color.Value = c; }, cancellationToken, easing); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _easing = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Easing>(); _fade_sprite = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); doFadeIn = true; doFadeOut = false; _fade_count = 0.0f; _alfa_value = 0; _sprite_color = Color.white; _fade_sprite.color = _sprite_color; }
public AnimatedWidget (Widget widget, uint duration, Easing easing, Blocking blocking, bool horizontal) { this.horizontal = horizontal; Widget = widget; Duration = duration; Easing = easing; Blocking = blocking; AnimationState = AnimationState.Coming; Widget.Parent = this; Widget.Destroyed += OnWidgetDestroyed; ShowAll (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { //アルファ値を0にして、見えない状態にしておく. _image_alfa = 0.0f; _Easing = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Easing> (); foreach (var image in _fade_images) { image.enabled = true; image.color = new Color (1,1,1,_image_alfa); } _text.enabled = true; _text.color = new Color (1,1,1,_image_alfa); }
public static ContextOperation<TimeSpan> Animate(this IGameContext context, TimeSpan duration, Color startColor, Color endColor, Action<Color> colorStep, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken), Easing easing = null) { if (colorStep == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("colorStep"); var info = new FloatAnimation(duration, 0, 1, value => colorStep(Color.Lerp(startColor, endColor, value)), easing); if (cancellationToken != default(CancellationToken)) cancellationToken.Register(info.Cancel); return context.Run(info); }
public void ChangeWaypoints() { if (this.m_waypointIndex < this.m_cameraPosList.Count) { object arg_91_0 = this.Player.AttachedLevel.Camera; float arg_91_1 = 1.5f; Easing arg_91_2 = new Easing(Quad.EaseInOut); string[] array = new string[4]; array[0] = "X"; string[] arg_66_0 = array; int arg_66_1 = 1; float x = this.m_cameraPosList[this.m_waypointIndex].X; arg_66_0[arg_66_1] = x.ToString(); array[2] = "Y"; string[] arg_8F_0 = array; int arg_8F_1 = 3; float y = this.m_cameraPosList[this.m_waypointIndex].Y; arg_8F_0[arg_8F_1] = y.ToString(); Tween.To(arg_91_0, arg_91_1, arg_91_2, array); object arg_10A_0 = this.Player; float arg_10A_1 = 1.5f; Easing arg_10A_2 = new Easing(Quad.EaseInOut); string[] array2 = new string[4]; array2[0] = "X"; string[] arg_DE_0 = array2; int arg_DE_1 = 1; float x2 = this.m_cameraPosList[this.m_waypointIndex].X; arg_DE_0[arg_DE_1] = x2.ToString(); array2[2] = "Y"; string[] arg_108_0 = array2; int arg_108_1 = 3; float y2 = this.m_cameraPosList[this.m_waypointIndex].Y; arg_108_0[arg_108_1] = y2.ToString(); Tween.To(arg_10A_0, arg_10A_1, arg_10A_2, array2); this.m_waypointIndex++; if (this.m_waypointIndex > this.m_cameraPosList.Count - 1) { this.m_waypointIndex = 0; Tween.RunFunction(0f, this.Player.AttachedLevel.ScreenManager, "DisplayScreen", new object[] { 18, true, typeof(List<object>) }); return; } Tween.RunFunction(this.m_waypointSpeed, this, "ChangeWaypoints", new object[0]); } }
public AnimatedWidget (Widget widget, uint duration, Easing easing, Blocking blocking, bool horizontal) { Mono.TextEditor.GtkWorkarounds.FixContainerLeak (this); this.horizontal = horizontal; Widget = widget; Duration = duration; Easing = easing; Blocking = blocking; AnimationState = AnimationState.Coming; Widget.Parent = this; Widget.Destroyed += OnWidgetDestroyed; ShowAll (); }
private Easing theEasing; //easing script //init void Start () { //properties //audio destroyAudioPlayed = false; //scripts theSpawn = gameObject.AddComponent<Spawn>(); //add new spawning script theEasing = gameObject.AddComponent<Easing>(); //add new easing script //check that rididbody2D and collider2d exist //check that duration is > 0 to prevent NaN if (gameObject.rigidbody2D != null && gameObject.collider2D != null && duration > 0.0f) { //spawn at random origin, if indicated //note: spawnOffScreen only affects random spawns if (randSpawn == true) { originPos = theSpawn.randSpawnWithBufferOffScreen(edgeBuffer, spawnOffScreen); gameObject.rigidbody2D.transform.position = originPos; } //otherwise, assume current position is intended spawn point else { originPos = getCurrentPos(); } //generate random dest pos, if indicated if (randDest == true) { destPos = getRandDestPos(); } //init private properties numLoopSegments = 0; //set initial number of loop segments completed moveStartTime = Time.time; //set initial move start time } //error else { Debug.Log("[Move] Error: Missing physics component(s) or invalid duration <= 0 - object cannot be moved"); //disable scripts theSpawn.enabled = false; theEasing.enabled = false; this.enabled = false; } } //end function
IEnumerator closeSlice() { float theAngle = (props.eA + props.bA) / 2; Easing easer = new Easing( Easing.EaseType.Linear, transform.localPosition,, seperationDuration ); while(!easer.finished) { transform.localPosition = easer.Vector3; //h = 1.5f - easer.Float; yield return null; } }
public static Task<bool> BezierPathTo(this VisualElement view, Point pt1, Point pt2, Point pt3, uint length = 250, BezierTangent bezierTangent = BezierTangent.None, Easing easing = null) { easing = easing ?? Easing.Linear; TaskCompletionSource<bool> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); WeakReference<VisualElement> weakViewRef = new WeakReference<VisualElement>(view); Rectangle bounds = view.Bounds; BezierSpline bezierSpline = new BezierSpline(bounds.Center, pt1, pt2, pt3); Action<double> callback = t => { VisualElement viewRef; if (weakViewRef.TryGetTarget(out viewRef)) { Point tangent; Point point = bezierSpline.GetPointAtFractionLength(t, out tangent); double x = point.X - bounds.Width / 2; double y = point.Y - bounds.Height / 2; viewRef.Layout(new Rectangle(new Point(x, y), bounds.Size)); if (bezierTangent != BezierTangent.None) { viewRef.Rotation = 180 * Math.Atan2(tangent.Y, tangent.X) / Math.PI; if (bezierTangent == BezierTangent.Reversed) { viewRef.Rotation += 180; } } } }; Animation animation = new Animation(callback, 0, 1, easing); animation.Commit(view, "BezierPathTo", 16, length, finished: (value, cancelled) => taskCompletionSource.SetResult(cancelled)); return taskCompletionSource.Task; }
public static Task<bool> FadeTo(this VisualElement view, double opacity, uint length = 250, Easing easing = null) { if (view == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("view"); if (easing == null) easing = Easing.Linear; var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); var weakView = new WeakReference<VisualElement>(view); Action<double> fade = f => { VisualElement v; if (weakView.TryGetTarget(out v)) v.Opacity = f; }; new Animation(fade, view.Opacity, opacity, easing).Commit(view, "FadeTo", 16, length, finished: (f, a) => tcs.SetResult(a)); return tcs.Task; }
public static Task<bool> TranslateYTo(this VisualElement view, double y, uint length = 250, Easing easing = null) { easing = easing ?? Easing.Linear; TaskCompletionSource<bool> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); WeakReference<VisualElement> weakViewRef = new WeakReference<VisualElement>(view); Animation animation = new Animation((value) => { VisualElement viewRef; if (weakViewRef.TryGetTarget(out viewRef)) { viewRef.TranslationY = value; } }, view.TranslationY, y, easing); animation.Commit(view, "TranslateYTo", 16, length, null, (v, c) => taskCompletionSource.SetResult(c)); return taskCompletionSource.Task; }
public Tweener Using(InterpolationType interpolation, Easing easing) { object currentValueAsObject = LateBinder.GetValueStatic(Caller, MemberToSet); if (currentValueAsObject is float) { float currentValue = (float)currentValueAsObject; Tweener tweener = new Tweener(currentValue, ValueToSet, (float)TimeToTake, interpolation, easing); tweener.PositionChanged = HandlePositionSet; TweenerManager.Self.Add(tweener); tweener.Start(); return tweener; } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public static double Compose (double percent, Easing easing) { if (percent < 0.0 || percent > 1.0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("percent", "must be between 0 and 1 inclusive"); } switch (easing) { case Easing.QuadraticIn: return percent * percent; case Easing.QuadraticOut: return -1.0 * percent * (percent - 2.0); case Easing.QuadraticInOut: percent *= 2.0; return percent < 1.0 ? percent * percent * 0.5 : -0.5 * (--percent * (percent - 2.0) - 1.0); case Easing.ExponentialIn: return Math.Pow (2.0, 10.0 * (percent - 1.0)); case Easing.ExponentialOut: return -Math.Pow (2.0, -10.0 * percent) + 1.0; case Easing.ExponentialInOut: percent *= 2.0; return percent < 1.0 ? 0.5 * Math.Pow (2.0, 10.0 * (percent - 1.0)) : 0.5 * (-Math.Pow (2.0, -10.0 * --percent) + 2.0); case Easing.Sine: return Math.Sin (percent * Math.PI); case Easing.Linear: default: return percent; } }
public IEnumerator rePosition(Vector3 scale) { int arraySize = particleSystem.GetParticles(particles); Easing[] easers = new Easing[arraySize]; for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) easers[i] = new Easing(Easing.EaseType.Ease, particles[i].position, Vector3.Scale(particles[i].position, scale), 2f); yield return null; while(!easers[0].finished) { Debug.Log("here"); for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) particles[i].position = easers[i].Vector3; particleSystem.SetParticles(particles, arraySize); yield return null; } yield return null; }
/// <summary> /// Coroutine for fading opacity. /// </summary> public static IEnumerator FadeCoroutine(GameObject gameObject, FadeDirection fadeDirection, float opacity, float duration, Easing easing, bool destroy, string cubicBezier) { float elapsedTime = 0; // get the starting material and color Renderer r = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>(); Material m = Utils.GetUsableMaterial(r); Color endColor; Color startColor; // Is the object fading in or out? if (fadeDirection == FadeDirection.In) { // get the color instance with the right alpha value endColor = Utils.GetUsableColor(r.material); startColor = new Color(endColor.r, endColor.g, endColor.b, opacity); } else { // Reverse if it's fading out startColor = Utils.GetUsableColor(r.material); endColor = new Color(startColor.r, startColor.g, startColor.b, opacity); } // Skip ahead if this is meant to be an immediate transition. if (duration < 0.0001f) { m.SetColor("_Color", endColor); } else { while (elapsedTime < duration) { float t = elapsedTime / duration; // shift 't' based on the easing function t = Utils.GetT(t, easing, cubicBezier); elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; Color currentColor = Color.Lerp(startColor, endColor, t); m.SetColor("_Color", currentColor); yield return(null); } m.SetColor("_Color", endColor); } // Destroy if specified if (destroy) { GameObject.Destroy(gameObject); } }
public void TestEasingStartsAtZero(Easing easing) => Assert.That(Interpolation.ApplyEasing(easing, 0), Is.EqualTo(0).Within(Precision.DOUBLE_EPSILON));
/// <summary> /// Sets <see cref="OsuSpriteText.Text"/> to a new value after a duration. /// </summary> /// <returns>A <see cref="TransformSequence{T}"/> to which further transforms can be added.</returns> public static TransformSequence <T> TransformTextTo <T>(this T spriteText, string newText, double duration = 0, Easing easing = Easing.None) where T : OsuSpriteText => spriteText.TransformTo(nameof(OsuSpriteText.Text), newText, duration, easing);
public PopAnimationGroup() { IsDarkOverlayEnabled = false; IsShadowEnabled = false; uint duration = 400; Easing easing = Easing.CubicOut; In = new PopAnimation() { OpacityEasing = easing, TranslationYEasing = easing, ScaleEasing = easing, Duration = duration, OpacityInit = 0, OpacityStart = 0, OpacityEnd = 1, OpacityStartTime = 0.5, OpacityEndTime = 1, TranslationYInit = 100, TranslationYStart = 100, TranslationYEnd = 0, TranslationYStartTime = 0.5, TranslationYEndTime = 1, }; BackIn = new PopAnimation() { OpacityEasing = easing, TranslationYEasing = easing, ScaleEasing = easing, Duration = duration, OpacityInit = 0, OpacityStart = 0, OpacityEnd = 1, OpacityStartTime = 0.5, OpacityEndTime = 1, ScaleInit = 0.95, ScaleStart = 0.95, ScaleEnd = 1, ScaleStartTime = 0.5, ScaleEndTime = 1, }; Out = new PopAnimation() { OpacityEasing = easing, TranslationYEasing = easing, ScaleEasing = easing, Duration = duration, OpacityInit = 1, OpacityStart = 1, OpacityEnd = 0, OpacityStartTime = 0, OpacityEndTime = 0.5, }; BackOut = new PopAnimation() { OpacityEasing = easing, TranslationYEasing = easing, ScaleEasing = easing, Duration = duration, OpacityInit = 1, OpacityStart = 1, OpacityEnd = 0, OpacityStartTime = 0, OpacityEndTime = 0.5, }; ModalIn = new PopAnimation() { ScaleEasing = easing, Duration = 200, ScaleStart = 0.9, ScaleEnd = 1, }; ModalOut = new PopAnimation() { OpacityEasing = easing, Duration = 200, OpacityEnd = 0, }; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new instance of <see cref="AnalogKeyboardButton" /> with a custom easing. /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="easing"></param> public AnalogKeyboardButton(KeyboardKey key, Easing easing) { Key = key; Easing = easing; }
protected override void OnPaintSurface(SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e) { e.Surface.Canvas.Clear(); m_deviceScale = (float)(e.Info.Width / Width); SKPaint paint = new SKPaint() { Color = IndicatorForeground.ToSKColor(), Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill, }; Easing ease = Easing.SinOut; using (SKPath path = new SKPath()) { double startAngle = 0; double endAngle = 0; if (m_animationProcess >= 0 && m_animationProcess <= 0.5) { endAngle = ease.Ease(m_animationProcess * 2) * 270; startAngle = -10; } if (m_animationProcess > 0.5 && m_animationProcess <= 1) { endAngle = ease.Ease(1) * 270; startAngle = ease.Ease((m_animationProcess - 0.5) * 2) * 250; } else if (m_animationProcess > 1 && m_animationProcess <= 1.5) { endAngle = 270; startAngle = 250; } else if (m_animationProcess > 1.5 && m_animationProcess <= 2) { endAngle = 270 + (ease.Ease((m_animationProcess - 1.5) * 2) * 270); startAngle = 250; } else if (m_animationProcess > 2 && m_animationProcess <= 2.5) { endAngle = 270 + 270; startAngle = 250 + (ease.Ease((m_animationProcess - 2) * 2) * 270); } else if (m_animationProcess > 2.5 && m_animationProcess <= 3) { endAngle = 270 + 270; startAngle = 250 + 270; } else if (m_animationProcess > 3 && m_animationProcess <= 3.5) { endAngle = 270 + 270 + (ease.Ease((m_animationProcess - 3) * 2) * 270); startAngle = 250 + 270; } else if (m_animationProcess > 3.5 && m_animationProcess <= 4) { endAngle = 270 + 270 + 270; startAngle = 250 + 270 + (ease.Ease((m_animationProcess - 3.5) * 2) * 270); } else if (m_animationProcess > 4 && m_animationProcess <= 4.5) { endAngle = 270 + 270 + 270; startAngle = 250 + 270 + 270; } else if (m_animationProcess > 4.5 && m_animationProcess <= 5) { endAngle = 270 + 270 + 270 + (ease.Ease((m_animationProcess - 4.5) * 2) * 270); startAngle = 250 + 270 + 270; } else if (m_animationProcess > 5 && m_animationProcess <= 5.5) { endAngle = 270 + 270 + 270 + 270; startAngle = 250 + 270 + 270 + (ease.Ease((m_animationProcess - 5) * 2) * 270); } else if (m_animationProcess > 5.5 && m_animationProcess <= 6) { endAngle = 270 + 270 + 270 + 270; startAngle = 250 + 270 + 270 + 270; } startAngle += (m_animationProcess / 2) * 360; endAngle += (m_animationProcess / 2) * 360; float yOffset = (float)((Width - IndicatorSize.Width) / 2) * m_deviceScale; float xOffset = (float)((Height - IndicatorSize.Height) / 2) * m_deviceScale; float skIndicatorThickness = (float)IndicatorThickness * m_deviceScale; SKSize skIndicatorSize = new SKSize((float)IndicatorSize.Width * m_deviceScale, (float)IndicatorSize.Height * m_deviceScale); SKRect indicatorOuterBounds = new SKRect(); indicatorOuterBounds.Location = new SKPoint(xOffset, yOffset); indicatorOuterBounds.Size = new SKSize(skIndicatorSize.Width, skIndicatorSize.Height); SKRect indicatorInternalBounds = new SKRect(); indicatorInternalBounds.Location = new SKPoint(xOffset + skIndicatorThickness, yOffset + skIndicatorThickness); indicatorInternalBounds.Size = new SKSize((float)Math.Max(1, skIndicatorSize.Width - (skIndicatorThickness * 2)), (float)Math.Max(1, skIndicatorSize.Height - (skIndicatorThickness * 2))); path.ArcTo(indicatorOuterBounds, (float)startAngle, (float)(endAngle - startAngle), false); path.ArcTo(indicatorInternalBounds, (float)endAngle, (float)-(endAngle - startAngle), false); e.Surface.Canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); } }
// Update is called every frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled. void Update() { switch (state) { case CBState.toHand: float u = (Time.time - timeStart) / timeDuration; float uC = Easing.Ease(u, MOVE_EASING); if (u < 0) { transform.localPosition = bezierPts[0]; transform.rotation = bezierRots[0]; return; } else if (u >= 1) { uC = 1; if (state == CBState.toHand) { state = CBState.hand; } if (state == CBState.toTarget) { state = CBState.toTarget; } if (state == { state = CBState.idle; } transform.localPosition = bezierPts[bezierPts.Count - 1]; transform.rotation = bezierRots[bezierPts.Count - 1]; timeStart = 0; if (reportToFinish != null) { reportToFinish.SendMessage("CBCallback2", this); reportToFinish = null; } else if (callbackPlayer != null) { callbackPlayer.CBCallback2(this); callbackPlayer = null; } } else { Vector3 pos = Utils.Bezier(uC, bezierPts); transform.localPosition = pos; Quaternion rotQ = Utils.Bezier(uC, bezierRots); transform.rotation = rotQ; if (u > .5f && spriteRenderers[0].sortingOrder != eventualSortOrder) { SetSortOrder(eventualSortOrder); } if (u > .75f && spriteRenderers[0].sortingLayerName != eventualSortLayer) { SetSortingLayerName(eventualSortLayer); } } break; case CBState.toTarget: case u = (Time.time - timeStart) / timeDuration; uC = Easing.Ease(u, MOVE_EASING); if (u < 0) { transform.localPosition = bezierPts[0]; transform.rotation = bezierRots[0]; return; } else if (u >= 1) { uC = 1; if (state == CBState.toHand) { state = CBState.hand; } if (state == CBState.toTarget) { state = CBState.toTarget; } if (state == { state = CBState.idle; } transform.localPosition = bezierPts[bezierPts.Count - 1]; transform.rotation = bezierRots[bezierPts.Count - 1]; timeStart = 0; if (reportToFinish != null) { reportToFinish.SendMessage("CBCallback", this); reportToFinish = null; } else if (callbackPlayer != null) { callbackPlayer.CBCallback(this); callbackPlayer = null; } } else { Vector3 pos = Utils.Bezier(uC, bezierPts); transform.localPosition = pos; Quaternion rotQ = Utils.Bezier(uC, bezierRots); transform.rotation = rotQ; if (u > .5f && spriteRenderers[0].sortingOrder != eventualSortOrder) { SetSortOrder(eventualSortOrder); } if (u > .75f && spriteRenderers[0].sortingLayerName != eventualSortLayer) { SetSortingLayerName(eventualSortLayer); } } break; } }
public TransformSequence <T> TransformTo <TValue>(string propertyOrFieldName, TValue newValue, double duration = 0, Easing easing = Easing.None) => Append(o => o.TransformTo(propertyOrFieldName, newValue, duration, easing));
private IEnumerator CollisionWithTornadoRoutine(TornadoGameObject tornado) { MyGame.ThisInstance.Camera.shakeDuration = 3000; _stork.InputEnabled = false; _stork.IsMoveEnabled = false; _stork.IsCollisionDisabled = true; _stork.SetSpeed(0); //Turn stork var turnStorkRoutine = CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine(TurnStorkInTornadoRoutine(), this); //Snap to tornado int snapTimer = 0; const int snapDuration = 200; var snapStartPos = _stork.Pos; SoundManager.Instance.PlayFx(9); while (snapTimer < snapDuration) { float xPos = (tornado.Pos.x - snapStartPos.x) * Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseOut, snapTimer, 0, 1, snapDuration); float yPos = (tornado.Pos.y - snapStartPos.y) * Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseOut, snapTimer, 0, 1, snapDuration); _stork.SetXY(snapStartPos.x + xPos, snapStartPos.y + yPos); snapTimer += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } //Keep stork in tornado int stuckTimer = 0; const int stuckDuration = 2000; while (stuckTimer < stuckDuration) { _stork.SetXY(tornado.x, tornado.y); stuckTimer += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } //Thrown Stork SoundManager.Instance.PlayFx(6); float throwAngle = 0; if (tornado.ThrowAngleMin == tornado.ThrowAngleMax) { throwAngle = tornado.ThrowAngleMin; } else { throwAngle = MRandom.Range((float)tornado.ThrowAngleMin, (float)tornado.ThrowAngleMax); } throwAngle = throwAngle.DegToRad(); var throwDirection = new Vector2() { x = Mathf.Cos(throwAngle), y = Mathf.Sin(throwAngle) }; var throwStartPos = tornado.Pos; var throwPos = throwStartPos + throwDirection * tornado.ThrowDistance; int thrownTimer = 0; int thrownDuration = 1000; float startScale = _stork.scale; Console.WriteLine($"{this}: throwAngle: {throwAngle.RadToDegree()}"); while (thrownTimer < thrownDuration) { float xPos = (throwPos.x - throwStartPos.x) * Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseOut, thrownTimer, 0, 1, thrownDuration); float yPos = (throwPos.y - throwStartPos.y) * Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseOut, thrownTimer, 0, 1, thrownDuration); _stork.SetXY(throwStartPos.x + xPos, throwStartPos.y + yPos); float scale; if (thrownTimer < thrownDuration * 0.5f) { scale = startScale + Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseOut, thrownTimer, 0, 1, thrownDuration * 0.5f); } else { scale = startScale + 1 - Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.QuadEaseIn, thrownTimer - thrownDuration * 0.5f, 0, 1, thrownDuration * 0.5f); } _stork.SetScaleXY(scale, scale); thrownTimer += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } _stork.SetScaleXY(startScale, startScale); _inCollisionWithTornado = false; _lastTornadoCollided = null; _stork.InputEnabled = true; _stork.IsMoveEnabled = true; _stork.IsCollisionDisabled = false; }
private void transition(int step) { // TODO: remap step from 0-steps into 0-1 float linearStep = (float)step / (steps - 1); float e = Easing.Ease(linearStep, acceleration, easingType); float newX = 0f, newY = 0f; switch (direction) { case Direction.Up: newX = startPos.x; newY = startPos.y + e; // don't exceed the final position if (newY > finalPos.y) { newY = finalPos.y; } break; case Direction.Down: newX = startPos.x; newY = startPos.y - e; // don't exceed the final position if (newY < finalPos.y) { newY = finalPos.y; } break; case Direction.Left: newX = startPos.x - e; newY = startPos.y; // don't exceed the final position if (newX < finalPos.x) { newX = finalPos.x; } break; case Direction.Right: newX = startPos.x + e; newY = startPos.y; // don't exceed the final position if (newX > finalPos.x) { newX = finalPos.x; } break; } switch (elem) { case Element.TRANSFORM: { Vector3 pos = transform.localPosition; pos.x = newX; pos.y = newY; transform.localPosition = pos; break; } /*case Element.GUI_TEXT: { * Vector2 pOffset = guiText.pixelOffset; * pOffset.x = newX; * pOffset.y = newY; * guiText.pixelOffset = pOffset; * break; } * case Element.GUI_TEXTURE: { * Rect pInset = guiTexture.pixelInset; * pInset.x = newX; * pInset.y = newY; * guiTexture.pixelInset = pInset; * break; }*/ } }
/// <summary> /// Coroutine for tweening material or color-only properties. /// </summary> public static IEnumerator TweenMaterialCoroutine(GameObject gameObject, Material startMaterial, Material endMaterial, float duration, Easing easing, string cubicBezier) { float elapsedTime = 0; // get the starting material and color Renderer r = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>(); // this is the material we'll tween Material m = Utils.GetUsableMaterial(r); // If start material is null, assume we're tweening FROM the current material if (startMaterial == null) { startMaterial = Utils.GetUsableMaterial(r); } // If end material is null, assume we're tweening TO the current material if (endMaterial == null) { // Debug.Log ("EndMaterial is null"); endMaterial = Utils.GetUsableMaterial(r); } // Skip ahead if this is meant to be an immediate transition. if (duration < 0.0001f) { m.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(endMaterial); } else { startMaterial = Utils.GetUsableMaterial(startMaterial); endMaterial = Utils.GetUsableMaterial(endMaterial); while (elapsedTime < duration) { float t = elapsedTime / duration; // shift 't' based on the easing function t = Utils.GetT(t, easing, cubicBezier); elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; m.Lerp(startMaterial, endMaterial, t); yield return(null); } m.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(endMaterial); } }
/// <summary> /// Coroutine for tweening scale. /// </summary> public static IEnumerator TweenScaleCoroutine(GameObject gameObject, Vector3 targetScale, float duration, Easing easing, bool destroy, bool isRelative, string cubicBezier) { float elapsedTime = 0; Vector3 startScale = gameObject.transform.localScale; Vector3 endScale; if (isRelative) { // the supplied Vector3 is relative to the original scale endScale = new Vector3(startScale.x * targetScale.x, startScale.y * targetScale.y, startScale.z * targetScale.z); } else { endScale = targetScale; } if (duration < 0.0001f) { gameObject.transform.localScale = endScale; } else { while (elapsedTime < duration) { float t = elapsedTime / duration; // shift 't' based on the easing function t = Utils.GetT(t, easing, cubicBezier); elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; // set the scale Vector3 interpolatedScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScale, endScale, t); gameObject.transform.localScale = interpolatedScale; yield return(null); } gameObject.transform.localScale = endScale; } // Destroy if specified. if (destroy) { GameObject.Destroy(gameObject); } }
private void SwapPlayers() { // Pause the previously playing video // This is useful for systems that will struggle to play 2 videos at once if (_pausePreviousOnTransition) { CurrentPlayer.Pause(); } // Tell listeners that the playlist item has changed Events.Invoke(this, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.PlaylistItemChanged, ErrorCode.None); // Start the transition if (_currentTransition != Transition.None) { // Create a new transition texture if required Texture currentTexture = GetCurrentTexture(); Texture nextTexture = GetNextTexture(); if (currentTexture != null && nextTexture != null) { int maxWidth = Mathf.Max(nextTexture.width, currentTexture.width); int maxHeight = Mathf.Max(nextTexture.height, currentTexture.height); if (_rt != null) { if (_rt.width != maxWidth || _rt.height != maxHeight) { RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(_rt = null); } } if (_rt == null) { _rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(maxWidth, maxHeight, 0, RenderTextureFormat.Default, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default, 1); } Graphics.Blit(currentTexture, _rt); _material.SetTexture(_propFromTex, currentTexture); _easeFunc = Easing.GetFunction(_currentTransitionEasing); _transitionTimer = 0f; } else { _transitionTimer = _currentTransitionDuration; if (_autoCloseVideo) { CurrentPlayer.CloseVideo(); } } } // Swap the videos if (NextPlayer == _playerA) { _nextPlayer = _playerB; } else { _nextPlayer = _playerA; } // Swap the items _currentItem = _nextItem; _nextItem = null; }
/// <summary> /// Sew this displacement to others. /// </summary> /// <param name="displacements">The displacements to sew</param> /// <param name="sewType"></param> /// <param name="numPointsFromEdgeToMove"></param> /// <param name="easingFunction"></param> public void SewTo(IEnumerable <Displacement> displacements, DisplacementSewType sewType, int numPointsFromEdgeToMove, Easing easingFunction) { }
public void Random_All_Rand() { var actual = Easing.Random(); CollectionAssert.Contains(Easing.All, actual); }
static Task AnimatedMove(IAnimatable animatable, EvasObject target, ERect dest, Easing easing = null, uint length = 120) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); var dx = target.Geometry.X - dest.X; var dy = target.Geometry.Y - dest.Y; new Animation((progress) => { ERect toMove = dest; toMove.X += (int)(dx * (1 - progress)); toMove.Y += (int)(dy * (1 - progress)); target.Geometry = toMove; }).Commit(animatable, "Move", rate: 60, length: length, easing: easing, finished: (p, e) => { tcs.SetResult(true); }); return(tcs.Task); }
public Tweener(float from, float to, float duration, InterpolationType type, Easing easing) { Start(from, to, duration, GetInterpolationFunction(type, easing)); // Start sets Running to true, so let's set it to false Running = false; }
void UpdateBlock(LiveBlock block) { // const float damping = 100; if (!block.isClosed) { double closeTime = MusicPlayer.LiveTime - block.createTime; if (closeTime > closeDuration) { block.isClosed = true; ParticleFxPool.Emit(closeParticleFxPreset, block.transform.position, block.transform.rotation); FlashFxPool.Flash(closeFlashFxConfig, block.transform.position); block.leftShellTrans.localPosition =; block.rightShellTrans.localPosition =; } else { block.leftShellTrans.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, Easing.Ease(closeEasingType, closeEasingPhase, shellStart, -shellStart, closeTime, closeDuration)); block.rightShellTrans.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, Easing.Ease(closeEasingType, closeEasingPhase, -shellStart, shellStart, closeTime, closeDuration)); } } if (MusicPlayer.LiveTime <= block.startTime) // Not yet { var offset = block.startTime - MusicPlayer.LiveTime; var x = Easing.Ease(bufferEasingTypeX, bufferEasingPhaseX, block.x, bufferX * block.startX, offset, bufferInterval); var y = Easing.Ease(bufferEasingTypeY, bufferEasingPhaseY, block.y, bufferY * block.startY, offset, bufferInterval); var z = Easing.Ease(bufferEasingTypeZ, bufferEasingPhaseZ, 0, bufferZ, offset, bufferInterval); // block.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(block.transform.localPosition, new Vector3(x, y, z), UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime * damping); block.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z); } else if (MusicPlayer.LiveTime - block.startTime < cacheInterval && MusicPlayer.LiveTime - block.startTime < TimeBad) // Over due { var offset = MusicPlayer.LiveTime - block.startTime; var x = Easing.Ease(cacheEasingTypeX, cacheEasingPhaseX, block.x, cacheX * block.x, offset, cacheInterval); var y = Easing.Ease(cacheEasingTypeY, cacheEasingPhaseY, block.y, cacheY * block.y, offset, cacheInterval); var z = Easing.Ease(cacheEasingTypeZ, cacheEasingPhaseZ, 0, cacheZ, offset, cacheInterval); // block.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(block.transform.localPosition, new Vector3(x, y, z), UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime * damping); block.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z); } else // Miss { AudioFxPool.Play(badAudioConfigs[Random.Range(0, badAudioConfigs.Length)], block.transform.position); FlashFxPool.Flash(badFlashFxConfig, block.transform.position); uiScoreText.material = badMaterial; uiComboText.material = badMaterial; uiIncText.text = ""; uiComboText.text = "x 0 x"; uiComboTextTween.isDead = false; uiComboTextTween.time = 0; block.shouldDie = true; block.shouldDieSilently = true; combo = 0; miss += 1; } if (block.isClosed && MusicPlayer.LiveTime - block.startTime < cacheInterval) // Detect collision { if (block.side == Side.Left) // Left hand { if (Vector3.Dot(leftTip.velocity, -block.transform.up) > block.minDyingSpeed) { DetectCollision(leftTip, block); } } else // Right hand { if (Vector3.Dot(rightTip.velocity, -block.transform.up) > block.minDyingSpeed) { DetectCollision(rightTip, block); } } } }
void Update() { switch (state) // f { case CBState.toHand: case CBState.toTarget: case float u = (Time.time - timeStart) / timeDuration; // g float uC = Easing.Ease(u, MOVE_EASING); if (u < 0) // h { transform.localPosition = bezierPts[0]; transform.rotation = bezierRots[0]; return; } else if (u >= 1) // i { uC = 1; // Move from the to... state to the proper next state if (state == CBState.toHand) { state = CBState.hand; } if (state == CBState.toTarget) { state =; } if (state == CBState.toDrawpile) { state = CBState.drawpile; } if (state == { state = CBState.idle; } // Move to the final position transform.localPosition = bezierPts[bezierPts.Count - 1]; transform.rotation = bezierRots[bezierPts.Count - 1]; // Reset timeStart to 0 so it gets overwritten next time timeStart = 0; if (reportFinishTo != null) // j { reportFinishTo.SendMessage("CBCallback", this); reportFinishTo = null; } else if (callbackPlayer != null) // c // If there's a callback Player // Call CBCallback directly on the Player { callbackPlayer.CBCallback(this); callbackPlayer = null; } else // If there is nothing to callback // Just let it stay still. { } } else // Normal interpolation behavior (0 <= u < 1) // k { Vector3 pos = Utils.Bezier(uC, bezierPts); transform.localPosition = pos; Quaternion rotQ = Utils.Bezier(uC, bezierRots); transform.rotation = rotQ; if (u > 0.5f) // a { SpriteRenderer sRend = spriteRenderers[0]; if (sRend.sortingOrder != eventualSortOrder) { // Jump to the proper sort order SetSortOrder(eventualSortOrder); } if (sRend.sortingLayerName != eventualSortLayer) { // Jump to the proper sort layer SetSortingLayerName(eventualSortLayer); } } } break; } }
public static TweeningFunction GetInterpolationFunction(InterpolationType type, Easing easing) { switch (type) { case InterpolationType.Back: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Back.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Back.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Back.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } case InterpolationType.Bounce: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Bounce.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Bounce.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Bounce.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } case InterpolationType.Circular: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Circular.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Circular.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Circular.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } case InterpolationType.Cubic: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Cubic.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Cubic.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Cubic.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } case InterpolationType.Elastic: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Elastic.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Elastic.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Elastic.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } case InterpolationType.Exponential: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Exponential.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Exponential.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Exponential.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } case InterpolationType.Linear: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Linear.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Linear.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Linear.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } case InterpolationType.Quadratic: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Quadratic.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Quadratic.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Quadratic.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } case InterpolationType.Quartic: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Quartic.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Quartic.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Quartic.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } case InterpolationType.Quintic: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Quintic.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Quintic.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Quintic.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } case InterpolationType.Sinusoidal: switch (easing) { case Easing.In: return(Sinusoidal.EaseIn); case Easing.Out: return(Sinusoidal.EaseOut); case Easing.InOut: return(Sinusoidal.EaseInOut); default: throw new Exception(); } default: throw new Exception(); } }
public Tweener Tween(string member, float value, float time, InterpolationType interpolation, Easing easing) { MemberToSet = member; object currentValueAsObject = LateBinder.GetValueStatic(Caller, member); if (currentValueAsObject is float) { float currentValue = (float)currentValueAsObject; Tweener tweener = new Tweener(currentValue, value, time, interpolation, easing); tweener.PositionChanged = HandlePositionSet; tweener.Owner = Caller; TweenerManager.Self.Add(tweener); tweener.Start(); return(tweener); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public override Task Rebuild() { this.DebugDepth("Rebuild"); bool valuesChanged = false; if (Angle < 1 || Angle > 100000) { Angle = Math.Min(100000, Math.Max(1, Angle)); valuesChanged = true; } if (RotationDistance < 0 || RotationDistance > 100000) { RotationDistance = Math.Min(100000, Math.Max(0, RotationDistance)); valuesChanged = true; } if (RotationSlices < 3 || RotationSlices > 300) { RotationSlices = Math.Min(300, Math.Max(3, RotationSlices)); valuesChanged = true; } if (EndHeightPercent < 1 || EndHeightPercent > 100) { EndHeightPercent = Math.Min(100, Math.Max(1, EndHeightPercent)); valuesChanged = true; } if (StartHeightPercent < 0 || StartHeightPercent > EndHeightPercent - 1) { StartHeightPercent = Math.Min(EndHeightPercent - 1, Math.Max(0, StartHeightPercent)); valuesChanged = true; } if (OverrideRadius < .01) { OverrideRadius = Math.Max(this.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox().XSize, this.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox().YSize); valuesChanged = true; } var rebuildLocks = this.RebuilLockAll(); return(ApplicationController.Instance.Tasks.Execute( "Twist".Localize(), null, (reporter, cancellationToken) => { var sourceAabb = this.SourceContainer.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(); var bottom = sourceAabb.MinXYZ.Z; var top = sourceAabb.ZSize * EndHeightPercent / 100.0; var size = sourceAabb.ZSize; if (Advanced) { bottom += sourceAabb.ZSize * StartHeightPercent / 100.0; size = top - bottom; } double numberOfCuts = RotationSlices; double cutSize = size / numberOfCuts; var cuts = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCuts + 1; i++) { var ratio = i / numberOfCuts; if (Advanced) { var goal = ratio; var current = .5; var next = .25; // look for an x value that equals the goal for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) { var xAtY = Easing.Specify(EasingType, EasingOption, current); if (xAtY < goal) { current += next; } else if (xAtY > goal) { current -= next; } next *= .5; } ratio = current; } cuts.Add(bottom - cutSize + (size * ratio)); } // get the rotation from the center of the circumscribed circle of the convex hull var enclosingCircle = SourceContainer.GetSmallestEnclosingCircleAlongZ(); var rotationCenter = enclosingCircle.Center + RotationOffset; var twistedChildren = new List <IObject3D>(); var status = new ProgressStatus(); foreach (var sourceItem in SourceContainer.VisibleMeshes()) { var originalMesh = sourceItem.Mesh; status.Status = "Copy Mesh".Localize(); reporter.Report(status); var transformedMesh = originalMesh.Copy(CancellationToken.None); var itemMatrix = sourceItem.WorldMatrix(SourceContainer); // transform into this space transformedMesh.Transform(itemMatrix); status.Status = "Split Mesh".Localize(); reporter.Report(status); // split the mesh along the z axis transformedMesh.SplitOnPlanes(Vector3.UnitZ, cuts, cutSize / 8); for (int i = 0; i < transformedMesh.Vertices.Count; i++) { var position = transformedMesh.Vertices[i]; var ratio = (position.Z - bottom) / size; if (Advanced) { if (position.Z < bottom) { ratio = 0; } else if (position.Z > top) { ratio = 1; } else { ratio = (position.Z - bottom) / size; ratio = Easing.Specify(EasingType, EasingOption, ratio); } } var angleToRotate = ratio * Angle / 360.0 * MathHelper.Tau; if (RotationType == RotationTypes.Distance) { IRadiusProvider radiusProvider = RadiusProvider; // start off with assuming we want to set the radius var radius = this.OverrideRadius; if (radiusProvider != null && !this.EditRadius) { // have a radius provider and not wanting to edit radius = radiusProvider.Radius; } else if (!this.EditRadius) { // not wanting to edit radius = enclosingCircle.Radius; } if (this.PreferedRadius != radius) { this.PreferedRadius = radius; this.OverrideRadius = radius; UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => Invalidate(InvalidateType.DisplayValues)); } angleToRotate = ratio * (RotationDistance / radius); } if (!TwistCw) { angleToRotate = -angleToRotate; } var positionXy = new Vector2(position) - rotationCenter; positionXy.Rotate(angleToRotate); positionXy += rotationCenter; transformedMesh.Vertices[i] = new Vector3Float(positionXy.X, positionXy.Y, position.Z); } // transform back into item local space transformedMesh.Transform(itemMatrix.Inverted); //transformedMesh.MergeVertices(.1); transformedMesh.CalculateNormals(); var twistedChild = new Object3D() { Mesh = transformedMesh }; twistedChild.CopyWorldProperties(sourceItem, SourceContainer, Object3DPropertyFlags.All, false); twistedChild.Visible = true; twistedChildren.Add(twistedChild); } RemoveAllButSource(); this.SourceContainer.Visible = false; this.Children.Modify((list) => { list.AddRange(twistedChildren); }); rebuildLocks.Dispose(); if (valuesChanged) { Invalidate(InvalidateType.DisplayValues); } Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Children)); return Task.CompletedTask; })); }
/// <summary> /// Sets <see cref="OsuSpriteText.Text"/> to a new value after a duration. /// </summary> /// <returns>A <see cref="TransformSequence{T}"/> to which further transforms can be added.</returns> public static TransformSequence <T> TransformTextTo <T>(this TransformSequence <T> t, string newText, double duration = 0, Easing easing = Easing.None) where T : OsuSpriteText => t.Append(o => o.TransformTextTo(newText, duration, easing));
protected virtual Task RunAnimation(string animationName, string propertyName, double from, double to, uint duration, Easing easing) => View.Animate(animationName, propertyName, from, to, duration, easing);
public void TestEasingEndsAtOne(Easing easing) => Assert.That(Interpolation.ApplyEasing(easing, 1), Is.EqualTo(1).Within(Precision.DOUBLE_EPSILON));
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // If this is not moving, just return if (state == eFSState.idle) { return; } // Get u from the current time and duration // u ranges from 0 to 1 (usually) float u = (Time.time - timeStart) / timeDuration; // Use Easing class from Utils to curve the u value float uC = Easing.Ease(u, easingCurve); if (u < 0) { // If u<0, then we shouldn't move yet. state = eFSState.pre; txt.enabled = false; // Hide the score initially } else { if (u >= 1) { // If u>=1, we're done moving uC = 1; // Set uC=1 so we don't overshoot state =; if (reportFinishTo != null) { //If there's a callback GameObject // Use SendMessage to call the FSCallback method // with this as the parameter. reportFinishTo.SendMessage("FSCallback", this); // Now that the message has been sent, // Destroy this gameObject Destroy(gameObject); } else { // If there is nothing to callback // ...then don't destroy this. Just let it stay still. state = eFSState.idle; } } else { // 0<=u<1, which means that this is active and moving state =; txt.enabled = true; // Show the score once more } // Use Bézier curve to move this to the right point Vector2 pos = Utils.Bezier(uC, bezierPts); // RectTransform anchors can be used to position UI objects relative // to total size of the screen rectTrans.anchorMin = rectTrans.anchorMax = pos; if (fontSizes != null && fontSizes.Count > 0) { // If fontSizes has values in it // ...then adjust the fontSize of this GUIText int size = Mathf.RoundToInt(Utils.Bezier(uC, fontSizes)); GetComponent <Text>().fontSize = size; } } }
public IncompatibleTransitionObservable(IObservable <double> progress, Easing easing, IBrush?from, IBrush?to) : base(progress, easing) { _from = from; _to = to; }
public IEnumerator DropPizzaRoutine(Vector2 dropPoint, int delay = 400) { if (delay > 0) { yield return(new WaitForMilliSeconds(delay)); } Console.WriteLine($"{this}: droppoint: {dropPoint}"); //Get pizza game object var pizza = _level.GetPizzaFromPool(); if (pizza == null) { yield break; } _level.SetChildIndex(pizza, _level.GetChildren(false).Count); pizza.visible = true; pizza.SetScaleXY(1, 1); var pizzaPos = _stork.Pos; // + _stork.Forward * 35; pizza.SetXY(pizzaPos.x, pizzaPos.y); var fromX = pizzaPos.x; var fromY = pizzaPos.y; var toX = dropPoint.x; var toY = dropPoint.y; int time = 0; int duration = 1800; pizza.SetScaleXY(1, 1); var fromScaleX = pizza.scaleX; var fromScaleY = pizza.scaleY; int scaleTime = 0; bool hasChangedDepthFlag = false; while (time < duration) { pizza.x = Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.Linear, time, fromX, toX - fromX, duration); pizza.y = Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.Linear, time, fromY, toY - fromY, duration); float scaleX = 0; float scaleY = 0; if (scaleTime < 400) { scaleX = Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.CubicEaseOut, scaleTime, fromScaleX, 1.5f - fromScaleX, 400); scaleY = Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.CubicEaseOut, scaleTime, fromScaleY, 1.5f - fromScaleY, 400); } else { scaleX = Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.CubicEaseIn, scaleTime - 400, 1.5f, 0f - 1.5f, duration - 400); scaleY = Easing.Ease(Easing.Equation.CubicEaseIn, scaleTime - 400, 1.5f, 0f - 1.5f, duration - 400); if (!hasChangedDepthFlag && scaleX < 1) { hasChangedDepthFlag = true; pizza.parent.SetChildIndex(pizza, _lastMarker.Index + 1); } } pizza.SetScaleXY(scaleX, scaleY); time += Time.deltaTime; scaleTime += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } ParticleManager.Instance.PlaySmallSmoke(_level, toX, toY, 1500, _lastMarker.Index + 1); }
/// <summary> /// Coroutine for tweening rotation. /// </summary> public static IEnumerator TweenRotationCoroutine(GameObject gameObject, Quaternion targetRotation, float duration, Easing easing, bool destroy, bool isRelative, string cubicBezier) { float elapsedTime = 0; // are we moving in absolute terms // or relative to current position Quaternion startRotation = gameObject.transform.localRotation; Quaternion endRotation; if (isRelative) { // the supplied Quaternion is relative to the original position endRotation = startRotation * targetRotation; } else { endRotation = targetRotation; } if (duration < 0.0001f) { gameObject.transform.localRotation = endRotation; } else { while (elapsedTime < duration) { float t = elapsedTime / duration; // shift 't' based on the easing function t = Utils.GetT(t, easing, cubicBezier); elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; // set the rotation Quaternion interpolatedRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startRotation, endRotation, t); gameObject.transform.localRotation = interpolatedRotation; yield return(null); } gameObject.transform.localRotation = endRotation; } // Destroy if specified if (destroy) { GameObject.Destroy(gameObject); } }
public override IEnumerator Execute(GameObject target, IAction[] actions, int index) { animpanel = canvasPanel.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); AnimInPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); animStartPosition = animpanel.localPosition; AnimOutPositionTop = new Vector3(0, Screen.height, 0); AnimOutPositionBottom = new Vector3(0, -Screen.height, 0); AnimOutPositionLeft = new Vector3(-Screen.width, 0, 0); AnimOutPositionRight = new Vector3(Screen.width, 0, 0); float vMoveSpeed = AnimateDuration.GetValue(target); if (vMoveSpeed < 0.2f) { vMoveSpeed = 0.2f; } float initTime = Time.time; switch (this.alignment) { case ALIGN.Top: while (Time.time - initTime < vMoveSpeed) { if (animpanel == null) { break; } float t = (Time.time - initTime) / vMoveSpeed; float easeValue = Easing.GetEase(easing, 0.0f, 1.0f, t); animpanel.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp( animStartPosition, AnimInPosition, easeValue ); yield return(null); } break; case ALIGN.Bottom: while (Time.time - initTime < vMoveSpeed) { if (animpanel == null) { break; } float t = (Time.time - initTime) / vMoveSpeed; float easeValue = Easing.GetEase(easing, 0.0f, 1.0f, t); animpanel.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp( animStartPosition, AnimInPosition, easeValue ); yield return(null); } break; case ALIGN.Left: while (Time.time - initTime < vMoveSpeed) { if (animpanel == null) { break; } float t = (Time.time - initTime) / vMoveSpeed; float easeValue = Easing.GetEase(easing, 0.0f, 1.0f, t); animpanel.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp( AnimOutPositionLeft, AnimInPosition, easeValue ); yield return(null); } break; case ALIGN.Right: while (Time.time - initTime < vMoveSpeed) { if (animpanel == null) { break; } float t = (Time.time - initTime) / vMoveSpeed; float easeValue = Easing.GetEase(easing, 0.0f, 1.0f, t); animpanel.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp( animStartPosition, AnimInPosition, easeValue ); yield return(null); } break; } yield return(0); }