Example #1
		/// <summary> Main algorithm.  Descriptions see "Practical Optimization"
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="initX">initial point of x, assuming no value's on the bound!
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="constraints">the bound constraints of each variable
		/// constraints[0] is the lower bounds and 
		/// constraints[1] is the upper bounds
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> the solution of x, null if number of iterations not enough
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception cref="Exception">if an error occurs
		/// </exception>
		public virtual double[] findArgmin(double[] initX, double[][] constraints)
			int l = initX.Length;
			// Initially all variables are free, all bounds are constraints of
			// non-working-set constraints
			bool[] isFixed = new bool[l];
			double[][] nwsBounds = new double[2][];
			for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				nwsBounds[i] = new double[l];
			// Record indice of fixed variables, simply for efficiency
			DynamicIntArray wsBdsIndx = new DynamicIntArray(this, constraints.Length);
			// Vectors used to record the variable indices to be freed 	
			DynamicIntArray toFree = null, oldToFree = null;
			// Initial value of obj. function, gradient and inverse of the Hessian
			m_f = objectiveFunction(initX);
			if (System.Double.IsNaN(m_f))
				throw new System.Exception("Objective function value is NaN!");
			double sum = 0;
			double[] grad = evaluateGradient(initX), oldGrad, oldX, deltaGrad = new double[l], deltaX = new double[l], direct = new double[l], x = new double[l];
			Matrix L = new Matrix(l, l); // Lower triangle of Cholesky factor 
			double[] D = new double[l]; // Diagonal of Cholesky factor
			for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
				L.setRow(i, new double[l]);
				L.setXmlElement(i, i, 1.0);
				D[i] = 1.0;
				direct[i] = - grad[i];
				sum += grad[i] * grad[i];
				x[i] = initX[i];
				nwsBounds[0][i] = constraints[0][i];
				nwsBounds[1][i] = constraints[1][i];
				isFixed[i] = false;
			double stpmax = m_STPMX * System.Math.Max(System.Math.Sqrt(sum), l);

			for (int step = 0; step < m_MAXITS; step++)
				if (m_Debug)
					System.Console.Error.WriteLine("\nIteration # " + step + ":");
				// Try at most one feasible newton step, i.e. 0<lamda<=alpha
				oldX = x;
				oldGrad = grad;
				// Also update grad
				if (m_Debug)
					System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Line search ... ");
				m_IsZeroStep = false;
				x = lnsrch(x, grad, direct, stpmax, isFixed, nwsBounds, wsBdsIndx);
				if (m_Debug)
					System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Line search finished.");
				if (m_IsZeroStep)
					// Zero step, simply delete rows/cols of D and L
					for (int f = 0; f < wsBdsIndx.size(); f++)
						int idx = wsBdsIndx.elementAt(f);
						L.setRow(idx, new double[l]);
						L.setColumn(idx, new double[l]);
						D[idx] = 0.0;
					grad = evaluateGradient(x);
					// Check converge on x
					bool finish = false;
					double test = 0.0;
					for (int h = 0; h < l; h++)
						deltaX[h] = x[h] - oldX[h];
						double tmp = System.Math.Abs(deltaX[h]) / System.Math.Max(System.Math.Abs(x[h]), 1.0);
						if (tmp > test)
							test = tmp;
					if (test < m_Zero)
						if (m_Debug)
							System.Console.Error.WriteLine("\nDeltaX converge: " + test);
						finish = true;
					// Check zero gradient	    
					grad = evaluateGradient(x);
					test = 0.0;
					double denom = 0.0, dxSq = 0.0, dgSq = 0.0, newlyBounded = 0.0;
					for (int g = 0; g < l; g++)
						if (!isFixed[g])
							deltaGrad[g] = grad[g] - oldGrad[g];
							// Calculate the denominators			    
							denom += deltaX[g] * deltaGrad[g];
							dxSq += deltaX[g] * deltaX[g];
							dgSq += deltaGrad[g] * deltaGrad[g];
						// Only newly bounded variables will be non-zero
							newlyBounded += deltaX[g] * (grad[g] - oldGrad[g]);
						// Note: CANNOT use projected gradient for testing 
						// convergence because of newly bounded variables
						double tmp = System.Math.Abs(grad[g]) * System.Math.Max(System.Math.Abs(direct[g]), 1.0) / System.Math.Max(System.Math.Abs(m_f), 1.0);
						if (tmp > test)
							test = tmp;
					if (test < m_Zero)
						if (m_Debug)
							System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Gradient converge: " + test);
						finish = true;
					// dg'*dx could be < 0 using inexact lnsrch
					if (m_Debug)
						System.Console.Error.WriteLine("dg'*dx=" + (denom + newlyBounded));
					// dg'*dx = 0
					if (System.Math.Abs(denom + newlyBounded) < m_Zero)
						finish = true;
					int size = wsBdsIndx.size();
					bool isUpdate = true; // Whether to update BFGS formula	    
					// Converge: check whether release any current constraints
					if (finish)
						if (m_Debug)
							System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Test any release possible ...");
						if (toFree != null)
							oldToFree = (DynamicIntArray) toFree.copy();
						toFree = new DynamicIntArray(this, wsBdsIndx.size());
						for (int m = size - 1; m >= 0; m--)
							int index = wsBdsIndx.elementAt(m);
							double[] hessian = evaluateHessian(x, index);
							double deltaL = 0.0;
							if (hessian != null)
								for (int mm = 0; mm < hessian.Length; mm++)
									if (!isFixed[mm])
									// Free variable
										deltaL += hessian[mm] * direct[mm];
							// First and second order Lagrangian multiplier estimate
							// If user didn't provide Hessian, use first-order only
							double L1, L2;
							if (x[index] >= constraints[1][index])
							// Upper bound
								L1 = - grad[index];
							else if (x[index] <= constraints[0][index])
							// Lower bound
								L1 = grad[index];
								throw new System.Exception("x[" + index + "] not fixed on the" + " bounds where it should have been!");
							// L2 = L1 + deltaL
							L2 = L1 + deltaL;
							if (m_Debug)
								System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Variable " + index + ": Lagrangian=" + L1 + "|" + L2);
							//Check validity of Lagrangian multiplier estimate
							bool isConverge = (2.0 * System.Math.Abs(deltaL)) < System.Math.Min(System.Math.Abs(L1), System.Math.Abs(L2));
							if ((L1 * L2 > 0.0) && isConverge)
								//Same sign and converge: valid
								if (L2 < 0.0)
									// Negative Lagrangian: feasible
									finish = false; // Not optimal, cannot finish
							// Although hardly happen, better check it
							// If the first-order Lagrangian multiplier estimate is wrong,
							// avoid zigzagging
							if ((hessian == null) && (toFree != null) && toFree.equal(oldToFree))
								finish = true;
						if (finish)
							// Min. found
							if (m_Debug)
								System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Minimum found.");
							m_f = objectiveFunction(x);
							if (System.Double.IsNaN(m_f))
								throw new System.Exception("Objective function value is NaN!");
							return x;
						// Free some variables
						for (int mmm = 0; mmm < toFree.size(); mmm++)
							int freeIndx = toFree.elementAt(mmm);
							isFixed[freeIndx] = false; // Free this variable
							if (x[freeIndx] <= constraints[0][freeIndx])
								// Lower bound
								nwsBounds[0][freeIndx] = constraints[0][freeIndx];
								if (m_Debug)
									System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Free variable " + freeIndx + " from bound " + nwsBounds[0][freeIndx]);
								// Upper bound
								nwsBounds[1][freeIndx] = constraints[1][freeIndx];
								if (m_Debug)
									System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Free variable " + freeIndx + " from bound " + nwsBounds[1][freeIndx]);
							L.setXmlElement(freeIndx, freeIndx, 1.0);
							D[freeIndx] = 1.0;
							isUpdate = false;
					if (denom < System.Math.Max(m_Zero * System.Math.Sqrt(dxSq) * System.Math.Sqrt(dgSq), m_Zero))
						if (m_Debug)
							System.Console.Error.WriteLine("dg'*dx negative!");
						isUpdate = false; // Do not update		    
					// If Hessian will be positive definite, update it
					if (isUpdate)
						// modify once: dg*dg'/(dg'*dx)	
						double coeff = 1.0 / denom; // 1/(dg'*dx)	
						updateCholeskyFactor(L, D, deltaGrad, coeff, isFixed);
						// modify twice: g*g'/(g'*p)	
						coeff = 1.0 / m_Slope; // 1/(g'*p)
						updateCholeskyFactor(L, D, oldGrad, coeff, isFixed);
				// Find new direction 
				Matrix LD = new Matrix(l, l); // L*D
				double[] b = new double[l];
				for (int k = 0; k < l; k++)
					if (!isFixed[k])
						b[k] = - grad[k];
						b[k] = 0.0;
					for (int j = k; j < l; j++)
						// Lower triangle	
						if (!isFixed[j] && !isFixed[k])
							LD.setXmlElement(j, k, L.getXmlElement(j, k) * D[k]);
				// Solve (LD)*y = -g, where y=L'*direct
				double[] LDIR = solveTriangle(LD, b, true, isFixed);
				LD = null;
				for (int m = 0; m < LDIR.Length; m++)
					if (System.Double.IsNaN(LDIR[m]))
						throw new System.Exception("L*direct[" + m + "] is NaN!" + "|-g=" + b[m] + "|" + isFixed[m] + "|diag=" + D[m]);
				// Solve L'*direct = y
				direct = solveTriangle(L, LDIR, false, isFixed);
				for (int m = 0; m < direct.Length; m++)
					if (System.Double.IsNaN(direct[m]))
						throw new System.Exception("direct is NaN!");
			if (m_Debug)
				System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot find minimum" + " -- too many interations!");
			m_X = x;
			return null;