Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// if needed, will merge the images base on page in the image names
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageBytes"></param>
        /// <param name="imageNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary<PageImageIndex, System.Drawing.Image> Merge(Dictionary<PageImageIndex, System.Drawing.Image> imagesList, string outputPath)
            var imageListByPage = imagesList.GroupBy(i => i.Key.PageIndex);
            var newImageList = new Dictionary<PageImageIndex, System.Drawing.Image>();

            foreach (var imagesInfo in imageListByPage)
                var imagesPage = new Dictionary<PageImageIndex, System.Drawing.Image>();

                foreach (var item in imagesInfo)
                    var image = item.Value;
                    if (item.Value == null)
                        var imagePath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", outputPath, item.Key.ImageName);
                        image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(imagePath);

                    imagesPage.Add(item.Key, image);


                //var imagesPage = imagesInfo.Select(i => i).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
                var keyValue = MergeGroup(imagesPage, outputPath);
                newImageList.Add(keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value);

            return newImageList;
Example #2
 public void InitCaches()
     var db = new FacesDBDataContext(_connectionString);
     _faceUKeyLookup = db.Faces.ToDictionary(x => x.FaceUKey, x => (api.Face) new FaceImpl(x, _m, null));
     var query =  (from f in db.Faces join p in db.Persons on f.PersonID equals p.PersonID select new { f, p });
     _Faces = new Dictionary<api.Face,api.Person>();
     Dictionary<int, api.Person> persons = new Dictionary<int,api.Person>();
     foreach (var x in query) {
         // todo; build pers dic at same time...
         api.Person person = null;
         if (!persons.TryGetValue(x.p.PersonID, out person))
             person = (api.Person)new PersonImpl(x.p.FirstName, x.p.LastName, x.p.PersonID);
             persons.Add(person.Id, person);
         api.Face thisFace = _faceUKeyLookup[x.f.FaceUKey];
         thisFace.Person = person;
         _Faces.Add(thisFace, person);
     _Persons = _Faces.GroupBy(x => x.Value).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Select(y=>y.Key).ToList());
     _allPersonsLookup = persons;
     foreach (var pers in db.Persons) // add in other persons that don't have faces.
         if (!_allPersonsLookup.ContainsKey(pers.PersonID))
             _allPersonsLookup.Add(pers.PersonID, (api.Person)new PersonImpl(pers.FirstName, pers.LastName, pers.PersonID));
     _PicturesToFaces = db.Faces
         .ToLookup(x => x.PictureID, x => _faceUKeyLookup[x.FaceUKey]);
Example #3
        public AggregateResult(IEnumerable<GameResult> results)
            _playerToScoreMap = new Dictionary<BotPlayer, int>();
              results.SelectMany(x => x.Players).Each(x => _playerToScoreMap[x] = 0);

              results.Each(result =>
            if (result.IsTie)
              result.Players.Each(player =>
              _playerToScoreMap[result.Winner] += 3;

              var winners = _playerToScoreMap.GroupBy(x => x.Value).OrderByDescending(x => x.Key).First();

              if (winners.Count() == _playerToScoreMap.Count)
            IsTie = true;
            Winner = winners.First().Key;
Example #4
    public EBIDatasetParser()
      var keymap = new Dictionary<string, ColumnName>();
      keymap["Array Data File"] = ColumnName.Sample;

      keymap["Characteristics[Age]"] = ColumnName.Age;
      keymap["Characteristics[Grade::Scarff Bloom Richardson]"] = ColumnName.Grade;
      keymap["Characteristics[ESR1::Protein expression]"] = ColumnName.ER;
      keymap["Characteristics[PGR::Protein expression]"] = ColumnName.PR;
      keymap["Characteristics[ERBB2::Protein expression]"] = ColumnName.HER2;

      keymap["Characteristics [EstrogenReceptorStatus]"] = ColumnName.ER;
      keymap["Characteristics [Progesterone Receptor status]"] = ColumnName.PR;
      keymap["Characteristics [ErbB2 positive (IHC)]"] = ColumnName.HER2;
      keymap["Characteristics [dead of disease]"] = ColumnName.DeadOfDisease;
      keymap["Characteristics [node positive]"] = ColumnName.NodalStatus;
      keymap["Characteristics [TumorStaging]"] = ColumnName.TumorStage;
      keymap["Characteristics [alive at endpoint]"] = ColumnName.OverallServive;
      keymap["Characteristics [TumorGrading]"] = ColumnName.Grade;

      nameKeyMap = keymap.GroupBy(m => m.Value).ToDictionary(m => m.Key, m => new HashSet<string>(from n in m select n.Key));
        void SplitGroup()
            int counter = 0;
            var groups  = requests.GroupBy(x => counter++ % 2);

            foreach (var group in groups)
                new OpenSeaRequestGroup(getRetryDelay(), group, getRetryDelay);
Example #6
        private static Dictionary <string, string> CreateExtensionLookup()
            var dict = MimeTypeLookup
                       .GroupBy(i => i.Value)
                       .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.First().Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            dict["image/jpg"] = ".jpg";

Example #7
        public MiHome(Dictionary <string, string> namesMap, string gatewayPassword = null, string gatewaySid = null)
            : this(gatewayPassword, gatewaySid)
            if (namesMap.GroupBy(x => x.Value).Any(x => x.Count() > 1))
                throw new ArgumentException("Values in the dictionary must be unique");

            _namesMap = namesMap;
        internal IEnumerable <string> Help()
            // The magic number `19` here is calculated based on how the description is dispayed for other help entries to keep the texts aligned
            // (As of now other help entries include REPL commands and script derectives, both have manually formatted help description strings.
            string format = "{0,-" + Math.Max(19, _maxCommandNameLength) + "}  {1}";

            return(_commands.GroupBy(entry => entry.Value).
                   Select(group => string.Format(format, string.Join(_commandSeparator, group.Key.Names.Select(s => CommandPrefix + s)), group.Key.Description)).
                   OrderBy(line => line));
Example #9
 public void Dump()
     foreach (var e in dict.GroupBy(en => en.Key.Substring(0, en.Key.IndexOf(' '))))
         foreach (var c in e.OrderByDescending(a => a.Value))
             Console.WriteLine(c.Key + " : " + c.Value);
        public async Task Send(Dictionary <BinaryData, SendMessageOptions> items)
            // await sender.SendMessagesAsync(items.Select(x => GetServiceBusMessage(x.Key, x.Value)));
            var bySessionId = items.GroupBy(s => s.Value?.SessionId);

            foreach (var sessionSet in bySessionId)
                await sender.SendMessagesAsync(sessionSet.Select(x => GetServiceBusMessage(x.Key, x.Value)));
Example #11
 public static List <TestComparisonGroup> Compare(Dictionary <TestSuite, List <Test> > raw)
     return(raw.GroupBy(x => x.Key.Name)
            .Select(x => new TestComparisonGroup
         Name = x.Key,
         Tests = CompareGroups(x.ToList())
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 检测字典中的重复值。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dicField">字典。</param>
        /// <returns>检测的重复值集合结果,key是重复的值,key对应的是一个重复值字典集合。</returns>
        public IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, KeyValuePair <int, string> > > DuplicateDetection(Dictionary <int, string> dicField)
            if (dicField == null || dicField.Count == 0)
            var duplicateValues = dicField.GroupBy(x => x.Value).Where(x => x.Count() > 1);

Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 检测字点中的重复值。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dicField">字典。</param>
        /// <returns>检测的重复值集合结果,key是重复的值,key对应的是一个重复值字典集合。</returns>
        public Dictionary <string, int> GetDuplicateValueCount(Dictionary <int, string> dicField)
            if (dicField == null || dicField.Count == 0)
            var duplicateValues = dicField.GroupBy(x => x.Value).Where(x => x.Count() > 1);

            return(duplicateValues.ToDictionary(groupValue => groupValue.Key, groupValue => groupValue.ToList().Count));
Example #14
        public Contracts.ExpensesReportDto GenerateReport()
            // from user Id to user Id
            var expenseMap = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, decimal>();
            Action<int, int, decimal> addToMap = (fromUser, toUser, amount) =>
                var key = new Tuple<int, int>(fromUser, toUser);
                if (expenseMap.ContainsKey(key))
                    amount += expenseMap[key];

                if (amount != 0)
                    expenseMap[key] = amount;

            // add expenses
            var allExpenses = DataContext.ExpenseItemsAsLightDto.ToArray();
            var calculator = new CostCalculatorStrategy();
            foreach (var expense in DataContext.Expenses.Where(e => e.Pricing != null).ToArray())
                var expenseItems = allExpenses.Where(ei => ei.ExpenseId == expense.Id);
                foreach (var costData in calculator.CalculateCosts(expense, expenseItems))
                    addToMap(costData.UserId, expense.Creator.Id, costData.Cost);

            // remove bi-directional items

            // build result
            var resultItems = new List<ExpensesUserReportDto>();
            var allUsers = DataContext.UsersAsLightDto.ToDictionary(u=>u.Id);
            foreach (var emi in expenseMap.GroupBy(em => em.Key.Item1))
                var user = allUsers[emi.Key];
                resultItems.Add(new ExpensesUserReportDto()
                    UserId = user.Id,
                    FullName = user.FullName,
                    TotalCost = emi.Sum(ei => ei.Value),
                    CostDetails = emi.Select(ei =>
                    new ExpensesCostDetailDto() {
                        Cost = ei.Value,
                        UserId = ei.Key.Item2,
                        FullName = allUsers[ei.Key.Item2].FullName

            var result = new ExpensesReportDto();
            result.Users = resultItems.ToArray();
            return result;
Example #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string command = Console.ReadLine();

            Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while (command != "Lumpawaroo")
                string[] arr = command
                               .Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

                if (arr.Contains("|"))
                    string[] gosho = arr.ToArray();

                    string side = command.Split(" | ", 2)[0];
                    string user = command.Split(" | ", 2)[1];

                    if (!dict.ContainsKey(user))
                        dict.Add(user, side);

                if (arr.Contains("->"))
                    string side = command.Split(" -> ", 2)[1];
                    string user = command.Split(" -> ", 2)[0];

                    if (dict.ContainsKey(user))
                        dict[user] = side;
                        dict.Add(user, side);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{user} joins the {side} side!");
                command = Console.ReadLine();
            foreach (var item in dict.GroupBy(x => x.Value)
                     .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count())
                     .ThenBy(x => x.Key))
                Console.WriteLine($"Side: {item.Key}, Members: {item.Count()}");

                foreach (var gosho in item.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                    Console.WriteLine($"! {gosho.Key}");
Example #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string inputLine = Console.ReadLine();
            var    catalog   = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while (inputLine != "Lumpawaroo")
                if (inputLine.Contains(" | "))
                    string[] tokens    = inputLine.Split(" | ");
                    string   forceSide = tokens[0];
                    string   forceUser = tokens[1];
                    if (!catalog.ContainsKey(forceUser))
                        catalog.Add(forceUser, forceSide);
                else if (inputLine.Contains(" -> "))
                    string[] tokens    = inputLine.Split(" -> ");
                    string   forceSide = tokens[1];
                    string   forceUser = tokens[0];
                    if (catalog.ContainsKey(forceUser))
                        if (!catalog.ContainsKey(forceSide))
                            catalog[forceUser] = forceSide;
                    else if (!catalog.ContainsKey(forceUser))
                        catalog.Add(forceUser, forceSide);

                    Console.WriteLine($"{forceUser} joins the {forceSide} side!");

                inputLine = Console.ReadLine();

            var currentUser = catalog
                              .GroupBy(x => x.Value)
                              .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count())
                              .ThenBy(x => x.Key);

            foreach (var kvp in currentUser)
                Console.WriteLine($"Side: {kvp.Key}, Members: {kvp.Count()}");

                foreach (var user in kvp.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                    Console.WriteLine($"! {user.Key}");
Example #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string command = Console.ReadLine();

            Dictionary <string, string> forceUsers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while (command != "Lumpawaroo")
                var input = command.Split();

                if (input.Contains("|"))
                    string[] cmdArg    = command.Split(" | ");
                    string   forceSide = cmdArg[0];
                    string   forceUser = cmdArg[1];

                    if (!forceUsers.ContainsKey(forceUser))
                        forceUsers.Add(forceUser, forceSide);
                else if (input.Contains("->"))
                    string[] cmdArg    = command.Split(" -> ");
                    string   forceUser = cmdArg[0];
                    string   forceSide = cmdArg[1];

                    if (forceUsers.ContainsKey(forceUser))
                        forceUsers[forceUser] = forceSide;
                        forceUsers.Add(forceUser, forceSide);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{forceUser} joins the {forceSide} side!");

                command = Console.ReadLine();

            foreach (var user in forceUsers
                     .GroupBy(x => x.Value)
                     .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count())
                     .ThenBy(n => n.Key))
                Console.WriteLine($"Side: {user.Key}, Members: {user.Count()}");

                foreach (var item in user.OrderBy(m => m.Key))
                    Console.WriteLine(($"! {item.Key}"));
Example #18
        private static HashSet <PackageIdentity> GetHighestVersionsById(Dictionary <string, PackageIdentity> identities)
            var results = new HashSet <PackageIdentity>();

            foreach (var group in identities.GroupBy(e => e.Value.Id, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                results.Add(group.OrderByDescending(e => e.Value.Version).First().Value);

Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Group votes by task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allVotes">A list of all votes.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns all the votes, grouped by task (case-insensitive).</returns>
        public static IOrderedEnumerable<IGrouping<string, KeyValuePair<string, HashSet<string>>>> GroupVotesByTask(Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> allVotes)
            var grouped = allVotes.GroupBy(v => VoteString.GetVoteTask(v.Key.GetFirstLine()), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).OrderBy(v => v.Key);
            if(VoteCounter.Instance.OrderedTaskList != null)

                grouped = grouped.OrderBy(v => VoteCounter.Instance.OrderedTaskList.IndexOf(v.Key));
            return grouped;
Example #20
        public State(Dictionary <UInt64, Fact> facts)
            Facts = facts;

            A = new Lazy <Dictionary <uint, Fact[]> >(() => Facts
                                                      .GroupBy(prop => prop.Value.AId)
                                                      .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Select(v => v.Value).ToArray()));

            Rel = new Lazy <Dictionary <uint, Fact[]> >(() => Facts
                                                        .GroupBy(prop => prop.Value.RelId)
                                                        .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Select(v => v.Value).ToArray()));

            B = new Lazy <Dictionary <uint, Fact[]> >(() => Facts
                                                      .GroupBy(prop => prop.Value.BId)
                                                      .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Select(v => v.Value).ToArray()));

            _hashCode = new Lazy <int>(() => (int)Facts
                                       .Select(p => p.Key)
                                       .Aggregate((a, e) => a ^ e));
        private ClientGroupStats BuildClientGroupStatsResponse(bool forSender = false)
            Dictionary <string, int> clientGroupCounts = _clientIDGroupNameHash.GroupBy(x => x.Value)
                                                         .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Count());

            return(new ClientGroupStats()
                GroupName = forSender ? _clientIDGroupNameHash[Context.ConnectionId] : "",
                ConnectedClientGroupCounts = clientGroupCounts
Example #22
        public void Write(LogWriter writer)
            var groups = _resultCache.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Value.Sequence);

            foreach (var group in groups)
                var operations = group.ToArray();
                var batch      = EncodeBatch(operations);
Example #23
        public static void createDiscreteSets(Dictionary <int, string> inputSet, string filePath, BlobPusher pusher)
            List <Dictionary <int, string> > dictionaryList = inputSet.GroupBy(pair => pair.Value)
                                                              .Select(d => d.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value))

            foreach (Dictionary <int, string> dict in dictionaryList)
                pusher.push(dict, filePath + "/" + dict.First().Value);
Example #24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            Dictionary<string, string> userSide = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            while (input != "Lumpawaroo")
                    string[] sideArgs = input.Split(" | ");
                    string side = sideArgs[0];
                    string user = sideArgs[1];

                        userSide.Add(user, side);
                else if(input.Contains("->"))
                    string[] userArgs = input.Split(" -> ");

                    string user = userArgs[0];
                    string side = userArgs[1];

                        userSide.Add(user, side);
                        Console.WriteLine($"{user} joins the {side} side!");
                        userSide[user] = side;
                        Console.WriteLine($"{user} joins the {side} side!");

                input = Console.ReadLine();

            var sorted = userSide.GroupBy(x => x.Value).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count()).ThenBy(x => x.Key);

            foreach (var side in sorted)
                Console.WriteLine($"Side: { side.Key}, Members: {side.Count()} ");

                foreach (var user in side.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                    Console.WriteLine($"! {user.Key}");
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes various results to a StreamWriter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">A StreamWriter instance.</param>
        /// <param name="writeCommunityParameters">Set true to write community parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="writeWorkerParameters">Set true to write worker parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="writeWorkerCommunities">Set true to write worker communities.</param>
        /// <param name="writeProbWords">Set true to write word probabilities</param>
        /// <param name="topWords">Number of words to select</param>
        public void WriteResults(StreamWriter writer, bool writeCommunityParameters, bool writeWorkerParameters, bool writeWorkerCommunities, bool writeProbWords, int topWords = 30)
            base.WriteResults(writer, writeCommunityParameters, writeWorkerCommunities, writeWorkerCommunities);
            DataMappingWords MappingWords = Mapping as DataMappingWords;

            if (writeProbWords && this.ProbWords != null)
                int NumClasses      = ProbWords.Length;
                var classifiedWords = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, double> >();
                for (int c = 0; c < NumClasses; c++)
                    string className = string.Empty;
                    if (MappingWords != null)
                        if (MappingWords.WorkerCount > 100)         // Assume it's CF
                            className = MappingWords.CFLabelName[c];
                            className = MappingWords.SPLabelName[c];
                        writer.WriteLine($"Class {className}");

                    Vector probs           = ProbWords[c].GetMean();
                    var    probsDictionary = probs.Select((value, index) => new KeyValuePair <string, double>(MappingWords.Vocabulary[index], Math.Log(value))).OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToArray();
                    topWords = Math.Min(topWords, probsDictionary.Length);
                    for (int w = 0; w < topWords; w++)
                        writer.WriteLine($"\t{probsDictionary[w].Key}: \t{probsDictionary[w].Value:0.000}");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
                            KeyValuePair <string, double> classifiedWord;
                            if (!classifiedWords.TryGetValue(probsDictionary[w].Key, out classifiedWord) ||
                                classifiedWord.Value < probsDictionary[w].Value)
                                classifiedWords[probsDictionary[w].Key] = new KeyValuePair <string, double>(className, probsDictionary[w].Value);
                writer.WriteLine($"Main classes:");
                foreach (var wordByClass in classifiedWords.GroupBy(classified => classified.Value.Key))
                    writer.WriteLine($"Class {wordByClass.Key}:");
                    foreach (var word in wordByClass.OrderByDescending(w => w.Value.Value))
Example #26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string command = null;
            var users = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while ((command = Console.ReadLine()) != "Lumpawaroo")
                string side   = null;
                string member = null;
                var    action = command.Split();

                if (action.Contains("|"))
                    side   = command.Split(" | ", 2)[0];
                    member = command.Split(" | ", 2)[1];

                    if (!users.ContainsKey(member))
                        users.Add(member, side);
                else if (action.Contains("->"))
                    side   = command.Split(" -> ", 2)[1];
                    member = command.Split(" -> ", 2)[0];

                    if (users.ContainsKey(member))
                        users[member] = side;
                        users.Add(member, side);

                    Console.WriteLine($"{member} joins the {side} side!");

            foreach (var orderedSide in users
                     .GroupBy(x => x.Value)
                     .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count())
                     .ThenBy(x => x.Key))
                Console.WriteLine($"Side: {orderedSide.Key}, Members: {orderedSide.Count()}");
                foreach (var orderedUser in orderedSide.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                    Console.WriteLine($"! {orderedUser.Key}");
Example #27
        public async Task <IEnumerable <SurvivingMutant> > RunAll(
            ITestRunner testRunner,
            string baseTempDirectory,
            IEventListener eventListener)
            var survivingMutants     = new List <SurvivingMutant>();
            var survivingSyntaxNodes = new HashSet <SyntaxNode>();
            var reportedMembers      = new HashSet <string>();

            var jobsBySourceFile = jobsWithMetadata.GroupBy(x => x.Key.SourceFilePath, x => x).ToArray();

            for (var sourceFileIndex = 0; sourceFileIndex < jobsBySourceFile.Length; sourceFileIndex++)
                var jobsForSourceFile = jobsBySourceFile[sourceFileIndex];
                var sourceFilePath    = jobsForSourceFile.Key;

                    sourceFilePath, Path.GetDirectoryName(config.SolutionFilePath), sourceFileIndex, jobsBySourceFile.Length);

                foreach (var mutationJobAndMetadata in jobsForSourceFile)
                    var metadata    = mutationJobAndMetadata.Key;
                    var mutationJob = mutationJobAndMetadata.Value;

                    var syntaxNodeAlreadyHadSurvivingMutant = survivingSyntaxNodes.Contains(mutationJob.OriginalNode);
                    if (syntaxNodeAlreadyHadSurvivingMutant)

                    if (!reportedMembers.Contains(metadata.MemberName))
                    eventListener.SyntaxNodeMutating(metadata.SyntaxNodeIndex, metadata.SyntaxNodesTotal);

                    var survivingMutant = await mutationJob.Run(testRunner, baseTempDirectory, eventListener);

                    if (survivingMutant != null)



Example #28
    public static int mostBalancedPartition(Dictionary<int, int> parent, List<int> files_size)
        Dictionary<int, IEnumerable<int>> children = parent.GroupBy(pair => pair.Value)
        .ToDictionary(group => group.Key, group => group.Select(pair => pair.Key));

        Dictionary<int, long> realFileSizes = new Dictionary<int, long>();
        calculateRealFileSizesRecursive(children, realFileSizes, files_size, 0);

        long minimumDifference = int.MaxValue;
        mostBalancedPartitionRecursive(children, realFileSizes, 0, ref minimumDifference);
        return (int)minimumDifference;
Example #29
        private async Task <Solution?> FixAllContextsAsync(
            FixAllContext originalFixAllContext,
            ImmutableArray <FixAllContext> fixAllContexts
            var cancellationToken = originalFixAllContext.CancellationToken;
            var progressTracker   = originalFixAllContext.GetProgressTracker();

            progressTracker.Description = FixAllContextHelper.GetDefaultFixAllTitle(

            // We have 2*P + 1 pieces of work.  Computing diagnostics and fixes/changes per context, and then one pass
            // applying fixes.
            progressTracker.AddItems(fixAllContexts.Length * 2 + 1);

            // Mapping from document to the cumulative text changes created for that document.
            var docIdToTextMerger = new Dictionary <DocumentId, TextChangeMerger>();

            // Process each context one at a time, allowing us to dump most of the information we computed for each once
            // done with it.  The only information we need to preserve is the data we store in docIdToTextMerger
            foreach (var fixAllContext in fixAllContexts)
                    fixAllContext.Scope is FixAllScope.Document or FixAllScope.Project
                await FixSingleContextAsync(fixAllContext, progressTracker, docIdToTextMerger)

            // Finally, merge in all text changes into the solution.  We can't do this per-project as we have to have
            // process *all* diagnostics in the solution to find the changes made to all documents.
            using (progressTracker.ItemCompletedScope())
                if (docIdToTextMerger.Count == 0)

                var currentSolution = originalFixAllContext.Solution;
                foreach (var group in docIdToTextMerger.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Key.ProjectId))
                    currentSolution = await ApplyChangesAsync(
                        group.SelectAsArray(kvp => (kvp.Key, kvp.Value)),

Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// 将此翻译输出为可移动字符串
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Pack()
            var content = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var group in _translatableStrings.GroupBy(e => e.Value))
                content.AppendLine(string.Join(":", group.Select(e => Convert.ToString(e.Key, 16).PadLeft(8, '0'))));
Example #31
 protected void PopulateSourceFiles()
     _sourceFiles = _methodDictionary.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Key.GetSourceFilePath()).Select(
         kvp =>
         new SourceFile(
             criteriaContext: CriteriaContext,
             containedMethods: kvp.Select(k => k.Value).ToArray(),
             fullName: kvp.Key,
             displayName: Path.GetFileName(kvp.Key),
             height: _maxEndLine + 10
Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the new round.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newPilotSequence">The new pilot sequence.</param>
        private void CreateNewRound(Dictionary <string, FlightGroup> newPilotSequence)
            // Group the pilots by flight group
            var flightGroupings = newPilotSequence.GroupBy(nps => nps.Value);

            // Populate the round with them.
            foreach (var flightGroup in flightGroupings)
                var pilots = flightGroup.Select(p => this.PilotsInContest.Where(pilot => pilot.Id == p.Key).Single()).ToList();
                this.Contest.Rounds[this.CurrentRoundOrdinal].FlightGroups.Add(flightGroup.Key, pilots);
Example #33
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string command = string.Empty;
            var    dict    = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            string user = string.Empty; // key
            string side = string.Empty; // value

            while ((command = Console.ReadLine()) != "Lumpawaroo")
                var input = command
                            .Split(new string[] { " | ", " -> " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                if (command.Split().Contains("|"))
                    user = input[1]; // key
                    side = input[0]; // value

                    if (!dict.ContainsKey(user))
                        dict.Add(user, side);
                else if (command.Split().Contains("->"))
                    user = input[0]; // key
                    side = input[1]; // value

                    if (dict.ContainsKey(user))
                        dict[user] = side;
                        dict.Add(user, side);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{user} joins the {side} side!");
            foreach (var Side in dict
                     .GroupBy(x => x.Value)
                     .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count())
                     .ThenBy(x => x.Key))
                Console.WriteLine($"Side: {Side.Key}, Members: {Side.Count()}");
                foreach (var User in Side.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                    Console.WriteLine($"! {User.Key}");
Example #34
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Dictionary <string, string> forceUsers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            string command = null;

            while ((command = Console.ReadLine()) != "Lumpawaroo")
                var test = command.Split();
                if (test.Contains("|"))
                    string[] commandArr = command.Split(" | ");
                    string   forceSide  = commandArr[0];
                    string   forceUser  = commandArr[1];

                    if (!forceUsers.ContainsKey(forceUser))
                        forceUsers.Add(forceUser, forceSide);
                else if (test.Contains("->"))
                    string[] commandArr = command.Split(" -> ");
                    string   forceUser  = commandArr[0];
                    string   forceSide  = commandArr[1];

                    if (forceUsers.ContainsKey(forceUser))
                        forceUsers[forceUser] = forceSide;
                        forceUsers.Add(forceUser, forceSide);

                    Console.WriteLine($"{forceUser} joins the {forceSide} side!");

            foreach (var users in forceUsers
                     .GroupBy(x => x.Value)
                     .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count())
                     .ThenBy(c => c.Key))
                Console.WriteLine($"Side: {users.Key}, Members: {users.Count()}");

                foreach (var elm in users.OrderBy(t => t.Key))
                    Console.WriteLine($"! {elm.Key}");
Example #35
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var users = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while (true)
                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                if (input == "Lumpawaroo")
                if (input.Contains("|"))
                    string[] tokens = Regex.Split(input, @" \| ");
                    string   user   = tokens[1];
                    string   side   = tokens[0];

                    if (!users.ContainsKey(user))
                        users.Add(user, side);

                    users[user] = side;

                    string[] tokens = Regex.Split(input, @" \-\> ");
                    string   user   = tokens[0];
                    string   side   = tokens[1];
                    if (!users.ContainsKey(user))
                        users.Add(user, side);
                    users[user] = side;
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} joins the {1} side!", user, side);
            var filtered = users.GroupBy(x => x.Value).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToDictionary(y => y.Key, y => y.Value));

            foreach (var item in filtered)
                string side = item.Key;
                Dictionary <string, string> abv = item.Value;
                Console.WriteLine("Side:{0}, Members{1}", side, abv.Count);
                foreach (var itemm in abv)
                    string name = itemm.Key;
        public static void GenerateSalesReportXMLMontly(List<XMLReportInfo> salesReports)
            var doc = new XDocument();
            var sales = new XElement("sales");

            foreach (var report in salesReports)
                var sale = new XElement("sale", new XAttribute("vendor", report.Key));
                var dates = report.Dates.Distinct().ToList();
                Dictionary<DateTime, decimal> pair = new Dictionary<DateTime, decimal>();
                for (int i = 0; i < dates.Count; i++)
                    pair[dates[i]] = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < report.Dates.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dates.Count; j++)
                        if (report.Dates[i] == dates[j])
                            pair[dates[j]] += report.Sums[i];

                var monthExpens = pair.GroupBy(x => x.Key.Month).ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < monthExpens.Count(); i++)
                    var expense = new XElement("expenses", new XAttribute("month", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(monthExpens[i].Key).Substring(0,3) + "-2013"));
                    decimal sum = 0;
                    foreach (var item in monthExpens)

                        foreach (var dailySum in item)
                            sum += dailySum.Value;
                    expense.Value = sum.ToString();


               // Console.WriteLine(doc);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse and Import to DTOs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spreadsheet"></param>
        /// <param name="parseErrors"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<DocumentImportDTO> ValidateAndImportDocuments(ExcelPackage spreadsheet, ref Dictionary<string, List<string>> parseErrors)
            var items = new List<DocumentImportDTO>();

            if (spreadsheet != null && spreadsheet.Workbook != null)
                var worksheet = spreadsheet.Workbook.Worksheets.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Items");
                if (worksheet == null)
                    return items;
                var totalRows = worksheet.Dimension.End.Row;
                for (var rowId = 2; rowId <= totalRows; rowId++)
                    //Prepare handle name for storing and grouping errors
                    var urlSegment = worksheet.GetValue<string>(rowId, 1);
                    var name = worksheet.GetValue<string>(rowId, 4);
                    var handle = urlSegment.HasValue() ? urlSegment : name;

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(handle) || items.Any(x => x.UrlSegment == urlSegment))

                    List<string> errors = parseErrors.ContainsKey(handle)
                        ? parseErrors[handle]
                        : new List<string>();

                    var item = GetDocumentImportDataTransferObject(worksheet, rowId, name, ref errors);
                    parseErrors[handle] = errors;


                //Remove duplicate errors
                parseErrors = parseErrors.GroupBy(x => x.Value)
                    .Select(x => x.First())
                    .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

            //Remove handles with no errors
            parseErrors = parseErrors.Where(x => x.Value.Any()).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

            return items;
        public void ThreadNamesTest()
            var rnd = new Random();
            var range = Enumerable.Range(0, 50);

            var rangeBack = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            var rangeBackLocker = new object();

                .WithDegreeOfParallelism(4).ForAll(x =>
                lock (rangeBackLocker)
                    rangeBack.Add(x, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                Thread.Sleep(100 * rnd.Next(10));         

            Assert.AreEqual(rangeBack.GroupBy(x=>x.Value).Count(), 4);
        public void DictionaryExample()
            // Mime Types
            Dictionary<string, string> lookupTable = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            lookupTable.Add("html", "text/html");
            lookupTable.Add("htm", "text/html");
            lookupTable.Add("png", "image/png");
            lookupTable.Add("pdf", "application/pdf");

            // Are there any type with more than one extension associated?
            var t = lookupTable.GroupBy(x => x.Key).Select(x => new { MimeType = x.Key, Count = x.Count() }).Where(x => x.Count > 1);

            // for each of the types with more than one extension...
            foreach (var item in t)
                // get the extensions:
                var extensionArray = lookupTable.Where(x => x.Value == item.MimeType).Select(x => x.Key).ToArray<string>();
                var extensions = string.Join(",", extensionArray);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} has the following extensions: {1}", item, extensions);
 public virtual Dictionary<string, string> DowncaseDictionary(Dictionary<string, string> dict) {
     Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(dict != null);
     return dict.GroupBy(x => x.Key.ToLower()).Select(x => x.First())
         .ToDictionary(x => x.Key.ToLower(), x => x.Value);
        void CheckSchema() {
            using( MySqlTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction() ) {
                // Create metadata table. Does noting if table already exists.
                transaction.ExecuteNonQuery( MetadataTableSchema );

                // load metadata
                using( MySqlCommand loadMetadataCmd = new MySqlCommand( LoadMetadataQuery, connection, transaction ) ) {
                    using( MySqlDataReader reader = loadMetadataCmd.ExecuteReader() ) {
                        if( reader.Read() ) {
                            // read existing metadata
                            int workingFormatVersion = reader.GetInt32( 0 );
                            string workingServerVersionString = reader.GetString( 1 );
                            DateTime workingLastModified = reader.GetInt64( 2 ).ToDateTime();
                            Logger.Log( LogType.SystemActivity,
                                        "Loading PlayerDB (format {0}, generated by {1}, last modified {2})",
                                        workingLastModified.ToCompactString() );
                        } else {
                            // no metadata found - insert a row
                            Logger.Log( LogType.Warning,
                                        "No existing metadata record found in the specified database." );
                            GenerateSchema( transaction );

                // load the rank mapping
                var databaseRankMapping = new Dictionary<int, Rank>();
                using( MySqlCommand loadRankMappingCmd = new MySqlCommand( LoadRankMappingQuery, connection, transaction ) ) {
                    using( MySqlDataReader reader = loadRankMappingCmd.ExecuteReader() ) {
                        while( reader.Read() ) {
                            int index = reader.GetInt32( 0 );
                            string rankName = reader.GetString( 1 );
                            Rank rank = Rank.Parse( rankName );
                            if( rank == null ) {
                                rank = RankManager.DefaultRank;
                                Logger.Log( LogType.Warning,
                                            "MySqlPlayerDBProvider: Unrecognized rank \"{0}\". Any reference to this rank will be replaced with \"{1}\".",
                                            rankName, rank.Name );
                            databaseRankMapping.Add( index, rank );

                // check if multiple indices refer to the same rank
                var indicesGroupedByRank = databaseRankMapping.GroupBy( pair => pair.Value );
                foreach( var indexGroup in indicesGroupedByRank.Where( group => group.Count() > 1 ) ) {
                    Logger.Log( LogType.Warning,
                                "MySqlPlayerDBProvider: Multiple incides ({0}) refer to the same rank ({1}) and will be merged.",
                                indexGroup.Select( pair => pair.Key ).JoinToString(),
                                indexGroup.Key.Name );

                // enumerate all rank IDs in the database
                var allRankIDs = new HashSet<int>();
                using( MySqlCommand listRanksCmd = new MySqlCommand( ListRanksQuery, connection, transaction ) ) {
                    using( MySqlDataReader reader = listRanksCmd.ExecuteReader() ) {
                        while( reader.Read() ) {
                            allRankIDs.Add( reader.GetInt32( 0 ) );
                using( MySqlCommand listPreviousRanksCmd = new MySqlCommand( ListPreviousRanksQuery, connection, transaction ) ) {
                    using( MySqlDataReader reader = listPreviousRanksCmd.ExecuteReader() ) {
                        while( reader.Read() ) {
                            allRankIDs.Add( reader.GetInt32( 0 ) );

                // Replace any unknown rank indices with the default rank.
                var unknownRanks = allRankIDs.Except( databaseRankMapping.Keys );
                if( unknownRanks.Count() > 0 ) {
                    Logger.Log( LogType.Warning,
                                "MySqlPlayerDBProvider: Following unrecognized rank indices will be replaced with the default rank ({0}): {1}",
                                unknownRanks.JoinToString() );
                    foreach( int unknownIndex in unknownRanks ) {
                        databaseRankMapping.Add( unknownIndex, RankManager.DefaultRank );

                // check if rank mappings are in sync
                rankMapping = RankManager.Ranks
                                         .OrderBy( rank => rank.Index )
                                         .ToDictionary( rank => rank.Index );

                if( !rankMapping.SequenceEqual( databaseRankMapping.OrderBy( pair => pair.Key ) ) ) {
                    Logger.Log( LogType.Warning,
                                "MySqlPlayerDBProvider: Updating database rank mapping..." );
                    RebuildRankMapping( databaseRankMapping, transaction );

                // done loading (phew)
		void BuildCachedVersionsList(List<FileRevision> versions)
			using (var sw = File.CreateText(DataFileName))
				foreach (var fileGroup in versions.GroupBy(v => v.FileSpec))
					// get in ascending order
					var fileVersions = fileGroup.OrderBy(f => f.VssVersion).ToList();

					var brokenVersions = new List<int>();
					var notRetainedVersions = new List<int>();
					var otherErrors = new Dictionary<int, string>();

					if (IsShouldBePinned(fileGroup.Key))
						// reduce file versions to latest only
						fileVersions = fileVersions.Skip(fileVersions.Count - 1).ToList();

					foreach (var file in fileVersions)
						var inf = _cache.GetFileInfo(file.FileSpec, file.VssVersion);

						if (inf == null)
							throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("No in cache, but should be: {0}@{1}", file.FileSpec, file.VssVersion));

						if (inf.ContentPath != null)
							if (brokenVersions.Count > 0 || notRetainedVersions.Count > 0 || otherErrors.Count > 0)
								var commentPlus = string.Format("\nBalme for '{0}' can be incorrect, because:", file.FileSpec);
								if (brokenVersions.Count > 0)
									commentPlus += "\n\tbroken vss versions: " +
													string.Join(", ", brokenVersions.Select(v => v.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToArray());
								if (notRetainedVersions.Count > 0)
									commentPlus += "\n\tnot retained versions: " +
													string.Join(", ", notRetainedVersions.Select(v => v.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToArray());
								if (otherErrors.Count > 0)
									foreach (var otherErrorsGroup in otherErrors.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Value))
										var revs = otherErrorsGroup.Select(kvp => kvp.Key.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToArray();
										commentPlus += string.Format("\n\tError in VSS versions {0}: '{1}'", string.Join(", ", revs),

								file.Comment += commentPlus;

							sw.WriteLine("Ver:{0}	Spec:{1}	Phys:{2}	User:{3}	At:{4}	DT:{5}	Comment:{6}",
								file.Comment.Replace('\n', '\u0001')

						else if (inf.Notes == "not-retained")
						else if (inf.Notes == "broken-revision")
						else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inf.Notes))
							otherErrors[file.VssVersion] = inf.Notes;

					if (brokenVersions.Count > 0 || notRetainedVersions.Count > 0 || otherErrors.Count > 0)
						throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Absent content for latest file version: {0}", fileGroup.Key));
Example #43
        IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, string>> OverrideWithInputs(IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, string>> parameters)
            var overrides = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (Configuration != null)
                overrides.Add("Configuration", Configuration);
            if (Incremental)
                overrides.Add("Incremental", "True");
            overrides.Add("OpenWrap-CurrentBuildVersion", _generatedVersion.ToString());
            if (_sharedAssemblyInfoFile != null)
                overrides.Add("OpenWrap-SharedAssemblyInfoFile", _sharedAssemblyInfoFile.Path.FullPath);

            return overrides.GroupBy(x => x.Key, x => x.Value).Concat(_wildcards.Concat(parameters).Where(param => !overrides.ContainsKey(param.Key)));
Example #44
        //                      entry, <minlevel, maxlevel>
        public static Dictionary<uint, Tuple<uint, uint>> GetLevels(Dictionary<WowGuid, Unit> units)
            if (units.Count == 0)
                return null;

            var entries = units.GroupBy(unit => unit.Key.GetEntry());
            var list = new Dictionary<uint, List<uint>>();

            foreach (var pair in entries.SelectMany(entry => entry))
                if (list.ContainsKey(pair.Key.GetEntry()))
                    list.Add(pair.Key.GetEntry(), new List<uint> { pair.Value.Level.GetValueOrDefault(1) });

            var result = list.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => Tuple.Create(pair.Value.Min(), pair.Value.Max()));

            return result.Count == 0 ? null : result;
Example #45
		private void btnMoveHoldemTable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			var gameTableWindowList = new Dictionary<string, IntPtr>();

			var childs = NativeMethodsHelper.GetAllWindows();
			foreach (var handle in childs)
				var sb = new StringBuilder(500);

				var length = NativeMethodsHelper.GetWindowText((IntPtr)handle, sb, 500);
				if (length <= 0)

				var title = sb.ToString();

				var pattern = @"\[(?<NickName>.*)\]\[(?<TableId>.*)\]\[(?<JumpEntryId>.*)\]";
				foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(title, pattern))
					if (m.Success == false)
						continue; ;

					var nickName = m.Groups["NickName"];
					var tableId = m.Groups["TableId"];
					var jumpEntryId = m.Groups["JumpEntryId"];

					// JumpEntryId -> NickName 순으로 정렬
					gameTableWindowList.Add(string.Format("{0}.{1}", tableId, nickName), (IntPtr)handle);

			// 정렬
			if (gameTableWindowList.Count == 0)

			// 위치 정렬
			var tableIdList = gameTableWindowList.GroupBy(g => g.Key.Split('.')[0]).ToList().OrderBy(list => list.Key).ToList();
			if (tableIdList.Count > 0)
				int yLocation = 0;
				foreach (var tableIdKV in tableIdList)
					var tableId = tableIdKV.Key;
					var lists = gameTableWindowList.Where(g => g.Key.Split('.')[0] == tableId).OrderBy(g => g.Key).Select(g => g.Value).ToList();

					this.MoveGameTable(tableId, lists, yLocation++);
        private void WriteETWActor(StringBuilder sb, XElement provider, Dictionary<Tuple<int, int, string>, XElement> events)
            sb.AppendFormat("public autostart actor actor_{0}", provider.Attribute("guid").Value.Replace("-", "").TrimStart('{').TrimEnd('}'));
            sb.AppendLine("\t(EtwEvent.Node node)");
            sb.AppendLine("\tprocess node accepts m:EtwProviderMsgEx");
            sb.AppendFormat("\t\twhere (m.EventRecord.Header.ProviderId == {0} )", provider.Attribute("guid").Value);

            foreach (var etwEventGroup in events.GroupBy(p => p.Key.Item2))
                sb.AppendFormat("\t\t\t//EventVersion {0}", etwEventGroup.Key);
                sb.AppendFormat("\t\t\tcase $ {0} =>", etwEventGroup.Key);
                foreach (var etwEvent in etwEventGroup)
                    sb.AppendFormat("\t\t\t\t\t//{0} =>", GetEventName(etwEvent.Key.Item3, etwEvent.Key.Item2));
                    sb.AppendFormat("\t\t\t\t\tcase $ {0} =>", etwEvent.Key.Item1);
                    sb.AppendFormat("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcase decodedMsg: {0} from BinaryDecoder <{0}> =>", GetEventName(etwEvent.Key.Item3, etwEvent.Key.Item2));
                    sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdecodedMsg.EtwKeywords = Keywords.Decode(m.EventRecord.Header.Descriptor.Keywords);");
                    sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdecodedMsg.EventId = m.EventRecord.Header.Descriptor.Id;");
                    sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdecodedMsg.ActivityId = m.EventRecord.Header.ActivityId;");

                    if (string.Equals(etwEvent.Value?.Attribute("opcode")?.Value, "win:Start"))
                        sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tint count = m.ExtendedData.Count;");
                        sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (count > 0)");
                        sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tarray <EventHeaderExtendedDataItem> items = m.ExtendedData;");
                        sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEVENT_HEADER_EXT_TYPE_RELATED_ACTIVITYID dataItem = items[0].DataItem as EVENT_HEADER_EXT_TYPE_RELATED_ACTIVITYID;");
                        sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (dataItem != null)");
                        sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdecodedMsg.RelatedActivityId = dataItem.RelatedActivityId;");
                        sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdecodedMsg.ActivityTree = Facton_ActivityTree_Utils.GetActivityTree(decodedMsg.ActivityId, decodedMsg.RelatedActivityId, m.EventRecord.Header.ProcessId, m.EventRecord.Header.ThreadId);");
                        if (etwEvent.Key.Item1 != 0 && etwEvent.Key.Item1 != 65534)
                            sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdecodedMsg.ActivityTree = Facton_ActivityTree_Utils.GetActivityTree(decodedMsg.ActivityId, m.EventRecord.Header.ProcessId, m.EventRecord.Header.ThreadId);");
                    sb.AppendFormat("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tep_{0} ep = endpoint ep_{0};", provider.Attribute("name").Value.Replace('-', '_'));
                    sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdispatch ep accepts decodedMsg;");
                    sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdefault =>");
                    sb.AppendFormat("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tThrowDecodingException(\"{0}\", \"{1}\");", provider.Attribute("name").Value, GetEventName(etwEvent.Key.Item3, etwEvent.Key.Item2));
        public async Task<List<string>> IssueInventoryAsync(Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<ImportInvetoryIssueToSalesman>> stockLines)
            return await Task.Run(() =>
                                          var errors = new List<string>();
                                          Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("Starting inventory issue to salesmen..."));
                                          var applicationId = _configService.Load().CostCentreApplicationId;
                                          foreach (var stockLine in stockLines.GroupBy(n => n.Key)) //key=>salesmancode
                                              InventoryTransferNote inventoryTransferDoc = null;
                                              InventoryAdjustmentNote inventoryAdjustmentNote = null;
                                              var salsmancode = stockLine.Key;

                                              var distributor =
                                                          n => n.CostCentreType == (int) CostCentreType.Distributor));
                                              Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("Loading Salesman...."));
                                              var transferTo = _costCentreRepository.GetByCode(salsmancode,CostCentreType.DistributorSalesman, true);

                                              var salesmanUser = _userRepository.GetByCostCentre(distributor.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                                              if (distributor != null && transferTo != null && salesmanUser != null)

                                                  #region create inventory adjustment note

                                                  inventoryAdjustmentNote =
                                                      _inventoryAdjustmentNoteFactory.Create(distributor, applicationId,
                                                                                             salesmanUser, "",
                                                                                                 .Available, Guid.Empty);
                                                  Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("AInventory adjustment note created for distribuor=>{0}",distributor.CostCentreCode));


                                                  #region create inventory transfer note

                                                  inventoryTransferDoc =
                                                      _inventoryTransferNoteFactory.Create(distributor, applicationId,
                                                                                           salesmanUser, transferTo,
                                                                                           distributor, "");
                                                  Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("AInventory transfer note created to salesman=>{0}", transferTo.CostCentreCode));


                                                  foreach (var stockitem in stockLine.SelectMany(n => n.Value.ToList()))
                                                      string msg = string.Empty;
                                                          var product =
                                                                  p =>
                                                                  p.ProductCode != null &&
                                                                  p.ProductCode == stockitem.ProductCode);

                                                          if (product != null)
                                                              var lineitem =
                                                                          ApprovedQuantity, product.id,
                                                                      "Inventory Adjustment");


                                                              InventoryTransferNoteLineItem itnLineitem =
                                                                      0, 0,
                                                              if (itnLineitem != null)

                                                              if (msg != "")
                                                              var error = string.Format("{0} doest exist=>",
                                                              if (!errors.Any(p => p.Contains(error)))

                                                      catch (Exception ex)
                                                          Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("Error occured while adjusting inventory..See error logs"));
                                                  Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("Confirming inventory adjustment note for distributr=>{0}", distributor.CostCentreCode));
                                                  Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("Inventory adjustment note CONFIRMED for distributr=>{0}", distributor.CostCentreCode));
                                                  Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("Confirming inventory transfer to salesman=>{0}", transferTo.CostCentreCode));
                                                  Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("Inventory  transfer CONFIRMED to salesman=>{0}", transferTo.CostCentreCode));


                                                      string.Format("Inventory issue failed for salesman=>{0}",
                                                  if (distributor == null)
                                                          string.Format("Distributor is null=> doest exist"));
                                                      Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("Distributor is null=> doest exist"));
                                                  if (transferTo == null)
                                                          string.Format("salesman is with code=>{0} doest exist",
                                                      Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("salesman is with code=>{0} doest exist",

                                                  if (salesmanUser == null)
                                                      Messenger.Default.Send(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + string.Format("user is null=> doest exist"));
                                                      FileUtility.LogError(string.Format("user is null=> doest exist"));


                                          return errors;
Example #48
        private IEnumerable<NuGetFramework> GetNearestPCLtoPCL(NuGetFramework framework, IEnumerable<NuGetFramework> reduced)
            // Compare each framework in the target framework individually
            // against the list of possible PCLs. This effectively lets
            // each sub-framework vote on which PCL is nearest.
            var subFrameworks = ExplodePortableFramework(framework);

            // reduce the sub frameworks - this would only have an effect if the PCL is 
            // poorly formed and contains duplicates such as portable-win8+win81
            subFrameworks = Reduce(subFrameworks);

            // Find all frameworks in all PCLs
            var pclToFrameworks = ExplodePortableFrameworks(reduced);
            var allPclFrameworks = pclToFrameworks.Values.SelectMany(f => f).Distinct(_fullComparer);

            var scores = new Dictionary<NuGetFramework, int>(NuGetFramework.Comparer);

            // find the nearest PCL for each framework
            foreach (var sub in subFrameworks)
                Debug.Assert(!sub.IsPCL, "a PCL returned a PCL as its profile framework");

                // from all possible frameworks, find the best match
                var nearestForSub = GetNearest(sub, allPclFrameworks);

                // +1 each framework containing the best match
                foreach (var pair in pclToFrameworks)
                    if (pair.Value.Contains(nearestForSub, _fullComparer))
                        if (!scores.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                            scores.Add(pair.Key, 1);

            // take the highest vote count, this will be at least one
            reduced = scores.GroupBy(pair => pair.Value).OrderByDescending(g => g.Key).First().Select(e => e.Key);

            return reduced;
Example #49
        static TypeMapper()
            typeMapping = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
            typeMapping.Add("bigint", typeof(long));
            typeMapping.Add("int", typeof(int));
            typeMapping.Add("smallint", typeof(short));
            typeMapping.Add("tinyint", typeof(byte));
            typeMapping.Add("decimal", typeof(decimal));
            typeMapping.Add("numeric", typeof(decimal));
            typeMapping.Add("money", typeof(decimal));
            typeMapping.Add("smallmoney", typeof(decimal));
            typeMapping.Add("bit", typeof(bool));
            typeMapping.Add("float", typeof(float));
            typeMapping.Add("real", typeof(double));
            typeMapping.Add("datetime2", typeof(DateTime));
            typeMapping.Add("datetime", typeof(DateTime));
            typeMapping.Add("smalldatetime", typeof(DateTime));
            typeMapping.Add("date", typeof(DateTime));
            typeMapping.Add("datetimeoffset", typeof(DateTime));
            typeMapping.Add("time", typeof(DateTime));
            typeMapping.Add("timestamp", typeof(DateTime));
            typeMapping.Add("nvarchar", typeof(string));
            typeMapping.Add("char", typeof(string));
            typeMapping.Add("varchar", typeof(string));
            typeMapping.Add("text", typeof(string));
            typeMapping.Add("nchar", typeof(string));
            typeMapping.Add("ntext", typeof(string));
            typeMapping.Add("varbinary", typeof(byte[]));
            typeMapping.Add("binary", typeof(byte[]));
            typeMapping.Add("image", typeof(byte[]));
            typeMapping.Add("uniqueidentifier", typeof(Guid));

            reverseTypeMapping = typeMapping
                .GroupBy(kv => kv.Value, kv => kv.Key)
                .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.First());

            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(char[]), "nchar");

            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(int?), "int");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(uint), "int");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(uint?), "int");

            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(long?), "bigint");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(ulong), "bigint");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(ulong?), "bigint");

            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(short?), "smallint");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(ushort), "smallint");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(ushort?), "smallint");

            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(byte?), "tinyint");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(sbyte), "tinyint");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(sbyte?), "tinyint");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(char), "tinyint");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(char?), "tinyint");

            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(decimal?), "decimal");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(bool?), "bit");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(float?), "float");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(double?), "real");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(DateTime?), "datetime2");
            reverseTypeMapping.Add(typeof(Guid?), "uniqueidentifier");
        public override HashSet<string[]> ReduceNames(Dictionary<string, int> nodeNames)
            var hash = new HashFunction8();
            var groups = nodeNames.GroupBy(n => hash.HashName(n.Key)).Select(g => new Group
                Hash = g.Key,
                Instances = g.ToList(),
                Words = hash.HashName(g.First().Key).Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Skip(1).ToArray()
            }).OrderBy(g => g.Instances.Count).ToArray();

            var numbers = groups.Where(g => g.Hash.All(c => '0' <= c && c <= '9')).Select(g => Convert.ToInt32(g.Hash));
            groups = groups.Where(g => !g.Hash.All(c => '0' <= c && c <= '9')).ToArray();

                var wordFrequency = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                var wordCount = 0;
                foreach (var group in groups)
                    foreach (var word in group.Words)
                        if (!wordFrequency.ContainsKey(word))
                            wordFrequency[word] = 0;
                        wordFrequency[word] += group.Instances.Count;
                        wordCount += group.Instances.Count;
                WordScore = wordFrequency.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, k => wordCount/(1.0*k.Value));

            Logger.Log(string.Format("The {0} groups have an average size {1}",
                groups.Length, groups.Average(g => g.Instances.Count)));
            bool reduced;
            int pass = 0;
            #if DEBUG
                Filename = "Reductions_3_" + pass + ".txt";
                lock (Filename)

                var reductions = Logger.Batch(groups.Length - 1, i => ReduceName(groups, i, 25), "reduced this pass")
                    .Where(p => p != null).OrderBy(p => p.Item1).ToList();

                reduced = reductions.Count > 0;

                foreach (var reduction in reductions)
                    groups[reduction.Item1] = null;

                groups = groups.Where(g => g != null).OrderBy(g => g.Instances.Count()).ToArray();

            #if DEBUG
                lock (Filename)
                    File.AppendAllText(Filename, ("~~~ " + reductions.Count + " ~~~ reductions were made in this pass" + "\n"));

                Logger.Log(reductions.Count + " reductions were made");
                Logger.Log(string.Format("The {0} groups have an average size {1}",
                    groups.Length, groups.Average(g => g.Instances.Count())));
            } while (reduced);

            var numberNameGroups = numbers.OrderBy(n => n).Select(n => new[] {n.ToString()});
            var textNameGroups = groups.Select(g => g.Instances.Select(inst => inst.Key).Distinct().ToArray());

            return new HashSet<string[]>(numberNameGroups.Concat(textNameGroups));
Example #51
 private void AverageHitsPerSecondPerHourSectionOutput(Dictionary<DateTime, int> hitsPerSecond)
     OutputHeading("Average hits per second, by hour");
     var groupedHourlyList = hitsPerSecond.GroupBy(u => u.Key.Hour)
                               .Select(grp => new { GroupID = grp.Key, subList = grp.ToList() })
     foreach (var hourlyHits in groupedHourlyList)
         Console.WriteLine("{0,2:D2}-{1,2:D2} : {2:0}", hourlyHits.GroupID, hourlyHits.GroupID + 1, hourlyHits.subList.Average(c => c.Value));
Example #52
        IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, string>> OverrideWithInputs(IEnumerable<IGrouping<string,string>> parameters)
            var overrides = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (Configuration != null)
                overrides.Add("Configuration", Configuration);
            if (Incremental)
                overrides.Add("Incremental", "True");

            return overrides.GroupBy(x => x.Key, x => x.Value).Concat(parameters.Where(param => !overrides.ContainsKey(param.Key)));
Example #53
        public void displayWinner()
            Dictionary<PairParticipant, double> dict = new Dictionary<PairParticipant, double>();
            foreach (Сompetition competition in competitions)
                var CompetitionProtocols = this.protocols.FindAll(protocol => protocol.competition == competition);
                var pairsInCompetition = CompetitionProtocols.GroupBy(protocol => protocol.pair);
                var data = pairsInCompetition.Select(
                    g => new
                        Pair = g.Key,
                        Score = g.Sum(pair => pair.score) * competition.coefficient

                foreach (var datum in data)
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(datum.Pair))
                        dict[datum.Pair] += datum.Score;
                        dict.Add(datum.Pair, datum.Score);

            var result = dict.GroupBy(x => x.Key).Select(
                g => new
                    Pair = g.Key,
                    Score = g.Sum(x => x.Value)
            ).OrderBy(x => x.Score);

            System.Console.Write("Number of pairs is: ");
            System.Console.WriteLine("Winner is: ");
            System.Console.Write("Score is: ");

        private static async Task PermuteSingleDiagonal(Dictionary<FaceType, RelativePosition> relations, CubeConfiguration<FaceColour> configuration, ICollection<IRotation> solution)
            var groups = relations.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Value).ToList();
            var oppositeRelation = groups.FirstOrDefault(group => group.Key == RelativePosition.Opposite);
            if (oppositeRelation != null)
                switch (oppositeRelation.Count())
                    case 2:
                    case 4:
                        await CommonActions.ApplyAndAddRotation(Rotations.UpperClockwise, solution, configuration).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        relations = CrossRelativePositions(configuration);
                        await PermuteSingleDiagonal(relations, configuration, solution).ConfigureAwait(false);


            // TODO: TIDY
            var sameRelation = groups.FirstOrDefault(group => group.Key == RelativePosition.Same);
            if (sameRelation == null) return;
            if (sameRelation.Count() > 1)
                await CommonActions.ApplyAndAddRotation(Rotations.UpperClockwise, solution, configuration).ConfigureAwait(false);

                relations = CrossRelativePositions(configuration);
                await PermuteSingleDiagonal(relations, configuration, solution).ConfigureAwait(false);


            var faceType = sameRelation.First().Key;

            var faceColour = configuration.Faces[faceType].TopCentre();
            var cubeRotation = await CommonActions.PositionOnFront(configuration, faceColour).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (cubeRotation != null)

            if (oppositeRelation.First().Key == FaceRules.FaceAtRelativePositionTo(faceType, RelativePosition.Right))
                await PermuteClockwise(configuration, solution).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await PermuteAntiClockwise(configuration, solution).ConfigureAwait(false);

        static void Main(string[] args)
                NameValueCollection appSettings = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;

                Dictionary<string, List<string>> uprnDictionaryResidual = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
                Boolean overwriteResidual = true;

                // Open the geodatabase for residual.
                Geodatabase geodatabaseResidual = Geodatabase.Open(appSettings["residualGeoDB"]);
                StringBuilder residualCsv = new StringBuilder();
                string sqlStatementResidual = "SELECT * FROM " + appSettings["residualTableName"];

                foreach (Row attrQueryRow in geodatabaseResidual.ExecuteSQL(sqlStatementResidual))
                    string uprn = "";
                    string day = "";
                    string route = "";
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_UPRN_DOUBLE"))
                        uprn = attrQueryRow.GetDouble("LLPG_UPRN_DOUBLE").ToString();
                        overwriteResidual = false;
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("REFUSE_DAY"))
                        day = attrQueryRow.GetString("REFUSE_DAY");
                        //overwriteResidual = false;
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Route"))
                        route = attrQueryRow.GetString("Route");
                        //overwriteResidual = false;

                    //Matthew Steer added this on: 29.9.16
                    string gullBag = "";
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Gull_Bag")) gullBag = attrQueryRow.GetString("Gull_Bag");

                    string newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}{4}", uprn, day, route, gullBag, Environment.NewLine);

                    // Additional fields for assisted
                    string address = "";
                    string postcode = "";
                    string refuseRound = "";
                    string refuseSequence = "";
                    string llpgName = "";
                    string llpgNo = "";
                    string llpgStreet = "";
                    string llpgTown = "";
                    string llpgPostTown = "";
                    string llpgPostcode = "";

                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Address")) address = attrQueryRow.GetString("Address");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Postal_Code")) postcode = attrQueryRow.GetString("Postal_Code");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Region")) refuseRound = attrQueryRow.GetString("Region");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Sequence")) refuseSequence = attrQueryRow.GetInteger("Sequence").ToString();
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_NAME")) llpgName = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_NAME");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_NO")) llpgNo = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_NO");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_STREET")) llpgStreet = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_STREET");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_TOWN")) llpgTown = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_TOWN");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_POSTTOWN")) llpgPostTown = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_POSTTOWN");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_POSTCODE")) llpgPostcode = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_POSTCODE");
                    //And add the relevant data to our dictionary
                    if (!uprnDictionaryResidual.ContainsKey(uprn))
                        uprnDictionaryResidual.Add(uprn, new List<string> { route, day, address, postcode, refuseRound,
                            refuseSequence, llpgName, llpgNo, llpgStreet, llpgTown, llpgPostTown, llpgPostcode, gullBag });
                if (overwriteResidual) File.WriteAllText(appSettings["residualCsv"], residualCsv.ToString());

                Dictionary<string, List<string>> uprnDictionaryOrganic = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
                Boolean overwriteOrganic = true;

                // Open the geodatabase for organic.
                Geodatabase geodatabaseOrganic = Geodatabase.Open(appSettings["organicGeoDB"]);
                StringBuilder organicCsv = new StringBuilder();
                string sqlStatementOrganic = "SELECT LLPG_UPRN_DOUBLE, Organic_Collection, Route FROM " + appSettings["organicTableName"];

                foreach (Row attrQueryRow in geodatabaseOrganic.ExecuteSQL(sqlStatementOrganic))
                    string uprn = "";
                    string route = "";
                    string day = "";
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_UPRN_DOUBLE"))
                        uprn = attrQueryRow.GetDouble("LLPG_UPRN_DOUBLE").ToString();
                        //overwriteOrganic = false;
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Organic_Collection"))
                        day = attrQueryRow.GetString("Organic_Collection");
                        //overwriteOrganic = false;
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Route"))
                        route = attrQueryRow.GetString("Route");
                        //overwriteOrganic = false;
                    string newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}{3}", uprn, day, route, Environment.NewLine);

                    // Additional fields for assisted
                    string address = "";
                    string postcode = "";
                    string organicRound = "";
                    string organicSequence = "";
                    string llpgName = "";
                    string llpgNo = "";
                    string llpgStreet = "";
                    string llpgTown = "";
                    string llpgPostTown = "";
                    string llpgPostcode = "";
                    string week = "";

                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Address")) address = attrQueryRow.GetString("Address");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Postal_Code")) postcode = attrQueryRow.GetString("Postal_Code");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Region")) organicRound = attrQueryRow.GetString("Region");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Sequence")) organicSequence = attrQueryRow.GetInteger("Sequence").ToString();
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_NAME")) llpgName = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_NAME");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_NO")) llpgNo = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_NO");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_STREET")) llpgStreet = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_STREET");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_TOWN")) llpgTown = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_TOWN");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_POSTTOWN")) llpgPostTown = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_POSTTOWN");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_POSTCODE")) llpgPostcode = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_POSTCODE");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Collection")) week = attrQueryRow.GetString("Collection");

                    // And add the relevant data to our dictionary
                    if (!uprnDictionaryOrganic.ContainsKey(uprn))
                        uprnDictionaryOrganic.Add(uprn, new List<string> { route, day, address, postcode, organicRound,
                        organicSequence, week, llpgName, llpgNo, llpgStreet, llpgTown, llpgPostTown, llpgPostcode });
                if (overwriteOrganic) File.WriteAllText(appSettings["organicCsv"], organicCsv.ToString());

                Dictionary<string, List<string>> uprnDictionaryRecycling = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
                Boolean overwriteRecycling = true;

                // Open the geodatabase for recyling.
                Geodatabase geodatabaseRecycling = Geodatabase.Open(appSettings["recyclingGeoDB"]);
                StringBuilder recylingCsv = new StringBuilder();
                string sqlStatementRecyling = "SELECT LLPG_UPRN_DOUBLE, Recycle_Collection, Route , Green_Sack FROM " + appSettings["recyclingTableName"];

                foreach (Row attrQueryRow in geodatabaseRecycling.ExecuteSQL(sqlStatementRecyling))
                    string uprn = "";
                    string day = "";
                    string route = "";
                    string greensack = "";

                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_UPRN_DOUBLE"))
                        uprn = attrQueryRow.GetDouble("LLPG_UPRN_DOUBLE").ToString();
                        //overwriteRecycling = false;
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Recycle_Collection"))
                        day = attrQueryRow.GetString("Recycle_Collection");
                        //overwriteRecycling = false;
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Route"))
                        route = attrQueryRow.GetString("Route");
                        //overwriteRecycling = false;
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Green_Sack"))
                        greensack = attrQueryRow.GetString("Green_Sack");
                        //overwriteRecycling = false;

                    string newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}{4}", uprn, day, route, greensack, Environment.NewLine);

                    // Additional fields for assisted
                    string address = "";
                    string postcode = "";
                    string recyclingRound = "";
                    string recyclingSequence = "";
                    string llpgName = "";
                    string llpgNo = "";
                    string llpgStreet = "";
                    string llpgTown = "";
                    string llpgPostTown = "";
                    string llpgPostcode = "";
                    string llpgLocality = "";

                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Address")) address = attrQueryRow.GetString("Address");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Postal_Code")) postcode = attrQueryRow.GetString("Postal_Code");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Region")) recyclingRound = attrQueryRow.GetString("Region");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("Sequence")) recyclingSequence = attrQueryRow.GetInteger("Sequence").ToString();
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_NAME")) llpgName = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_NAME");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_NO")) llpgNo = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_NO");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_STREET")) llpgStreet = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_STREET");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_TOWN")) llpgTown = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_TOWN");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_POSTTOWN")) llpgPostTown = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_POSTTOWN");
                    if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_POSTCODE")) llpgPostcode = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_POSTCODE");
                    //if (!attrQueryRow.IsNull("LLPG_LOCALITY")) llpgLocality = attrQueryRow.GetString("LLPG_LOCALITY");

                    // And add the relevant data to our dictionary
                    if (!uprnDictionaryRecycling.ContainsKey(uprn))
                        uprnDictionaryRecycling.Add(uprn, new List<string> { route, day, address, postcode, recyclingRound,
                        recyclingSequence, llpgName, llpgNo, llpgStreet, llpgTown, llpgPostTown, llpgPostcode, llpgLocality });
                if (overwriteRecycling) File.WriteAllText(appSettings["recyclingCsv"], recylingCsv.ToString());

                // For recycling we also generate a set of route participation monitor sheets for importing
                // firstly create a set of dictionaries grouped by route
                var recyclingDictionaries = uprnDictionaryRecycling.GroupBy(pair => pair.Value[4])
                                                 .ToDictionary(gr => gr.Key,
                                                     gr => gr.ToDictionary(item => item.Key,
                                                                           item => item.Value));

                string recyclingRoutesHeaderLine = string.Format("{0}{1}", "LLPG_NAME, LLPG_NO, LLPG_STREET, LLPG_LOCALITY, LLPG_TOWN, LLPG_POSTTOWN, LLPG_POSTCODE, Recycle_collection, Recycling_Round, Service_Location_RECYCLING_Sequence", Environment.NewLine);
                foreach (var route in recyclingDictionaries)
                    StringBuilder mondayCsv = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder tuesdayCsv = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder wednesdayCsv = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder thursdayCsv = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder fridayCsv = new StringBuilder();

                    Boolean mondayRoute = false;
                    Boolean tuesdayRoute = false;
                    Boolean wednesdayRoute = false;
                    Boolean thursdayRoute = false;
                    Boolean fridayRoute = false;

                    // Each route is a set of dictionaries
                    foreach (var item in route.Value)
                        string llpgName = "\"" + item.Value[6] + "\"";
                        string llpgNo = item.Value[7];
                        string llpgStreet = item.Value[8];
                        string llpgLocality = item.Value[12];
                        string llpgTown = item.Value[9];
                        string llpgPostTown = item.Value[10];
                        string llpgPostCode = item.Value[11];
                        string recycycleCollection = item.Value[1];
                        string recycleRound = item.Value[4];
                        string recycleSequence = item.Value[5];
                        string newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9}{10}",
                                            llpgName, llpgNo, llpgStreet, llpgLocality, llpgTown,
                                            llpgPostTown, llpgPostCode, recycycleCollection,
                                            recycleRound, recycleSequence, Environment.NewLine);

                        switch (item.Value[1])
                            case "Monday":
                                mondayRoute = true;
                            case "Tuesday":
                                tuesdayRoute = true;
                            case "Wednesday":
                                wednesdayRoute = true;
                            case "Thursday":
                                thursdayRoute = true;
                            case "Friday":
                                fridayRoute = true;
                    if (mondayRoute) File.WriteAllText(appSettings["recyclingRoutesCsvPath"] + route.Key + "_Monday.csv", mondayCsv.ToString());
                    if (tuesdayRoute) File.WriteAllText(appSettings["recyclingRoutesCsvPath"] + route.Key + "_Tuesday.csv", tuesdayCsv.ToString());
                    if (wednesdayRoute) File.WriteAllText(appSettings["recyclingRoutesCsvPath"] + route.Key + "_Wednesday.csv", wednesdayCsv.ToString());
                    if (thursdayRoute) File.WriteAllText(appSettings["recyclingRoutesCsvPath"] + route.Key + "_Thursday.csv", thursdayCsv.ToString());
                    if (fridayRoute) File.WriteAllText(appSettings["recyclingRoutesCsvPath"] + route.Key + "_Friday.csv", fridayCsv.ToString());

                // Also need to do an output for the assisted collections db
                // this will be from each of the databases, into a single file,taken from the dictionaries we've built up.

                // The table holds the data for each UPRN.
                // The fields are: UPRN as number, Address, Postal_Code, Organic_Day, Organic_Route, Oroutea, Organics_Round, Organic_Week, Service_Location_ORGANIC_Sequence, Recycle_collection, Recycle_route, Recycling_Round, Service_Location_RECYCLING_Sequence, Residual_Collection, Residual_Route, Refuse_Round, Service_Location_REFUSE_Sequence, LLPG_NAME, LLPG_NO, LLPG_STREET, LLPG_LOCALITY, LLPG_TOWN, LLPG_POSTTOWN, LLPG_POSTCODE
                StringBuilder uprnCsv = new StringBuilder();
                char[] charsToTrim = { 'a', 'b', 'A', 'B' };
                string headerLine = string.Format("{0}{1}", "UPRN as number, Address, Postal_Code, Organic_Day, Organic_Route, Oroutea, Organics_Round, Organic_Week, Service_Location_ORGANIC_Sequence, Recycle_collection, Recycle_route, Recycling_Round, Service_Location_RECYCLING_Sequence, Residual_Collection, Residual_Route, Refuse_Round, Service_Location_REFUSE_Sequence, LLPG_NAME, LLPG_NO, LLPG_STREET, LLPG_LOCALITY, LLPG_TOWN, LLPG_POSTTOWN, LLPG_POSTCODE, Gull_Bag", Environment.NewLine);
                foreach (var val in uprnDictionaryResidual)
                    string uprn = val.Key;
                    string address = "\"" + val.Value[2] + "\"";
                    string postcode = val.Value[3];
                    string organicDay = "";
                    string organicRoute = "";
                    string oRoutea = "";
                    string organicsRoute = "";
                    string organicWeek = "";
                    string serviceLocationOrganicSequence = "";
                    if (uprnDictionaryOrganic.ContainsKey(val.Key) && uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][1].Split(' ') != null) organicDay = uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][1].Split(' ')[0];
                    if (uprnDictionaryOrganic.ContainsKey(val.Key)) organicRoute = uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0];
                    if (uprnDictionaryOrganic.ContainsKey(val.Key) && uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0].Length > 2) oRoutea = uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0].Substring(0, 1) + (uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0].Length > 3 ? uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0].Substring(2, 2).TrimEnd(charsToTrim) : uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0].Substring(2, 1).TrimEnd(charsToTrim));
                    if (uprnDictionaryOrganic.ContainsKey(val.Key) && uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0].Length > 2) organicsRoute = uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0].Substring(0, 1) + (uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0].Length > 3 ? uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0].Substring(2, 2).TrimEnd(charsToTrim) : uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][0].Substring(2, 1).TrimEnd(charsToTrim));
                    if (uprnDictionaryOrganic.ContainsKey(val.Key) && uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][6] != null && uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][6].Split(' ').Length > 2) organicWeek = uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][6].Split(' ')[1] + " " + uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][6].Split(' ')[2];
                    if (uprnDictionaryOrganic.ContainsKey(val.Key)) serviceLocationOrganicSequence = uprnDictionaryOrganic[val.Key][5];

                    string recycleCollection = "";
                    string recycleRoute = "";
                    string recyclingRound = "";
                    string serviceLocationRecyclingSequence = "";
                    if (uprnDictionaryRecycling.ContainsKey(val.Key)) recycleCollection = uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][1];
                    if (uprnDictionaryRecycling.ContainsKey(val.Key)) recycleRoute = uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0];
                    if (uprnDictionaryRecycling.ContainsKey(val.Key) && uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Length > 2) recyclingRound = uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Substring(0, 1) + (uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Length > 3 ? uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Substring(2, 2).TrimEnd(charsToTrim) : uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Substring(2, 1).TrimEnd(charsToTrim));
                    if (uprnDictionaryRecycling.ContainsKey(val.Key)) serviceLocationRecyclingSequence = uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][5];

                    string residualCollection = val.Value[1];
                    string residualRoute = val.Value[0];
                    string refuseRound = "";
                    if (val.Value[0].Length > 2) refuseRound = val.Value[0].Substring(0, 1) + (val.Value[0].Length > 3 ? val.Value[0].Substring(2, 2).TrimEnd(charsToTrim) : val.Value[0].Substring(2, 1).TrimEnd(charsToTrim));
                    string serviceLocationRefuseSequence = val.Value[5];
                    string llpgName = "\"" + val.Value[6] + "\"";
                    string llpgNo = val.Value[7];
                    string llpgStreet = val.Value[8];
                    string llpgLocality = "";
                    string llpgTown = val.Value[9];
                    string llpgPosttown = val.Value[10];
                    string llpgPostcode = val.Value[11];
                    string newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{15},{16},{17},{18},{19},{20},{21},{22},{23}{24}",
                        uprn, address, postcode, organicDay, organicRoute, oRoutea, organicsRoute, organicWeek,
                        serviceLocationOrganicSequence, recycleCollection, recycleRoute, recyclingRound,
                        serviceLocationRecyclingSequence, residualCollection, residualRoute, refuseRound,
                        serviceLocationRefuseSequence, llpgName, llpgNo, llpgStreet, llpgLocality, llpgTown,
                        llpgPosttown, llpgPostcode, Environment.NewLine);
                // Then add all the ones from organic where they don't exist in residual
                foreach (var val in uprnDictionaryOrganic.Where(x => !uprnDictionaryResidual.ContainsKey(x.Key)))
                    string uprn = val.Key;
                    string address = "\"" + val.Value[2] + "\"";
                    string postcode = val.Value[3];
                    string organicDay = "";
                    string organicRoute = "";
                    string oRoutea = "";
                    string organicsRoute = "";
                    string organicWeek = "";
                    string serviceLocationOrganicSequence = "";
                    organicDay = val.Value[1].Split(' ')[0];
                    organicRoute = val.Value[0];
                    // Round is the Letter and Third and Fourth Digit
                    oRoutea = val.Value[0].Substring(0, 1) + val.Value[0].Substring(2, 2).TrimEnd(charsToTrim);
                    organicsRoute = val.Value[0].Substring(0, 1) + val.Value[0].Substring(2, 2).TrimEnd(charsToTrim);
                    if (val.Value[6] != null && val.Value[6].Split(' ') != null && val.Value[6].Split(' ').Length > 2) organicWeek = val.Value[6].Split(' ')[1] + " " + val.Value[6].Split(' ')[2];
                    serviceLocationOrganicSequence = val.Value[5];

                    string recycleCollection = "";
                    string recycleRoute = "";
                    string recyclingRound = "";
                    string serviceLocationRecyclingSequence = "";
                    if (uprnDictionaryRecycling.ContainsKey(val.Key)) recycleCollection = uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][1];
                    if (uprnDictionaryRecycling.ContainsKey(val.Key)) recycleRoute = uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0];
                    if (uprnDictionaryRecycling.ContainsKey(val.Key) && uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Length > 2) recyclingRound = uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Substring(0, 1) + (uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Length > 3 ? uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Substring(2, 2).TrimEnd(charsToTrim) : uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Substring(2, 1).TrimEnd(charsToTrim));
                    if (uprnDictionaryRecycling.ContainsKey(val.Key)) serviceLocationRecyclingSequence = uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][5];

                    string residualCollection = "";
                    string residualRoute = "";
                    string refuseRound = "";
                    string serviceLocationRefuseSequence = "";
                    string llpgName = "\"" + val.Value[7] + "\"";
                    string llpgNo = val.Value[8];
                    string llpgStreet = val.Value[9];
                    string llpgLocality = "";
                    string llpgTown = val.Value[10];
                    string llpgPosttown = val.Value[11];
                    string llpgPostcode = val.Value[12];
                    string newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{15},{16},{17},{18},{19},{20},{21},{22},{23}{24}",
                        uprn, address, postcode, organicDay, organicRoute, oRoutea, organicsRoute, organicWeek,
                        serviceLocationOrganicSequence, recycleCollection, recycleRoute, recyclingRound,
                        serviceLocationRecyclingSequence, residualCollection, residualRoute, refuseRound,
                        serviceLocationRefuseSequence, llpgName, llpgNo, llpgStreet, llpgLocality, llpgTown,
                        llpgPosttown, llpgPostcode, Environment.NewLine);
                // Then add all the ones from organic where they don't exist in residual
                foreach (var val in uprnDictionaryOrganic.Where(x => !uprnDictionaryResidual.ContainsKey(x.Key) && !uprnDictionaryOrganic.ContainsKey(x.Key)))
                    string uprn = val.Key;
                    string address = "\"" + val.Value[2] + "\"";
                    string postcode = val.Value[3];
                    string organicDay = "";
                    string organicRoute = "";
                    string oRoutea = "";
                    string organicsRoute = "";
                    string organicWeek = "";
                    string serviceLocationOrganicSequence = "";

                    string recycleCollection = "";
                    string recycleRoute = "";
                    string recyclingRound = "";
                    string serviceLocationRecyclingSequence = "";
                    recycleCollection = val.Value[1];
                    recycleRoute = val.Value[0];
                    if (uprnDictionaryRecycling.ContainsKey(val.Key) && uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Length > 2) recyclingRound = uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Substring(0, 1) + (uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Length > 3 ? uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Substring(2, 2).TrimEnd(charsToTrim) : uprnDictionaryRecycling[val.Key][0].Substring(2, 1).TrimEnd(charsToTrim));
                    serviceLocationRecyclingSequence = val.Value[5];

                    string residualCollection = "";
                    string residualRoute = "";
                    string refuseRound = "";
                    string serviceLocationRefuseSequence = "";
                    string llpgName = "\"" + val.Value[6] + "\"";
                    string llpgNo = val.Value[7];
                    string llpgStreet = val.Value[8];
                    string llpgLocality = "";
                    string llpgTown = val.Value[9];
                    string llpgPosttown = val.Value[10];
                    string llpgPostcode = val.Value[11];
                    string newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{15},{16},{17},{18},{19},{20},{21},{22},{23}{24}",
                        uprn, address, postcode, organicDay, organicRoute, oRoutea, organicsRoute, organicWeek,
                        serviceLocationOrganicSequence, recycleCollection, recycleRoute, recyclingRound,
                        serviceLocationRecyclingSequence, residualCollection, residualRoute, refuseRound,
                        serviceLocationRefuseSequence, llpgName, llpgNo, llpgStreet, llpgLocality, llpgTown,
                        llpgPosttown, llpgPostcode, Environment.NewLine);
                File.WriteAllText(appSettings["uprnCsv"], uprnCsv.ToString());
            catch (FileGDBException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", ex.Message, ex.ErrorCode);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("General exception.  " + ex.Message);
Example #56
        private DfmTagNameResolveResult ResolveTagNamesFromPath(string fencesPath, string[] fencesCodeLines, string tagName, Regex regexToExtractCode)
            var lazyResolveResults =
                    path => new Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<string, DfmTagNameResolveResult>>(
                            () =>
                                var linesOfSnippetComment = new Dictionary<long, string>();
                                for (long i = 0; i < fencesCodeLines.Length; i++)
                                    var match = regexToExtractCode.Match(fencesCodeLines[i]);
                                    if (match.Success)
                                        linesOfSnippetComment.Add(i + 1, match.Groups[1].Value);

                                var excludedLines = new HashSet<long>(linesOfSnippetComment.Keys);

                                var dictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, DfmTagNameResolveResult>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                                foreach (var snippetCommentsInPair in linesOfSnippetComment.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Value))
                                    DfmTagNameResolveResult tagResolveResult;
                                    var lineNumbers = snippetCommentsInPair.Select(line => line.Key).OrderBy(line => line).ToList();
                                    if (lineNumbers.Count == 2)
                                        tagResolveResult = new DfmTagNameResolveResult
                                            IsSuccessful = true,
                                            StartLine = lineNumbers[0] + 1,
                                            EndLine = lineNumbers[1] - 1,
                                            ExcludesLines = excludedLines
                                        tagResolveResult = new DfmTagNameResolveResult
                                            IsSuccessful = false,
                                            ErrorMessage = lineNumbers.Count == 1
                                                ? $"Tag name {snippetCommentsInPair.Key} is not closed"
                                                : $"Tag name {snippetCommentsInPair.Key} occurs {lineNumbers.Count} times"

                                    dictionary.TryAdd(snippetCommentsInPair.Key, tagResolveResult);

                                return dictionary;

            DfmTagNameResolveResult resolveResult;
            var tagNamesDictionary = lazyResolveResults.Value;
            return (tagNamesDictionary.TryGetValue(tagName, out resolveResult) || tagNamesDictionary.TryGetValue($"snippet{tagName}", out resolveResult))
                    ? resolveResult
                    : new DfmTagNameResolveResult { IsSuccessful = false, ErrorMessage = $"Tag name {tagName} is not found" };