protected void DrawTiles()
     if (_highlightedTile > -1)
         Point pos         = GetPosOfTile(_highlightedTile);
         int   halfPadding = _padding / 2;
         pos.X -= halfPadding - this.AutoScrollPosition.X;
         pos.Y -= halfPadding - this.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
         DrawingManager.DrawFilledRectangle(ParentGrid.Layer, new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y),
                                            new Vector2(ParentGrid.TileSize.X + _padding, ParentGrid.TileSize.Y + _padding),
                                            Color.DarkGray, ParentGrid.BlendingType);
     if (TileGridEditor.Instance.SelectedBrushTile > -1)
         Point pos         = GetPosOfTile(TileGridEditor.Instance.SelectedBrushTile);
         int   halfPadding = _padding / 2;
         pos.X -= halfPadding - this.AutoScrollPosition.X;
         pos.Y -= halfPadding - this.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
         DrawingManager.DrawFilledRectangle(ParentGrid.Layer, new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y),
                                            new Vector2(ParentGrid.TileSize.X + _padding, ParentGrid.TileSize.Y + _padding),
                                            Color.White, ParentGrid.BlendingType);
     for (int i = 0; i < _rowsCountOnTexture * ParentGrid.ColumnsCountOnTexture; i++)
         DrawRequest drawRequest = default(DrawRequest);
         drawRequest.scaleRatio = Vector2.One;
         drawRequest.tint       = Color.White;
         drawRequest.texture    = ParentGrid.Material.Texture;
         Point pos = GetPosOfTile(i);
         drawRequest.position.X      = pos.X + this.AutoScrollPosition.X;
         drawRequest.position.Y      = pos.Y + this.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
         drawRequest.sourceRectangle = ParentGrid.GetSourceRectOfTile(i);
         DrawingManager.DrawOnLayer(drawRequest, 1, DrawingBlendingType.Alpha);
Example #2
 public void Draw(int layer, DrawingBlendingType blendingType)
     if (_isActive)
         DrawingManager.DrawOnLayer(_drawRequest, layer, blendingType);
Example #3
        public void Draw(float elapsed)
            if (this.Parent.Material == null)
            DrawRequest _drawRequest = new DrawRequest();

            _drawRequest.texture    = this.Parent.Material.Texture;
            _drawRequest.position   = this.Parent.Position;
            _drawRequest.rotation   = this.Parent.Rotation;
            _drawRequest.scaleRatio = this.Parent.Scale;
            if (this.AnimationFrames != null && this.AnimationFrames.Count > _currentFrameIndex &&
                _drawRequest.sourceRectangle = this.Parent.Material.
                _drawRequest.sourceRectangle = null;
            _drawRequest.pivot           = this.Parent.Pivot;
            _drawRequest.isPivotRelative = this.Parent.IsPivotRelative;
            _drawRequest.tint            = this.Parent.Tint;
            _drawRequest.hFlip           = this.Parent.FlipHorizontal;
            _drawRequest.vFlip           = this.Parent.FlipVertical;
            DrawingManager.DrawOnLayer(_drawRequest, this.Parent.Layer, this.Parent.BlendingType);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the control.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Draw()
            ParentEditor.ZoomBox.Camera.Update(1 / 60f);
            if (particleEffect.Position != updatedPosition)
                particleEffect.Position = updatedPosition;
            particleEffect.Update(1 / 60f);
            _parent = Parent as ParticleEffectEditor;
            // if the animation was paused externally, pause it in the GUI
            if (particleEffect.Emitter.IsPaused == true && _parent.toolStripButtonPause.Enabled == true)
                _parent.toolStripButtonPause_Click(null, EventArgs.Empty);
            // if the animation was stopped externally, stop it in the GUI
            if (particleEffect.Emitter.IsStopped == true && _parent.toolStripButtonStop.Enabled == true)
                _parent.toolStripButtonStop_Click(null, EventArgs.Empty);
            if (background != null)
                DrawRequest backgroundRequest = new DrawRequest(background, Vector2.Zero, false,
                                                                null, 0, Vector2.One, new Vector2(0.5f), true, Color.White, false, false, null);
                DrawingManager.DrawOnLayer(backgroundRequest, 10, DrawingBlendingType.Alpha);

            DrawingManager.ViewPortSize = new Point(this.Width, this.Height);
            ParentEditor.Update(1 / 60f);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the control.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Draw()
            if (_background != null)
                float       scaledWidth       = this.Width / (float)_background.Width;
                float       scaledHeight      = this.Height / (float)_background.Height;
                DrawRequest backgroundRequest = new DrawRequest(_background, Vector2.Zero,
                                                                null, 0, new Vector2(scaledWidth, scaledHeight), Vector2.Zero, false, Color.White, false, false, null);
                DrawingManager.DrawOnLayer(backgroundRequest, 10, DrawingBlendingType.Alpha);
            _ppAnim.Update(1 / 60f);
            _parent = Parent as PostProcessAnimationEditor;
            // if the animation was paused externally, pause it in the GUI
            if (_ppAnim.IsPaused == true && _parent.toolStripButtonPause.Enabled == true)
                _parent.toolStripButtonPause_Click(null, EventArgs.Empty);
            // if the animation was stopped externally, stop it in the GUI
            if (_ppAnim.IsStopped == true && _parent.toolStripButtonStop.Enabled == true)
                _parent.toolStripButtonStop_Click(null, EventArgs.Empty);
            int oldLayer = _ppAnim.Layer;

            _ppAnim.Draw(1 / 60f);
            _ppAnim.Layer = oldLayer;
            DrawingManager.ViewPortSize = new Point(this.Width, this.Height);
            ((PostProcessAnimationEditor)this.Parent).Update(1 / 60f);
Example #6
        public override void Draw(float elapsed)
            if (!this.Visible)

            // Draw in reverse order from the list
            for (int i = TileLayers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                TileLayer layer = TileLayers[i];
                if (!layer.Visible)
                for (int y = _visibleTiles.Top; y < _visibleTiles.Bottom; y++)
                    for (int x = _visibleTiles.Left; x < _visibleTiles.Right; x++)
                        Tile tile = layer.Tiles[x][y];
                        if (tile.Index != -1)
                            Vector2 drawPos = _scaledTilePivot;
                            drawPos.X += (float)x * _scaledTileSize.X;
                            drawPos.Y += (float)y * _scaledTileSize.Y;
                            if (this.Rotation != 0)
                                drawPos = Vector2.Transform(drawPos, _rotationMatrix);
                            drawPos -= _scaledPivot;

                            DrawRequest _drawRequest = new DrawRequest();
                            _drawRequest.texture         = this.Material.Texture;
                            _drawRequest.position        = this.Position + drawPos;
                            _drawRequest.rotation        = tile.Rotation * MathHelper.PiOver2 + this.Rotation;
                            _drawRequest.pivot           = _tilePivot;
                            _drawRequest.isPivotRelative = false;
                            _drawRequest.hFlip           = tile.HFlip;
                            _drawRequest.vFlip           = tile.VFlip;
                            _drawRequest.sourceRectangle = GetSourceRectOfTile(tile.Index);

                            if (tile.Rotation == 1 || tile.Rotation == 3)
                                _drawRequest.scaleRatio = _rotatedScale;
                                _drawRequest.scaleRatio = Scale;
                            _drawRequest.tint = this.Tint;
                            DrawingManager.DrawOnLayer(_drawRequest, this.Layer, this.BlendingType);
Example #7
 public void DrawSpriteAtPos(Vector2 position, bool hFlip, bool vFlip)
     _drawRequest.texture         = this.Material.Texture;
     _drawRequest.position        = position;
     _drawRequest.rotation        = this.Rotation;
     _drawRequest.scaleRatio      = this.Scale;
     _drawRequest.tint            = this.Tint;
     _drawRequest.isPivotRelative = this.IsPivotRelative;
     _drawRequest.hFlip           = hFlip;
     _drawRequest.vFlip           = vFlip;
     _drawRequest.sourceRectangle = SourceRectangle;
     DrawingManager.DrawOnLayer(_drawRequest, this.Layer, _blendingType);
Example #8
        public override void Draw(float elapsed)
            if (!this.Visible)
            if (this.Shadow == true)
                DrawRequest _drawRequestShadow = new DrawRequest();
                //_drawRequest.font = this.Material.Texture;
                _drawRequestShadow.position   = this.Position + new Vector2(3, 2);
                _drawRequestShadow.rotation   = this.Rotation;
                _drawRequestShadow.scaleRatio = this.Scale;
                Color shadowColor = Color.Black;
                shadowColor.A                      = _opacity;
                _drawRequestShadow.tint            = shadowColor;
                _drawRequestShadow.font            = _font.Font;
                _drawRequestShadow.text            = Text;
                _drawRequestShadow.isFont          = true;
                _drawRequestShadow.textSize        = this.BoundingRectSize;
                _drawRequestShadow.pivot           = Pivot;
                _drawRequestShadow.isPivotRelative = this.IsPivotRelative;
                DrawingManager.DrawOnLayer(_drawRequestShadow, this.Layer, _blendingType);
            //_drawRequest.font = this.Material.Texture;
            _drawRequest.position   = this.Position;
            _drawRequest.rotation   = this.Rotation;
            _drawRequest.scaleRatio = this.Scale;
            if (_font == null)
                _font = SceneManager.GetEmbeddedFont("DefaultFont");
            _drawRequest.font            = _font.Font;
            _drawRequest.isFont          = true;
            _drawRequest.textSize        = this.BoundingRectSize;
            _drawRequest.text            = this.Text;
            _drawRequest.isPivotRelative = this.IsPivotRelative;
            _drawRequest.pivot           = this.Pivot;
            DrawingManager.DrawOnLayer(_drawRequest, this.Layer, _blendingType);
