Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct an initial simplex, given starting guesses for the constants, and
        /// initial step sizes for each dimension
        /// </summary>
        private static Vector <double>[] InitializeVertices(SimplexConstant[] simplexConstants)
            int numDimensions = simplexConstants.Length;

            Vector <double>[] vertices = new Vector <double> [numDimensions + 1];

            // define one point of the simplex as the given initial guesses
            Vector <double> p0 = new DenseVector(numDimensions);

            for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++)
                p0[i] = simplexConstants[i].Value;

            // now fill in the vertices, creating the additional points as:
            // P(i) = P(0) + Scale(i) * UnitVector(i)
            vertices[0] = p0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++)
                double scale      = simplexConstants[i].InitialPerturbation;
                Vector unitVector = new DenseVector(numDimensions);
                unitVector[i]   = 1;
                vertices[i + 1] = p0.Add(unitVector.Multiply(scale));
Example #2
        public static bool TryFindRootWithJacobianStep(Func <Real[], Real[]> f,
                                                       Real[] initialGuess,
                                                       Real accuracy,
                                                       int maxIterations,
                                                       Real jacobianStepSize,
                                                       out Real[] root)
            DenseVector denseVector1 = new DenseVector(initialGuess);

            Real[]      numArray     = f(initialGuess);
            DenseVector denseVector2 = new DenseVector(numArray);
            Real        num1         = ToReal(denseVector2.L2Norm());

            Matrix <Real> approximateJacobian =
                Broyden.CalculateApproximateJacobian(f, initialGuess, numArray, jacobianStepSize);

            for (int index = 0; index <= maxIterations; ++index)
                DenseVector denseVector3 = (DenseVector)(-approximateJacobian.LU().Solve(denseVector2));
                DenseVector denseVector4 = denseVector1 + denseVector3;
                DenseVector denseVector5 = new DenseVector(f(denseVector4.Values));
                Real        num2         = ToReal(denseVector5.L2Norm());

                if (num2 > num1)
                    Real num3 = num1 * num1;
                    Real num4 = num3 / (num3 + num2 * num2);
                    if (num4 == 0.0)
                        num4 = ToReal(0.0001);
                    denseVector3 = num4 * denseVector3;
                    denseVector4 = denseVector1 + denseVector3;
                    denseVector5 = new DenseVector(f(denseVector4.Values));
                    num2         = ToReal(denseVector5.L2Norm());

                if (num2 < accuracy)
                    root = denseVector4.Values;


                Matrix <Real> matrix =
                    (denseVector5 - denseVector2 - approximateJacobian.Multiply(denseVector3)).ToColumnMatrix()
                    * denseVector3.Multiply(ToReal(1.0) / Math.Pow(ToReal(denseVector3.L2Norm()), ToReal(2.0)))

                approximateJacobian += matrix;
                denseVector1         = denseVector4;
                denseVector2         = denseVector5;
                num1 = num2;

            root = null;

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the centroid of all points except the worst
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices"></param>
        /// <param name="errorProfile"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Vector ComputeCentroid(Vector <double>[] vertices, ErrorProfile errorProfile)
            int numVertices = vertices.Length;
            // find the centroid of all points except the worst one
            Vector centroid = new DenseVector(numVertices - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                if (i != errorProfile.HighestIndex)
                    centroid = (Vector)centroid.Add(vertices[i]);
            return((Vector)centroid.Multiply(1.0d / (numVertices - 1)));
Example #4
        public static double[] bar3gfBarnes(double[][] ec, double[] ep, double[] ed, double ten)
            // Compute the internal force vector for a cable element according to:
            // by M. R. BARNES (1988)
            //ed = [a_1 a_2 ... a_6]; Element nodal displacements
            //ep = [E A]; element properties
            //ten = [ten]; Specified initial element tension

            //ef = F_int = [f_1 f_2 ... f_6]';
            //ec format: [x,y,z][node1,node2...]
            //ed format: [node1x, node1y, node1z, node2x...]

            double l0 = getElementLength(ec);

            double[][] ecUpdated = updateEcWithDisp(ec, ed);
            double     l         = getElementLength(ecUpdated); //Current length

            //Current element force
            double tm = ten + (ep[0] * ep[1] / l0) * (l - l0);

            //Direction vector
            Vector v = new DenseVector(3);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                v[i] = ecUpdated[i][0] - ecUpdated[i][1];

            double vl = v.Norm(2);
            Vector x  = new DenseVector(6);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                x[i] = v[i] / vl;

            //Reverse direction vector
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                x[i + 3] = -v[i] / vl;

Example #5
        public bool Optimize(Vector <double> resultAndInitPos, IFunctionWithDerivative function, double minDerivCompMaxMagn,
                             Action <int, Func <Vector <double> > > iterationCallback, CancellationToken ct)
            Contract.Requires(resultAndInitPos.Count == function.DimensionsCount);
            Contract.Requires(minDerivCompMaxMagn > 0);

            var derivative = new DenseVector(function.DimensionsCount);
            var prevStep   = new DenseVector(function.DimensionsCount);
            var position   = new DenseVector(function.DimensionsCount);

            for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIters; ++iter)
                if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)


                double momentum = momentumStart + (momentumEnd - momentumStart) * ((double)iter / maxIters);
                // Compute derivative take step to point + momentum * prevStep and compute derivative there.
                prevStep.Multiply(momentum, prevStep);
                prevStep.Add(position, resultAndInitPos);
                function.Derivate(derivative, resultAndInitPos);
                if (derivative.AbsoluteMaximum() < minDerivCompMaxMagn)

                // Scale derivative and subtract from result to take "correction" step.
                derivative.Multiply(step, derivative);
                resultAndInitPos.Subtract(derivative, resultAndInitPos);

                // Conpute prevStep as (result - point).
                resultAndInitPos.Subtract(position, prevStep);

                if (iterationCallback != null)
                    iterationCallback(iter, resultAndInitPos.Clone);

        /// <summary>
        /// Estimate class weights for unbalanced datasets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classes">Sorted array of the classes occurring in the data.</param>
        /// <param name="yInd">Array of class indices per sample.</param>
        /// <returns>Array with ith element - the weight for i-th class (as determined by sorting).</returns>
        private static Vector ComputeClassWeightAuto(TLabel[] classes, int[] yInd)
            // inversely proportional to the number of samples in the class
            var histogram = new Dictionary <TLabel, int>();

            foreach (var ind in yInd)
                int val;
                histogram.TryGetValue(classes[ind], out val);
                histogram[classes[ind]] = val;

            Vector weight = new DenseVector(classes.Count());

            for (int i = 0; i < classes.Count(); i++)
                weight[i] = 1.0 / (histogram.ContainsKey(classes[i]) ? histogram[classes[i]] : 1);

            weight.Multiply(1.0 * classes.Length / weight.Sum(), weight);
Example #7
        public bool Optimize(Vector <double> resultAndInitPos, IFunctionWithDerivative function, double minDerivCompMaxMagn,
                             Action <int, Func <Vector <double> > > iterationCallback, CancellationToken ct)
            Contract.Requires(resultAndInitPos.Count == function.DimensionsCount);
            Contract.Requires(minDerivCompMaxMagn > 0);

            var derivative = new DenseVector(function.DimensionsCount);
            var prevStep   = new DenseVector(function.DimensionsCount);

            for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIters; ++iter)
                if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

                function.Derivate(derivative, resultAndInitPos);
                if (derivative.AbsoluteMaximum() < minDerivCompMaxMagn)

                derivative.Multiply(step, derivative);

                double momentum = momentumStart + (momentumEnd - momentumStart) * ((double)iter / maxIters);
                prevStep.Multiply(momentum, prevStep);
                prevStep.Add(derivative, prevStep);
                resultAndInitPos.Subtract(prevStep, resultAndInitPos);

                if (iterationCallback != null)
                    iterationCallback(iter, resultAndInitPos.Clone);

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient <see cref="Matrix"/>, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution <see cref="Vector"/>, <c>b</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result <see cref="Vector"/>, <c>x</c>.</param>
        public void Solve(Matrix matrix, Vector input, Vector result)
            // If we were stopped before, we are no longer
            // We're doing this at the start of the method to ensure
            // that we can use these fields immediately.
            _hasBeenStopped = false;

            // Parameters checks
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentVectorsSameLength);

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw Matrix.DimensionsDontMatch<ArgumentException>(input, result);

            // Initialize the solver fields
            // Set the convergence monitor
            if (_iterator == null)
                _iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();

            if (_preconditioner == null)
                _preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner();
            // Compute r_0 = b - Ax_0 for some initial guess x_0
            // In this case we take x_0 = vector
            // This is basically a SAXPY so it could be made a lot faster
            Vector residuals = new DenseVector(matrix.RowCount);
            CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

            // Choose r~ (for example, r~ = r_0)
            var tempResiduals = residuals.Clone();

            // create seven temporary vectors needed to hold temporary
            // coefficients. All vectors are mangled in each iteration.
            // These are defined here to prevent stressing the garbage collector
            Vector vecP = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector vecPdash = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector nu = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector vecS = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector vecSdash = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp2 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // create some temporary double variables that are needed
            // to hold values in between iterations
            Complex currentRho = 0;
            Complex alpha = 0;
            Complex omega = 0;

            var iterationNumber = 0;
            while (ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals))
                // rho_(i-1) = r~^T r_(i-1) // dotproduct r~ and r_(i-1)
                var oldRho = currentRho;
                currentRho = tempResiduals.DotProduct(residuals);

                // if (rho_(i-1) == 0) // METHOD FAILS
                // If rho is only 1 ULP from zero then we fail.
                if (currentRho.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && currentRho.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                    // Rho-type breakdown
                    throw new Exception("Iterative solver experience a numerical break down");

                if (iterationNumber != 0)
                    // beta_(i-1) = (rho_(i-1)/rho_(i-2))(alpha_(i-1)/omega(i-1))
                    var beta = (currentRho / oldRho) * (alpha / omega);

                    // p_i = r_(i-1) + beta_(i-1)(p_(i-1) - omega_(i-1) * nu_(i-1))
                    nu.Multiply(-omega, temp);
                    vecP.Add(temp, temp2);

                    vecP.Multiply(beta, vecP);
                    vecP.Add(residuals, temp2);
                    // p_i = r_(i-1)

                // SOLVE Mp~ = p_i // M = preconditioner
                _preconditioner.Approximate(vecP, vecPdash);
                // nu_i = Ap~
                matrix.Multiply(vecPdash, nu);

                // alpha_i = rho_(i-1)/ (r~^T nu_i) = rho / dotproduct(r~ and nu_i)
                alpha = currentRho * 1 / tempResiduals.DotProduct(nu);

                // s = r_(i-1) - alpha_i nu_i
                nu.Multiply(-alpha, temp);
                residuals.Add(temp, vecS);

                // Check if we're converged. If so then stop. Otherwise continue;
                // Calculate the temporary result. 
                // Be careful not to change any of the temp vectors, except for
                // temp. Others will be used in the calculation later on.
                // x_i = x_(i-1) + alpha_i * p^_i + s^_i
                vecPdash.Multiply(alpha, temp);
                temp.Add(vecSdash, temp2);
                temp.Add(result, temp2);

                // Check convergence and stop if we are converged.
                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, temp, input, vecS))

                    // Calculate the true residual
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

                    // Now recheck the convergence
                    if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals))
                        // We're all good now.

                    // Continue the calculation

                // SOLVE Ms~ = s
                _preconditioner.Approximate(vecS, vecSdash);

                // temp = As~
                matrix.Multiply(vecSdash, temp);

                // omega_i = temp^T s / temp^T temp
                omega = temp.DotProduct(vecS) / temp.DotProduct(temp);

                // x_i = x_(i-1) + alpha_i p^ + omega_i s^
                temp.Multiply(-omega, residuals);
                residuals.Add(vecS, temp2);

                vecSdash.Multiply(omega, temp);
                result.Add(temp, temp2);

                vecPdash.Multiply(alpha, temp);
                result.Add(temp, temp2);

                // for continuation it is necessary that omega_i != 0.0
                // If omega is only 1 ULP from zero then we fail.
                if (omega.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && omega.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                    // Omega-type breakdown
                    throw new Exception("Iterative solver experience a numerical break down");

                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals))
                    // Recalculate the residuals and go round again. This is done to ensure that
                    // we have the proper residuals.
                    // The residual calculation based on omega_i * s can be off by a factor 10. So here
                    // we calculate the real residual (which can be expensive) but we only do it if we're
                    // sufficiently close to the finish.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient matrix, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution vector, <c>b</c></param>
        /// <param name="result">The result vector, <c>x</c></param>
        public void Solve(Matrix matrix, Vector input, Vector result)
            // If we were stopped before, we are no longer
            // We're doing this at the start of the method to ensure
            // that we can use these fields immediately.
            _hasBeenStopped = false;

            // Error checks
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentVectorsSameLength);

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixDimensions);

            // Initialize the solver fields
            // Set the convergence monitor
            if (_iterator == null)
                _iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();

            if (_preconditioner == null)
                _preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner();


            var d = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var r = new DenseVector(input);

            var uodd  = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var ueven = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            var v = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var pseudoResiduals = new DenseVector(input);

            var x     = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var yodd  = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var yeven = new DenseVector(input);

            // Temp vectors
            var temp  = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var temp1 = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var temp2 = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            // Initialize
            var startNorm = input.Norm(2);

            // Define the scalars
            Complex alpha = 0;
            Complex eta   = 0;
            double  theta = 0;

            var     tau = startNorm.Real;
            Complex rho = tau * tau;

            // Calculate the initial values for v
            // M temp = yEven
            _preconditioner.Approximate(yeven, temp);

            // v = A temp
            matrix.Multiply(temp, v);

            // Set uOdd

            // Start the iteration
            var iterationNumber = 0;

            while (ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, pseudoResiduals))
                // First part of the step, the even bit
                if (IsEven(iterationNumber))
                    // sigma = (v, r)
                    var sigma = v.DotProduct(r.Conjugate());
                    if (sigma.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && sigma.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        // FAIL HERE

                    // alpha = rho / sigma
                    alpha = rho / sigma;

                    // yOdd = yEven - alpha * v
                    v.Multiply(-alpha, temp1);
                    yeven.Add(temp1, yodd);

                    // Solve M temp = yOdd
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(yodd, temp);

                    // uOdd = A temp
                    matrix.Multiply(temp, uodd);

                // The intermediate step which is equal for both even and
                // odd iteration steps.
                // Select the correct vector
                var uinternal = IsEven(iterationNumber) ? ueven : uodd;
                var yinternal = IsEven(iterationNumber) ? yeven : yodd;

                // pseudoResiduals = pseudoResiduals - alpha * uOdd
                uinternal.Multiply(-alpha, temp1);
                pseudoResiduals.Add(temp1, temp2);

                // d = yOdd + theta * theta * eta / alpha * d
                d.Multiply(theta * theta * eta / alpha, temp);
                yinternal.Add(temp, d);

                // theta = ||pseudoResiduals||_2 / tau
                theta = pseudoResiduals.Norm(2).Real / tau;
                var c = 1 / Math.Sqrt(1 + (theta * theta));

                // tau = tau * theta * c
                tau *= theta * c;

                // eta = c^2 * alpha
                eta = c * c * alpha;

                // x = x + eta * d
                d.Multiply(eta, temp1);
                x.Add(temp1, temp2);

                // Check convergence and see if we can bail
                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, pseudoResiduals))
                    // Calculate the real values
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(x, result);

                    // Calculate the true residual. Use the temp vector for that
                    // so that we don't pollute the pseudoResidual vector for no
                    // good reason.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, temp, result, input);

                    // Now recheck the convergence
                    if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, temp))
                        // We're all good now.

                // The odd step
                if (!IsEven(iterationNumber))
                    if (rho.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && rho.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        // FAIL HERE

                    var rhoNew = pseudoResiduals.DotProduct(r.Conjugate());
                    var beta   = rhoNew / rho;

                    // Update rho for the next loop
                    rho = rhoNew;

                    // yOdd = pseudoResiduals + beta * yOdd
                    yodd.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    pseudoResiduals.Add(temp1, yeven);

                    // Solve M temp = yOdd
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(yeven, temp);

                    // uOdd = A temp
                    matrix.Multiply(temp, ueven);

                    // v = uEven + beta * (uOdd + beta * v)
                    v.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    uodd.Add(temp1, temp);

                    temp.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    ueven.Add(temp1, v);

                // Calculate the real values
                _preconditioner.Approximate(x, result);

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient matrix, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution vector, <c>b</c></param>
        /// <param name="result">The result vector, <c>x</c></param>
        public void Solve(Matrix matrix, Vector input, Vector result)
            // If we were stopped before, we are no longer
            // We're doing this at the start of the method to ensure
            // that we can use these fields immediately.
            _hasBeenStopped = false;

            // Error checks
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentVectorsSameLength);

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixDimensions);

            // Initialize the solver fields
            // Set the convergence monitor
            if (_iterator == null)
                _iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();

            if (_preconditioner == null)
                _preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner();


            // x_0 is initial guess
            // Take x_0 = 0
            Vector xtemp = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            // r_0 = b - Ax_0
            // This is basically a SAXPY so it could be made a lot faster
            Vector residuals = new DenseVector(matrix.RowCount);

            CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, xtemp, input);

            // Define the temporary scalars
            Complex beta = 0;
            Complex sigma;

            // Define the temporary vectors
            // rDash_0 = r_0
            Vector rdash = new DenseVector(residuals);

            // t_-1 = 0
            Vector t  = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector t0 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // w_-1 = 0
            Vector w = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // Define the remaining temporary vectors
            Vector c = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector p = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector s = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector u = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector y = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector z = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            Vector temp  = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp2 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp3 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // for (k = 0, 1, .... )
            var iterationNumber = 0;

            while (ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals))
                // p_k = r_k + beta_(k-1) * (p_(k-1) - u_(k-1))
                p.Subtract(u, temp);

                temp.Multiply(beta, temp2);
                residuals.Add(temp2, p);

                // Solve M b_k = p_k
                _preconditioner.Approximate(p, temp);

                // s_k = A b_k
                matrix.Multiply(temp, s);

                // alpha_k = (r*_0 * r_k) / (r*_0 * s_k)
                var alpha = rdash.DotProduct(residuals) / rdash.DotProduct(s);

                // y_k = t_(k-1) - r_k - alpha_k * w_(k-1) + alpha_k s_k
                s.Subtract(w, temp);
                t.Subtract(residuals, y);

                temp.Multiply(alpha, temp2);
                y.Add(temp2, temp3);

                // Store the old value of t in t0

                // t_k = r_k - alpha_k s_k
                s.Multiply(-alpha, temp2);
                residuals.Add(temp2, t);

                // Solve M d_k = t_k
                _preconditioner.Approximate(t, temp);

                // c_k = A d_k
                matrix.Multiply(temp, c);
                var cdot = c.DotProduct(c);

                // cDot can only be zero if c is a zero vector
                // We'll set cDot to 1 if it is zero to prevent NaN's
                // Note that the calculation should continue fine because
                // c.DotProduct(t) will be zero and so will c.DotProduct(y)
                if (cdot.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && cdot.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                    cdot = 1.0;

                // Even if we don't want to do any BiCGStab steps we'll still have
                // to do at least one at the start to initialize the
                // system, but we'll only have to take special measures
                // if we don't do any so ...
                var     ctdot = c.DotProduct(t);
                Complex eta;
                if (((_numberOfBiCgStabSteps == 0) && (iterationNumber == 0)) || ShouldRunBiCgStabSteps(iterationNumber))
                    // sigma_k = (c_k * t_k) / (c_k * c_k)
                    sigma = ctdot / cdot;

                    // eta_k = 0
                    eta = 0;
                    var ydot = y.DotProduct(y);

                    // yDot can only be zero if y is a zero vector
                    // We'll set yDot to 1 if it is zero to prevent NaN's
                    // Note that the calculation should continue fine because
                    // y.DotProduct(t) will be zero and so will c.DotProduct(y)
                    if (ydot.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && ydot.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        ydot = 1.0;

                    var ytdot = y.DotProduct(t);
                    var cydot = c.DotProduct(y);

                    var denom = (cdot * ydot) - (cydot * cydot);

                    // sigma_k = ((y_k * y_k)(c_k * t_k) - (y_k * t_k)(c_k * y_k)) / ((c_k * c_k)(y_k * y_k) - (y_k * c_k)(c_k * y_k))
                    sigma = ((ydot * ctdot) - (ytdot * cydot)) / denom;

                    // eta_k = ((c_k * c_k)(y_k * t_k) - (y_k * c_k)(c_k * t_k)) / ((c_k * c_k)(y_k * y_k) - (y_k * c_k)(c_k * y_k))
                    eta = ((cdot * ytdot) - (cydot * ctdot)) / denom;

                // u_k = sigma_k s_k + eta_k (t_(k-1) - r_k + beta_(k-1) u_(k-1))
                u.Multiply(beta, temp2);
                t0.Add(temp2, temp);

                temp.Subtract(residuals, temp3);
                temp.Multiply(eta, temp);

                s.Multiply(sigma, temp2);
                temp.Add(temp2, u);

                // z_k = sigma_k r_k +_ eta_k z_(k-1) - alpha_k u_k
                z.Multiply(eta, z);
                u.Multiply(-alpha, temp2);
                z.Add(temp2, temp3);

                residuals.Multiply(sigma, temp2);
                z.Add(temp2, temp3);

                // x_(k+1) = x_k + alpha_k p_k + z_k
                p.Multiply(alpha, temp2);
                xtemp.Add(temp2, temp3);

                xtemp.Add(z, temp3);

                // r_(k+1) = t_k - eta_k y_k - sigma_k c_k
                // Copy the old residuals to a temp vector because we'll
                // need those in the next step

                y.Multiply(-eta, temp2);
                t.Add(temp2, residuals);

                c.Multiply(-sigma, temp2);
                residuals.Add(temp2, temp3);

                // beta_k = alpha_k / sigma_k * (r*_0 * r_(k+1)) / (r*_0 * r_k)
                // But first we check if there is a possible NaN. If so just reset beta to zero.
                beta = (!sigma.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) || !sigma.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1)) ? alpha / sigma * rdash.DotProduct(residuals) / rdash.DotProduct(t0) : 0;

                // w_k = c_k + beta_k s_k
                s.Multiply(beta, temp2);
                c.Add(temp2, w);

                // Get the real value
                _preconditioner.Approximate(xtemp, result);

                // Now check for convergence
                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals))
                    // Recalculate the residuals and go round again. This is done to ensure that
                    // we have the proper residuals.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

                // Next iteration.
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient <see cref="Matrix"/>, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution <see cref="Vector"/>, <c>b</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result <see cref="Vector"/>, <c>x</c>.</param>
        public void Solve(Matrix <float> matrix, Vector <float> input, Vector <float> result)
            // If we were stopped before, we are no longer
            // We're doing this at the start of the method to ensure
            // that we can use these fields immediately.
            _hasBeenStopped = false;

            // Parameters checks
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentVectorsSameLength);

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw Matrix.DimensionsDontMatch <ArgumentException>(input, matrix);

            // Initialize the solver fields
            // Set the convergence monitor
            if (_iterator == null)
                _iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();

            if (_preconditioner == null)
                _preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner <float>();


            // Compute r_0 = b - Ax_0 for some initial guess x_0
            // In this case we take x_0 = vector
            // This is basically a SAXPY so it could be made a lot faster
            var residuals = new DenseVector(matrix.RowCount);

            CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

            // Choose r~ (for example, r~ = r_0)
            var tempResiduals = residuals.Clone();

            // create seven temporary vectors needed to hold temporary
            // coefficients. All vectors are mangled in each iteration.
            // These are defined here to prevent stressing the garbage collector
            var vecP     = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var vecPdash = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var nu       = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var vecS     = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var vecSdash = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var temp     = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var temp2    = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // create some temporary float variables that are needed
            // to hold values in between iterations
            float currentRho = 0;
            float alpha      = 0;
            float omega      = 0;

            var iterationNumber = 0;

            while (ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals))
                // rho_(i-1) = r~^T r_(i-1) // dotproduct r~ and r_(i-1)
                var oldRho = currentRho;
                currentRho = tempResiduals.DotProduct(residuals);

                // if (rho_(i-1) == 0) // METHOD FAILS
                // If rho is only 1 ULP from zero then we fail.
                if (currentRho.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                    // Rho-type breakdown
                    throw new Exception("Iterative solver experience a numerical break down");

                if (iterationNumber != 0)
                    // beta_(i-1) = (rho_(i-1)/rho_(i-2))(alpha_(i-1)/omega(i-1))
                    var beta = (currentRho / oldRho) * (alpha / omega);

                    // p_i = r_(i-1) + beta_(i-1)(p_(i-1) - omega_(i-1) * nu_(i-1))
                    nu.Multiply(-omega, temp);
                    vecP.Add(temp, temp2);

                    vecP.Multiply(beta, vecP);
                    vecP.Add(residuals, temp2);
                    // p_i = r_(i-1)

                // SOLVE Mp~ = p_i // M = preconditioner
                _preconditioner.Approximate(vecP, vecPdash);

                // nu_i = Ap~
                matrix.Multiply(vecPdash, nu);

                // alpha_i = rho_(i-1)/ (r~^T nu_i) = rho / dotproduct(r~ and nu_i)
                alpha = currentRho * 1 / tempResiduals.DotProduct(nu);

                // s = r_(i-1) - alpha_i nu_i
                nu.Multiply(-alpha, temp);
                residuals.Add(temp, vecS);

                // Check if we're converged. If so then stop. Otherwise continue;
                // Calculate the temporary result.
                // Be careful not to change any of the temp vectors, except for
                // temp. Others will be used in the calculation later on.
                // x_i = x_(i-1) + alpha_i * p^_i + s^_i
                vecPdash.Multiply(alpha, temp);
                temp.Add(vecSdash, temp2);
                temp.Add(result, temp2);

                // Check convergence and stop if we are converged.
                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, temp, input, vecS))

                    // Calculate the true residual
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

                    // Now recheck the convergence
                    if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals))
                        // We're all good now.

                    // Continue the calculation

                // SOLVE Ms~ = s
                _preconditioner.Approximate(vecS, vecSdash);

                // temp = As~
                matrix.Multiply(vecSdash, temp);

                // omega_i = temp^T s / temp^T temp
                omega = temp.DotProduct(vecS) / temp.DotProduct(temp);

                // x_i = x_(i-1) + alpha_i p^ + omega_i s^
                temp.Multiply(-omega, residuals);
                residuals.Add(vecS, temp2);

                vecSdash.Multiply(omega, temp);
                result.Add(temp, temp2);

                vecPdash.Multiply(alpha, temp);
                result.Add(temp, temp2);

                // for continuation it is necessary that omega_i != 0.0
                // If omega is only 1 ULP from zero then we fail.
                if (omega.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                    // Omega-type breakdown
                    throw new Exception("Iterative solver experience a numerical break down");

                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals))
                    // Recalculate the residuals and go round again. This is done to ensure that
                    // we have the proper residuals.
                    // The residual calculation based on omega_i * s can be off by a factor 10. So here
                    // we calculate the real residual (which can be expensive) but we only do it if we're
                    // sufficiently close to the finish.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Run example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_vector#Scalar_multiplication">Multiply vector by scalar</seealso>
        /// <seealso cref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_vector#Dot_product">Multiply vector by vector (compute the dot product between two vectors)</seealso>
        /// <seealso cref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_vector#Addition_and_subtraction">Vector addition and subtraction</seealso>
        /// <seealso cref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_product">Outer Product of two vectors</seealso>
        public void Run()
            // Initialize IFormatProvider to print matrix/vector data
            var formatProvider = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone();

            formatProvider.TextInfo.ListSeparator = " ";

            // Create vector "X"
            var vectorX = new DenseVector(new[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 });

            Console.WriteLine(@"Vector X");
            Console.WriteLine(vectorX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Create vector "Y"
            var vectorY = new DenseVector(new[] { 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0 });

            Console.WriteLine(@"Vector Y");
            Console.WriteLine(vectorY.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Multiply vector by scalar
            // 1. Using Multiply method and getting result into different vector instance
            var resultV = vectorX.Multiply(3.0);

            Console.WriteLine(@"Multiply vector by scalar using method Multiply. (result = X.Multiply(3.0))");
            Console.WriteLine(resultV.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 2. Using operator "*"
            resultV = 3.0 * vectorX;
            Console.WriteLine(@"Multiply vector by scalar using operator *. (result = 3.0 * X)");
            Console.WriteLine(resultV.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 3. Using Multiply method and updating vector itself
            vectorX.Multiply(3.0, vectorX);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Multiply vector by scalar using method Multiply. (X.Multiply(3.0, X))");
            Console.WriteLine(vectorX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Multiply vector by vector (compute the dot product between two vectors)
            // 1. Using operator "*"
            var dotProduct = vectorX * vectorY;

            Console.WriteLine(@"Dot product between two vectors using operator *. (result = X * Y)");

            // 2. Using DotProduct method and getting result into different vector instance
            dotProduct = vectorX.DotProduct(vectorY);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Dot product between two vectors using method DotProduct. (result = X.DotProduct(Y))");
            Console.WriteLine(dotProduct.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Pointwise multiplie vector with another vector
            // 1. Using PointwiseMultiply method and getting result into different vector instance
            resultV = vectorX.PointwiseMultiply(vectorY);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Pointwise multiplie vector with another vector using method PointwiseMultiply. (result = X.PointwiseMultiply(Y))");
            Console.WriteLine(resultV.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 2. Using PointwiseMultiply method and updating vector itself
            vectorX.PointwiseMultiply(vectorY, vectorX);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Pointwise multiplie vector with another vector using method PointwiseMultiply. (X.PointwiseMultiply(Y, X))");
            Console.WriteLine(vectorX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Pointwise divide vector with another vector
            // 1. Using PointwiseDivide method and getting result into different vector instance
            resultV = vectorX.PointwiseDivide(vectorY);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Pointwise divide vector with another vector using method PointwiseDivide. (result = X.PointwiseDivide(Y))");
            Console.WriteLine(resultV.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 2. Using PointwiseDivide method and updating vector itself
            vectorX.PointwiseDivide(vectorY, vectorX);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Pointwise divide vector with another vector using method PointwiseDivide. (X.PointwiseDivide(Y, X))");
            Console.WriteLine(vectorX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Addition
            // 1. Using operator "+"
            resultV = vectorX + vectorY;
            Console.WriteLine(@"Add vectors using operator +. (result = X + Y)");
            Console.WriteLine(resultV.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 2. Using Add method and getting result into different vector instance
            resultV = vectorX.Add(vectorY);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Add vectors using method Add. (result = X.Add(Y))");
            Console.WriteLine(resultV.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 3. Using Add method and updating vector itself
            vectorX.Add(vectorY, vectorX);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Add vectors using method Add. (X.Add(Y, X))");
            Console.WriteLine(vectorX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Subtraction
            // 1. Using operator "-"
            resultV = vectorX - vectorY;
            Console.WriteLine(@"Subtract vectors using operator -. (result = X - Y)");
            Console.WriteLine(resultV.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 2. Using Subtract method and getting result into different vector instance
            resultV = vectorX.Subtract(vectorY);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Subtract vectors using method Subtract. (result = X.Subtract(Y))");
            Console.WriteLine(resultV.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 3. Using Subtract method and updating vector itself
            vectorX.Subtract(vectorY, vectorX);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Subtract vectors using method Subtract. (X.Subtract(Y, X))");
            Console.WriteLine(vectorX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Divide by scalar
            // 1. Using Divide method and getting result into different vector instance
            resultV = vectorX.Divide(3.0);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Divide vector by scalar using method Divide. (result = A.Divide(3.0))");
            Console.WriteLine(resultV.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 2. Using Divide method and updating vector itself
            vectorX.Divide(3.0, vectorX);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Divide vector by scalar using method Divide. (X.Divide(3.0, X))");
            Console.WriteLine(vectorX.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // Outer Product of two vectors
            // 1. Using instanse method OuterProduct
            var resultM = vectorX.OuterProduct(vectorY);

            Console.WriteLine(@"Outer Product of two vectors using method OuterProduct. (X.OuterProduct(Y))");
            Console.WriteLine(resultM.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));

            // 2. Using static method of the Vector class
            resultM = Vector.OuterProduct(vectorX, vectorY);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Outer Product of two vectors using method OuterProduct. (Vector.OuterProduct(X,Y))");
            Console.WriteLine(resultM.ToString("#0.00\t", formatProvider));
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient matrix, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution vector, <c>b</c></param>
        /// <param name="result">The result vector, <c>x</c></param>
        /// <param name="iterator">The iterator to use to control when to stop iterating.</param>
        /// <param name="preconditioner">The preconditioner to use for approximations.</param>
        public void Solve(Matrix <Complex> matrix, Vector <Complex> input, Vector <Complex> result, Iterator <Complex> iterator, IPreconditioner <Complex> preconditioner)
            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, nameof(matrix));

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount || result.Count != input.Count)
                throw Matrix.DimensionsDontMatch <ArgumentException>(matrix, input, result);

            if (iterator == null)
                iterator = new Iterator <Complex>();

            if (preconditioner == null)
                preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner <Complex>();


            var d = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var r = DenseVector.OfVector(input);

            var uodd  = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var ueven = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            var v = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var pseudoResiduals = DenseVector.OfVector(input);

            var x     = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var yodd  = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var yeven = DenseVector.OfVector(input);

            // Temp vectors
            var temp  = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var temp1 = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var temp2 = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            // Define the scalars
            Complex alpha = 0;
            Complex eta   = 0;
            double  theta = 0;

            // Initialize
            var     tau = input.L2Norm();
            Complex rho = tau * tau;

            // Calculate the initial values for v
            // M temp = yEven
            preconditioner.Approximate(yeven, temp);

            // v = A temp
            matrix.Multiply(temp, v);

            // Set uOdd

            // Start the iteration
            var iterationNumber = 0;

            while (iterator.DetermineStatus(iterationNumber, result, input, pseudoResiduals) == IterationStatus.Continue)
                // First part of the step, the even bit
                if (IsEven(iterationNumber))
                    // sigma = (v, r)
                    var sigma = r.ConjugateDotProduct(v);
                    if (sigma.Real.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1) && sigma.Imaginary.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1))
                        // FAIL HERE

                    // alpha = rho / sigma
                    alpha = rho / sigma;

                    // yOdd = yEven - alpha * v
                    v.Multiply(-alpha, temp1);
                    yeven.Add(temp1, yodd);

                    // Solve M temp = yOdd
                    preconditioner.Approximate(yodd, temp);

                    // uOdd = A temp
                    matrix.Multiply(temp, uodd);

                // The intermediate step which is equal for both even and
                // odd iteration steps.
                // Select the correct vector
                var uinternal = IsEven(iterationNumber) ? ueven : uodd;
                var yinternal = IsEven(iterationNumber) ? yeven : yodd;

                // pseudoResiduals = pseudoResiduals - alpha * uOdd
                uinternal.Multiply(-alpha, temp1);
                pseudoResiduals.Add(temp1, temp2);

                // d = yOdd + theta * theta * eta / alpha * d
                d.Multiply(theta * theta * eta / alpha, temp);
                yinternal.Add(temp, d);

                // theta = ||pseudoResiduals||_2 / tau
                theta = pseudoResiduals.L2Norm() / tau;
                var c = 1 / Math.Sqrt(1 + (theta * theta));

                // tau = tau * theta * c
                tau *= theta * c;

                // eta = c^2 * alpha
                eta = c * c * alpha;

                // x = x + eta * d
                d.Multiply(eta, temp1);
                x.Add(temp1, temp2);

                // Check convergence and see if we can bail
                if (iterator.DetermineStatus(iterationNumber, result, input, pseudoResiduals) != IterationStatus.Continue)
                    // Calculate the real values
                    preconditioner.Approximate(x, result);

                    // Calculate the true residual. Use the temp vector for that
                    // so that we don't pollute the pseudoResidual vector for no
                    // good reason.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, temp, result, input);

                    // Now recheck the convergence
                    if (iterator.DetermineStatus(iterationNumber, result, input, temp) != IterationStatus.Continue)
                        // We're all good now.

                // The odd step
                if (!IsEven(iterationNumber))
                    if (rho.Real.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1) && rho.Imaginary.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1))
                        // FAIL HERE

                    var rhoNew = r.ConjugateDotProduct(pseudoResiduals);
                    var beta   = rhoNew / rho;

                    // Update rho for the next loop
                    rho = rhoNew;

                    // yOdd = pseudoResiduals + beta * yOdd
                    yodd.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    pseudoResiduals.Add(temp1, yeven);

                    // Solve M temp = yOdd
                    preconditioner.Approximate(yeven, temp);

                    // uOdd = A temp
                    matrix.Multiply(temp, ueven);

                    // v = uEven + beta * (uOdd + beta * v)
                    v.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    uodd.Add(temp1, temp);

                    temp.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    ueven.Add(temp1, v);

                // Calculate the real values
                preconditioner.Approximate(x, result);

Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient matrix, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution vector, <c>b</c></param>
        /// <param name="result">The result vector, <c>x</c></param>
        public void Solve(Matrix matrix, Vector input, Vector result)
            // If we were stopped before, we are no longer
            // We're doing this at the start of the method to ensure
            // that we can use these fields immediately.
            _hasBeenStopped = false;

            // Error checks
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentVectorsSameLength);

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw Matrix.DimensionsDontMatch<ArgumentException>(input, matrix);

            // Initialize the solver fields
            // Set the convergence monitor
            if (_iterator == null)
                _iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();

            if (_preconditioner == null)
                _preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner();


            // x_0 is initial guess
            // Take x_0 = 0
            Vector xtemp = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            // r_0 = b - Ax_0
            // This is basically a SAXPY so it could be made a lot faster
            Vector residuals = new DenseVector(matrix.RowCount);
            CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, xtemp, input);

            // Define the temporary scalars
            float beta = 0;
            float sigma;

            // Define the temporary vectors
            // rDash_0 = r_0
            Vector rdash = new DenseVector(residuals);

            // t_-1 = 0
            Vector t = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector t0 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // w_-1 = 0
            Vector w = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // Define the remaining temporary vectors
            Vector c = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector p = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector s = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector u = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector y = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector z = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            Vector temp = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp2 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp3 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // for (k = 0, 1, .... )
            var iterationNumber = 0;
            while (ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals))
                // p_k = r_k + beta_(k-1) * (p_(k-1) - u_(k-1))
                p.Subtract(u, temp);

                temp.Multiply(beta, temp2);
                residuals.Add(temp2, p);

                // Solve M b_k = p_k
                _preconditioner.Approximate(p, temp);

                // s_k = A b_k
                matrix.Multiply(temp, s);

                // alpha_k = (r*_0 * r_k) / (r*_0 * s_k)
                var alpha = rdash.DotProduct(residuals) / rdash.DotProduct(s);

                // y_k = t_(k-1) - r_k - alpha_k * w_(k-1) + alpha_k s_k
                s.Subtract(w, temp);
                t.Subtract(residuals, y);

                temp.Multiply(alpha, temp2);
                y.Add(temp2, temp3);

                // Store the old value of t in t0

                // t_k = r_k - alpha_k s_k
                s.Multiply(-alpha, temp2);
                residuals.Add(temp2, t);

                // Solve M d_k = t_k
                _preconditioner.Approximate(t, temp);

                // c_k = A d_k
                matrix.Multiply(temp, c);
                var cdot = c.DotProduct(c);

                // cDot can only be zero if c is a zero vector
                // We'll set cDot to 1 if it is zero to prevent NaN's
                // Note that the calculation should continue fine because
                // c.DotProduct(t) will be zero and so will c.DotProduct(y)
                if (cdot.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                    cdot = 1.0f;

                // Even if we don't want to do any BiCGStab steps we'll still have
                // to do at least one at the start to initialize the
                // system, but we'll only have to take special measures
                // if we don't do any so ...
                var ctdot = c.DotProduct(t);
                float eta;
                if (((_numberOfBiCgStabSteps == 0) && (iterationNumber == 0)) || ShouldRunBiCgStabSteps(iterationNumber))
                    // sigma_k = (c_k * t_k) / (c_k * c_k)
                    sigma = ctdot / cdot;

                    // eta_k = 0
                    eta = 0;
                    var ydot = y.DotProduct(y);

                    // yDot can only be zero if y is a zero vector
                    // We'll set yDot to 1 if it is zero to prevent NaN's
                    // Note that the calculation should continue fine because
                    // y.DotProduct(t) will be zero and so will c.DotProduct(y)
                    if (ydot.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        ydot = 1.0f;

                    var ytdot = y.DotProduct(t);
                    var cydot = c.DotProduct(y);

                    var denom = (cdot * ydot) - (cydot * cydot);

                    // sigma_k = ((y_k * y_k)(c_k * t_k) - (y_k * t_k)(c_k * y_k)) / ((c_k * c_k)(y_k * y_k) - (y_k * c_k)(c_k * y_k))
                    sigma = ((ydot * ctdot) - (ytdot * cydot)) / denom;

                    // eta_k = ((c_k * c_k)(y_k * t_k) - (y_k * c_k)(c_k * t_k)) / ((c_k * c_k)(y_k * y_k) - (y_k * c_k)(c_k * y_k))
                    eta = ((cdot * ytdot) - (cydot * ctdot)) / denom;

                // u_k = sigma_k s_k + eta_k (t_(k-1) - r_k + beta_(k-1) u_(k-1))
                u.Multiply(beta, temp2);
                t0.Add(temp2, temp);

                temp.Subtract(residuals, temp3);
                temp.Multiply(eta, temp);

                s.Multiply(sigma, temp2);
                temp.Add(temp2, u);

                // z_k = sigma_k r_k +_ eta_k z_(k-1) - alpha_k u_k
                z.Multiply(eta, z);
                u.Multiply(-alpha, temp2);
                z.Add(temp2, temp3);

                residuals.Multiply(sigma, temp2);
                z.Add(temp2, temp3);

                // x_(k+1) = x_k + alpha_k p_k + z_k
                p.Multiply(alpha, temp2);
                xtemp.Add(temp2, temp3);

                xtemp.Add(z, temp3);

                // r_(k+1) = t_k - eta_k y_k - sigma_k c_k
                // Copy the old residuals to a temp vector because we'll
                // need those in the next step

                y.Multiply(-eta, temp2);
                t.Add(temp2, residuals);

                c.Multiply(-sigma, temp2);
                residuals.Add(temp2, temp3);

                // beta_k = alpha_k / sigma_k * (r*_0 * r_(k+1)) / (r*_0 * r_k)
                // But first we check if there is a possible NaN. If so just reset beta to zero.
                beta = (!sigma.AlmostEqual(0, 1)) ? alpha / sigma * rdash.DotProduct(residuals) / rdash.DotProduct(t0) : 0;

                // w_k = c_k + beta_k s_k
                s.Multiply(beta, temp2);
                c.Add(temp2, w);

                // Get the real value
                _preconditioner.Approximate(xtemp, result);

                // Now check for convergence
                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals))
                    // Recalculate the residuals and go round again. This is done to ensure that
                    // we have the proper residuals.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

                // Next iteration.
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient matrix, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution vector, <c>b</c></param>
        /// <param name="result">The result vector, <c>x</c></param>
        /// <param name="iterator">The iterator to use to control when to stop iterating.</param>
        /// <param name="preconditioner">The preconditioner to use for approximations.</param>
        public void Solve(Matrix <double> matrix, Vector <double> input, Vector <double> result, Iterator <double> iterator, IPreconditioner <double> preconditioner)
            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, nameof(matrix));

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentVectorsSameLength);

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw Matrix.DimensionsDontMatch <ArgumentException>(input, matrix);

            if (iterator == null)
                iterator = new Iterator <double>();

            if (preconditioner == null)
                preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner <double>();


            // x_0 is initial guess
            // Take x_0 = 0
            var xtemp = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            // r_0 = b - Ax_0
            // This is basically a SAXPY so it could be made a lot faster
            var residuals = new DenseVector(matrix.RowCount);

            CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, xtemp, input);

            // Define the temporary scalars
            double beta = 0;

            // Define the temporary vectors
            // rDash_0 = r_0
            var rdash = DenseVector.OfVector(residuals);

            // t_-1 = 0
            var t  = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var t0 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // w_-1 = 0
            var w = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // Define the remaining temporary vectors
            var c = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var p = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var s = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var u = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var y = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var z = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            var temp  = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var temp2 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var temp3 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // for (k = 0, 1, .... )
            var iterationNumber = 0;

            while (iterator.DetermineStatus(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals) == IterationStatus.Continue)
                // p_k = r_k + beta_(k-1) * (p_(k-1) - u_(k-1))
                p.Subtract(u, temp);

                temp.Multiply(beta, temp2);
                residuals.Add(temp2, p);

                // Solve M b_k = p_k
                preconditioner.Approximate(p, temp);

                // s_k = A b_k
                matrix.Multiply(temp, s);

                // alpha_k = (r*_0 * r_k) / (r*_0 * s_k)
                var alpha = rdash.DotProduct(residuals) / rdash.DotProduct(s);

                // y_k = t_(k-1) - r_k - alpha_k * w_(k-1) + alpha_k s_k
                s.Subtract(w, temp);
                t.Subtract(residuals, y);

                temp.Multiply(alpha, temp2);
                y.Add(temp2, temp3);

                // Store the old value of t in t0

                // t_k = r_k - alpha_k s_k
                s.Multiply(-alpha, temp2);
                residuals.Add(temp2, t);

                // Solve M d_k = t_k
                preconditioner.Approximate(t, temp);

                // c_k = A d_k
                matrix.Multiply(temp, c);
                var cdot = c.DotProduct(c);

                // cDot can only be zero if c is a zero vector
                // We'll set cDot to 1 if it is zero to prevent NaN's
                // Note that the calculation should continue fine because
                // c.DotProduct(t) will be zero and so will c.DotProduct(y)
                if (cdot.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1))
                    cdot = 1.0;

                // Even if we don't want to do any BiCGStab steps we'll still have
                // to do at least one at the start to initialize the
                // system, but we'll only have to take special measures
                // if we don't do any so ...
                var    ctdot = c.DotProduct(t);
                double eta;
                double sigma;
                if (((_numberOfBiCgStabSteps == 0) && (iterationNumber == 0)) || ShouldRunBiCgStabSteps(iterationNumber))
                    // sigma_k = (c_k * t_k) / (c_k * c_k)
                    sigma = ctdot / cdot;

                    // eta_k = 0
                    eta = 0;
                    var ydot = y.DotProduct(y);

                    // yDot can only be zero if y is a zero vector
                    // We'll set yDot to 1 if it is zero to prevent NaN's
                    // Note that the calculation should continue fine because
                    // y.DotProduct(t) will be zero and so will c.DotProduct(y)
                    if (ydot.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1))
                        ydot = 1.0;

                    var ytdot = y.DotProduct(t);
                    var cydot = c.DotProduct(y);

                    var denom = (cdot * ydot) - (cydot * cydot);

                    // sigma_k = ((y_k * y_k)(c_k * t_k) - (y_k * t_k)(c_k * y_k)) / ((c_k * c_k)(y_k * y_k) - (y_k * c_k)(c_k * y_k))
                    sigma = ((ydot * ctdot) - (ytdot * cydot)) / denom;

                    // eta_k = ((c_k * c_k)(y_k * t_k) - (y_k * c_k)(c_k * t_k)) / ((c_k * c_k)(y_k * y_k) - (y_k * c_k)(c_k * y_k))
                    eta = ((cdot * ytdot) - (cydot * ctdot)) / denom;

                // u_k = sigma_k s_k + eta_k (t_(k-1) - r_k + beta_(k-1) u_(k-1))
                u.Multiply(beta, temp2);
                t0.Add(temp2, temp);

                temp.Subtract(residuals, temp3);
                temp.Multiply(eta, temp);

                s.Multiply(sigma, temp2);
                temp.Add(temp2, u);

                // z_k = sigma_k r_k +_ eta_k z_(k-1) - alpha_k u_k
                z.Multiply(eta, z);
                u.Multiply(-alpha, temp2);
                z.Add(temp2, temp3);

                residuals.Multiply(sigma, temp2);
                z.Add(temp2, temp3);

                // x_(k+1) = x_k + alpha_k p_k + z_k
                p.Multiply(alpha, temp2);
                xtemp.Add(temp2, temp3);

                xtemp.Add(z, temp3);

                // r_(k+1) = t_k - eta_k y_k - sigma_k c_k
                // Copy the old residuals to a temp vector because we'll
                // need those in the next step

                y.Multiply(-eta, temp2);
                t.Add(temp2, residuals);

                c.Multiply(-sigma, temp2);
                residuals.Add(temp2, temp3);

                // beta_k = alpha_k / sigma_k * (r*_0 * r_(k+1)) / (r*_0 * r_k)
                // But first we check if there is a possible NaN. If so just reset beta to zero.
                beta = (!sigma.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1)) ? ((alpha / sigma) * rdash.DotProduct(residuals)) / rdash.DotProduct(t0) : 0;

                // w_k = c_k + beta_k s_k
                s.Multiply(beta, temp2);
                c.Add(temp2, w);

                // Get the real value
                preconditioner.Approximate(xtemp, result);

                // Now check for convergence
                if (iterator.DetermineStatus(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals) != IterationStatus.Continue)
                    // Recalculate the residuals and go round again. This is done to ensure that
                    // we have the proper residuals.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

                // Next iteration.
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient matrix, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution vector, <c>b</c></param>
        /// <param name="result">The result vector, <c>x</c></param>
        public void Solve(Matrix matrix, Vector input, Vector result)
            // If we were stopped before, we are no longer
            // We're doing this at the start of the method to ensure
            // that we can use these fields immediately.
            _hasBeenStopped = false;

            // Error checks
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount || result.Count != input.Count)
                throw Matrix.DimensionsDontMatch <ArgumentException>(matrix, input, result);

            // Initialize the solver fields
            // Set the convergence monitor
            if (_iterator == null)
                _iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();

            if (_preconditioner == null)
                _preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner();


            // Choose an initial guess x_0
            // Take x_0 = 0
            Vector xtemp = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            // Choose k vectors q_1, q_2, ..., q_k
            // Build a new set if:
            // a) the stored set doesn't exist (i.e. == null)
            // b) Is of an incorrect length (i.e. too long)
            // c) The vectors are of an incorrect length (i.e. too long or too short)
            var useOld = false;

            if (_startingVectors != null)
                // We don't accept collections with zero starting vectors so ...
                if (_startingVectors.Count <= NumberOfStartingVectorsToCreate(_numberOfStartingVectors, input.Count))
                    // Only check the first vector for sizing. If that matches we assume the
                    // other vectors match too. If they don't the process will crash
                    if (_startingVectors[0].Count == input.Count)
                        useOld = true;

            _startingVectors = useOld ? _startingVectors : CreateStartingVectors(_numberOfStartingVectors, input.Count);

            // Store the number of starting vectors. Not really necessary but easier to type :)
            var k = _startingVectors.Count;

            // r_0 = b - Ax_0
            // This is basically a SAXPY so it could be made a lot faster
            Vector residuals = new DenseVector(matrix.RowCount);

            CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, xtemp, input);

            // Define the temporary values
            var c = new Complex[k];

            // Define the temporary vectors
            Vector gtemp = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            Vector u     = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector utemp = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp  = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp1 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp2 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            Vector zd = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector zg = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector zw = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            var d = CreateVectorArray(_startingVectors.Count, residuals.Count);

            // g_0 = r_0
            var g = CreateVectorArray(_startingVectors.Count, residuals.Count);

            residuals.CopyTo(g[k - 1]);

            var w = CreateVectorArray(_startingVectors.Count, residuals.Count);

            // FOR (j = 0, 1, 2 ....)
            var iterationNumber = 0;

            while (ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals))
                // SOLVE M g~_((j-1)k+k) = g_((j-1)k+k)
                _preconditioner.Approximate(g[k - 1], gtemp);

                // w_((j-1)k+k) = A g~_((j-1)k+k)
                matrix.Multiply(gtemp, w[k - 1]);

                // c_((j-1)k+k) = q^T_1 w_((j-1)k+k)
                c[k - 1] = _startingVectors[0].DotProduct(w[k - 1]);
                if (c[k - 1].Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && c[k - 1].Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                    throw new Exception("Iterative solver experience a numerical break down");

                // alpha_(jk+1) = q^T_1 r_((j-1)k+k) / c_((j-1)k+k)
                var alpha = _startingVectors[0].DotProduct(residuals) / c[k - 1];

                // u_(jk+1) = r_((j-1)k+k) - alpha_(jk+1) w_((j-1)k+k)
                w[k - 1].Multiply(-alpha, temp);
                residuals.Add(temp, u);

                // SOLVE M u~_(jk+1) = u_(jk+1)
                _preconditioner.Approximate(u, temp1);

                // rho_(j+1) = -u^t_(jk+1) A u~_(jk+1) / ||A u~_(jk+1)||^2
                matrix.Multiply(temp1, temp);
                var rho = temp.DotProduct(temp);

                // If rho is zero then temp is a zero vector and we're probably
                // about to have zero residuals (i.e. an exact solution).
                // So set rho to 1.0 because in the next step it will turn to zero.
                if (rho.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && rho.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                    rho = 1.0;

                rho = -u.DotProduct(temp) / rho;

                // r_(jk+1) = rho_(j+1) A u~_(jk+1) + u_(jk+1)

                // Reuse temp
                temp.Multiply(rho, temp);
                residuals.Add(temp, temp2);

                // x_(jk+1) = x_((j-1)k_k) - rho_(j+1) u~_(jk+1) + alpha_(jk+1) g~_((j-1)k+k)
                utemp.Multiply(-rho, temp);
                xtemp.Add(temp, temp2);

                gtemp.Multiply(alpha, gtemp);
                xtemp.Add(gtemp, temp2);

                // Check convergence and stop if we are converged.
                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals))
                    // Calculate the true residual
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, xtemp, input);

                    // Now recheck the convergence
                    if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals))
                        // We're all good now.
                        // Exit from the while loop.

                // FOR (i = 1,2, ...., k)
                for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    // z_d = u_(jk+1)

                    // z_g = r_(jk+i)

                    // z_w = 0

                    // FOR (s = i, ...., k-1) AND j >= 1
                    Complex beta;
                    if (iterationNumber >= 1)
                        for (var s = i; s < k - 1; s++)
                            // beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+s) = -q^t_(s+1) z_d / c_((j-1)k+s)
                            beta = -_startingVectors[s + 1].DotProduct(zd) / c[s];

                            // z_d = z_d + beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+s) d_((j-1)k+s)
                            d[s].Multiply(beta, temp);
                            zd.Add(temp, temp2);

                            // z_g = z_g + beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+s) g_((j-1)k+s)
                            g[s].Multiply(beta, temp);
                            zg.Add(temp, temp2);

                            // z_w = z_w + beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+s) w_((j-1)k+s)
                            w[s].Multiply(beta, temp);
                            zw.Add(temp, temp2);

                    beta = rho * c[k - 1];
                    if (beta.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && beta.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        throw new Exception("Iterative solver experience a numerical break down");

                    // beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+k) = -(q^T_1 (r_(jk+1) + rho_(j+1) z_w)) / (rho_(j+1) c_((j-1)k+k))
                    zw.Multiply(rho, temp2);
                    residuals.Add(temp2, temp);
                    beta = -_startingVectors[0].DotProduct(temp) / beta;

                    // z_g = z_g + beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+k) g_((j-1)k+k)
                    g[k - 1].Multiply(beta, temp);
                    zg.Add(temp, temp2);

                    // z_w = rho_(j+1) (z_w + beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+k) w_((j-1)k+k))
                    w[k - 1].Multiply(beta, temp);
                    zw.Add(temp, temp2);
                    zw.Multiply(rho, zw);

                    // z_d = r_(jk+i) + z_w
                    residuals.Add(zw, zd);

                    // FOR (s = 1, ... i - 1)
                    for (var s = 0; s < i - 1; s++)
                        // beta^(jk+i)_(jk+s) = -q^T_s+1 z_d / c_(jk+s)
                        beta = -_startingVectors[s + 1].DotProduct(zd) / c[s];

                        // z_d = z_d + beta^(jk+i)_(jk+s) * d_(jk+s)
                        d[s].Multiply(beta, temp);
                        zd.Add(temp, temp2);

                        // z_g = z_g + beta^(jk+i)_(jk+s) * g_(jk+s)
                        g[s].Multiply(beta, temp);
                        zg.Add(temp, temp2);

                    // d_(jk+i) = z_d - u_(jk+i)
                    zd.Subtract(u, d[i]);

                    // g_(jk+i) = z_g + z_w
                    zg.Add(zw, g[i]);

                    // IF (i < k - 1)
                    if (i < k - 1)
                        // c_(jk+1) = q^T_i+1 d_(jk+i)
                        c[i] = _startingVectors[i + 1].DotProduct(d[i]);
                        if (c[i].Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && c[i].Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                            throw new Exception("Iterative solver experience a numerical break down");

                        // alpha_(jk+i+1) = q^T_(i+1) u_(jk+i) / c_(jk+i)
                        alpha = _startingVectors[i + 1].DotProduct(u) / c[i];

                        // u_(jk+i+1) = u_(jk+i) - alpha_(jk+i+1) d_(jk+i)
                        d[i].Multiply(-alpha, temp);
                        u.Add(temp, temp2);

                        // SOLVE M g~_(jk+i) = g_(jk+i)
                        _preconditioner.Approximate(g[i], gtemp);

                        // x_(jk+i+1) = x_(jk+i) + rho_(j+1) alpha_(jk+i+1) g~_(jk+i)
                        gtemp.Multiply(rho * alpha, temp);
                        xtemp.Add(temp, temp2);

                        // w_(jk+i) = A g~_(jk+i)
                        matrix.Multiply(gtemp, w[i]);

                        // r_(jk+i+1) = r_(jk+i) - rho_(j+1) alpha_(jk+i+1) w_(jk+i)
                        w[i].Multiply(-rho * alpha, temp);
                        residuals.Add(temp, temp2);

                        // We can check the residuals here if they're close
                        if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals))
                            // Recalculate the residuals and go round again. This is done to ensure that
                            // we have the proper residuals.
                            CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, xtemp, input);
                } // END ITERATION OVER i


            // copy the temporary result to the real result vector
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient matrix, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution vector, <c>b</c></param>
        /// <param name="result">The result vector, <c>x</c></param>
        public void Solve(Matrix matrix, Vector input, Vector result)
            // If we were stopped before, we are no longer
            // We're doing this at the start of the method to ensure
            // that we can use these fields immediately.
            _hasBeenStopped = false;

            // Error checks
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentVectorsSameLength);

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw Matrix.DimensionsDontMatch<ArgumentException>(input, matrix);

            // Initialize the solver fields
            // Set the convergence monitor
            if (_iterator == null)
                _iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();

            if (_preconditioner == null)
                _preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner();


            var d = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var r = new DenseVector(input);

            var uodd = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var ueven = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            var v = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var pseudoResiduals = new DenseVector(input);

            var x = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var yodd = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var yeven = new DenseVector(input);

            // Temp vectors
            var temp = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var temp1 = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var temp2 = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            // Initialize
            var startNorm = input.Norm(2);

            // Define the scalars
            double alpha = 0;
            double eta = 0;
            double theta = 0;

            var tau = startNorm;
            var rho = tau * tau;

            // Calculate the initial values for v
            // M temp = yEven
            _preconditioner.Approximate(yeven, temp);

            // v = A temp
            matrix.Multiply(temp, v);

            // Set uOdd

            // Start the iteration
            var iterationNumber = 0;
            while (ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, pseudoResiduals))
                // First part of the step, the even bit
                if (IsEven(iterationNumber))
                    // sigma = (v, r)
                    var sigma = v.DotProduct(r);
                    if (sigma.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        // FAIL HERE

                    // alpha = rho / sigma
                    alpha = rho / sigma;

                    // yOdd = yEven - alpha * v
                    v.Multiply(-alpha, temp1);
                    yeven.Add(temp1, yodd);

                    // Solve M temp = yOdd
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(yodd, temp);

                    // uOdd = A temp
                    matrix.Multiply(temp, uodd);

                // The intermediate step which is equal for both even and
                // odd iteration steps.
                // Select the correct vector
                var uinternal = IsEven(iterationNumber) ? ueven : uodd;
                var yinternal = IsEven(iterationNumber) ? yeven : yodd;

                // pseudoResiduals = pseudoResiduals - alpha * uOdd
                uinternal.Multiply(-alpha, temp1);
                pseudoResiduals.Add(temp1, temp2);

                // d = yOdd + theta * theta * eta / alpha * d
                d.Multiply(theta * theta * eta / alpha, temp);
                yinternal.Add(temp, d);

                // theta = ||pseudoResiduals||_2 / tau
                theta = pseudoResiduals.Norm(2) / tau;
                var c = 1 / Math.Sqrt(1 + (theta * theta));

                // tau = tau * theta * c
                tau *= theta * c;

                // eta = c^2 * alpha
                eta = c * c * alpha;

                // x = x + eta * d
                d.Multiply(eta, temp1);
                x.Add(temp1, temp2);

                // Check convergence and see if we can bail
                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, pseudoResiduals))
                    // Calculate the real values
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(x, result);

                    // Calculate the true residual. Use the temp vector for that
                    // so that we don't pollute the pseudoResidual vector for no
                    // good reason.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, temp, result, input);

                    // Now recheck the convergence
                    if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, temp))
                        // We're all good now.

                // The odd step
                if (!IsEven(iterationNumber))
                    if (rho.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        // FAIL HERE

                    var rhoNew = pseudoResiduals.DotProduct(r);
                    var beta = rhoNew / rho;

                    // Update rho for the next loop
                    rho = rhoNew;

                    // yOdd = pseudoResiduals + beta * yOdd
                    yodd.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    pseudoResiduals.Add(temp1, yeven);

                    // Solve M temp = yOdd
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(yeven, temp);

                    // uOdd = A temp
                    matrix.Multiply(temp, ueven);

                    // v = uEven + beta * (uOdd + beta * v)
                    v.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    uodd.Add(temp1, temp);

                    temp.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    ueven.Add(temp1, v);

                // Calculate the real values
                _preconditioner.Approximate(x, result);

Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient matrix, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution vector, <c>b</c></param>
        /// <param name="result">The result vector, <c>x</c></param>
        public void Solve(Matrix matrix, Vector input, Vector result)
            // If we were stopped before, we are no longer
            // We're doing this at the start of the method to ensure
            // that we can use these fields immediately.
            _hasBeenStopped = false;

            // Error checks
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentVectorsSameLength);

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixDimensions);

            // Initialize the solver fields
            // Set the convergence monitor
            if (_iterator == null)
                _iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();

            if (_preconditioner == null)
                _preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner();


            // Choose an initial guess x_0
            // Take x_0 = 0
            Vector xtemp = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            // Choose k vectors q_1, q_2, ..., q_k
            // Build a new set if:
            // a) the stored set doesn't exist (i.e. == null)
            // b) Is of an incorrect length (i.e. too long)
            // c) The vectors are of an incorrect length (i.e. too long or too short)
            var useOld = false;
            if (_startingVectors != null)
                // We don't accept collections with zero starting vectors so ...
                if (_startingVectors.Count <= NumberOfStartingVectorsToCreate(_numberOfStartingVectors, input.Count))
                    // Only check the first vector for sizing. If that matches we assume the
                    // other vectors match too. If they don't the process will crash
                    if (_startingVectors[0].Count == input.Count)
                        useOld = true;

            _startingVectors = useOld ? _startingVectors : CreateStartingVectors(_numberOfStartingVectors, input.Count);

            // Store the number of starting vectors. Not really necessary but easier to type :)
            var k = _startingVectors.Count;

            // r_0 = b - Ax_0
            // This is basically a SAXPY so it could be made a lot faster
            Vector residuals = new DenseVector(matrix.RowCount);
            CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, xtemp, input);

            // Define the temporary values
            var c = new Complex[k];

            // Define the temporary vectors
            Vector gtemp = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            Vector u = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector utemp = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp1 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector temp2 = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            Vector zd = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector zg = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            Vector zw = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            var d = CreateVectorArray(_startingVectors.Count, residuals.Count);

            // g_0 = r_0
            var g = CreateVectorArray(_startingVectors.Count, residuals.Count);
            residuals.CopyTo(g[k - 1]);

            var w = CreateVectorArray(_startingVectors.Count, residuals.Count);

            // FOR (j = 0, 1, 2 ....)
            var iterationNumber = 0;
            while (ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals))
                // SOLVE M g~_((j-1)k+k) = g_((j-1)k+k)
                _preconditioner.Approximate(g[k - 1], gtemp);

                // w_((j-1)k+k) = A g~_((j-1)k+k)
                matrix.Multiply(gtemp, w[k - 1]);

                // c_((j-1)k+k) = q^T_1 w_((j-1)k+k)
                c[k - 1] = _startingVectors[0].DotProduct(w[k - 1]);
                if (c[k - 1].Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && c[k - 1].Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                    throw new Exception("Iterative solver experience a numerical break down");

                // alpha_(jk+1) = q^T_1 r_((j-1)k+k) / c_((j-1)k+k)
                var alpha = _startingVectors[0].DotProduct(residuals) / c[k - 1];

                // u_(jk+1) = r_((j-1)k+k) - alpha_(jk+1) w_((j-1)k+k)
                w[k - 1].Multiply(-alpha, temp);
                residuals.Add(temp, u);

                // SOLVE M u~_(jk+1) = u_(jk+1)
                _preconditioner.Approximate(u, temp1);

                // rho_(j+1) = -u^t_(jk+1) A u~_(jk+1) / ||A u~_(jk+1)||^2
                matrix.Multiply(temp1, temp);
                var rho = temp.DotProduct(temp);

                // If rho is zero then temp is a zero vector and we're probably
                // about to have zero residuals (i.e. an exact solution).
                // So set rho to 1.0 because in the next step it will turn to zero.
                if (rho.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && rho.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                    rho = 1.0;

                rho = -u.DotProduct(temp) / rho;

                // r_(jk+1) = rho_(j+1) A u~_(jk+1) + u_(jk+1)

                // Reuse temp
                temp.Multiply(rho, temp);
                residuals.Add(temp, temp2);

                // x_(jk+1) = x_((j-1)k_k) - rho_(j+1) u~_(jk+1) + alpha_(jk+1) g~_((j-1)k+k)
                utemp.Multiply(-rho, temp);
                xtemp.Add(temp, temp2);

                gtemp.Multiply(alpha, gtemp);
                xtemp.Add(gtemp, temp2);

                // Check convergence and stop if we are converged.
                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals))
                    // Calculate the true residual
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, xtemp, input);

                    // Now recheck the convergence
                    if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals))
                        // We're all good now.
                        // Exit from the while loop.

                // FOR (i = 1,2, ...., k)
                for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    // z_d = u_(jk+1)

                    // z_g = r_(jk+i)

                    // z_w = 0

                    // FOR (s = i, ...., k-1) AND j >= 1
                    Complex beta;
                    if (iterationNumber >= 1)
                        for (var s = i; s < k - 1; s++)
                            // beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+s) = -q^t_(s+1) z_d / c_((j-1)k+s)
                            beta = -_startingVectors[s + 1].DotProduct(zd) / c[s];

                            // z_d = z_d + beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+s) d_((j-1)k+s)
                            d[s].Multiply(beta, temp);
                            zd.Add(temp, temp2);

                            // z_g = z_g + beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+s) g_((j-1)k+s)
                            g[s].Multiply(beta, temp);
                            zg.Add(temp, temp2);

                            // z_w = z_w + beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+s) w_((j-1)k+s)
                            w[s].Multiply(beta, temp);
                            zw.Add(temp, temp2);

                    beta = rho * c[k - 1];
                    if (beta.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && beta.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        throw new Exception("Iterative solver experience a numerical break down");

                    // beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+k) = -(q^T_1 (r_(jk+1) + rho_(j+1) z_w)) / (rho_(j+1) c_((j-1)k+k))
                    zw.Multiply(rho, temp2);
                    residuals.Add(temp2, temp);
                    beta = -_startingVectors[0].DotProduct(temp) / beta;

                    // z_g = z_g + beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+k) g_((j-1)k+k)
                    g[k - 1].Multiply(beta, temp);
                    zg.Add(temp, temp2);

                    // z_w = rho_(j+1) (z_w + beta^(jk+i)_((j-1)k+k) w_((j-1)k+k))
                    w[k - 1].Multiply(beta, temp);
                    zw.Add(temp, temp2);
                    zw.Multiply(rho, zw);

                    // z_d = r_(jk+i) + z_w
                    residuals.Add(zw, zd);

                    // FOR (s = 1, ... i - 1)
                    for (var s = 0; s < i - 1; s++)
                        // beta^(jk+i)_(jk+s) = -q^T_s+1 z_d / c_(jk+s)
                        beta = -_startingVectors[s + 1].DotProduct(zd) / c[s];

                        // z_d = z_d + beta^(jk+i)_(jk+s) * d_(jk+s)
                        d[s].Multiply(beta, temp);
                        zd.Add(temp, temp2);

                        // z_g = z_g + beta^(jk+i)_(jk+s) * g_(jk+s)
                        g[s].Multiply(beta, temp);
                        zg.Add(temp, temp2);

                    // d_(jk+i) = z_d - u_(jk+i)
                    zd.Subtract(u, d[i]);

                    // g_(jk+i) = z_g + z_w
                    zg.Add(zw, g[i]);

                    // IF (i < k - 1)
                    if (i < k - 1)
                        // c_(jk+1) = q^T_i+1 d_(jk+i)
                        c[i] = _startingVectors[i + 1].DotProduct(d[i]);
                        if (c[i].Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && c[i].Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                            throw new Exception("Iterative solver experience a numerical break down");

                        // alpha_(jk+i+1) = q^T_(i+1) u_(jk+i) / c_(jk+i)
                        alpha = _startingVectors[i + 1].DotProduct(u) / c[i];

                        // u_(jk+i+1) = u_(jk+i) - alpha_(jk+i+1) d_(jk+i)
                        d[i].Multiply(-alpha, temp);
                        u.Add(temp, temp2);

                        // SOLVE M g~_(jk+i) = g_(jk+i)
                        _preconditioner.Approximate(g[i], gtemp);

                        // x_(jk+i+1) = x_(jk+i) + rho_(j+1) alpha_(jk+i+1) g~_(jk+i)
                        gtemp.Multiply(rho * alpha, temp);
                        xtemp.Add(temp, temp2);

                        // w_(jk+i) = A g~_(jk+i)
                        matrix.Multiply(gtemp, w[i]);

                        // r_(jk+i+1) = r_(jk+i) - rho_(j+1) alpha_(jk+i+1) w_(jk+i)
                        w[i].Multiply(-rho * alpha, temp);
                        residuals.Add(temp, temp2);

                        // We can check the residuals here if they're close
                        if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, xtemp, input, residuals))
                            // Recalculate the residuals and go round again. This is done to ensure that
                            // we have the proper residuals.
                            CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, xtemp, input);
                } // END ITERATION OVER i


            // copy the temporary result to the real result vector
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient <see cref="Matrix"/>, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution <see cref="Vector"/>, <c>b</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result <see cref="Vector"/>, <c>x</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="iterator">The iterator to use to control when to stop iterating.</param>
        /// <param name="preconditioner">The preconditioner to use for approximations.</param>
        public void Solve(Matrix <Maths.Complex32> matrix, Vector <Maths.Complex32> input, Vector <Maths.Complex32> result, Iterator <Maths.Complex32> iterator, IPreconditioner <Maths.Complex32> preconditioner)
            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException("Matrix must be square.", nameof(matrix));

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("All vectors must have the same dimensionality.");

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw Matrix.DimensionsDontMatch <ArgumentException>(input, matrix);

            if (iterator == null)
                iterator = new Iterator <Maths.Complex32>();

            if (preconditioner == null)
                preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner <Maths.Complex32>();


            // Compute r_0 = b - Ax_0 for some initial guess x_0
            // In this case we take x_0 = vector
            // This is basically a SAXPY so it could be made a lot faster
            var residuals = new DenseVector(matrix.RowCount);

            CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

            // Choose r~ (for example, r~ = r_0)
            var tempResiduals = residuals.Clone();

            // create seven temporary vectors needed to hold temporary
            // coefficients. All vectors are mangled in each iteration.
            // These are defined here to prevent stressing the garbage collector
            var vecP     = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var vecPdash = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var nu       = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var vecS     = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var vecSdash = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var temp     = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);
            var temp2    = new DenseVector(residuals.Count);

            // create some temporary float variables that are needed
            // to hold values in between iterations
            Maths.Complex32 currentRho = 0;
            Maths.Complex32 alpha      = 0;
            Maths.Complex32 omega      = 0;

            var iterationNumber = 0;

            while (iterator.DetermineStatus(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals) == IterationStatus.Continue)
                // rho_(i-1) = r~^T r_(i-1) // dotproduct r~ and r_(i-1)
                var oldRho = currentRho;
                currentRho = tempResiduals.ConjugateDotProduct(residuals);

                // if (rho_(i-1) == 0) // METHOD FAILS
                // If rho is only 1 ULP from zero then we fail.
                if (currentRho.Real.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1) && currentRho.Imaginary.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1))
                    // Rho-type breakdown
                    throw new NumericalBreakdownException();

                if (iterationNumber != 0)
                    // beta_(i-1) = (rho_(i-1)/rho_(i-2))(alpha_(i-1)/omega(i-1))
                    var beta = (currentRho / oldRho) * (alpha / omega);

                    // p_i = r_(i-1) + beta_(i-1)(p_(i-1) - omega_(i-1) * nu_(i-1))
                    nu.Multiply(-omega, temp);
                    vecP.Add(temp, temp2);

                    vecP.Multiply(beta, vecP);
                    vecP.Add(residuals, temp2);
                    // p_i = r_(i-1)

                // SOLVE Mp~ = p_i // M = preconditioner
                preconditioner.Approximate(vecP, vecPdash);

                // nu_i = Ap~
                matrix.Multiply(vecPdash, nu);

                // alpha_i = rho_(i-1)/ (r~^T nu_i) = rho / dotproduct(r~ and nu_i)
                alpha = currentRho * 1 / tempResiduals.ConjugateDotProduct(nu);

                // s = r_(i-1) - alpha_i nu_i
                nu.Multiply(-alpha, temp);
                residuals.Add(temp, vecS);

                // Check if we're converged. If so then stop. Otherwise continue;
                // Calculate the temporary result.
                // Be careful not to change any of the temp vectors, except for
                // temp. Others will be used in the calculation later on.
                // x_i = x_(i-1) + alpha_i * p^_i + s^_i
                vecPdash.Multiply(alpha, temp);
                temp.Add(vecSdash, temp2);
                temp.Add(result, temp2);

                // Check convergence and stop if we are converged.
                if (iterator.DetermineStatus(iterationNumber, temp, input, vecS) != IterationStatus.Continue)

                    // Calculate the true residual
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

                    // Now recheck the convergence
                    if (iterator.DetermineStatus(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals) != IterationStatus.Continue)
                        // We're all good now.

                    // Continue the calculation

                // SOLVE Ms~ = s
                preconditioner.Approximate(vecS, vecSdash);

                // temp = As~
                matrix.Multiply(vecSdash, temp);

                // omega_i = temp^T s / temp^T temp
                omega = temp.ConjugateDotProduct(vecS) / temp.ConjugateDotProduct(temp);

                // x_i = x_(i-1) + alpha_i p^ + omega_i s^
                temp.Multiply(-omega, residuals);
                residuals.Add(vecS, temp2);

                vecSdash.Multiply(omega, temp);
                result.Add(temp, temp2);

                vecPdash.Multiply(alpha, temp);
                result.Add(temp, temp2);

                // for continuation it is necessary that omega_i != 0.0f
                // If omega is only 1 ULP from zero then we fail.
                if (omega.Real.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1) && omega.Imaginary.AlmostEqualNumbersBetween(0, 1))
                    // Omega-type breakdown
                    throw new NumericalBreakdownException();

                if (iterator.DetermineStatus(iterationNumber, result, input, residuals) != IterationStatus.Continue)
                    // Recalculate the residuals and go round again. This is done to ensure that
                    // we have the proper residuals.
                    // The residual calculation based on omega_i * s can be off by a factor 10. So here
                    // we calculate the real residual (which can be expensive) but we only do it if we're
                    // sufficiently close to the finish.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, residuals, result, input);

Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the preconditioner and loads the internal data structures.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">
        /// The <see cref="Matrix"/> upon which this preconditioner is based. Note that the 
        /// method takes a general matrix type. However internally the data is stored 
        /// as a sparse matrix. Therefore it is not recommended to pass a dense matrix.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> If <paramref name="matrix"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If <paramref name="matrix"/> is not a square matrix.</exception>
        public void Initialize(Matrix matrix)
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            var sparseMatrix = (matrix is SparseMatrix) ? matrix as SparseMatrix : new SparseMatrix(matrix);

            // The creation of the preconditioner follows the following algorithm.
            // spaceLeft = lfilNnz * nnz(A)
            // for i = 1, .. , n
            // {
            //    w = a(i,*)
            //    for j = 1, .. , i - 1
            //    {
            //        if (w(j) != 0)
            //        {
            //            w(j) = w(j) / a(j,j)
            //            if (w(j) < dropTol)
            //            {
            //                w(j) = 0;
            //            }
            //            if (w(j) != 0)
            //            {
            //                w = w - w(j) * U(j,*)
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    for j = i, .. ,n
            //    {
            //        if w(j) <= dropTol * ||A(i,*)||
            //        {
            //            w(j) = 0
            //        }
            //    }
            //    spaceRow = spaceLeft / (n - i + 1) // Determine the space for this row
            //    lfil = spaceRow / 2  // space for this row of L
            //    l(i,j) = w(j) for j = 1, .. , i -1 // only the largest lfil elements
            //    lfil = spaceRow - nnz(L(i,:))  // space for this row of U
            //    u(i,j) = w(j) for j = i, .. , n // only the largest lfil - 1 elements
            //    w = 0
            //    if max(U(i,i + 1: n)) > U(i,i) / pivTol then // pivot if necessary
            //    {
            //        pivot by swapping the max and the diagonal entries
            //        Update L, U
            //        Update P
            //    }
            //    spaceLeft = spaceLeft - nnz(L(i,:)) - nnz(U(i,:))
            // }
            // Create the lower triangular matrix
            _lower = new SparseMatrix(sparseMatrix.RowCount);

            // Create the upper triangular matrix and copy the values
            _upper = new SparseMatrix(sparseMatrix.RowCount);

            // Create the pivot array
            _pivots = new int[sparseMatrix.RowCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < _pivots.Length; i++)
                _pivots[i] = i;

            Vector workVector = new DenseVector(sparseMatrix.RowCount);
            Vector rowVector = new DenseVector(sparseMatrix.ColumnCount);
            var indexSorting = new int[sparseMatrix.RowCount];

            // spaceLeft = lfilNnz * nnz(A)
            var spaceLeft = (int)_fillLevel * sparseMatrix.NonZerosCount;

            // for i = 1, .. , n
            for (var i = 0; i < sparseMatrix.RowCount; i++)
                // w = a(i,*)
                sparseMatrix.Row(i, workVector);

                // pivot the row
                var vectorNorm = workVector.Norm(Double.PositiveInfinity);

                // for j = 1, .. , i - 1)
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    // if (w(j) != 0)
                    // {
                    //     w(j) = w(j) / a(j,j)
                    //     if (w(j) < dropTol)
                    //     {
                    //         w(j) = 0;
                    //     }
                    //     if (w(j) != 0)
                    //     {
                    //         w = w - w(j) * U(j,*)
                    //     }
                    if (workVector[j] != 0.0)
                        // Calculate the multiplication factors that go into the L matrix
                        workVector[j] = workVector[j] / _upper[j, j];
                        if (workVector[j].Magnitude < _dropTolerance)
                            workVector[j] = 0.0;

                        // Calculate the addition factor
                        if (workVector[j] != 0.0)
                            // vector update all in one go
                            _upper.Row(j, rowVector);

                            // zero out columnVector[k] because we don't need that
                            // one anymore for k = 0 to k = j
                            for (var k = 0; k <= j; k++)
                                rowVector[k] = 0.0;

                            rowVector.Multiply(workVector[j], rowVector);
                            workVector.Subtract(rowVector, workVector);

                // for j = i, .. ,n
                for (var j = i; j < sparseMatrix.RowCount; j++)
                    // if w(j) <= dropTol * ||A(i,*)||
                    // {
                    //     w(j) = 0
                    // }
                    if (workVector[j].Magnitude <= _dropTolerance * vectorNorm.Real)
                        workVector[j] = 0.0;

                // spaceRow = spaceLeft / (n - i + 1) // Determine the space for this row
                var spaceRow = spaceLeft / (sparseMatrix.RowCount - i + 1);

                // lfil = spaceRow / 2  // space for this row of L
                var fillLevel = spaceRow / 2;
                FindLargestItems(0, i - 1, indexSorting, workVector);

                // l(i,j) = w(j) for j = 1, .. , i -1 // only the largest lfil elements
                var lowerNonZeroCount = 0;
                var count = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    if ((count > fillLevel) || (indexSorting[j] == -1))

                    _lower[i, indexSorting[j]] = workVector[indexSorting[j]];
                    count += 1;
                    lowerNonZeroCount += 1;

                FindLargestItems(i + 1, sparseMatrix.RowCount - 1, indexSorting, workVector);

                // lfil = spaceRow - nnz(L(i,:))  // space for this row of U
                fillLevel = spaceRow - lowerNonZeroCount;

                // u(i,j) = w(j) for j = i + 1, .. , n // only the largest lfil - 1 elements
                var upperNonZeroCount = 0;
                count = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < sparseMatrix.RowCount - i; j++)
                    if ((count > fillLevel - 1) || (indexSorting[j] == -1))

                    _upper[i, indexSorting[j]] = workVector[indexSorting[j]];
                    count += 1;
                    upperNonZeroCount += 1;

                // Simply copy the diagonal element. Next step is to see if we pivot
                _upper[i, i] = workVector[i];

                // if max(U(i,i + 1: n)) > U(i,i) / pivTol then // pivot if necessary
                // {
                //     pivot by swapping the max and the diagonal entries
                //     Update L, U
                //     Update P
                // }

                // Check if we really need to pivot. If (i+1) >=(mCoefficientMatrix.Rows -1) then
                // we are working on the last row. That means that there is only one number
                // And pivoting is useless. Also the indexSorting array will only contain
                // -1 values.
                if ((i + 1) < (sparseMatrix.RowCount - 1))
                    if (workVector[i].Magnitude < _pivotTolerance * workVector[indexSorting[0]].Magnitude)
                        // swap columns of u (which holds the values of A in the
                        // sections that haven't been partitioned yet.
                        SwapColumns(_upper, i, indexSorting[0]);

                        // Update P
                        var temp = _pivots[i];
                        _pivots[i] = _pivots[indexSorting[0]];
                        _pivots[indexSorting[0]] = temp;

                // spaceLeft = spaceLeft - nnz(L(i,:)) - nnz(U(i,:))
                spaceLeft -= lowerNonZeroCount + upperNonZeroCount;

            for (var i = 0; i < _lower.RowCount; i++)
                _lower[i, i] = 1.0;
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the preconditioner and loads the internal data structures.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">
        /// The <see cref="Matrix"/> upon which this preconditioner is based. Note that the
        /// method takes a general matrix type. However internally the data is stored
        /// as a sparse matrix. Therefore it is not recommended to pass a dense matrix.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> If <paramref name="matrix"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If <paramref name="matrix"/> is not a square matrix.</exception>
        public void Initialize(Matrix <float> matrix)
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            SparseMatrix sparseMatrix = matrix as SparseMatrix ?? SparseMatrix.OfMatrix(matrix);

            // The creation of the preconditioner follows the following algorithm.
            // spaceLeft = lfilNnz * nnz(A)
            // for i = 1, .. , n
            // {
            //    w = a(i,*)
            //    for j = 1, .. , i - 1
            //    {
            //        if (w(j) != 0)
            //        {
            //            w(j) = w(j) / a(j,j)
            //            if (w(j) < dropTol)
            //            {
            //                w(j) = 0;
            //            }
            //            if (w(j) != 0)
            //            {
            //                w = w - w(j) * U(j,*)
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    for j = i, .. ,n
            //    {
            //        if w(j) <= dropTol * ||A(i,*)||
            //        {
            //            w(j) = 0
            //        }
            //    }
            //    spaceRow = spaceLeft / (n - i + 1) // Determine the space for this row
            //    lfil = spaceRow / 2  // space for this row of L
            //    l(i,j) = w(j) for j = 1, .. , i -1 // only the largest lfil elements
            //    lfil = spaceRow - nnz(L(i,:))  // space for this row of U
            //    u(i,j) = w(j) for j = i, .. , n // only the largest lfil - 1 elements
            //    w = 0
            //    if max(U(i,i + 1: n)) > U(i,i) / pivTol then // pivot if necessary
            //    {
            //        pivot by swapping the max and the diagonal entries
            //        Update L, U
            //        Update P
            //    }
            //    spaceLeft = spaceLeft - nnz(L(i,:)) - nnz(U(i,:))
            // }
            // Create the lower triangular matrix
            _lower = new SparseMatrix(sparseMatrix.RowCount);

            // Create the upper triangular matrix and copy the values
            _upper = new SparseMatrix(sparseMatrix.RowCount);

            // Create the pivot array
            _pivots = new int[sparseMatrix.RowCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < _pivots.Length; i++)
                _pivots[i] = i;

            var workVector   = new DenseVector(sparseMatrix.RowCount);
            var rowVector    = new DenseVector(sparseMatrix.ColumnCount);
            var indexSorting = new int[sparseMatrix.RowCount];

            // spaceLeft = lfilNnz * nnz(A)
            var spaceLeft = (int)_fillLevel * sparseMatrix.NonZerosCount;

            // for i = 1, .. , n
            for (var i = 0; i < sparseMatrix.RowCount; i++)
                // w = a(i,*)
                sparseMatrix.Row(i, workVector);

                // pivot the row
                var vectorNorm = workVector.InfinityNorm();

                // for j = 1, .. , i - 1)
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    // if (w(j) != 0)
                    // {
                    //     w(j) = w(j) / a(j,j)
                    //     if (w(j) < dropTol)
                    //     {
                    //         w(j) = 0;
                    //     }
                    //     if (w(j) != 0)
                    //     {
                    //         w = w - w(j) * U(j,*)
                    //     }
                    if (workVector[j] != 0.0)
                        // Calculate the multiplication factors that go into the L matrix
                        workVector[j] = workVector[j] / _upper[j, j];
                        if (Math.Abs(workVector[j]) < _dropTolerance)
                            workVector[j] = 0.0f;

                        // Calculate the addition factor
                        if (workVector[j] != 0.0)
                            // vector update all in one go
                            _upper.Row(j, rowVector);

                            // zero out columnVector[k] because we don't need that
                            // one anymore for k = 0 to k = j
                            for (var k = 0; k <= j; k++)
                                rowVector[k] = 0.0f;

                            rowVector.Multiply(workVector[j], rowVector);
                            workVector.Subtract(rowVector, workVector);

                // for j = i, .. ,n
                for (var j = i; j < sparseMatrix.RowCount; j++)
                    // if w(j) <= dropTol * ||A(i,*)||
                    // {
                    //     w(j) = 0
                    // }
                    if (Math.Abs(workVector[j]) <= _dropTolerance * vectorNorm)
                        workVector[j] = 0.0f;

                // spaceRow = spaceLeft / (n - i + 1) // Determine the space for this row
                var spaceRow = spaceLeft / (sparseMatrix.RowCount - i + 1);

                // lfil = spaceRow / 2  // space for this row of L
                var fillLevel = spaceRow / 2;
                FindLargestItems(0, i - 1, indexSorting, workVector);

                // l(i,j) = w(j) for j = 1, .. , i -1 // only the largest lfil elements
                var lowerNonZeroCount = 0;
                var count             = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    if ((count > fillLevel) || (indexSorting[j] == -1))

                    _lower[i, indexSorting[j]] = workVector[indexSorting[j]];
                    count             += 1;
                    lowerNonZeroCount += 1;

                FindLargestItems(i + 1, sparseMatrix.RowCount - 1, indexSorting, workVector);

                // lfil = spaceRow - nnz(L(i,:))  // space for this row of U
                fillLevel = spaceRow - lowerNonZeroCount;

                // u(i,j) = w(j) for j = i + 1, .. , n // only the largest lfil - 1 elements
                var upperNonZeroCount = 0;
                count = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < sparseMatrix.RowCount - i; j++)
                    if ((count > fillLevel - 1) || (indexSorting[j] == -1))

                    _upper[i, indexSorting[j]] = workVector[indexSorting[j]];
                    count             += 1;
                    upperNonZeroCount += 1;

                // Simply copy the diagonal element. Next step is to see if we pivot
                _upper[i, i] = workVector[i];

                // if max(U(i,i + 1: n)) > U(i,i) / pivTol then // pivot if necessary
                // {
                //     pivot by swapping the max and the diagonal entries
                //     Update L, U
                //     Update P
                // }

                // Check if we really need to pivot. If (i+1) >=(mCoefficientMatrix.Rows -1) then
                // we are working on the last row. That means that there is only one number
                // And pivoting is useless. Also the indexSorting array will only contain
                // -1 values.
                if ((i + 1) < (sparseMatrix.RowCount - 1))
                    if (Math.Abs(workVector[i]) < _pivotTolerance * Math.Abs(workVector[indexSorting[0]]))
                        // swap columns of u (which holds the values of A in the
                        // sections that haven't been partitioned yet.
                        SwapColumns(_upper, i, indexSorting[0]);

                        // Update P
                        var temp = _pivots[i];
                        _pivots[i] = _pivots[indexSorting[0]];
                        _pivots[indexSorting[0]] = temp;

                // spaceLeft = spaceLeft - nnz(L(i,:)) - nnz(U(i,:))
                spaceLeft -= lowerNonZeroCount + upperNonZeroCount;

            for (var i = 0; i < _lower.RowCount; i++)
                _lower[i, i] = 1.0f;