Example #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Time.timeScale = 0;
        Dictionary <Vector2, float> data = new Dictionary <Vector2, float> ();

        for (int x = 0; x < worldSideSquared; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < worldSideSquared; z++)
                float yval;
                if (x == 0 || isSuperflat)
                    if (z == 0 || isSuperflat)
                        yval = startingY;
                        //first block, yval = 0
                        yval = data [new Vector2(x, z - 1)] + Random.Range(-deviation, deviation);
                        //in first row, yval = the prev block in that row plus some deviation
                    if (z == 0)
                        yval = data [new Vector2(x - 1, z)] + Random.Range(-deviation, deviation);
                        //in first column, yval = the prev block in that column plus some deviation
                        yval = emath.AverageWithTwo(data [new Vector2(x - 1, z)], data [new Vector2(x, z - 1)]) + Random.Range(-deviation, deviation);
                        //kind of like a def case, so we get the average of the prev block in row and prev block in column plus some deviation
                yval = Mathf.Round(yval);
                if (yval <= 0)
                    yval = 1;

                data.Add(new Vector2(x, z), yval);
                for (int y = 0; y < yval; y++)
                    GameObject n = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(x, y, z), Quaternion.identity);
                    if (y != yval - 1)
                        if (y < yval - 3)
                            if (Random.Range(0, 6) == 0)
                                if (Random.Range(0, 3) == 0)
                                    if (Random.Range(0, 3) == 0)
                                        if (Random.Range(0, 3) == 0)
                                            //diamond, 0.6%
                                            n.GetComponent <BlockTypes> ().blockType  = BlockTypes.blockTypes.diamond;
                                            n.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material = diamondOre;
                                            //gold, 1%
                                            n.GetComponent <BlockTypes> ().blockType  = BlockTypes.blockTypes.gold;
                                            n.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material = goldOre;
                                        //iron, 3%
                                        n.GetComponent <BlockTypes> ().blockType  = BlockTypes.blockTypes.iron;
                                        n.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material = ironOre;
                                    //coal, 11%
                                    n.GetComponent <BlockTypes> ().blockType  = BlockTypes.blockTypes.coal;
                                    n.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material = coalOre;
                                //stone, 83%
                                n.GetComponent <BlockTypes> ().blockType  = BlockTypes.blockTypes.stone;
                                n.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material = stone;
                            n.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material = dirt;
                            n.GetComponent <BlockTypes> ().blockType  = BlockTypes.blockTypes.dirt;
                            //n.GetComponent<ConwayGrass> ().enabled = true;
                        n.GetComponent <BlockTypes>().blockType = BlockTypes.blockTypes.grass;
        Time.timeScale = 1;