public PlatformDefinition(string name, List <string> defines, PlatformID type) { Name = name; if (defines != null) { Defines.AddRange(defines); } SystemVersion = ModuleDefManager.TargetRulesObject.GetWinSDKVer(); TypeId = type; }
void _ParseOption(string name, string value, int iName, int iValue) { //AOutput.Write(name, value); _nameFrom = iName; _nameTo = iName + name.Length; _valueFrom = iValue; _valueTo = iValue + value.Length; if (value.Length == 0) { _ErrorV("value cannot be empty"); return; } bool forCodeInfo = _flags.Has(EMPFlags.ForCodeInfo); switch (name) { case "r": case "com": case "pr" when _isMain: if (name[0] == 'p') { Specified |=; if (!_PR(ref value) || forCodeInfo) { return; } } try { //var p1 = APerf.Create(); if (!References.Resolve(value, name[0] == 'c')) { _ErrorV("reference assembly not found: " + value); //FUTURE: need more info, or link to Help } //p1.NW('r'); } catch (Exception e) { _ErrorV("exception: " + e.Message); //unlikely. If bad format, will be error later, without position info. } return; case "c": var ff = _GetFile(value); if (ff == null) { return; } if (!ff.IsClass) { _ErrorV("must be a class file"); return; } if (_filesC == null) { _filesC = new List <FileNode>(); } else if (_filesC.Contains(ff)) { return; } _filesC.Add(ff); return; case "resource": var fs1 = _GetFileAndString(value); if (!forCodeInfo && fs1.f != null) { if (Resources == null) { Resources = new List <MetaFileAndString>(); } else if (Resources.Exists(o => o.f == fs1.f && o.s == fs1.s)) { return; } Resources.Add(fs1); } return; //FUTURE: support wildcard: // resource *.png //add to managed resources all matching files in this C# file's folder. // resource Resources\*.png //add to managed resources all matching files in a subfolder of this C# file's folder. //Support folder (add all in folder). } if (!_isMain) { _ErrorN($"in this file only these options can be used: 'r', 'c', 'resource', 'com'. Others only in the main file of the compilation - {CodeFiles[0].f.Name}."); return; } switch (name) { case "optimize": _Specified(EMSpecified.optimize); if (_TrueFalse(out bool optim, value)) { Optimize = optim; } break; case "define": Specified |= EMSpecified.define; Defines.AddRange(value.SegSplit(", ", SegFlags.NoEmpty)); break; case "warningLevel": _Specified(EMSpecified.warningLevel); int wl = value.ToInt(); if (wl >= 0 && wl <= 4) { WarningLevel = wl; } else { _ErrorV("must be 0 - 4"); } break; case "noWarnings": Specified |= EMSpecified.noWarnings; NoWarnings.AddRange(value.SegSplit(", ", SegFlags.NoEmpty)); break; case "role": _Specified(EMSpecified.role); if (_Enum(out ERole ro, value)) { Role = ro; if (IsScript && (ro == ERole.classFile || Role == ERole.classLibrary)) { _ErrorV("role classFile and classLibrary can be only in class files"); } } break; case "preBuild": _Specified(EMSpecified.preBuild); PreBuild = _GetFileAndString(value); break; case "postBuild": _Specified(EMSpecified.postBuild); PostBuild = _GetFileAndString(value); break; case "outputPath": _Specified(EMSpecified.outputPath); if (!forCodeInfo) { OutputPath = _GetOutPath(value); } break; case "runMode": _Specified(EMSpecified.runMode); if (_Enum(out ERunMode rm, value)) { RunMode = rm; } break; case "ifRunning": _Specified(EMSpecified.ifRunning); if (_Enum(out EIfRunning ifR, value)) { IfRunning = ifR; } break; case "ifRunning2": _Specified(EMSpecified.ifRunning2); if (_Enum(out EIfRunning2 ifR2, value)) { IfRunning2 = ifR2; } break; case "uac": _Specified(EMSpecified.uac); if (_Enum(out EUac uac, value)) { Uac = uac; } break; case "prefer32bit": _Specified(EMSpecified.prefer32bit); if (_TrueFalse(out bool is32, value)) { Prefer32Bit = is32; } break; case "console": _Specified(EMSpecified.console); if (_TrueFalse(out bool con, value)) { Console = con; } break; //case "config": // _Specified(EMSpecified.config); // ConfigFile = _GetFile(value); // break; case "manifest": _Specified(EMSpecified.manifest); ManifestFile = _GetFile(value); break; case "icon": _Specified(EMSpecified.icon); IconFile = _GetFile(value); break; case "resFile": _Specified(EMSpecified.resFile); ResFile = _GetFile(value); break; case "sign": _Specified(EMSpecified.sign); SignFile = _GetFile(value); break; case "xmlDoc": _Specified(EMSpecified.xmlDoc); XmlDocFile = value; break; //case "version": //will be auto-created from [assembly: AssemblyVersion] etc // break; default: _ErrorN("unknown meta comment option"); break; } }