Example #1
        public static void DebugIfNeeded(List<IObject> displayList)
            string behindThis = _behindThis;
            if (behindThis == null) return;
            string whyIsThis = _whyIsThis;
            bool renderDebug = _renderDebug;
            _behindThis = null;

            Dictionary<string, List<string>> map = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
            const string sortWord = "Sort ";
            const string backwardsWord = "backwards ";
            foreach (var obj in displayList)
                foreach (var property in obj.Properties.Ints.AllProperties())
                    if (!property.Key.Contains(sortWord)) continue;
                    if (renderDebug && property.Key.Contains(backwardsWord)) continue;
                    if (!renderDebug && !property.Key.Contains(backwardsWord)) continue;

                    string comparedId = property.Key.Substring(renderDebug ? property.Key.IndexOf(sortWord) + sortWord.Length : 
                        property.Key.IndexOf(backwardsWord) + backwardsWord.Length);

                    if (property.Value > 0) map.GetOrAdd(comparedId, () => new List<string>()).Add(obj.ID);
                    else map.GetOrAdd(obj.ID, () => new List<string>()).Add(comparedId);
            string chain = getChain(whyIsThis, behindThis, map, new HashSet<string>());
            Debug.WriteLine(chain == null ? string.Format("{0} is not behind {1}", whyIsThis, behindThis) :
                string.Format("{0}{1}", whyIsThis, chain));
        public void Dictionary_GetOrAdd_Adds_Unexisting_Key()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            Assert.Equal("test", dictionary.GetOrAdd(1, v => "test"));
            Assert.Equal("test", dictionary.GetOrAdd(1, v => "test2"));
        public void TestGetOrAdd()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            dict.GetOrAdd("x", () => "a");
            dict.GetOrAdd("x", () => { throw new Exception("Should not be reached."); });

            dict.Should().Equal(new Dictionary<string, string> {["x"] = "a"});
        public void GetOrAdd()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string> { { 0, "Zero" } };

            dictionary.GetOrAdd(0, "0").ShouldBe("Zero");
            dictionary.GetOrAdd(1, "One").ShouldBe("One");
            dictionary.GetOrAdd(2, () => "Two").ShouldBe("Two");
            dictionary.GetOrAdd(3, i => i.ToString()).ShouldBe("3");
	public void WhenGettingTwice_ThenGetsExisting()
		var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Guid>();

		var value = dictionary.GetOrAdd("foo", key => Guid.NewGuid());
		var value2 = dictionary.GetOrAdd("foo", key => Guid.NewGuid());
		Assert.Equal(value, value2);
Example #6
        public void TestMiscDictionaryGetOrAdd()
            string key0 = "Blinky";

            var dict = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            int value0 = 0;
            dict.GetOrAdd(key0, v => value0 = v, () => 42);
            Assert.Equal(0, value0);
            dict.GetOrAdd(key0, v => value0 = v, () => 42);
            Assert.Equal(42, value0);
        public void GetOrAddTest()
            var stringValues = new Dictionary<string, string>
                ["key1"] = "Hoge"

            Assert.AreEqual("Hoge", stringValues.GetOrAdd("key1", key => "Fuga"));
            Assert.AreEqual("Hoge", stringValues["key1"]);

            Assert.AreEqual("key2_Piyo", stringValues.GetOrAdd("key2", key => key + "_Piyo"));
            Assert.AreEqual("key2_Piyo", stringValues["key2"]);
Example #8
        public void GetOrAdd()
            var d = new Dictionary<string, StockStatus>() {
                {"AAPL", new StockStatus { Price = 530.12m, Position = "Sell" }},
                {"GOOG", new StockStatus { Price = 123.5m, Position = "Buy" }}

            d.GetOrAdd("AAPL").Position = "Buy";
            d.GetOrAdd("YHOO").Price = 1.99m;
            Console.Out.WriteLine(d.ToString<string, StockStatus>());

            Assert.That(d["AAPL"].Position, Is.EqualTo("Buy"), "Incorrect position.");
            Assert.That(d.Keys, Has.Count.EqualTo(3), "Incorrect number of keys.");
            Assert.That(d["YHOO"].Price, Is.EqualTo(1.99m), "Incorrect price.");
        public void GetOrAdd()
            // Type
            var @this = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            // Examples
            string value1 = @this.GetOrAdd("Fizz", "Buzz"); // return "Buzz";
            string value2 = @this.GetOrAdd("Fizz", "Buzz2"); // return "Buzz"; // The Dictionary already contains the key
            string value3 = @this.GetOrAdd("Fizz2", s => "Buzz"); // return "Buzz";

            // Unit Test
            Assert.AreEqual("Buzz", value1);
            Assert.AreEqual("Buzz", value2);
            Assert.AreEqual("Buzz", value3);
Example #10
 public IEnumerable<RemoteInfo> Load(IEnumerable<ConfigurationEntry> config)
     var remotes = new Dictionary<string, RemoteInfo>();
     foreach (var entry in config)
         var keyParts = entry.Key.Split('.');
         if (keyParts.Length == 3 && keyParts[0] == "tfs-remote")
             var id = keyParts[1];
             var key = keyParts[2];
             var remote = remotes.GetOrAdd(id);
             remote.Id = id;
             if (key == "url")
                 remote.Url = entry.Value;
             else if (key == "repository")
                 remote.Repository = entry.Value;
             else if (key == "username")
                 remote.Username = entry.Value;
             else if (key == "password")
                 remote.Password = entry.Value;
             else if (key == "ignore-paths")
                 remote.IgnoreRegex = entry.Value;
             else if (key == "legacy-urls")
                 remote.Aliases = entry.Value.Split(',');
             else if (key == "autotag")
                 remote.Autotag = bool.Parse(entry.Value);
     return remotes.Values;
            public GlobalCache(Dictionary<IAdapter, Consumer> consumers, int version)
                GlobalSignalLookup = new Dictionary<Guid, List<Consumer>>();
                GlobalDestinationLookup = consumers;
                BroadcastConsumers = new List<Consumer>();
                Version = version;

                // Generate routes for all signals received by each consumer adapter
                foreach (var kvp in consumers)
                    var consumerAdapter = kvp.Key;
                    var consumer = kvp.Value;

                    if ((object)consumerAdapter.InputMeasurementKeys != null)
                        // Create routes for each of the consumer's input signals
                        foreach (Guid signalID in consumerAdapter.InputMeasurementKeys.Select(key => key.SignalID))
                            GlobalSignalLookup.GetOrAdd(signalID, id => new List<Consumer>()).Add(consumer);
                        // Add this consumer to the broadcast routes to begin receiving all measurements

                // Broadcast consumers receive all measurements, so add them to every signal route
                foreach (List<Consumer> consumerList in GlobalSignalLookup.Values)
        public int AddNewErrors(IVsEnumExternalErrors pErrors)
            var projectErrors = new HashSet<DiagnosticData>();
            var documentErrorsMap = new Dictionary<DocumentId, HashSet<DiagnosticData>>();

            var errors = new ExternalError[1];
            uint fetched;
            while (pErrors.Next(1, errors, out fetched) == VSConstants.S_OK && fetched == 1)
                var error = errors[0];

                DiagnosticData diagnostic;
                if (error.bstrFileName != null)
                    diagnostic = CreateDocumentDiagnosticItem(error);
                    if (diagnostic != null)
                        var diagnostics = documentErrorsMap.GetOrAdd(diagnostic.DocumentId, _ => new HashSet<DiagnosticData>());


            _diagnosticProvider.AddNewErrors(_projectId, projectErrors, documentErrorsMap);
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        public void Dictionary_GetOrAdd_Gets_An_Existing_Value()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            dictionary.Add(1, "1");

            Assert.Equal("1", dictionary.GetOrAdd(1, v => "test"));
Example #14
 public IEnumerable<RemoteInfo> Load(IEnumerable<ConfigurationEntry<string>> config)
     var remotes = new Dictionary<string, RemoteInfo>();
     foreach (var entry in config)
         var keyParts = entry.Key.Split('.');
         if (keyParts.Length >= 3 && keyParts[0] == "tfs-remote")
             // The branch name may contain dots ("maint-1.0.0") which must be considered since split on "."
             var id = string.Join(".", keyParts, 1, keyParts.Length - 2);
             var key = keyParts.Last();
             var remote = remotes.GetOrAdd(id);
             remote.Id = id;
             if (key == "url")
                 remote.Url = entry.Value;
             else if (key == "repository")
                 remote.Repository = entry.Value;
             else if (key == "username")
                 remote.Username = entry.Value;
             else if (key == "password")
                 remote.Password = entry.Value;
             else if (key == "ignore-paths")
                 remote.IgnoreRegex = entry.Value;
             else if (key == "legacy-urls")
                 remote.Aliases = entry.Value.Split(',');
             else if (key == "autotag")
                 remote.Autotag = bool.Parse(entry.Value);
     return remotes.Values;
            private Dictionary<SyntaxToken, SyntaxToken> CreateOldToNewTokensMap(
                Dictionary<TriviaLocation, PreviousNextTokenPair> tokenPairs,
                Dictionary<TriviaLocation, LeadingTrailingTriviaPair> triviaPairs)
                var map = new Dictionary<SyntaxToken, SyntaxToken>();
                foreach (var pair in CreateUniqueTokenTriviaPairs(tokenPairs, triviaPairs))
                    var localCopy = pair;
                    var previousToken = map.GetOrAdd(localCopy.Item1.PreviousToken, _ => localCopy.Item1.PreviousToken);
                    map[localCopy.Item1.PreviousToken] = previousToken.WithTrailingTrivia(localCopy.Item2.TrailingTrivia);

                    var nextToken = map.GetOrAdd(localCopy.Item1.NextToken, _ => localCopy.Item1.NextToken);
                    map[localCopy.Item1.NextToken] = nextToken.WithLeadingTrivia(localCopy.Item2.LeadingTrivia);

                return map;
	public void WhenGettingNonExisting_ThenCreatesValue()
		var id = Guid.NewGuid();
		var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Guid>();

		var value = dictionary.GetOrAdd("foo", key => id);

		Assert.Equal(id, value);
Example #17
        private IImage loadImage(ITexture texture, IBitmap bitmap, string id, ILoadImageConfig config, ISpriteSheet spriteSheet)
            manipulateImage(bitmap, config);
            GLImage image = new GLImage(bitmap, id, texture, spriteSheet, config);

            string imageId = image.ID;

            _textures?.GetOrAdd(imageId, () => image.Texture);
            image.OnImageDisposed.Subscribe(() => _textures.Remove(imageId));
Example #18
        public UpgradeManager(ActorInitializer init)
            upgrades = Exts.Lazy(() =>
                var ret = new Dictionary<string, UpgradeState>();
                foreach (var up in init.Self.TraitsImplementing<IUpgradable>())
                    foreach (var t in up.UpgradeTypes)

                return ret;
        private Dictionary<SyntaxToken, SyntaxToken> CreateOldToNewTokensMap(
            Dictionary<TriviaLocation, SyntaxToken> tokens,
            Dictionary<TriviaLocation, SyntaxAnnotation> annotations)
            var token = default(SyntaxToken);
            var map = new Dictionary<SyntaxToken, SyntaxToken>();
			var emptyList = SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<SyntaxTrivia>();

			token = map.GetOrAdd(tokens[TriviaLocation.BeforeBeginningOfSpan], _ => tokens[TriviaLocation.BeforeBeginningOfSpan]);
            map[tokens[TriviaLocation.BeforeBeginningOfSpan]] = token.WithTrailingTrivia(emptyList).WithAdditionalAnnotations(annotations[TriviaLocation.BeforeBeginningOfSpan]);

            token = map.GetOrAdd(tokens[TriviaLocation.AfterBeginningOfSpan], _ => tokens[TriviaLocation.AfterBeginningOfSpan]);
            map[tokens[TriviaLocation.AfterBeginningOfSpan]] = token.WithLeadingTrivia(emptyList).WithAdditionalAnnotations(annotations[TriviaLocation.AfterBeginningOfSpan]);

            token = map.GetOrAdd(tokens[TriviaLocation.BeforeEndOfSpan], _ => tokens[TriviaLocation.BeforeEndOfSpan]);
            map[tokens[TriviaLocation.BeforeEndOfSpan]] = token.WithTrailingTrivia(emptyList).WithAdditionalAnnotations(annotations[TriviaLocation.BeforeEndOfSpan]);

            token = map.GetOrAdd(tokens[TriviaLocation.AfterEndOfSpan], _ => tokens[TriviaLocation.AfterEndOfSpan]);
            map[tokens[TriviaLocation.AfterEndOfSpan]] = token.WithLeadingTrivia(emptyList).WithAdditionalAnnotations(annotations[TriviaLocation.AfterEndOfSpan]);

            return map;
        private static Dictionary<string, List<PropertyInfo>> GetPropertiesDependencies([NotNull]Type type)
            var properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            var dependencies = new Dictionary<string, List<PropertyInfo>>(properties.Length);

            foreach (var property in properties)
                var dependsOnAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes<DependsOnAttribute>();
                foreach (var dependsOnAttribute in dependsOnAttributes)
                    var propertyInfos = dependencies.GetOrAdd(dependsOnAttribute.PropertyName, () => new List<PropertyInfo>());

            return dependencies;
    private void PrepareForImport(Options[] options, Action<string> logger)
      var folderIdsByName = new Dictionary<string, List<Tuple<string, string>>>();
      AddFoldersRecusive(_session.Folders, folderIdsByName);

      foreach (var profile in options)
        var ids = folderIdsByName.GetOrAdd(profile.OutlookFolderEntryId).FirstOrDefault();
        if (ids != null)
          profile.OutlookFolderEntryId = ids.Item1;
          profile.OutlookFolderStoreId = ids.Item2;

          profile.OutlookFolderAccountName = _optionTasks.GetFolderAccountNameOrNull(profile.OutlookFolderStoreId);
          logger($"Warning: did not find Folder '{profile.OutlookFolderEntryId}'");
          profile.OutlookFolderEntryId = null;
          profile.OutlookFolderStoreId = null;
          profile.OutlookFolderAccountName = null;
        protected async Task<IDictionary<SyntaxNode, ISet<INamedTypeSymbol>>> GetAllReferencedDefinitionsAsync(
            Compilation compilation,
            IEnumerable<ISymbol> members,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var namespaceScopeToReferencedDefinitions = new Dictionary<SyntaxNode, ISet<INamedTypeSymbol>>();
            var root = await Document.GetSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            Func<SyntaxNode, ISet<INamedTypeSymbol>> createSet = _ => new HashSet<INamedTypeSymbol>();

            var annotatedNodes = root.GetAnnotatedNodesAndTokens(SymbolAnnotation.Kind);
            foreach (var annotatedNode in annotatedNodes)

                SyntaxNode namespaceScope = null;
                var annotations = annotatedNode.GetAnnotations(SymbolAnnotation.Kind);
                foreach (var annotation in annotations)

                    foreach (var namedType in SymbolAnnotation.GetSymbols(annotation, compilation).OfType<INamedTypeSymbol>())
                        if (!IsBuiltIn(namedType))
                            namespaceScope = namespaceScope ?? this.GetInnermostNamespaceScope(annotatedNode);
                            var referencedDefinitions = namespaceScopeToReferencedDefinitions.GetOrAdd(
                                namespaceScope, createSet);

            return namespaceScopeToReferencedDefinitions;
Example #23
 public Brush GetSolidBrush(Color color)
     return(_solidBrushes.GetOrAdd(color, _ => new SolidBrush(color)));
        public void GetOrAdd()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            dictionary.GetOrAdd("fookey", "bar").Should().Be("bar");
            dictionary.GetOrAdd("fookey", "foo").Should().Be("bar");

            Action action = () => dictionary.GetOrAdd(null, "");

            dictionary = null;
Example #25
        public Tiling CreateTiling(
            [NotNull] TilingDefinition tilingDefinition,
            [NotNull] ShapeSet shapes,
            [NotNull] StyleManager styleManager)
            if (tilingDefinition == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tilingDefinition));
            if (shapes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shapes));
            if (styleManager == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(styleManager));
            if (!Tilings.Values.Contains(tilingDefinition))
                throw new ArgumentException(

            HashSet<ShapeTemplate> templates = new HashSet<ShapeTemplate>(shapes.Select(s => s.Template));

            if (!templates.SetEquals(ShapeTemplates.Values))
                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.Template_CreateTiling_WrongShapes, nameof(shapes));

            Dictionary<int, ShapeLines> shapeLines = new Dictionary<int, ShapeLines>();

            List<Tile> tiles = new List<Tile>(shapes.Count);

            // TODO Order shapes so that the nth shape is adjacent to at least one of the previous shapes
            foreach (Shape shape in shapes)
                Debug.Assert(shape != null, "shape != null");

                string label = null;
                Matrix3x2 transform = default(Matrix3x2);

                if (tiles.Count < 1)
                    label = tilingDefinition.AdjacentParts
                        .Where(l => l.Value.ShapeTemplate == shape.Template)
                        .OrderBy(l => l.Label, StringComparer.InvariantCulture)
                    transform = Matrix3x2.Identity;
                    foreach (Tile t in tiles)
                        foreach (EdgePartShape partShape in t.PartShapes)
                            Debug.Assert(partShape != null, "partShape != null");

                            Labeled<EdgePart> adjacent;
                            if (!tilingDefinition.AdjacentParts.TryGetAdjacent(
                                out adjacent))

                            Debug.Assert(adjacent.Value != null, "adjacent.Value != null");
                            if (adjacent.Value.ShapeTemplate != shape.Template)

                            label = adjacent.Label;
                            transform = EdgePartPosition.Create(adjacent.Value, shape)

                        if (label != null) break;

                    if (label == null) throw new InvalidDataException();

                EdgePartShape[] partShapes = shape.Template.EdgeParts[tilingDefinition]
                        ep => new EdgePartShape(
                            shapeLines.GetOrAdd(ep.PartShapeID, _ => ShapeLines.CreateDefault())))

                Tile tile = new Tile(label, shape, transform, partShapes);
                tile.Style = styleManager.GetStyle(tile);

            return new Tiling(this, tilingDefinition, tiles, styleManager);
Example #26
 public static bool CanDynamicCastFrom(this Type tInterface, params Type[] types)
     return(_isCastableFromTypesCache.GetOrAdd(new Types(tInterface, types), () => !GetMissingMethods(tInterface, types).Any()));
Example #27
        internal static bool Matches(string regExp, string valueToCheck)
            var regex = Cache.GetOrAdd(regExp, pattern => new Regex(pattern));

Example #28
        public void WatchDirectory(string path, string extension)
            var extensions = _directories.GetOrAdd(path, _ => new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

        public ILibraryExport GetLibraryExport(ILibraryKey target)
            Project project;

            // Can't find a project file with the name so bail
            if (!_projectResolver.TryResolveProject(target.Name, out project))

            Logger.TraceInformation("[{0}]: GetLibraryExport({1}, {2}, {3}, {4})", GetType().Name, target.Name, target.TargetFramework, target.Configuration, target.Aspect);

            var targetFrameworkInformation = project.GetTargetFramework(target.TargetFramework);

            // This is the target framework defined in the project. If there were no target frameworks
            // defined then this is the targetFramework specified
            if (targetFrameworkInformation.FrameworkName != null)
                target = target.ChangeTargetFramework(targetFrameworkInformation.FrameworkName);

            var key = Tuple.Create(

            var cache = (ICache)_serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ICache));

            return(cache.Get <ILibraryExport>(key, ctx =>
                // Get the composite library export provider
                var exportProvider = (ILibraryExportProvider)_serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ILibraryExportProvider));
                var libraryManager = (ILibraryManager)_serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ILibraryManager));

                var metadataReferences = new List <IMetadataReference>();
                var sourceReferences = new List <ISourceReference>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFrameworkInformation.AssemblyPath))
                    var assemblyPath = ResolvePath(project, target.Configuration, targetFrameworkInformation.AssemblyPath);
                    var pdbPath = ResolvePath(project, target.Configuration, targetFrameworkInformation.PdbPath);

                    metadataReferences.Add(new CompiledProjectMetadataReference(project, assemblyPath, pdbPath));
                    var provider = project.LanguageServices?.ProjectReferenceProvider ?? Project.DefaultLanguageService;

                    // Find the default project exporter
                    var projectReferenceProvider = _projectReferenceProviders.GetOrAdd(provider, typeInfo =>
                        return LanguageServices.CreateService <IProjectReferenceProvider>(_serviceProvider, _projectLoadContext.Value, typeInfo);

                    Logger.TraceInformation("[{0}]: GetProjectReference({1}, {2}, {3}, {4})", provider.TypeName, target.Name, target.TargetFramework, target.Configuration, target.Aspect);

                    // Get the exports for the project dependencies
                    var projectExport = new Lazy <ILibraryExport>(() => ProjectExportProviderHelper.GetExportsRecursive(
                                                                      dependenciesOnly: true));

                    // Resolve the project export
                    IMetadataProjectReference projectReference = projectReferenceProvider.GetProjectReference(
                        () => projectExport.Value);


                    // Shared sources
                    foreach (var sharedFile in project.Files.SharedFiles)
                        sourceReferences.Add(new SourceFileReference(sharedFile));

                return new LibraryExport(metadataReferences, sourceReferences);
            public void Add(ITextBuffer subjectBuffer, object key, TProperty value)
                var bufferMap = _subjectBufferMap.GetOrAdd(subjectBuffer, _ => new Dictionary <object, TProperty>());

                bufferMap[key] = value;
Example #31
            public Font GetFont(ILabelSymbolizer symb)
                var fontDesc = string.Format("{0};{1};{2}", symb.FontFamily, symb.FontSize, symb.FontStyle);

                return(_symbFonts.GetOrAdd(fontDesc, _ => symb.GetFont()));
Example #32
 private static void ExecuteMapMethod(Type sourceType, Type targetType, IMappingContainer container, object sourceValue, object targetValue)
     _mapMethods.GetOrAdd(Pair.Create(sourceType, targetType), key => CreateMapMethod(key.First, key.Second))?.DynamicInvoke(container, sourceValue, targetValue);
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor, takes a set of AssetBundleBuild and converts them to the appropriate properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bundleBuilds">The set of AssetbundleBuild to be built.</param>
        public BundleBuildContent(IEnumerable <AssetBundleBuild> bundleBuilds)
            if (bundleBuilds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("bundleBuilds");

            Assets       = new List <GUID>();
            Scenes       = new List <GUID>();
            Addresses    = new Dictionary <GUID, string>();
            BundleLayout = new Dictionary <string, List <GUID> >();
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
            CustomAssets    = new List <CustomContent>();
            AdditionalFiles = new Dictionary <string, List <ResourceFile> >();

            foreach (var bundleBuild in bundleBuilds)
                List <GUID> guids;
                BundleLayout.GetOrAdd(bundleBuild.assetBundleName, out guids);
                ValidationMethods.Status bundleType = ValidationMethods.Status.Invalid;

                for (int i = 0; i < bundleBuild.assetNames.Length; i++)
                    string assetPath = bundleBuild.assetNames[i];
                    GUID   asset     = new GUID(AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(assetPath));

                    // Ensure the path is valid
                    ValidationMethods.Status status = ValidationMethods.ValidAsset(asset);
                    if (status == ValidationMethods.Status.Invalid)
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Asset '{0}' is not a valid Asset or Scene.", assetPath));

                    // Ensure we do not have a mixed bundle
                    if (bundleType == ValidationMethods.Status.Invalid)
                        bundleType = status;
                    else if (bundleType != status)
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Asset Bundle '{0}' is invalid because it contains mixed Asset and Scene types.", bundleBuild.assetBundleName));

                    string address = bundleBuild.addressableNames != null && i < bundleBuild.addressableNames.Length && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(bundleBuild.addressableNames[i]) ?
                                     bundleBuild.addressableNames[i] : AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.ToString());

                    // Add the guid to the bundle map
                    // Add the guid & address
                    Addresses.Add(asset, address);

                    // Add the asset to the correct collection
                    if (status == ValidationMethods.Status.Asset)
                    else if (status == ValidationMethods.Status.Scene)
Example #34
 private static object ExecuteConvertMethod(Type sourceType, Type targetType, IMappingContainer container, object sourceValue)
     return(_convertMethods.GetOrAdd(Pair.Create(sourceType, targetType), key => CreateConvertMethod(key.First, key.Second)).DynamicInvoke(container, sourceValue));
Example #35
        internal TBuilder GetBuilder <TBuilder>(string memberName, Func <MemberMetadataStorage, TBuilder> createBuilderCallBack) where TBuilder : IPropertyMetadataBuilder
            MemberMetadataStorage storage = storages.GetOrAdd(memberName ?? string.Empty, () => new MemberMetadataStorage());

Example #36
 public PaletteReference Palette(string name)
     // HACK: This is working around the fact that palettes are defined on traits rather than sequences
     // and can be removed once this has been fixed.
     return(name == null ? null : palettes.GetOrAdd(name, createPaletteReference));
Example #37
        private IEnumerable <IResolutionContext> ResolveOtherBranch(IToken token, IResolutionContext context)
            var parent = closestParents.GetOrAdd(token, () => GetClosestParent(token));

            return(context.ResolveFromClosestParent(token, parent));
        public ReturnCode Run()
            Dictionary <string, ulong> fileOffsets = new Dictionary <string, ulong>();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, List <ResourceFile> > > bundleResources;
                Dictionary <string, List <ResourceFile> > bundleToResources = new Dictionary <string, List <ResourceFile> >();
                foreach (var pair in m_Results.WriteResults)
                    string bundle = m_WriteData.FileToBundle[pair.Key];
                    List <ResourceFile> resourceFiles;
                    bundleToResources.GetOrAdd(bundle, out resourceFiles);

                    foreach (ResourceFile serializedFile in pair.Value.resourceFiles)
                        if (!serializedFile.serializedFile)

                        ObjectSerializedInfo firstObject = pair.Value.serializedObjects.First(x => x.header.fileName == serializedFile.fileAlias);
                        fileOffsets[serializedFile.fileName] = firstObject.header.offset;
                bundleResources = bundleToResources.ToList();

            Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> > bundleDependencies = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> >();

            foreach (var files in m_WriteData.AssetToFiles.Values)
                if (files.IsNullOrEmpty())

                string           bundle = m_WriteData.FileToBundle[files.First()];
                HashSet <string> dependencies;
                bundleDependencies.GetOrAdd(bundle, out dependencies);
                dependencies.UnionWith(files.Select(x => m_WriteData.FileToBundle[x]));

            IList <CacheEntry> entries      = bundleResources.Select(x => GetCacheEntry(x.Key, x.Value, m_Parameters.GetCompressionForIdentifier(x.Key))).ToList();
            IList <CachedInfo> cachedInfo   = null;
            IList <CachedInfo> uncachedInfo = null;

            if (m_Parameters.UseCache && m_Cache != null)
                m_Cache.LoadCachedData(entries, out cachedInfo);

                uncachedInfo = new List <CachedInfo>();

            for (int i = 0; i < bundleResources.Count; i++)
                string           bundleName    = bundleResources[i].Key;
                ResourceFile[]   resourceFiles = bundleResources[i].Value.ToArray();
                BuildCompression compression   = m_Parameters.GetCompressionForIdentifier(bundleName);

                string        writePath;
                BundleDetails details;
                if (cachedInfo != null && cachedInfo[i] != null)
                    if (!m_Tracker.UpdateInfoUnchecked(string.Format("{0} (Cached)", bundleName)))

                    details          = (BundleDetails)cachedInfo[i].Data[0];
                    details.FileName = string.Format("{0}/{1}", m_Parameters.OutputFolder, bundleName);

                    HashSet <string> dependencies;
                    if (bundleDependencies.TryGetValue(bundleName, out dependencies))
                        details.Dependencies = dependencies.ToArray();
                        details.Dependencies = new string[0];
                    writePath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", m_Cache.GetCachedArtifactsDirectory(entries[i]), bundleName);
                    if (!m_Tracker.UpdateInfoUnchecked(bundleName))

                    details   = new BundleDetails();
                    writePath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", m_Parameters.TempOutputFolder, bundleName);
                    if (m_Parameters.UseCache && m_Cache != null)
                        writePath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", m_Cache.GetCachedArtifactsDirectory(entries[i]), bundleName);

                    details.FileName = string.Format("{0}/{1}", m_Parameters.OutputFolder, bundleName);
                    details.Crc      = ContentBuildInterface.ArchiveAndCompress(resourceFiles, writePath, compression);
                    details.Hash     = CalculateHashVersion(fileOffsets, resourceFiles);

                    HashSet <string> dependencies;
                    if (bundleDependencies.TryGetValue(bundleName, out dependencies))
                        details.Dependencies = dependencies.ToArray();
                        details.Dependencies = new string[0];

                    if (uncachedInfo != null)
                        uncachedInfo.Add(GetCachedInfo(m_Cache, entries[i], resourceFiles, details));

                SetOutputInformation(writePath, details.FileName, bundleName, details);

            if (m_Parameters.UseCache && m_Cache != null)

Example #39
            public void Execute()

                //We only want to run the base query once, so we capture all of the facet-ing terms then run the query
                //	once through the collector and pull out all of the terms in one shot
                var allCollector = new GatherAllCollector();
                var facetsByName = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, FacetValue> >();

                using (var currentState = Database.IndexStorage.GetCurrentStateHolder(Index))
                    var currentIndexSearcher = currentState.IndexSearcher;

                    var baseQuery = Database.IndexStorage.GetDocumentQuery(Index, IndexQuery, Database.IndexQueryTriggers);
                    currentIndexSearcher.Search(baseQuery, allCollector);
                    var indexReader = currentIndexSearcher.IndexReader;
                    var fields      = Facets.Values.Select(x => x.Name)
                                      .Concat(Ranges.Select(x => x.Key));
                    var fieldsToRead = new HashSet <string>(fields);
                                                      (term, doc) =>
                        var facets = Facets.Values.Where(facet => facet.Name == term.Field);
                        foreach (var facet in facets)
                            switch (facet.Mode)
                            case FacetMode.Default:
                                var facetValues = facetsByName.GetOrAdd(facet.DisplayName);
                                FacetValue existing;
                                if (facetValues.TryGetValue(term.Text, out existing) == false)
                                    existing = new FacetValue
                                        Range = GetRangeName(term)
                                    facetValues[term.Text] = existing;
                                ApplyFacetValueHit(existing, facet, doc, null, indexReader);

                            case FacetMode.Ranges:
                                List <ParsedRange> list;
                                if (Ranges.TryGetValue(term.Field, out list))
                                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                                        var parsedRange = list[i];
                                        if (parsedRange.IsMatch(term.Text))
                                            var facetValue = Results.Results[term.Field].Values[i];
                                            ApplyFacetValueHit(facetValue, facet, doc, parsedRange, indexReader);

                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

        public ExcelImportResult Import(string file, int projectColumn, int taskColumn,
                                        int dateColumn, int fromColumn, int toColumn, int rateColumn,
                                        int descriptionColumn)
            var excelPackage = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(file));
            var worksheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
            var clients = new Dictionary<Guid, Domain.Client>();
            var projects = new Dictionary<Guid, Domain.Project>();
            var result = new ExcelImportResult();
            var toAdd = new List<TimeRegistration>();

            for (int r = 2; r <= worksheet.Dimension.End.Row; r++)
                    Guid projectId;

                    Guid.TryParse(worksheet.Cells[r, projectColumn].Text, out projectId);

                    var project = projects.GetOrAdd(projectId, key => _aggregateRootRepository.GetById<Domain.Project>(key));
                    var client = clients.GetOrAdd(project.ClientId, key => _aggregateRootRepository.GetById<Domain.Client>(key));

                    if (project == null)
                        result.Errors.Add(r, "Project not found.");

                    DateTime date;
                    DateTime from;
                    DateTime to;
                    decimal rate;

                    if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(worksheet.Cells[r, dateColumn].Text, "yyyy-M-d", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out date))
                        result.Errors.Add(r, "Date does not contain a valid date.");

                    if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(worksheet.Cells[r, fromColumn].Text, "H:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out from))
                        result.Errors.Add(r, "From does not contain a valid time.");

                    if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(worksheet.Cells[r, toColumn].Text, "H:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out to))
                        result.Errors.Add(r, "To does not contain a valid time.");

                    if (!decimal.TryParse(worksheet.Cells[r, rateColumn].Text, out rate))
                        result.Errors.Add(r, "Rate does not contain a valid number.");

                    toAdd.Add(new Domain.TimeRegistration(_idGenerator.NextGuid(),
                        client, project, new Domain.ValueObjects.Task
                            Name = worksheet.Cells[r, taskColumn].Text,
                            Rate = rate
                        worksheet.Cells[r, descriptionColumn].Text,
                        new Date(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day),
                        new Time(from.Hour, from.Minute),
                        new Time(to.Hour, to.Minute)));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result.Errors.Add(r, ex.Message);

            if (!result.Errors.Any())
                foreach (var timeRegistration in toAdd)

            return result;
Example #41
 public U this[T key] => cache.GetOrAdd(key, loader);
        private static Dictionary<Project, Dictionary<Document, List<ValueTuple<ISymbol, IReferenceFinder>>>> CreateProjectMap(
            ConcurrentDictionary<Document, ConcurrentQueue<ValueTuple<ISymbol, IReferenceFinder>>> map)
            Contract.Requires(map.Count > 0);

            var projectMap = new Dictionary<Project, Dictionary<Document, List<ValueTuple<ISymbol, IReferenceFinder>>>>();
            foreach (var kv in map)
                var documentMap = projectMap.GetOrAdd(kv.Key.Project, s_documentMapGetter);
                var queue = documentMap.GetOrAdd(kv.Key, s_queueGetter);


            return projectMap;
Example #43
        public string GetContextualName(IJsCsGlue glue)
            var found = _AlreadyComputed.GetOrAdd(glue, _ => $"\"~{(string.Join("~", _Context.Reverse()))}\"");

            return((found.CollectionStatus == CollectionStatus.Found) ? found.Item : null);
Example #44
 private Dictionary <DiagnosticData, int> GetErrorSet <T>(Dictionary <T, Dictionary <DiagnosticData, int> > map, T key)
     return(map.GetOrAdd(key, _ => new Dictionary <DiagnosticData, int>(DiagnosticDataComparer.Instance)));
Example #45
 public PaletteReference Palette(string name)
     return(palettes.GetOrAdd(name, createPaletteReference));
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a list of symbols, determine which are not recommended at the same position in linked documents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expectedSymbols">The symbols recommended in the active context.</param>
        /// <param name="linkedContextSymbolLists">The symbols recommended in linked documents</param>
        /// <returns>The list of projects each recommended symbol did NOT appear in.</returns>
        protected Dictionary<ISymbol, List<ProjectId>> FindSymbolsMissingInLinkedContexts(HashSet<ISymbol> expectedSymbols, IEnumerable<Tuple<DocumentId, AbstractSyntaxContext, IEnumerable<ISymbol>>> linkedContextSymbolLists)
            var missingSymbols = new Dictionary<ISymbol, List<ProjectId>>(LinkedFilesSymbolEquivalenceComparer.IgnoreAssembliesInstance);

            foreach (var linkedContextSymbolList in linkedContextSymbolLists)
                var symbolsMissingInLinkedContext = expectedSymbols.Except(linkedContextSymbolList.Item3, LinkedFilesSymbolEquivalenceComparer.IgnoreAssembliesInstance);
                foreach (var missingSymbol in symbolsMissingInLinkedContext)
                    missingSymbols.GetOrAdd(missingSymbol, (m) => new List<ProjectId>()).Add(linkedContextSymbolList.Item1.ProjectId);

            return missingSymbols;
Example #47
        public void AddFrameOrders(int clientId, int frame, byte[] orders)
            var frameData = framePackets.GetOrAdd(frame);

            frameData.Add(clientId, orders);
Example #48
            public void Route(object sender, EventArgs <ICollection <IMeasurement> > e)
                ICollection <IMeasurement> measurements = e?.Argument;

                if (measurements == null)

                GlobalCache     globalCache;
                List <Producer> producers;
                List <Consumer> consumers;

                // Get the global cache from the routing tables
                globalCache = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_routingTables.m_globalCache, null, null);

                // Return if routes are still being calculated
                if ((object)globalCache == null)

                lock (m_localCacheLock)
                    // Check the version of the local cache against that of the global cache.
                    // We need to clear the local cache if the versions don't match because
                    // that means routes have changed
                    if (m_version != globalCache.Version)
                        // Dump the signal lookup

                        // Best if we hang onto producers for adapters that still have routes
                        foreach (Consumer consumer in m_localDestinationLookup.Keys.Where(consumer => !globalCache.GlobalDestinationLookup.ContainsKey(consumer.Adapter)).ToList())

                        // Update the local cache version
                        m_version = globalCache.Version;

                    foreach (IMeasurement measurement in measurements)
                        // Attempt to look up the signal in the local cache
                        if (!m_localSignalLookup.TryGetValue(measurement.ID, out producers))
                            // Not in the local cache - check the global cache and fall back on broadcast consumers
                            if (!globalCache.GlobalSignalLookup.TryGetValue(measurement.ID, out consumers))
                                consumers = globalCache.BroadcastConsumers;

                            // Get a producer for each of the consumers
                            producers = consumers
                                        .Select(consumer => m_localDestinationLookup.GetOrAdd(consumer, c => new Producer(c.Manager)))

                            // Add this signal to the local cache
                            m_localSignalLookup.Add(measurement.ID, producers);

                        // Add this measurement to the producers' list
                        foreach (Producer producer in producers)

                    // Produce measurements to consumers in the local destination
                    // cache which have measurements to be received
                    foreach (Producer producer in m_localDestinationLookup.Values)
                        if (producer.Measurements.Count > 0)
        public void GetOrAddOverload()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            Func<string, string> adder = (key) =>
                return "bar";

            dictionary.GetOrAdd("fookey", adder).Should().Be("bar");
            dictionary.GetOrAdd("fookey", adder).Should().Be("bar");

            Action action = () => dictionary.GetOrAdd(null, addValueFactory: adder);

            action = () => dictionary.GetOrAdd("fookey", addValueFactory: null);

            dictionary = null;
Example #50
        public IEnumerable <IResolutionContext> GetItems(IToken token, IResolutionContext context)
            var resolver = resolvers.GetOrAdd(token, () => GetAllResolver(token));

            return(resolver(token, context));
Example #51
        internal async Task PublishDiagnosticsAsync(CodeAnalysis.Document document)
            // Retrieve all diagnostics for the current document grouped by their actual file uri.
            var fileUriToDiagnostics = await GetDiagnosticsAsync(document, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Get the list of file uris with diagnostics (for the document).
            // We need to join the uris from current diagnostics with those previously published
            // so that we clear out any diagnostics in mapped files that are no longer a part
            // of the current diagnostics set (because the diagnostics were fixed).
            // Use sorted set to have consistent publish ordering for tests and debugging.
            var urisForCurrentDocument = _documentsToPublishedUris.GetOrValue(document.Id, ImmutableSortedSet.Create <Uri>(s_uriComparer)).Union(fileUriToDiagnostics.Keys);

            // Update the mapping for this document to be the uris we're about to publish diagnostics for.
            _documentsToPublishedUris[document.Id] = urisForCurrentDocument;

            // Go through each uri and publish the updated set of diagnostics per uri.
            foreach (var fileUri in urisForCurrentDocument)
                // Get the updated diagnostics for a single uri that were contributed by the current document.
                var diagnostics = fileUriToDiagnostics.GetOrValue(fileUri, ImmutableArray <LanguageServer.Protocol.Diagnostic> .Empty);

                if (_publishedFileToDiagnostics.ContainsKey(fileUri))
                    // Get all previously published diagnostics for this uri excluding those that were contributed from the current document.
                    // We don't need those since we just computed the updated values above.
                    var diagnosticsFromOtherDocuments = _publishedFileToDiagnostics[fileUri].Where(kvp => kvp.Key != document.Id).SelectMany(kvp => kvp.Value);

                    // Since diagnostics are replaced per uri, we must publish both contributions from this document and any other document
                    // that has diagnostic contributions to this uri, so union the two sets.
                    diagnostics = diagnostics.AddRange(diagnosticsFromOtherDocuments);

                await SendDiagnosticsNotificationAsync(fileUri, diagnostics).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // There are three cases here ->
                // 1.  There are no diagnostics to publish for this fileUri.  We no longer need to track the fileUri at all.
                // 2.  There are diagnostics from the current document.  Store the diagnostics for the fileUri and document
                //      so they can be published along with contributions to the fileUri from other documents.
                // 3.  There are no diagnostics contributed by this document to the fileUri (could be some from other documents).
                //     We should clear out the diagnostics for this document for the fileUri.
                if (diagnostics.IsEmpty)
                    // We published an empty set of diagnostics for this uri.  We no longer need to keep track of this mapping
                    // since there will be no previous diagnostics that we need to clear out.
                    _documentsToPublishedUris.MultiRemove(document.Id, fileUri);

                    // There are not any diagnostics to keep track of for this file, so we can stop.
                else if (fileUriToDiagnostics.ContainsKey(fileUri))
                    // We do have diagnostics from the current document - update the published diagnostics map
                    // to contain the new diagnostics contributed by this document for this uri.
                    var documentsToPublishedDiagnostics = _publishedFileToDiagnostics.GetOrAdd(fileUri, (_) =>
                                                                                               new Dictionary <DocumentId, ImmutableArray <LanguageServer.Protocol.Diagnostic> >());
                    documentsToPublishedDiagnostics[document.Id] = fileUriToDiagnostics[fileUri];
                    // There were diagnostics from other documents, but none from the current document.
                    // If we're tracking the current document, we can stop.
                    _documentsToPublishedUris.MultiRemove(document.Id, fileUri);
Example #52
 public Pen GetPen(Color color)
     return(_pens.GetOrAdd(color, _ => new Pen(color)));
Example #53
            public void Execute()

                //We only want to run the base query once, so we capture all of the facet-ing terms then run the query
                //	once through the collector and pull out all of the terms in one shot
                var allCollector = new GatherAllCollector();
                var facetsByName = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, FacetValue>>();

                using (var currentState = Database.IndexStorage.GetCurrentStateHolder(Index))
                    var currentIndexSearcher = currentState.IndexSearcher;

                    var baseQuery = Database.IndexStorage.GetDocumentQuery(Index, IndexQuery, Database.IndexQueryTriggers);
                    currentIndexSearcher.Search(baseQuery, allCollector);
                    var fields = Facets.Values.Select(x => x.Name)
                            .Concat(Ranges.Select(x => x.Key));
                    var fieldsToRead = new HashSet<string>(fields);
                        (term, doc) =>
                            var facets = Facets.Values.Where(facet => facet.Name == term.Field);
                            foreach (var facet in facets)
                                switch (facet.Mode)
                                    case FacetMode.Default:
                                        var facetValues = facetsByName.GetOrAdd(facet.DisplayName);
                                        FacetValue existing;
                                        if (facetValues.TryGetValue(term.Text, out existing) == false)
                                            existing = new FacetValue
                                                Range = GetRangeName(term)
                                            facetValues[term.Text] = existing;
                                        ApplyFacetValueHit(existing, facet, doc, null);
                                    case FacetMode.Ranges:
                                        List<ParsedRange> list;
                                        if (Ranges.TryGetValue(term.Field, out list))
                                            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                                                var parsedRange = list[i];
                                                if (parsedRange.IsMatch(term.Text))
                                                    var facetValue = Results.Results[term.Field].Values[i];
                                                    ApplyFacetValueHit(facetValue, facet, doc, parsedRange);
                                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();


Example #54
 /// <summary>
 /// Determina se o tipo possui um construtor padrĂ£o
 /// </summary>
 public static bool HasDefaultConstructor(this Type type)
     // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
     return(_hasDefaultConstructor.GetOrAdd(type, () => type.IsValueType || type.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null) != null).Value);
            private Dictionary<SyntaxToken, LeadingTrailingTriviaPair> CreateTokenLeadingTrailingTriviaMap(
                Dictionary<TriviaLocation, SyntaxToken> tokens)
                var tuple = default(LeadingTrailingTriviaPair);
                var map = new Dictionary<SyntaxToken, LeadingTrailingTriviaPair>();

                tuple = map.GetOrAdd(tokens[TriviaLocation.BeforeBeginningOfSpan], _ => default(LeadingTrailingTriviaPair));
                map[tokens[TriviaLocation.BeforeBeginningOfSpan]] = new LeadingTrailingTriviaPair
                    LeadingTrivia = tuple.LeadingTrivia,
                    TrailingTrivia = _triviaList[TriviaLocation.BeforeBeginningOfSpan]

                tuple = map.GetOrAdd(tokens[TriviaLocation.AfterBeginningOfSpan], _ => default(LeadingTrailingTriviaPair));
                map[tokens[TriviaLocation.AfterBeginningOfSpan]] = new LeadingTrailingTriviaPair
                    LeadingTrivia = _triviaList[TriviaLocation.AfterBeginningOfSpan],
                    TrailingTrivia = tuple.TrailingTrivia

                tuple = map.GetOrAdd(tokens[TriviaLocation.BeforeEndOfSpan], _ => default(LeadingTrailingTriviaPair));
                map[tokens[TriviaLocation.BeforeEndOfSpan]] = new LeadingTrailingTriviaPair
                    LeadingTrivia = tuple.LeadingTrivia,
                    TrailingTrivia = _triviaList[TriviaLocation.BeforeEndOfSpan]

                tuple = map.GetOrAdd(tokens[TriviaLocation.AfterEndOfSpan], _ => default(LeadingTrailingTriviaPair));
                map[tokens[TriviaLocation.AfterEndOfSpan]] = new LeadingTrailingTriviaPair
                    LeadingTrivia = _triviaList[TriviaLocation.AfterEndOfSpan],
                    TrailingTrivia = tuple.TrailingTrivia

                return map;
Example #56
        public virtual void RegisterSpawnPoint(SpawnPoint spawnPoint)
            //Debug.Log($"Registering spawnpoint {spawnPoint.name} of type '{spawnPoint.Tag}'");

Example #57
        // Reads statistics from the archive and stores them in a format that can
        // be easily manipulated to determine which devices belong in which levels.
        private void ReadStatistics()
            ArchiveLocator locator;
            DateTime startTime;
            DateTime endTime;

            Dictionary<int, Aggregate> aggregateLookup;
            Aggregate currentAggregate;
            int currentHistorianID;

            Dictionary<string, DeviceStats> deviceStatsLookup;
            DeviceStats deviceStats;
            SignalStats signalStats;
            string signalName;
            int index;

            deviceStatsLookup = new Dictionary<string, DeviceStats>();

            // Create the statistics reader for reading statistics from the archive
            using (StatisticsReader statisticsReader = new StatisticsReader())
                // Create the archive locator to
                // determine the location of the archive
                locator = new ArchiveLocator()
                    ArchiveLocation = m_archiveLocation,
                    ArchiveLocationName = "Statistics",
                    ArchiveName = "STAT"

                endTime = m_reportDate.ToUniversalTime() + TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
                startTime = endTime - TimeSpan.FromDays(ReportDays);

                // Set up and open the statistics reader
                statisticsReader.StartTime = startTime;
                statisticsReader.EndTime = endTime;
                statisticsReader.ArchiveFilePath = locator.ArchiveFilePath;

                // Create lookup tables for each
                aggregateLookup = new Dictionary<int, Aggregate>();

                foreach (MetadataRecord record in statisticsReader.MetadataRecords)
                    if (IsDesiredDeviceStat(record.Synonym1))
                        deviceStats = deviceStatsLookup.GetOrAdd(GetDeviceNameForStat(record.Synonym1), name => new DeviceStats()
                            Name = name,
                            MeasurementsExpected = new Aggregate(ReportDays),
                            MeasurementsReceived = new Aggregate(ReportDays),
                            SignalStatsLookup = new Dictionary<string, SignalStats>()

                        if (record.Synonym1.EndsWith("!PMU-ST5", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            aggregateLookup[record.HistorianID] = deviceStats.MeasurementsExpected;
                        else if (record.Synonym1.EndsWith("!PMU-ST4", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            aggregateLookup[record.HistorianID] = deviceStats.MeasurementsReceived;
                    else if (IsDesiredSignalStat(record.Synonym1))
                        signalName = GetSignalName(record.Synonym1);

                        deviceStats = deviceStatsLookup.GetOrAdd(GetDeviceNameForSignal(signalName), name => new DeviceStats()
                            Name = name,
                            MeasurementsExpected = new Aggregate(ReportDays),
                            MeasurementsReceived = new Aggregate(ReportDays),
                            SignalStatsLookup = new Dictionary<string, SignalStats>()

                        signalStats = deviceStats.SignalStatsLookup.GetOrAdd(signalName, name => new SignalStats()
                            Name = name,
                            MeasurementsLatched = new Aggregate(ReportDays),
                            MeasurementsUnreasonable = new Aggregate(ReportDays)

                        if (record.Synonym1.StartsWith("980!"))
                            aggregateLookup[record.HistorianID] = signalStats.MeasurementsLatched;
                        else if (record.Synonym1.StartsWith("900!"))
                            aggregateLookup[record.HistorianID] = signalStats.MeasurementsUnreasonable;

                currentAggregate = null;
                currentHistorianID = -1;

                foreach (IDataPoint dataPoint in statisticsReader.Read(aggregateLookup.Keys))
                    index = (dataPoint.Time.ToDateTime() - startTime).Days;

                    if (index < 0 || index >= ReportDays)

                    if (dataPoint.HistorianID != currentHistorianID)
                        aggregateLookup.TryGetValue(dataPoint.HistorianID, out currentAggregate);
                        currentHistorianID = dataPoint.HistorianID;

                    if ((object)currentAggregate != null)
                        currentAggregate.Add(index, dataPoint.Value);

            // Store the statistics data to be used in the report
            m_deviceStatsList = deviceStatsLookup.Values.ToList();
Example #58
 ITraitContainer InnerGet(Type t)
     return(traits.GetOrAdd(t, CreateTraitContainer));
Example #59
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            string input  = "";
            string output = "";

            Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args)
            .WithParsed(o =>
                input = o.Input;
                Console.WriteLine($"Input Dir: {input}");

                output = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.Output) ? AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory : o.Output;
                Console.WriteLine($"Output Dir: {output}");

                if (Directory.Exists(input))
                    Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> > resultDict = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> >();
                    string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(input, "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                    foreach (string file in files)
                        using (ModuleDefMD module = ModuleDefMD.Load(file))
                            foreach (TypeDef type in module.GetTypes())
                                foreach (MethodDef method in type.Methods)
                                    if (!method.HasBody)

                                    bool   localizable = false;
                                    string operandType = "";

                                    foreach (Instruction instr in method.Body.Instructions)
                                        if (instr.OpCode == OpCodes.Call && instr.Operand.ToString().IndexOf("IStringLocalizer`1", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) >= 0)
                                            MethodDef md = instr.Operand as MethodDef;
                                            if (md?.ReturnType != null && md.ReturnType.IsGenericInstanceType)
                                                GenericInstSig sig = md.ReturnType as GenericInstSig;
                                                if (sig?.GenericArguments != null && sig.GenericArguments.Count > 0)
                                                    localizable = true;
                                                    operandType = sig.GenericArguments[0].TypeName;


                                        if (instr.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && localizable && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(operandType))
                                            HashSet <string> resources = resultDict.GetOrAdd(operandType, s => new HashSet <string>());
                                            string           value     = WebUtility.HtmlEncode((string)instr.Operand);
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                                                Console.WriteLine($"Resource: {operandType}{Environment.NewLine}Value: {value}");

                                        localizable = false;
                                        operandType = "";

                        if (!Directory.Exists(output))

                        string resxTemplate     = ReadResource("ResxTemplate.xml");
                        string resxTemplateItem = ReadResource("ResxTemplateItem.xml");

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, HashSet <string> > keyValuePair in resultDict)
                            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                            foreach (string str in keyValuePair.Value)
                                builder.AppendLine(string.Format(resxTemplateItem, str, str));

                            string resxFile = Path.Combine(output, $"{keyValuePair.Key}.en-US.resx");
                            if (File.Exists(resxFile))

                            //File.WriteAllText(resxFile, PrettyXml(string.Format(resxTemplate, builder)));
                            File.WriteAllText(resxFile, string.Format(resxTemplate, builder.ToString().TrimEnd(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray())));
                    Console.WriteLine($"Input Directory '{input}' does not exists!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {ex.Message}");

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
Example #60
 private List <INode> GetNodesChain(IToken token)
     return(nodeChains.GetOrAdd(token, () => node.Tree.GetNode(token).GetParentalChain()));