public void WriteToStream(Stream stream) { var packer = new Packer(stream); WriteHeader(packer); DataStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); DataStream.CopyTo(stream); }
/// <summary> /// Copy data directly to writer /// </summary> /// <param name="writer">Writer that is opened for writing</param> public virtual void CopyTo(MediaWriter <Frame> writer) { if (!writer.OpenedForWriting) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Writer is not opened for writing!"); } DataStream.CopyTo(writer.InputDataStream); }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { this.FOutValid.SliceCount = 1; this.FStreamOut.SliceCount = 1; if (this.FRead[0]) { this.FBufferIn.Sync(); if (this.FBufferIn.IsConnected) { if (this.RenderRequest != null) { this.RenderRequest(this, this.FHost); } if (this.AssignedContext == null) { this.FOutValid.SliceCount = 0; return; } var context = this.AssignedContext; if (this.FBufferIn[0].Contains(this.AssignedContext)) { var rawBuffer = this.FBufferIn[0][context]; if (this.lastBuffer != null) { if (rawBuffer.Buffer.Description.SizeInBytes != lastBuffer.Size) { this.lastStream.Dispose(); this.lastStream = null; this.lastBuffer.Dispose(); this.lastBuffer = null; } } if (this.lastBuffer == null) { this.lastBuffer = new DX11StagingRawBuffer(context.Device, rawBuffer.Buffer.Description.SizeInBytes); this.lastStream = new MemoryStream(rawBuffer.Buffer.Description.SizeInBytes); } lastStream.Position = 0; context.CurrentDeviceContext.CopyResource(rawBuffer.Buffer, this.lastBuffer.Buffer); DataStream ds = this.lastBuffer.MapForRead(context.CurrentDeviceContext); ds.CopyTo(lastStream); lastStream.Position = 0; this.lastBuffer.UnMap(context.CurrentDeviceContext); FStreamOut[0] = lastStream; FStreamOut.Flush(true); } } } }
private void ExpandInstanceBuffers() { if (IsDisposed) { return; } var stride = InstanceRenderData.Stride; var length = stride * Math.Max(_renderables.Count, 1); // buffers with a size of 0 are invalid var gpuBuffer = InstanceBufferGpu; if (gpuBuffer?.IsDisposed != false || length > gpuBuffer.Description.SizeInBytes) { var newLength = length * 2; gpuBuffer?.Dispose(); // create GPU upload buffer InstanceBufferGpu = new Buffer(Renderer.Device, new BufferDescription { SizeInBytes = newLength, StructureByteStride = stride, BindFlags = BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.Write, Usage = ResourceUsage.Dynamic, OptionFlags = ResourceOptionFlags.None }); gpuBuffer = InstanceBufferGpu; // create new CPU buffer var cpuBuffer = new DataStream(newLength, true, true); lock (this) { // copy data from old buffer to the new one. if (_instanceBufferCpu != null) { _instanceBufferCpu.Position = 0; if (_instanceBufferCpu.Length > cpuBuffer.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid buffer sizes"); } _instanceBufferCpu.CopyTo(cpuBuffer); _instanceBufferCpu.Dispose(); } _instanceBufferCpu = cpuBuffer; } Bindings[1] = new VertexBufferBinding(gpuBuffer, InstanceRenderData.Stride, 0); } }
/// <summary> /// Copy data directly to writer /// </summary> /// <param name="writer">Writer that is opened for writing</param> public virtual void CopyTo(MediaWriter <Frame> writer) { if (DataStream == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Reader is not opened for reading! Have you called Load()?"); } if (!writer.OpenedForWriting) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Writer is not opened for writing!"); } DataStream.CopyTo(writer.InputDataStream); }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (this.FInput.IsConnected && this.FInEnabled[0]) { this.FInput.Sync(); if (this.RenderRequest != null) { this.RenderRequest(this, this.FHost); } if (this.AssignedContext == null) { this.FOutput.SliceCount = 0; return; } IDX11StructuredBuffer b = this.FInput[0][this.AssignedContext]; if (b != null) { if (this.staging != null && this.staging.ElementCount != b.ElementCount) { this.staging.Dispose(); this.staging = null; } if (this.staging != null && currentStride != b.Stride) { this.staging.Dispose(); this.staging = null; currentStride = b.Stride; } if (this.staging == null) { staging = new DX11StagingStructuredBuffer(this.AssignedContext.Device, b.ElementCount, b.Stride); } this.AssignedContext.CurrentDeviceContext.CopyResource(b.Buffer, staging.Buffer); //this.FOutput.SliceCount = b.ElementCount; this.FOutput.SliceCount = 1; DataStream ds = staging.MapForRead(this.AssignedContext.CurrentDeviceContext); try { MemoryComStream outstream = new MemoryComStream(); ds.Position = 0; ds.CopyTo(outstream); FOutput[0] = outstream; this.FOutput.Flush(true); } catch (Exception ex) { FHost.Log(TLogType.Error, "Error inreadback node: " + ex.Message); } finally { staging.UnMap(this.AssignedContext.CurrentDeviceContext); } } else { this.FOutput.SliceCount = 0; } } else { this.FOutput.SliceCount = 0; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Environment.CurrentDirectory = @"C:\SONICADVENTUREDX\Projects\ECPort"; List <BMPInfo> textures = new List <BMPInfo>(TextureArchive.GetTextures(@"C:\SONICADVENTUREDX\system\BEACH01.PVM")); LandTable landTable = LandTable.LoadFromFile(@"Levels\Emerald Coast\Act 1\LandTable.sa1lvl"); texmap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); BMPInfo[] newtexs = TextureArchive.GetTextures(@"C:\SONICADVENTUREDX\system\BEACH03.PVM"); for (int i = 0; i < newtexs.Length; i++) { BMPInfo found = textures.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.Equals(newtexs[i].Name)); if (found == null) { texmap[i] = textures.Count; textures.Add(newtexs[i]); } else { texmap[i] = textures.IndexOf(found); } } foreach (COL col in LandTable.LoadFromFile(@"Levels\Emerald Coast\Act 3\LandTable.sa1lvl").COL) { foreach (NJS_MATERIAL mat in ((BasicAttach)col.Model.Attach).Material) { mat.TextureID = texmap[mat.TextureID]; } landTable.COL.Add(col); } texmap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); newtexs = TextureArchive.GetTextures(@"C:\SONICADVENTUREDX\system\BEACH02.PVM"); for (int i = 0; i < newtexs.Length; i++) { BMPInfo found = textures.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.Equals(newtexs[i].Name)); if (found == null) { texmap[i] = textures.Count; textures.Add(newtexs[i]); } else { texmap[i] = textures.IndexOf(found); } } foreach (COL col in LandTable.LoadFromFile(@"Levels\Emerald Coast\Act 2\LandTable.sa1lvl").COL) { col.Bounds.Center.Z -= 2000; col.Model.Position.Z -= 2000; foreach (NJS_MATERIAL mat in ((BasicAttach)col.Model.Attach).Material) { mat.TextureID = texmap[mat.TextureID]; } landTable.COL.Add(col); } texmap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); newtexs = TextureArchive.GetTextures(@"C:\SONICADVENTUREDX\system\OBJ_BEACH.PVM"); for (int i = 0; i < newtexs.Length; i++) { BMPInfo found = textures.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.Equals(newtexs[i].Name)); if (found == null) { texmap[i] = textures.Count; textures.Add(newtexs[i]); } else { texmap[i] = textures.IndexOf(found); } } PAKFile pak = new PAKFile(); List <byte> inf = new List <byte>(); string filenoext = "beach01"; string longdir = "..\\..\\..\\sonic2\\resource\\gd_pc\\prs\\" + filenoext; using (System.Windows.Forms.Panel panel = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel()) using (Direct3D d3d = new Direct3D()) using (Device dev = new Device(d3d, 0, DeviceType.Hardware, panel.Handle, CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, new PresentParameters(640, 480))) { for (int i = 0; i < textures.Count; i++) { using (Texture tex = textures[i].Image.ToTexture(dev)) using (DataStream str = Surface.ToStream(tex.GetSurfaceLevel(0), ImageFileFormat.Dds)) using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { str.CopyTo(ms); pak.Files.Add(new PAKFile.File(filenoext + '\\' + Path.ChangeExtension(textures[i].Name, ".dds"), longdir + '\\' + Path.ChangeExtension(textures[i].Name, ".dds"), ms.ToArray())); } int infsz = inf.Count; inf.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Path.ChangeExtension(textures[i].Name, null))); inf.AddRange(new byte[0x1C - (inf.Count - infsz)]); inf.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(i + 200)); inf.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(0)); inf.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(0)); inf.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(0)); inf.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(textures[i].Image.Width)); inf.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(textures[i].Image.Height)); inf.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(0)); inf.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(0x80000000)); } } pak.Files.Insert(0, new PAKFile.File(filenoext + '\\' + filenoext + ".inf", longdir + '\\' + filenoext + ".inf", inf.ToArray())); pak.Save(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sonic Adventure 2\mods\Emerald Coast\gd_PC\PRS\beach01.pak"); List <COL> newcollist = new List <COL>(); Dictionary <string, Attach> visitedAttaches = new Dictionary <string, Attach>(); foreach (COL col in landTable.COL.Where((col) => col.Model != null && col.Model.Attach != null)) { ConvertCOL(newcollist, visitedAttaches, col); } landTable.COL = newcollist; Console.WriteLine("Loading Object Definitions:"); Console.WriteLine("Parsing..."); LevelData.ObjDefs = new List <ObjectDefinition>(); Dictionary <string, ObjectData> objdefini = IniSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, ObjectData> >("objdefs.ini"); List <ObjectData> objectErrors = new List <ObjectData>(); ObjectListEntry[] objlstini = ObjectList.Load(@"Levels\Emerald Coast\Object List.ini", false); Directory.CreateDirectory("dllcache").Attributes |= FileAttributes.Hidden; List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > compileErrors = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); for (int ID = 0; ID < objlstini.Length; ID++) { string codeaddr = objlstini[ID].CodeString; if (!objdefini.ContainsKey(codeaddr)) { codeaddr = "0"; } ObjectData defgroup = objdefini[codeaddr]; ObjectDefinition def; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defgroup.CodeFile)) { Console.WriteLine("Compiling: " + defgroup.CodeFile); def = CompileObjectDefinition(defgroup, out bool errorOccured, out string errorText); if (errorOccured) { KeyValuePair <string, string> errorValue = new KeyValuePair <string, string>( defgroup.CodeFile, errorText); compileErrors.Add(errorValue); } } else { def = new DefaultObjectDefinition(); } LevelData.ObjDefs.Add(def); // The only reason .Model is checked for null is for objects that don't yet have any // models defined for them. It would be annoying seeing that error all the time! if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defgroup.CodeFile) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(defgroup.Model)) { Console.WriteLine("Loading: " + defgroup.Model); // Otherwise, if the model file doesn't exist and/or no texture file is defined, // load the "default object" instead ("?"). if (!File.Exists(defgroup.Model)) { ObjectData error = new ObjectData { Name = defgroup.Name, Model = defgroup.Model, Texture = defgroup.Texture }; objectErrors.Add(error); defgroup.Model = null; } } def.Init(defgroup, objlstini[ID].Name); def.SetInternalName(objlstini[ID].Name); } // Checks if there have been any errors added to the error list and does its thing // This thing is a mess. If anyone can think of a cleaner way to do this, be my guest. if (objectErrors.Count > 0) { int count = objectErrors.Count; List <string> errorStrings = new List <string> { "The following objects failed to load:" }; foreach (ObjectData o in objectErrors) { bool texEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Texture); bool texExists = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Texture) && LevelData.Textures.ContainsKey(o.Texture)); errorStrings.Add(""); errorStrings.Add("Object:\t\t" + o.Name); errorStrings.Add("\tModel:"); errorStrings.Add("\t\tName:\t" + o.Model); errorStrings.Add("\t\tExists:\t" + File.Exists(o.Model)); errorStrings.Add("\tTexture:"); errorStrings.Add("\t\tName:\t" + ((texEmpty) ? "(N/A)" : o.Texture)); errorStrings.Add("\t\tExists:\t" + texExists); } // TODO: Proper logging. Who knows where this file may end up File.WriteAllLines("SADXLVL2.log", errorStrings.ToArray()); } // Loading SET Layout Console.WriteLine("Loading SET items", "Initializing..."); List <SETItem> setlist = new List <SETItem>(); SonicRetro.SAModel.SAEditorCommon.UI.EditorItemSelection selection = new SonicRetro.SAModel.SAEditorCommon.UI.EditorItemSelection(); if (LevelData.ObjDefs.Count > 0) { string setstr = @"C:\SONICADVENTUREDX\Projects\ECPort\system\SET0100S.BIN"; if (File.Exists(setstr)) { Console.WriteLine("SET: " + setstr.Replace(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "")); setlist = SETItem.Load(setstr, selection); } setstr = @"C:\SONICADVENTUREDX\Projects\ECPort\system\SET0102B.BIN"; if (File.Exists(setstr)) { Console.WriteLine("SET: " + setstr.Replace(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "")); setlist.AddRange(SETItem.Load(setstr, selection)); } setstr = @"C:\SONICADVENTUREDX\Projects\ECPort\system\SET0101S.BIN"; if (File.Exists(setstr)) { Console.WriteLine("SET: " + setstr.Replace(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "")); List <SETItem> newlist = SETItem.Load(setstr, selection); foreach (SETItem item in newlist) { item.Position.Z -= 2000; } setlist.AddRange(newlist); } } MatrixStack transform = new MatrixStack(); List <SETItem> add = new List <SETItem>(); List <SETItem> del = new List <SETItem>(); List <PalmtreeData> trees = new List <PalmtreeData>(); foreach (SETItem item in setlist) { switch (item.ID) { case 0xD: // item box item.ID = 0xA; item.Scale.X = itemboxmap[(int)item.Scale.X]; break; case 0x15: // ring group to rings for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(item.Scale.X + 1, 8); i++) { if (item.Scale.Z == 1) // circle { double v4 = i * 360.0; Vector3 v7 = new Vector3( ObjectHelper.NJSin((int)(v4 / item.Scale.X * 65536.0 * 0.002777777777777778)) * item.Scale.Y, 0, ObjectHelper.NJCos((int)(v4 / item.Scale.X * 65536.0 * 0.002777777777777778)) * item.Scale.Y); transform.Push(); transform.NJTranslate(item.Position); transform.NJRotateObject(item.Rotation); Vector3 pos = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(v7, transform.Top); transform.Pop(); add.Add(new SETItem(0, selection) { Position = pos.ToVertex() }); } else // line { transform.Push(); transform.NJTranslate(item.Position); transform.NJRotateObject(item.Rotation); double v5; if (i % 2 == 1) { v5 = i * item.Scale.Y * -0.5; } else { v5 = Math.Ceiling(i * 0.5) * item.Scale.Y; } Vector3 pos = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(new Vector3(0, 0, (float)v5), transform.Top); transform.Pop(); add.Add(new SETItem(0, selection) { Position = pos.ToVertex() }); } } del.Add(item); break; case 0x1A: // tikal -> omochao item.ID = 0x19; item.Position.Y += 3; break; case 0x1D: // kiki item.ID = 0x5B; item.Rotation = new Rotation(); item.Scale = new Vertex(); break; case 0x1F: // sweep ->beetle item.ID = 0x38; item.Rotation = new Rotation(); item.Scale = new Vertex(1, 0, 0); break; case 0x28: // launch ramp item.ID = 6; item.Scale.X /= 2.75f; item.Scale.Z = 0.799999952316284f; break; case 0x4F: // updraft item.ID = 0x35; item.Scale.X = Math.Max(Math.Min(item.Scale.X, 200), 10) / 2; item.Scale.Y = Math.Max(Math.Min(item.Scale.Y, 200), 10) / 2; item.Scale.Z = Math.Max(Math.Min(item.Scale.Z, 200), 10) / 2; break; case 0x52: // item box air item.ID = 0xB; item.Scale.X = itemboxmap[(int)item.Scale.X]; break; // palm trees case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: trees.Add(new PalmtreeData((byte)(item.ID - 32), item.Position, item.Rotation)); del.Add(item); break; // nonsolid objects case 47: case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 59: case 62: case 63: case 64: case 70: ConvertSETItem(newcollist, item, false, setlist.IndexOf(item)); del.Add(item); break; // solid objects case 36: case 37: case 39: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 54: case 58: case 66: case 71: case 72: case 73: case 74: ConvertSETItem(newcollist, item, true, setlist.IndexOf(item)); del.Add(item); break; case 81: // goal item.ID = 0xE; item.Position.Y += 30; break; default: if (idmap.ContainsKey(item.ID)) { item.ID = idmap[item.ID]; } else { del.Add(item); } break; } } setlist.AddRange(add); foreach (SETItem item in del) { setlist.Remove(item); } setlist.Add(new SETItem(0x55, selection) { Position = new Vertex(6158.6f, -88f, 2384.97f), Scale = new Vertex(3, 0, 0) }); { COL col = new COL() { Model = new ModelFile(@"E:\Bridge Model.sa1mdl").Model, SurfaceFlags = SurfaceFlags.Visible }; col.Model.Position = new Vertex(2803, -1, 365); foreach (NJS_MATERIAL mat in ((BasicAttach)col.Model.Attach).Material) { mat.TextureID = texmap[mat.TextureID]; } col.Model.ProcessVertexData(); col.CalculateBounds(); ConvertCOL(newcollist, new Dictionary <string, Attach>(), col); col = new COL() { Model = new ModelFile(@"E:\Bridge Model COL.sa1mdl").Model, SurfaceFlags = SurfaceFlags.Solid }; col.Model.Position = new Vertex(2803, -1, 365); col.Model.ProcessVertexData(); col.CalculateBounds(); newcollist.Add(col); col = new COL() { Model = new ModelFile(@"E:\BridgeSegment0.sa1mdl").Model, SurfaceFlags = SurfaceFlags.Solid }; col.Model.ProcessVertexData(); col.CalculateBounds(); newcollist.Add(col); col = new COL() { Model = new ModelFile(@"E:\BridgeSegment1.sa1mdl").Model, SurfaceFlags = SurfaceFlags.Solid }; col.Model.ProcessVertexData(); col.CalculateBounds(); newcollist.Add(col); col = new COL() { Model = new ModelFile(@"E:\BridgeSegment2.sa1mdl").Model, SurfaceFlags = SurfaceFlags.Solid }; col.Model.ProcessVertexData(); col.CalculateBounds(); newcollist.Add(col); col = new COL() { Model = new ModelFile(@"E:\BridgeSegment3.sa1mdl").Model, SurfaceFlags = SurfaceFlags.Solid }; col.Model.ProcessVertexData(); col.CalculateBounds(); newcollist.Add(col); } landTable.SaveToFile(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sonic Adventure 2\mods\Emerald Coast\LandTable.sa2lvl", LandTableFormat.SA2); ByteConverter.BigEndian = true; SETItem.Save(setlist, @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sonic Adventure 2\mods\Emerald Coast\gd_PC\set0013_s.bin"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ModelFile modelFile = new ModelFile($@"C:\SONICADVENTUREDX\Projects\Test\Objects\Levels\Emerald Coast\YASI{i}.sa1mdl"); foreach (BasicAttach attach in modelFile.Model.GetObjects().Where(a => a.Attach != null).Select(a => a.Attach)) { foreach (NJS_MATERIAL mat in attach.Material) { mat.TextureID = texmap[mat.TextureID]; } } modelFile.SaveToFile($@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sonic Adventure 2\mods\Emerald Coast\YASI{i}.sa1mdl"); } using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(@"E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\LevelTest\LevelTest\pt.c")) sw.WriteLine(string.Join(",\r\n", trees)); }
/// <summary> /// The most general shader pass method. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The device context to use.</param> /// <param name="shader">The pixel shader.</param> /// <param name="viewport">The render viewport.</param> /// <param name="rtv">A render target.</param> /// <param name="srv">Shader resources.</param> /// <param name="uav">Unordered access views.</param> /// <param name="cbuffer">A data stream to fill the constant buffer with.</param> public void Pass(DeviceContext context, String shader, ViewportF viewport, RenderTargetView rtv, ShaderResourceView[] srv, UnorderedAccessView[] uav, DataStream cbuffer) { if (shader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Shader code cannot be null."); context.PixelShader.Set(CompilePixelShader(Device, shader)); if (uav != null) context.OutputMerger.SetTargets(1, uav, new[] { rtv }); else context.OutputMerger.SetTargets(new[] { rtv }); if (srv != null) context.PixelShader.SetShaderResources(0, srv); context.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, constantBuffer); context.Rasterizer.SetViewports(new[] { viewport }); context.PixelShader.SetSampler(0, sampler); if (cbuffer != null) { DataStream stream; context.MapSubresource(constantBuffer, MapMode.WriteDiscard, MapFlags.None, out stream); cbuffer.CopyTo(stream); context.UnmapSubresource(constantBuffer, 0); stream.Dispose(); } ExecuteShaderPass(context); }
/// <summary> /// Convenience method to copy the contents of a DataStream into a /// constant buffer. The buffer must have CPU read access, and its /// position will be reset to zero before copying (by convention). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Device context to use.</param> /// <param name="buffer">Constant buffer.</param> /// <param name="stream">The data stream.</param> protected static void CopyStream(DeviceContext context, Buffer buffer, DataStream stream) { DataStream staging = null; try { context.MapSubresource(buffer, MapMode.WriteDiscard, MapFlags.None, out staging); stream.Position = 0; stream.CopyTo(staging); context.UnmapSubresource(buffer, 0); } finally { if (staging != null) staging.Dispose(); } }