Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the Information Model by reading all the .DCM and .RAW files
        /// present in the given directory. The data read is normalised into the
        /// Information Model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataDirectory">Source data directory containing the .DCm and .RAW files.</param>
        public override void LoadInformationModel(System.String dataDirectory)
            DataDirectory = dataDirectory;
            DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(DataDirectory);

            foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in directoryInfo.GetFiles())
                if ((fileInfo.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".dcm")) ||
                    (fileInfo.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".raw")) ||
                    (fileInfo.Extension == "") || (fileInfo.Extension == null))
                        // read the DCM file

                        Dvtk.Sessions.ScriptSession dvtkScriptSession = new Dvtk.Sessions.ScriptSession();

                        String tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();

                        dvtkScriptSession.StorageMode          = Dvtk.Sessions.StorageMode.AsMedia;
                        dvtkScriptSession.DataDirectory        = tempPath;
                        dvtkScriptSession.ResultsRootDirectory = tempPath;

                        DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dvtkDataDicomFile = dvtkScriptSession.ReadFile(fileInfo.FullName);

                        // Add DICOM file to Information Model - but do not re-save in file
                        AddToInformationModel(dvtkDataDicomFile, false);
                    catch (Exception)
                        //Invalid DICOM File - will be skiped from QR information model.
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a Dicom file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The group length attribute (0002,0000) will be set with the correct value
        /// automatically before writing to file begins.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="HliException">
        ///	Writing to the file fails.
        /// </exception>
        /// <param name="fullFileName">The full file name.</param>
        /// <example>
        ///		<b>VB .NET</b>
        ///		<code>
        ///			' Example: Read a specified DICOM file and
        ///			'write it to back to a DICOM file
        ///			Dim myDicomFile As DvtkHighLevelInterface.Dicom.Files.DicomFile
        ///			If File.Exists("c:\somefile.dcm") Then
        ///				Try
        ///					myDicomFile.Read("c:\Somefile.dcm")
        ///                 Catch ex As DvtkHighLevelInterface.Common.Other.HliException
        ///					' Error reading the file, Maybe the file format is wrong?
        ///             End Try
        ///				'here is where you can manipulate the file
        ///				'write the dataset to a file
        ///				myDicomFile.Write("c:\newfile.dcm")
        ///			End If
        ///		</code>
        /// </example>
        public void Write(String fullFileName)
            if (FileMetaInformation.TransferSyntax == "")
                FileMetaInformation.TransferSyntax = "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1";

            Dvtk.Sessions.ScriptSession dvtkScriptSession = CreateEmptyDvtkScriptSession();

            if (this.AddGroupLength)
                dvtkScriptSession.AddGroupLength = true;

            DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dvtkDataDicomFile = new DvtkData.Media.DicomFile();

            dvtkDataDicomFile.DataSet             = this.dataSet.DvtkDataDataSet;
            dvtkDataDicomFile.FileMetaInformation = this.fileMetaInformation.DvtkDataFileMetaInformation;
            dvtkDataDicomFile.FileHead            = this.fileMetaInformation.DvtkDataFileHead;

            if (!dvtkScriptSession.WriteFile(dvtkDataDicomFile, fullFileName))
                throw new HliException("Error while writing file \"" + fullFileName + "\".");
Example #3
        public void Read(String fullFileName, params String[] definitionFilesFullName)
            DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dvtkDataDicomFile = null;

            if (!File.Exists(fullFileName))
                throw new HliException("Dicom file or raw file \"" + fullFileName + "\" not found.");

            String tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();

            Dvtk.Sessions.ScriptSession dvtkScriptSession = new Dvtk.Sessions.ScriptSession();

            dvtkScriptSession.StorageMode          = Dvtk.Sessions.StorageMode.AsMedia;
            dvtkScriptSession.DataDirectory        = tempPath;
            dvtkScriptSession.ResultsRootDirectory = tempPath;

            foreach (String definitionFileFullName in definitionFilesFullName)

            dvtkDataDicomFile = dvtkScriptSession.ReadFile(fullFileName);

            this.dataSet.DvtkDataDataSet = dvtkDataDicomFile.DataSet;
            this.FileMetaInformation.DvtkDataFileMetaInformation = dvtkDataDicomFile.FileMetaInformation;
            this.dvtkDataFileHead = dvtkDataDicomFile.FileHead;
Example #4
        public bool Write(String fullFileName)
            Dvtk.Sessions.ScriptSession dvtkScriptSession = new Dvtk.Sessions.ScriptSession();

            DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dvtkDataDicomFile = new DvtkData.Media.DicomFile();

            dvtkDataDicomFile.DataSet             = this.dataSet.DvtkDataDataSet;
            dvtkDataDicomFile.FileMetaInformation = this.fileMetaInformation.DvtkDataFileMetaInformation;
            dvtkDataDicomFile.FileHead            = this.dvtkDataFileHead;

            return(dvtkScriptSession.WriteFile(dvtkDataDicomFile, fullFileName));
Example #5
        public void Read(String fullFileName, DicomThread dicomThread)
            DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dvtkDataDicomFile = null;

            if (!File.Exists(fullFileName))
                throw new HliException("Dicom file or raw file \"" + fullFileName + "\" not found.");

            dvtkDataDicomFile = dicomThread.DvtkScriptSession.ReadFile(fullFileName);

            this.dataSet.DvtkDataDataSet = dvtkDataDicomFile.DataSet;
            this.fileMetaInformation.DvtkDataFileMetaInformation = dvtkDataDicomFile.FileMetaInformation;
            this.dvtkDataFileHead = dvtkDataDicomFile.FileHead;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// A new FileMetaInformation and DataSet object will be created inside this object. They will be
        /// filled with the content of the specified file.
        /// The FileMetaInformation and DataSet object previously used will not change (they will not be
        /// used anymore by this object) and can still be used outside this object if needed.
        /// Also see properties UnVrDefinitionLookUpWhenReading and StoreOBOFOWValuesWhenReading.
        /// If something goes wrong while reading the file, an exception is thrown.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="fullFileName">The full file name.</param>
        /// <param name="dvtkScriptSession">The dvtk ScriptSession, from which the definition files to use for determining the attribute names are used.</param>
        private void Read(String fullFileName, Dvtk.Sessions.ScriptSession dvtkScriptSession)
            // Create new FileMetaInformation and DataSet (depending on setting) objects.
            if (this.createNewDataSetObjectWhenReading)
                this.dataSet = new DataSet();

            // Throw an excpetion if the file doesn't exist.
            if (!File.Exists(fullFileName))
                throw new HliException("File \"" + fullFileName + "\" not found.");

            // Read the DicomFile using the supplied DicomThread.
            bool originalUnVrDefinitionLookUp = dvtkScriptSession.UnVrDefinitionLookUp;

            Dvtk.Sessions.StorageMode originalDvtkStorageMode = dvtkScriptSession.StorageMode;

            dvtkScriptSession.UnVrDefinitionLookUp = this.unVrDefinitionLookUpWhenReading;

            if (this.storeOBOFOWValuesWhenReading)
                dvtkScriptSession.StorageMode = Dvtk.Sessions.StorageMode.AsDataSet;
                dvtkScriptSession.StorageMode = Dvtk.Sessions.StorageMode.NoStorage;

            DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dvtkDataDicomFile = dvtkScriptSession.ReadFile(fullFileName);

            if (dvtkDataDicomFile == null)
                throw new HliException("Error while reading file \"" + fullFileName + "\".");
                this.dataSet.DvtkDataDataSet = dvtkDataDicomFile.DataSet;
                this.FileMetaInformation     = new FileMetaInformation(dvtkDataDicomFile.FileMetaInformation, dvtkDataDicomFile.FileHead);

            dvtkScriptSession.UnVrDefinitionLookUp = originalUnVrDefinitionLookUp;
            dvtkScriptSession.StorageMode          = originalDvtkStorageMode;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Store the DICOM file into a DICOM Media File in the current Information Model directory.
        /// The file contents might be later used for retrieval.The transfer syntax is also passed so that the TS specified
        /// in the dcm file is used while moving the file to a Storage SCP
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dicomFile">The DICOM file to store</param>
        protected void StoreDicomFile(DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dicomFile)
            System.String iom = System.String.Empty;
            if (Name.Equals("PatientRootInformationModel"))
                iom = "PR";
            else if (Name.Equals("StudyRootInformationModel"))
                iom = "SR";
            else if (Name.Equals("PatientStudyOnlyInformationModel"))
                iom = "PS";

            // generate a filename
            System.String filename;
            filename = System.String.Format("{0}\\DVTK_IOM_TMP_{1}_{2:00000000}.DCM", DataDirectory, iom, _fileIndex++);
            DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dicomMediaFile = new DvtkData.Media.DicomFile();

            // set up the file head
            DvtkData.Media.FileHead FileHead = new DvtkData.Media.FileHead();

            // add the Transfer Syntax UID
            //DvtkData.Dul.TransferSyntax transferSyntax = new DvtkData.Dul.TransferSyntax(DvtkData.Dul.TransferSyntax.Explicit_VR_Little_Endian.UID);
            FileHead.TransferSyntax = dicomFile.FileHead.TransferSyntax;

            // set up the file meta information
            DvtkData.Media.FileMetaInformation fileMetaInformation = new DvtkData.Media.FileMetaInformation();

            // add the FMI version
                                             Tag.FILE_META_INFORMATION_VERSION.ElementNumber, VR.OB, 1, 2);

            // add the SOP Class UID
            System.String sopClassUid = "";

            DvtkData.Dimse.Attribute attribute = dicomFile.DataSet.GetAttribute(DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.SOP_CLASS_UID);
            if (attribute != null)
                UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = (UniqueIdentifier)attribute.DicomValue;
                if (uniqueIdentifier.Values.Count > 0)
                    sopClassUid = uniqueIdentifier.Values[0];
                                             Tag.MEDIA_STORAGE_SOP_CLASS_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, sopClassUid);

            // add the SOP Instance UID
            System.String sopInstanceUid = "";
            attribute = dicomFile.DataSet.GetAttribute(DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.SOP_INSTANCE_UID);
            if (attribute != null)
                UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = (UniqueIdentifier)attribute.DicomValue;
                if (uniqueIdentifier.Values.Count > 0)
                    sopInstanceUid = uniqueIdentifier.Values[0];
                                             Tag.MEDIA_STORAGE_SOP_INSTANCE_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, sopInstanceUid);

            // add the Transfer Syntax UID
                                             Tag.TRANSFER_SYNTAX_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, dicomFile.FileHead.TransferSyntax);

            // add the Implemenation Class UID
            DvtkData.Dimse.Attribute implentationUID = dicomFile.FileMetaInformation.GetAttribute(0x00020012);
                                             Tag.IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, implentationUID);

            // add the Implementation Version Name
            DvtkData.Dimse.Attribute implementationVersion = dicomFile.FileMetaInformation.GetAttribute(0x00020013);
                                             Tag.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION_NAME.ElementNumber, VR.SH, implementationVersion);

            // set up the dicomMediaFile contents
            dicomMediaFile.FileHead            = FileHead;
            dicomMediaFile.FileMetaInformation = fileMetaInformation;
            dicomMediaFile.DataSet             = dicomFile.DataSet;

            // write the dicomMediaFile to file
            Dvtk.DvtkDataHelper.WriteDataSetToFile(dicomMediaFile, filename);

            // save the filename in the dataset
            dicomFile.DataSet.Filename = filename;
Example #8
 public abstract void AddToInformationModel(DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dicomFile, bool storeFile);
Example #9
        void SaveFileAsDefinedTS(string transferSyntax)
            if (DCMFile == "")
                richTextBoxLog.AppendText("There is no Media file to save, please select Media file.\n");

                SaveFileDialog saveAsDlg = new SaveFileDialog();
                saveAsDlg.Filter = "DCM files (*.dcm) |*.dcm | All files (*.*)|*.*";
                FileInfo dcmFileInfo = new FileInfo(DCMFile);
                saveAsDlg.InitialDirectory = dcmFileInfo.DirectoryName;
                saveAsDlg.FileName = dcmFileInfo.Name;
                saveAsDlg.Title = "Save DICOM file...";
                if (saveAsDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    richTextBoxLog.AppendText("Saving the modified Media file.\n");

                    _NewDCMFileName = saveAsDlg.FileName.Trim();

                    if (DCMFile != _NewDCMFileName)
                        _IsSavedInNewDCMFile = true;

                    DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dicomMediaFile = new DvtkData.Media.DicomFile();

                    // set up the file head
                    DvtkData.Media.FileHead fileHead = new DvtkData.Media.FileHead();

                    // add the Transfer Syntax UID
                    DvtkData.Dul.TransferSyntax tSyntax = new DvtkData.Dul.TransferSyntax(transferSyntax);
                    fileHead.TransferSyntax = tSyntax;

                    // set up the file meta information
                    DvtkData.Media.FileMetaInformation fileMetaInformation = new DvtkData.Media.FileMetaInformation();

                    // add the FMI version
                        DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.FILE_META_INFORMATION_VERSION.ElementNumber, VR.OB, 1, 2);

                    // add the SOP Class UID
                        DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.MEDIA_STORAGE_SOP_CLASS_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, _FileMetaInfo.MediaStorageSOPClassUID);

                    // add the SOP Instance UID
                        DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.MEDIA_STORAGE_SOP_INSTANCE_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, _FileMetaInfo.MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID);

                    // add the Transfer Syntax UID
                        DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.TRANSFER_SYNTAX_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, transferSyntax);

                    // add the Implemenation Class UID
                    string implClassUID = "";
					    // Get the Transfer syntax
					    HLI.Attribute implClassUIDAttr = _FileMetaInfo["0x00020012"];
					    implClassUID = implClassUIDAttr.Values[0];

                        DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, implClassUID);

                    // add the Implementation Version Name
                    string implClassVersion = "";
					    // Get the Transfer syntax
					    HLI.Attribute implClassVersionAttr = _FileMetaInfo["0x00020013"];
					    implClassVersion = implClassVersionAttr.Values[0];

                        DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION_NAME.ElementNumber, VR.SH, implClassVersion);

                    // set up the dicomMediaFile contents
                    dicomMediaFile.FileHead = fileHead;
                    dicomMediaFile.FileMetaInformation = fileMetaInformation;
                    dicomMediaFile.DataSet = _DCMdataset.DvtkDataDataSet;

                    // write the dicomMediaFile to file
                    Dvtk.DvtkDataHelper.WriteDataSetToFile(dicomMediaFile, _NewDCMFileName);

                    string theLogText = string.Format("Dataset {0} saved successfully with transfer syntax: {1}.\n\n", _NewDCMFileName, transferSyntax);


                    //Cleanup the FMI & Dataset
                    IsDCMFileModified = false;
                    _IsAttributeGroupLengthDefined = false;
                    _DCMdataset = null;
                    _FileMetaInfo = null;

                    if (_IsSavedInNewDCMFile)
                        FileInfo newDcmFileInfo = new FileInfo(_NewDCMFileName);

                        _IsNewDCMFileLoaded = true;
                        this.dirListBox.Path = newDcmFileInfo.DirectoryName;
                        this.fileListBox.Path = this.dirListBox.Path;
                        this.fileListBox.SelectedItem = newDcmFileInfo.Name;


                        //Load the new Media file
                        _IsNewDCMFileLoaded = false;
                        this.dirListBox.Path = dcmFileInfo.DirectoryName;
                        this.fileListBox.Path = this.dirListBox.Path;
                        this.fileListBox.SelectedItem = dcmFileInfo.Name;

                        //Load the new Media file

            catch (Exception exception)
                string theErrorText;

                theErrorText = string.Format("Media file {0} could not be saved:\n{1}\n\n", _NewDCMFileName, exception.Message);


                IsDCMFileModified = false;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the given dataset present in a Dicom File to the Information Model. The data is normalised into the Information Model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dicomFile">The dicom File containing the dataset to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="storeFile">Boolean indicating whether the dataset should be stored or not.</param>
        public override void AddToInformationModel(DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dicomFile, bool storeFile)
            // STUDY level
            PatientStudyInformationEntity patientStudyInformationEntity = null;

            this.IsDataStored = storeFile;

            // check if the patient/study IE is already in the studyRootList
            foreach (PatientStudyInformationEntity lPatientStudyInformationEntity in Root)
                if (lPatientStudyInformationEntity.IsUniqueTagFoundIn(dicomFile.DataSet))
                    patientStudyInformationEntity = lPatientStudyInformationEntity;

            // patient/study IE is not already in the studyRootList
            if (patientStudyInformationEntity == null)
                // create a new patient/study IE from the dataset and add to the studyRootList
                patientStudyInformationEntity = new PatientStudyInformationEntity();

            // SERIES level
            SeriesInformationEntity seriesInformationEntity = null;

            // check if the series IE is already in the study IE children
            foreach (SeriesInformationEntity lSeriesInformationEntity in patientStudyInformationEntity.Children)
                if (lSeriesInformationEntity.IsUniqueTagFoundIn(dicomFile.DataSet))
                    seriesInformationEntity = lSeriesInformationEntity;

            // series IE is not already in the study IE children
            if (seriesInformationEntity == null)
                // create a new series IE from the dataset and add to the study IE children
                seriesInformationEntity = new SeriesInformationEntity();

            // IMAGE (Instance) level
            InstanceInformationEntity instanceInformationEntity = null;

            // check if the instance IE is already in the series IE children
            foreach (InstanceInformationEntity lInstanceInformationEntity in seriesInformationEntity.Children)
                if (lInstanceInformationEntity.IsUniqueTagFoundIn(dicomFile.DataSet))
                    instanceInformationEntity = lInstanceInformationEntity;

            // instance IE is not already in the series IE children
            if (instanceInformationEntity == null)
                // Store the dicom File as a DCM file if requested.
                if (storeFile == true)

                // create a new instance IE from the dataset and add to the series IE children
                instanceInformationEntity = new InstanceInformationEntity(dicomFile.DataSet.Filename);

Example #11
 public virtual void AddToInformationModel(DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dicomFile, bool storeFile)
Example #12
        public bool Write(String fullFileName)
            Dvtk.Sessions.ScriptSession dvtkScriptSession = new Dvtk.Sessions.ScriptSession();

            DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dvtkDataDicomFile = new DvtkData.Media.DicomFile();

            dvtkDataDicomFile.DataSet = this.dataSet.DvtkDataDataSet;
            dvtkDataDicomFile.FileMetaInformation = this.fileMetaInformation.DvtkDataFileMetaInformation;
            dvtkDataDicomFile.FileHead = this.dvtkDataFileHead;

            return dvtkScriptSession.WriteFile(dvtkDataDicomFile, fullFileName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Store the DICOM file into a DICOM Media File in the current Information Model directory.
        /// The file contents might be later used for retrieval.The transfer syntax is also passed so that the TS specified
        /// in the dcm file is used while moving the file to a Storage SCP
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dicomFile">The DICOM file to store</param>
        protected void StoreDicomFile(DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dicomFile)
            System.String iom = System.String.Empty;
            if (Name.Equals("PatientRootInformationModel"))
                iom = "PR";
            else if (Name.Equals("StudyRootInformationModel"))
                iom = "SR";
            else if (Name.Equals("PatientStudyOnlyInformationModel"))
                iom = "PS";

            // generate a filename
            System.String filename;
            filename = System.String.Format("{0}\\DVTK_IOM_TMP_{1}_{2:00000000}.DCM", DataDirectory, iom, _fileIndex++);
            DvtkData.Media.DicomFile dicomMediaFile = new DvtkData.Media.DicomFile();

            // set up the file head
            DvtkData.Media.FileHead FileHead = new DvtkData.Media.FileHead();

            // add the Transfer Syntax UID
            //DvtkData.Dul.TransferSyntax transferSyntax = new DvtkData.Dul.TransferSyntax(DvtkData.Dul.TransferSyntax.Explicit_VR_Little_Endian.UID);
            FileHead.TransferSyntax = dicomFile.FileHead.TransferSyntax;

            // set up the file meta information
            DvtkData.Media.FileMetaInformation fileMetaInformation = new DvtkData.Media.FileMetaInformation();

            // add the FMI version
                Tag.FILE_META_INFORMATION_VERSION.ElementNumber, VR.OB, 1, 2);

            // add the SOP Class UID
            System.String sopClassUid = "";

            DvtkData.Dimse.Attribute attribute = dicomFile.DataSet.GetAttribute(DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.SOP_CLASS_UID);
            if (attribute != null)
                UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = (UniqueIdentifier)attribute.DicomValue;
                if (uniqueIdentifier.Values.Count > 0)
                    sopClassUid = uniqueIdentifier.Values[0];
                Tag.MEDIA_STORAGE_SOP_CLASS_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, sopClassUid);

            // add the SOP Instance UID
            System.String sopInstanceUid = "";
            attribute = dicomFile.DataSet.GetAttribute(DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.SOP_INSTANCE_UID);
            if (attribute != null)
                UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = (UniqueIdentifier)attribute.DicomValue;
                if (uniqueIdentifier.Values.Count > 0)
                    sopInstanceUid = uniqueIdentifier.Values[0];
                Tag.MEDIA_STORAGE_SOP_INSTANCE_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, sopInstanceUid);

            // add the Transfer Syntax UID
                Tag.TRANSFER_SYNTAX_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, dicomFile.FileHead.TransferSyntax);

            // add the Implemenation Class UID
            DvtkData.Dimse.Attribute implentationUID = dicomFile.FileMetaInformation.GetAttribute(0x00020012);
                Tag.IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, implentationUID);

            // add the Implementation Version Name
            DvtkData.Dimse.Attribute implementationVersion = dicomFile.FileMetaInformation.GetAttribute(0x00020013);
                Tag.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION_NAME.ElementNumber, VR.SH, implementationVersion);

            // set up the dicomMediaFile contents
            dicomMediaFile.FileHead = FileHead;
            dicomMediaFile.FileMetaInformation = fileMetaInformation;
            dicomMediaFile.DataSet = dicomFile.DataSet;

            // write the dicomMediaFile to file
            Dvtk.DvtkDataHelper.WriteDataSetToFile(dicomMediaFile, filename);

            // save the filename in the dataset
            dicomFile.DataSet.Filename = filename;