Example #1
 public PageEventHelper(Guid applicationId, string documentTitle, Font font, DownloadedFileMeta meta)
     this.ApplicationID = applicationId;
     this.DocumentTitle = documentTitle;
     this.font          = new Font(font.BaseFont, 10, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.GRAY);
     this.Meta          = meta;
        protected void send_file(DocFileInfo file, bool logNeeded, bool addPDFCover = false, bool addPDFFooter = false,
                                 Guid?coverId = null, string pdfPassword = null, string contentType = null, bool isAttachment = true)
            byte[] fileContent = file.toByteArray(paramsContainer.ApplicationID);

            if (fileContent.Length == 0)

            //Save Log
            if (logNeeded && paramsContainer.CurrentUserID.HasValue)
                LogController.save_log(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id, new Log()
                    UserID           = paramsContainer.CurrentUserID,
                    Date             = DateTime.Now,
                    HostAddress      = PublicMethods.get_client_ip(HttpContext.Current),
                    HostName         = PublicMethods.get_client_host_name(HttpContext.Current),
                    Action           = Modules.Log.Action.Download,
                    SubjectID        = file.FileID,
                    Info             = file.toJson(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id),
                    ModuleIdentifier = ModuleIdentifier.DCT
            //end of Save Log

            if (file.Extension.ToLower() == "pdf")
                addPDFCover = addPDFCover && file.OwnerNodeID.HasValue && coverId.HasValue &&
                              paramsContainer.ApplicationID.HasValue && paramsContainer.CurrentUserID.HasValue;

                if (addPDFFooter || addPDFCover)
                    bool invalidPassword = false;

                    fileContent = PDFUtil.get_pdf_content(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id, fileContent, pdfPassword, ref invalidPassword);

                    if (invalidPassword)
                        string responseText = "{\"InvalidPassword\":" + true.ToString().ToLower() + "}";
                        paramsContainer.return_response(ref responseText);

                if (addPDFFooter)
                    User currentUser = !paramsContainer.CurrentUserID.HasValue ? null :
                                       UsersController.get_user(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id, paramsContainer.CurrentUserID.Value);

                    if (currentUser == null)
                        currentUser = new User()
                            UserID    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            UserName  = "******",
                            FirstName = "[anonymous]",
                            LastName  = "[anonymous]"

                    DownloadedFileMeta meta = new DownloadedFileMeta(PublicMethods.get_client_ip(HttpContext.Current),
                                                                     currentUser.UserName, currentUser.FirstName, currentUser.LastName, null);

                    fileContent = PDFTemplates.append_footer(fileContent, meta.toString());

                if (addPDFCover)
                    fileContent = Wiki2PDF.add_custom_cover(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id,
                                                            paramsContainer.CurrentUserID.Value, fileContent, coverId.Value, file.OwnerNodeID.Value);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pdfPassword))
                    fileContent = PDFUtil.set_password(fileContent, pdfPassword);

            string retFileName = file.FileName + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.Extension) ? string.Empty : "." + file.Extension);

            paramsContainer.file_response(fileContent, retFileName, contentType: contentType, isAttachment: isAttachment);
Example #3
        public static byte[] export_as_pdf(Guid applicationId, Guid?currentUserId, bool isUser, DownloadedFileMeta meta,
                                           string title, string description, List <string> keywords, List <KeyValuePair <Guid, string> > wikiTitles,
                                           Dictionary <Guid, List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > > wikiParagraphs, Dictionary <string, string> metaData,
                                           List <string> authors, Guid?coverId, Guid?coverOwnerNodeId, string password, HttpContext context)
            bool hasCustomCover = coverId.HasValue && coverOwnerNodeId.HasValue && currentUserId.HasValue;

            List <WikiPDFText> wikiCover = hasCustomCover ? new List <WikiPDFText>() :
                                           get_default_cover(applicationId, isUser, title, metaData, authors);

            string strKeywords = string.Join(" - ", keywords);

            WikiPDFText wikiTitle = new WikiPDFText(applicationId,
                                                    @"<br><br><p style='text-align:center;'><strong><span style='color:DarkSlateGray;'>" + title + "</span></strong></p><br><br>");
            List <WikiPDFText> wikiDesc = convert_div_to_p(applicationId, new List <WikiPDFText>()
                new WikiPDFText(applicationId,
                                string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? "" : @"<br><p class='NodeAbs'>" + description + "</p><br>")
            WikiPDFText wikiKeywords = new WikiPDFText(applicationId,
                                                       string.IsNullOrEmpty(strKeywords) ? "" : @"<br><p> " + strKeywords + " </p><br>");

            string      pdfTitles     = string.Empty;
            WikiPDFText wikiPDFTitles = null;

            List <WikiPDFText> strHTMLParagraphs = new List <WikiPDFText>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, string> t in wikiTitles)
                if (!wikiParagraphs.ContainsKey(t.Key) || wikiParagraphs[t.Key].Count == 0)

                bool hasTitle = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Value);

                int counter = 0;

                if (hasTitle)
                    pdfTitles += "<p><a href='#" + t.Key.ToString() + "'>" + t.Value + "</a></p><br>";
                    pdfTitles += ProviderUtil.list_to_string <string>(wikiParagraphs[t.Key].Where(
                                                                          u => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Value)).Select(
                                                                          p => "<p><a style='color:gray;' href='#" + t.Key.ToString() + (++counter).ToString() + "'>" + p.Key + "</a></p><br>").ToList <string>(), ' ');

                wikiPDFTitles = new WikiPDFText(applicationId, pdfTitles);

                counter = 0;

                WikiPDFText mt = !hasTitle ? null : new WikiPDFText(applicationId,
                                                                    @"<br><a name='" + t.Key.ToString() + "'><strong style='color:#00a;'>" + t.Value + "</strong></a>");

                List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > prgrs = wikiParagraphs[t.Key].Where(
                    u => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Value)).Select(x => x).ToList();

                WikiPDFText tempParagraphs = new WikiPDFText(applicationId,
                                                             ProviderUtil.list_to_string <string>(prgrs.Select(u => u.Value).ToList(), ' '));
                if (mt != null && tempParagraphs.IsProbablyRTL)

                if (mt != null)

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in prgrs)
                    WikiPDFText pp = new WikiPDFText(applicationId, kvp.Value);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kvp.Key))
                        WikiPDFText pt = new WikiPDFText(applicationId, "<p><a style='color:#444;' name='" +
                                                         t.Key.ToString() + (++counter).ToString() + "'><strong>" + kvp.Key + "</strong></a></p>");

                        if (pp.IsProbablyRTL)



            strHTMLParagraphs = convert_div_to_p(applicationId, strHTMLParagraphs);

            using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream())
                using (Document pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4))
                    BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(
                        PublicMethods.map_path("~/Fonts/windows/IRANSans.ttf"), BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
                    Font font = new Font(baseFont, size: 9);

                    PdfWriter pdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, mem);

                    PageEventHelper pageEvents = new PageEventHelper(applicationId, title, font, meta);
                    pdfWriter.PageEvent = pageEvents;

                    pdfWriter.RgbTransparencyBlending = true;

                    StyleAttrCSSResolver cssResolver = new StyleAttrCSSResolver();
                    cssResolver.AddCssFile(PublicMethods.map_path("~/CSS/pdf.css"), true);

                    PdfPTable mainTable = new PdfPTable(1)
                        WidthPercentage = 100,
                        RunDirection    = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL

                    mainTable.SplitLate = false;

                    PdfPCell coverCell = new PdfPCell()
                        FixedHeight         = 750,
                        RunDirection        = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL,
                        HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER

                    PdfPCell titlesCell = new PdfPCell
                        Border              = 0,
                        RunDirection        = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL,
                        HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT,
                        PaddingRight        = 20f,
                        PaddingLeft         = 20f,
                        BackgroundColor     = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY

                    for (int c = 0; c < wikiCover.Count; c++)
                        _add_to_table(applicationId, context, mainTable, cssResolver, wikiCover[c], font, coverCell);
                    //_add_to_table(applicationId, context, mainTable, cssResolver, wikiTitle, font);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                        for (int c = 0; c < wikiDesc.Count; c++)
                            _add_to_table(applicationId, context, mainTable, cssResolver, wikiDesc[c], font);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strKeywords))
                        _add_to_table(applicationId, context, mainTable, cssResolver, wikiKeywords, font);
                    //_add_to_table(applicationId, context, mainTable, cssResolver, wikiPDFTitles, font, titlesCell);
                    for (int c = 0; c < strHTMLParagraphs.Count; c++)
                        _add_to_table(applicationId, context, mainTable, cssResolver, strHTMLParagraphs[c], font);



                    byte[] finalContent = mem.ToArray();

                    if (hasCustomCover)
                        finalContent = add_custom_cover(applicationId,
                                                        currentUserId.Value, finalContent, coverId.Value, coverOwnerNodeId.Value);

                    return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) ? finalContent : PDFUtil.set_password(finalContent, password));
        protected void get_report(ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier, string reportName, bool excel, bool rtl,
                                  bool isPersian, ref Dictionary <string, string> dic, int pageNumber, int pageSize, ref string responseText,
                                  List <ReportParameter> parameters, string password)
            //Privacy Check: OK
            if (!paramsContainer.GBEdit)

            bool isSystemAdmin =
                PublicMethods.is_system_admin(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id, paramsContainer.CurrentUserID.Value);

            Guid?reportId = ReportUtilities.get_report_id(moduleIdentifier, reportName);

            bool hasAccess = reportId.HasValue && (isSystemAdmin ||
                                                   AuthorizationManager.has_right(AccessRoleName.Reports, paramsContainer.CurrentUserID));

            hasAccess = hasAccess && (isSystemAdmin ||
                                      PrivacyController.check_access(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id, paramsContainer.CurrentUserID,
                                                                     reportId.Value, PrivacyObjectType.Report, PermissionType.View));

            if (!hasAccess)
                responseText = "{\"ErrorText\":\"" + Messages.AccessDenied + "\"}";

            DataTable tbl     = new DataTable();
            string    actions = string.Empty;

            Dictionary <string, string> columnsDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                                         moduleIdentifier, reportName, ref tbl, ref actions, ref columnsDic, parameters);

            int firstRow = excel ? 0 : (pageSize * (pageNumber - 1));
            int lastRow  = (excel ? tbl.Rows.Count : Math.Min(firstRow + pageSize, tbl.Rows.Count)) - 1;

            for (int c = 0; c < tbl.Columns.Count; ++c)
                if (tbl.Columns[c].DataType != typeof(string) || tbl.Columns[c].ColumnName.IndexOf("_HTML") < 0)

                tbl.Columns[c].ColumnName = tbl.Columns[c].ColumnName.Replace("_HTML", string.Empty);

                for (int r = firstRow; r <= lastRow; ++r)
                    if (tbl.Rows[r][c] != DBNull.Value && !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)tbl.Rows[r][c]))
                        //tbl.Rows[r][c] = PublicMethods.markup2plaintext(
                        //Expressions.replace((string)tbl.Rows[r][c], Expressions.Patterns.HTMLTag, " ")).Trim();

                        string str = (string)tbl.Rows[r][c];
                        str = Expressions.replace(str, Expressions.Patterns.HTMLTag, " ");
                        str = PublicMethods.markup2plaintext(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id, str).Trim();

                        tbl.Rows[r][c] = str;

            if (excel)
                    Dictionary <string, bool> usedColNames = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

                    foreach (string n in dic.Values)
                        usedColNames[n] = true;

                    for (int c = 0; c < tbl.Columns.Count; ++c)
                        if (columnsDic.ContainsKey(tbl.Columns[c].ColumnName))
                            string colName = columnsDic[tbl.Columns[c].ColumnName];
                            int    num     = 1;
                            while (true)
                                string tmpName = colName + (num <= 1 ? string.Empty : " (" + num.ToString() + ")");

                                if (!usedColNames.ContainsKey(tmpName))
                                    usedColNames[tmpName] = true;
                                    colName = tmpName;

                            tbl.Columns[c].ColumnName = colName;

                        bool isString = tbl.Columns[c].DataType == typeof(string);
                        bool isDic    = tbl.Columns[c].ColumnName.IndexOf("_Dic") >= 0;

                        if (isString && isDic)
                            Dictionary <string, string> colDic = _get_dictionary(tbl.Columns[c].ColumnName);

                            for (int r = 0; r < tbl.Rows.Count; ++r)
                                bool isNull = tbl.Rows[r].ItemArray[c] == DBNull.Value || tbl.Rows[r].ItemArray[c] == null;

                                if (!isNull && colDic.ContainsKey((string)tbl.Rows[r].ItemArray[c]))
                                    tbl.Rows[r][c] = colDic[(string)tbl.Rows[r].ItemArray[c]];

                        if (isDic)
                            tbl.Columns[c].ColumnName = tbl.Columns[c].ColumnName.Replace("_Dic", string.Empty);

                    //meta data for exported file
                    Privacy p = !reportId.HasValue ? null :
                                PrivacyController.get_settings(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id, reportId.Value);
                    string confidentiality = p == null ? null : p.Confidentiality.Title;

                    User currentUser = !paramsContainer.CurrentUserID.HasValue ? null :
                                       UsersController.get_user(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id, paramsContainer.CurrentUserID.Value);
                    if (currentUser == null)
                        currentUser = new User();
                    DownloadedFileMeta meta = new DownloadedFileMeta(PublicMethods.get_client_ip(HttpContext.Current),
                                                                     currentUser.UserName, currentUser.FirstName, currentUser.LastName, confidentiality);
                    //end of meta data for exported file

                    string reportFileName = "Reports_" + PublicMethods.get_random_number().ToString();

                    ExcelUtilities.ExportToExcel(reportFileName, tbl, rtl, dic, password, meta);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    responseText = "{\"ErrorText\":\"" + Messages.OperationFailed + "\"}";

                    LogController.save_error_log(paramsContainer.Tenant.Id, paramsContainer.CurrentUserID,
                                                 "ExportReportToExcel", ex, ModuleIdentifier.RPT, LogLevel.Fatal);


            Dictionary <string, bool> isFloatDic = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

            responseText = "{\"Columns\":[";

            for (int i = 0, lnt = tbl.Columns.Count; i < lnt; ++i)
                object obj = null;
                for (int j = firstRow; j <= lastRow; ++j)
                    if (tbl.Rows[j][i] != DBNull.Value && tbl.Rows[j][i] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbl.Rows[j][i].ToString()))
                        obj = tbl.Rows[j][i];

                bool isNumber = false;
                bool isFloat  = false;
                if (obj != null)
                    var objType = obj.GetType();
                    isNumber = objType == typeof(int) || objType == typeof(long) ||
                               objType == typeof(float) || objType == typeof(double) || objType == typeof(decimal);
                    isFloat = objType == typeof(float) || objType == typeof(double) || objType == typeof(decimal);

                isFloatDic.Add(tbl.Columns[i].ColumnName, isFloat);

                string colTitle = columnsDic.ContainsKey(tbl.Columns[i].ColumnName) ?
                                  columnsDic[tbl.Columns[i].ColumnName] : tbl.Columns[i].ColumnName;

                responseText += (i == 0 ? string.Empty : ",") + "{\"ID\":\"" + tbl.Columns[i].ColumnName +
                                "\",\"Title\":\"" + Base64.encode(colTitle) + "\",\"Encoded\":true" +
                                ",\"IsNumber\":" + isNumber.ToString().ToLower() + "}";

            responseText += "],\"Total\":" + tbl.Rows.Count.ToString() + ",\"Rows\":[";

            for (int i = firstRow; i <= lastRow; ++i)
                responseText += (i == firstRow ? string.Empty : ",") + "{";
                for (int j = 0, _ln = tbl.Columns.Count; j < _ln; ++j)
                    if (isFloatDic[tbl.Columns[j].ColumnName])
                        tbl.Rows[i].ItemArray[j] =
                            Math.Round(double.Parse((tbl.Rows[i].ItemArray[j] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : tbl.Rows[i].ItemArray[j]).ToString()), 2);

                    string strVal = tbl.Rows[i].ItemArray[j].GetType() == typeof(DateTime) ?
                                    PublicMethods.get_local_date((DateTime)tbl.Rows[i].ItemArray[j], true) :
                                    (isFloatDic[tbl.Columns[j].ColumnName] ?
                                     Math.Round(double.Parse((tbl.Rows[i].ItemArray[j] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : tbl.Rows[i].ItemArray[j]).ToString()), 2) :

                    responseText += (j == 0 ? string.Empty : ",") + "\"" + tbl.Columns[j].ColumnName + "\":\"" + Base64.encode(strVal) + "\"";
                responseText += "}";

            responseText += "],\"Actions\":" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actions) ? "{}" : actions) + "}";