public List <StudentSubject> StudentBySubjects(Guid idStudent)   //Meu Funciona OK, torna llista dels IDs dels students i les ID de les seves Subjects.
            var repo     = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <StudentSubject> >();
            var entityId = repo.QueryAll().Where(e => e.StudentId == idStudent).ToList();

Example #2
        public List <StudentSubject> StudentBySubjects(Guid idStudent)
            var repo     = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <StudentSubject> >();
            var entityId = repo.QueryAll().Where(e => e.StudentId == idStudent).ToList();

Example #3
        public Exam FindExam(Guid idExam)
            var repo   = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <Exam> >();
            var entity = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == idExam);

Example #4
        public static ValidationResult <string> ValidateExist(string dni)
            var output = new ValidationResult <string>()
                IsSuccess = true

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dni))
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("El DNI no puede estar vacío");
            else if (dni.Length < 9)
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("El DNI no tiene un formato correcto");

            #region check existence
            var repo          = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <Empleat> >();
            var entityWithDni = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Dni == dni);

            if (entityWithDni == null)
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add($"No existe empled@ con ese DNI {dni}");

            if (output.IsSuccess)
                output.ValidatedResult = dni;
Example #5
        public static ValidationResult <int> ValidateChairNumber(string chairNumberText, Guid currentId = default, bool dublicate = true)
            var output = new ValidationResult <int>()
                IsSuccess = true

            var chairNumber    = 0;
            var isConversionOk = false;

            #region check null or empty
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chairNumberText))
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("el número de la silla no puede estar vacío o nulo");

            #region check format conversion

            isConversionOk = int.TryParse(chairNumberText, out chairNumber);

            if (!isConversionOk)
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add($"no se puede convertir {chairNumber} en número");


            #region check if the char is already in use

            if (isConversionOk && dublicate)
                var repoStudents          = DepCon.Resolve <IStudentsRepository>();
                var currentStudentInChair = repoStudents.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(s => s.ChairNumber == chairNumber);

                if (currentStudentInChair != null)
                    if (currentId == default)
                        output.IsSuccess = false;
                        output.Errors.Add($"ya hay un alumno {currentStudentInChair.Name} en la silla {chairNumber}");
                    else if (currentId != default && currentStudentInChair.Id != currentId)
                        output.IsSuccess = false;
                        output.Errors.Add($"ya hay un alumno {currentStudentInChair.Name} en la silla {chairNumber}");

            if (output.IsSuccess)
                output.ValidatedResult = chairNumber;

Example #6
        public static ValidationResult <string> ValidateExistSub(string name, Guid currentId = default)
            var output = new ValidationResult <string>()
                IsSuccess = true

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("No ha introducido el nombre de la asignatura");
                var repo           = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <Subjects> >();
                var entityWithName = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name);

                if (entityWithName.Name == null)
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add($"No existe una asignatura con este nombre {name}");

            if (output.IsSuccess)
                output.ValidatedResult = name;

Example #7
        public virtual SaveResult <T> Save <T>() where T : Entity
            var output = new SaveResult <T>();

            CurrentValidation = Validate();

            if (CurrentValidation.IsSuccess)
                var repo = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <T> >();

                if (this.Id == Guid.Empty)
                    this.Id = Guid.NewGuid();   //Added Jaume 18/01/2020
                    output  = repo.Add(this as T);
                    output = repo.Update(this as T);

            output.Validation = CurrentValidation;

Example #8
        public virtual SaveResult <T> Delete <T>() where T : Entity
            var output = new SaveResult <T>();
            var repo   = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <T> >();

            repo.Delete(this as T);
        public tRepo GetRepository <tRepo>()
            if (log.IsInfoEnabled)

            return(DepCon.GetDependency <tRepo>());
        public ValidationResult <string> ValidateName(Guid studentId, Guid subjectId, Guid currentId = default)
            var output = new ValidationResult <string>()
                IsSuccess = true

            var studentBySubjects = new List <StudentSubject>();

            studentBySubjects = StudentBySubjects(studentId);

            //On Delete
            if (currentId != default)
                output.IsSuccess = true;

            //On Create
                if (studentId == default)
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add("el Student no puede estar vacío");

                    if (subjectId == default)
                        output.IsSuccess = false;
                        output.Errors.Add("la Asignatura no puede estar vacío");

                        var repo = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <StudentSubject> >();

                        if (studentBySubjects != null && studentBySubjects.Any(x => x.SubjectId == subjectId))
                            output.IsSuccess = false;
                            output.Errors.Add("Ya está asignada esta Asignatura");

Example #11
        public static ValidationResult <string> ValidateName(string name, Guid currentId = default)
            var output = new ValidationResult <string>()
                IsSuccess = true

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("el nombre de la asignatura no puede estar vacío");

            #region check duplication

            var repo           = DepCon.Resolve <ISubjectsRepository>();
            var entityWithName = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name);

            // Aqui llamariamos directamente a memoria:

            //var repo = DepCon.Resolve<IRepository<Subject>>();
            // var entityWithName = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name);

            //var repo = new StudentRepository();
            //var entityWithDni = repo.GetStudentByDni(dni);
            if (entityWithName != null)
                if (currentId == default && entityWithName != null)
                    // on create
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add("ya existe una asignatura con ese nombre");
                else if (currentId != default && entityWithName.Id != currentId)
                    // on update
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add("ya existe una asignatura con ese nombre");

            if (output.IsSuccess)
                output.ValidatedResult = name;
Example #12
        public ValidationResult <string> ValidateStudentExam(Guid studentId, Guid examId, Guid currentId = default)
            var output = new ValidationResult <string>()
                IsSuccess = true

            var studentByExams = new List <StudentExam>();

            studentByExams = StudentByExams(studentId);

            //On Delete
            if (currentId != default)
                output.IsSuccess = true;

            //On Create
                if (studentId == default)
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add("El Student no puede estar vacío");

                    if (examId == default)
                        output.IsSuccess = false;
                        output.Errors.Add("El Examen no puede estar vacío");

                        var repo = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <StudentSubject> >();

                        if (studentByExams != null && studentByExams.Any(x => x.ExamId == examId))
                            output.IsSuccess = false;
                            output.Errors.Add("Ya está registrado este Examen");

Example #13
        public static ValidationResult <string> ValidateDni(string dni, Guid currentId = default)
            var output = new ValidationResult <string>()
                IsSuccess = true

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dni))
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("el dni del alumno no puede estar vacío");

            #region check duplication

            var repo          = DepCon.Resolve <IStudentRepository>();
            var entityWithDni = repo.FindByDni(dni);

            //var repo = new Repository<Student>();
            //var entityWithDni = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Dni == dni);

            //var repo = new StudentRepository();
            //var entityWithDni = repo.GetStudentByDni(dni);

            if (entityWithDni != null)
                if (currentId == default && entityWithDni != null)
                    // on create
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add("ya existe un alumno con ese dni");
                else if (currentId != default && entityWithDni.Id != currentId)
                    // on update
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add("ya existe un alumno con ese dni");


            if (output.IsSuccess)
                output.ValidatedResult = dni;
Example #14
        public virtual DeleteResult <T> Delete <T>() where T : Entity
            var output = new DeleteResult <T>();

            CurrentValidation = Validate();

            if (CurrentValidation.IsSuccess)
                var repo = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <T> >();
                output = repo.Delete(this as T);

            output.Validation = CurrentValidation;

Example #15
        public static ValidationResult <string> ValidateDni(string dni, Guid currentId = default)
            var output = new ValidationResult <string>()
                IsSuccess = true

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dni))
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("Debe informar DNI emplead@");
            else if (dni.Length < 9)
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("El DNI de emplead@ no tiene un formato correcto");

            #region check duplication
            var repo          = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <Empleat> >();
            var entityWithDni = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Dni == dni);

            if (currentId == default && entityWithDni != null)
                // on create
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("Ya existe emplead@ con este DNI");
            else if (currentId != default && entityWithDni != null && entityWithDni.Id != currentId)
                if (entityWithDni.Dni == dni)
                    // on update
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add("Ya existe emplead@ con este DNI");

            if (output.IsSuccess)
                output.ValidatedResult = dni;

Example #16
        public static ValidationResult <int> ValidateChairNumber(string chairNumberText, string namesubject, string dniStudent)
            var output = new ValidationResult <int>()
                IsSuccess = true

            var chairNumber    = 0;
            var isConversionOk = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chairNumberText))
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("Debe informar el número de silla");
                // check format conversion
                isConversionOk = int.TryParse(chairNumberText, out chairNumber);

                if (!isConversionOk)
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add($"No se puede convertir {chairNumber} en número");
                    // check if the char is already in use
                    var repo             = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <Courses> >();
                    var entityWithNumber = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(s => s.NameSubject == namesubject && s.ChairNumber == chairNumber);

                    if (entityWithNumber != null && entityWithNumber.DniStudent != dniStudent)
                        output.IsSuccess = false;
                        output.Errors.Add($"Ya existe un alumno en la silla {chairNumber}");

            if (output.IsSuccess)
                output.ValidatedResult = chairNumber;

        public static ValidationResult <string> ValidateDni(string dni, Guid currentId = default)
            var output = new ValidationResult <string>()
                IsSuccess = true

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dni))
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("el dni del alumno no puede estar vacío");

            #region check duplication
            var repo = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <Student> >();

            //var entityWithDni = repo.GetStudentByDni(dni, currentId);  //Jose
            var entityWithDni = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Dni == dni);

            if (currentId == default && entityWithDni != null)
                // on create
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("ya existe un alumno con ese dni");

            else if (currentId != default && entityWithDni != null && entityWithDni.Id != currentId)    //Modificado
                if (entityWithDni.Dni == dni)
                    // on update
                    // Console.WriteLine("Soy Student : Ya existe un alumno con este DNI");  //Meu
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add("ya existe un alumno con ese dni");

            if (output.IsSuccess)
                output.ValidatedResult = dni;

        public static ValidationResult <string> ValidateName(string name, Guid currentId = default)
            var output = new ValidationResult <string>()
                IsSuccess = true

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("el nombre de la asignatura no puede estar vacío");

            #region check duplication
            var repo = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <Subject> >();

            var entityWithName = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name);

            if (currentId == default && entityWithName != null)
                // on create
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("ya existe una Asignatura con ese nombre");
                // Console.WriteLine("Soy Subject : Ya existe una Asignatura con este Nombre");
            //else if (currentId != default && entityWithName.Id != currentId)  //Original
            else if (currentId != default && entityWithName != null && entityWithName.Id != currentId)    //Modificado
                if (entityWithName.Name == name)
                    // on update
                    // Console.WriteLine("Soy Subject : Ya existe una Asignatura con este Nombre");
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add("Ya existe una Asignatura con este Nombre");

            if (output.IsSuccess)
                output.ValidatedResult = name;

        public static ValidationResult <string> ValidateEmail(string email, Guid currentId = default)
            var output = new ValidationResult <string>()
                IsSuccess = true

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("el email del alumno no puede estar vacío");

            #region check duplication
            var repo = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <Student> >();

            var entityWithEmail = repo.QueryAll().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Email == email);

            if (currentId == default && entityWithEmail != null)
                // on create
                output.IsSuccess = false;
                output.Errors.Add("ya existe un alumno con ese email");

            else if (currentId != default && entityWithEmail != null && entityWithEmail.Id != currentId)    //Modificado
                if (entityWithEmail.Email == email)
                    // on update
                    output.IsSuccess = false;
                    output.Errors.Add("ya existe un alumno con ese email");

            if (output.IsSuccess)
                output.ValidatedResult = email;

Example #20
        public virtual SaveValidation <T> Save <T>() where T : Entity
            var output = new SaveValidation <T>();

            CurrentValidation = Validate();

            if (CurrentValidation.ValidationSuccesful)
                var repo = DepCon.Resolve <IRepository <T> >();

                if (this.Id == Guid.Empty)
                    output = repo.Add(this as T);
                    output = repo.Update(this as T);

            output.Validation = CurrentValidation;
