Example #1
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        crudscore    = GetComponent <DummyCRUDScores>();
        sceneManager = GetComponent <DummySceneManager>();

        world                = "world1";
        chap                 = "chap1";
        difficulty           = "easy";
        userid               = "user1";
        studentscore.attempt = 1;
        studentscore.name    = "Sam";
        studentscore.scores  = 123;
        GameOwneruserid      = "user2";
        UniqueQuestionId     = "q1234";
        scene                = "scene1";

        AddNewScores(world, chap, difficulty, userid, studentscore);
        getUserScores(world, chap, difficulty, userid);
        updateUserScore(world, chap, difficulty, userid, studentscore);
        AddStudentGameNewScores(GameOwneruserid, userid, UniqueQuestionId, studentscore);
        getUserScoreForStudentGame(GameOwneruserid, userid, UniqueQuestionId);
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        crudscore = GetComponent <DummyCRUDScores>();

        world      = "world1";
        chap       = "chap1";
        difficulty = "easy";

        getLeaderBoard(world, chap, difficulty);