public override IEnumerator Execute(Unit initiator, List <Unit> targets) { foreach (Unit target in targets) { bool stun = new Random().Next(1, 100) <= 99; var attackDamage = BattleManager.CalculatePhysicalDamage(0.8f * initiator.stats[StatString.PHYSICAL_DAMAGE].Value, target); target.stats[StatString.HP].AddModifier(new StatModifier(-attackDamage, StatModType.Flat)); DamagePopUp.Create(target.transform.position, string.Format("- {0} HP", attackDamage), PopupType.DAMAGE); if (stun) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); Debug.Log("target stunned"); target.Stun(); yield return(target.StunAnimation()); DamagePopUp.Create(target.transform.position, "Stunned!", PopupType.DAMAGE); } } UpdateStats(initiator, targets); yield break; }
public void HitNumber() { Transform damagePopUpTransform = Instantiate(_damagePopUpPreFab,, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopUp damagePopUp = _damagePopUpPreFab.GetComponent<DamagePopUp>(); damagePopUp.SetUp(300); }
public void Hurt(int damage, float force, Transform obj) { // show healthbar canvas.enabled = true; // minus current health by damage mCurrentHealth -= damage; SetHealth(); DamagePopUp.CreateEnemy(transform.position, damage); // animate hurt animation FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>().Play("Hurt"); animator.SetTrigger("Hurt"); StartCoroutine(Knockback(knockbackDuration, obj, force)); // if current drop below 0, play die animation and set enable to boc collider and scripts to // false if (mCurrentHealth <= 0) { Die(); if (enemySpawner != null) // if was spawned by an enemySpawner { enemySpawner.GetComponent <EnemySpawner>().ifEnemyDied(); // run ifEnemyDied } } }
//For when the enemy object takes damage public void takeDamage(int damage, bool crit, GameObject source) { //Debug.Log (gameObject + " takes " + damage + " damage."); if (Random.value < chanceSpawnOnHit) { ObjectPooler.Instance.GetObject(enemy.ObjectPoolIndex, true, spawnpoint.gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, Random.Range(0, 360), 0f))); } if (healthBar == null) { InstantiateHealthBar(); } health -= damage; healthBarImage.fillAmount = (float)health / startingHealth; float lerp = (float)health / (float)startingHealth; healthBarImage.color = Color.Lerp(, Color.magenta, lerp); DamagePopUp.CreateDamagePopUp(damage, gameObject, crit); if (clip_takeDamage != null) { ObjectPooler.Instance.PlayAudioSource(clip_takeDamage, mixerGroup, pitchMin, pitchMax, transform); } if (health <= 0) { // Debug.Log ("dead"); StartCoroutine(spawn()); Die(); } }
void Shoot() { muzzleFlash.Play(); //hitEffect.instance.spawnDefaultHitEffect(barrelEnd.position, barrelEnd.transform); Debug.DrawRay(barrelEnd.transform.position, barrelEnd.transform.forward * 200f,; if (Physics.Raycast(barrelEnd.transform.position, barrelEnd.transform.forward, out hit, Range) && hit.transform.tag == "Enemy") { Debug.Log(; Enemies enemy = hit.transform.GetComponent <Enemies>(); //Enemies enemy = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Enemies>(); bool isCritical = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100) < 25; if (isCritical) { bulletDamage *= 2; } if (explosiveBullets) { Instantiate(bullet, hit.point, hit.transform.rotation); } if (enemy != null) { enemy.TakeDamage(bulletDamage); } if (hit.rigidbody != null) { hit.rigidbody.AddForce(-hit.normal * impactForce); } DamagePopUp.Create(hit.point, bulletDamage, isCritical); } }
public void TakeDamage(int playerDamage) { mCurrentHP -= playerDamage; DeathCheck(); // DamagePop up as new feature DamagePopUp.Create(transform.position, playerDamage); }
public static void Create(Vector3 position, float damageAmount, Color customColor) { Transform damagePopUpTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.i.pfDamagePopUp, position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopUp damagePopup = damagePopUpTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopUp>(); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmount, customColor); }
//For when the torch takes damage public void takeDamage(int damage, bool crit, GameObject source) { if (isDamagable) { // Debug.Log (gameObject + " takes " + damage + " damage."); health -= damage; DamagePopUp.CreateTorchHealthPopUp(damage, ui, true); updateHealth(); TorchFOV.SetTrigger("TakeDamage"); if (health <= 0) { health = 0; updateHealth(); string sourceString =; if (sourceString.EndsWith("(Clone)")) { sourceString = sourceString.Remove(sourceString.Length - 7); } Debug.Log("Player dies by taking " + damage + " from " + sourceString); gameManager.deathCanvas.SetCauseText("by taking " + damage + " damage from " + sourceString + "."); Die(); } } }
public void TakeDamage(int damage, float knockbackForce, Transform obj) { if (isDead) { return; } if (isGod is false) { if (halfDamage) { damage = damage / 2; } health -= damage; SetHealth(); DamagePopUp.CreatePlayer(transform.position, damage); } heroMovement.Knockback(obj, knockbackForce); animator.SetBool("IsJumping", false); FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>().Play("Hurt"); animator.SetTrigger("Hurt"); if (health < 1) { Death(); } }
//Create a damage popup public static DamagePopUp Create(Vector3 position, string effect, bool isWounding) { Transform damagePopUpTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.i.damagePopUp, position + new Vector3(0, 0.5f), Camera.main.transform.rotation); DamagePopUp damagePopUp = damagePopUpTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopUp>(); damagePopUp.Setup(effect, isWounding); return(damagePopUp); }
public static DamagePopUp Create(Vector3 position, string popupText, PopupType popupType, bool isCriticalHit = false) { Transform damagePopUpTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.MyInstance.pfDamagePopUp, position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopUp damagePopUp = damagePopUpTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopUp>(); damagePopUp.SetUp(popupText, popupType, isCriticalHit); return(damagePopUp); }
public void Burn(float burnDamage) { health -= burnDamage; SpawnBlood(); DamagePopUp.Create(transform.position, burnDamage,; image.fillAmount = health / maxHealth; CheckDeath(); }
public static void Initialize() { canvas = GameObject.Find("BattleUI"); if (!popUpText) { popUpText = Resources.Load <DamagePopUp>("Logics/PopUp_Text_Parent"); } }
public static DamagePopUp Create(Vector3 position, int damageAmount, bool isCriticalHit) { Transform damagePopUpTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.instance.DamagePopUp, position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopUp damagePopUp = damagePopUpTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopUp>(); damagePopUp.Setup(damageAmount, isCriticalHit); return(damagePopUp); }
public static DamagePopUp CreateEnemy(Vector3 position, int damage) { Transform damagePopUpTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.i.pfDamagePopUpEnemy, position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopUp damagePopUp = damagePopUpTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopUp>(); damagePopUp.Setup(damage); return(damagePopUp); }
IEnumerator delyayedAction(DamagePopUp textItem, string ValueasString, bool isCrit, int delay) { for (int i = 0; i < delay; i++) { yield return(null); } textItem.setText(ValueasString, isCrit); }
public IEnumerator Execute(Unit initiator, Tile target, Map map) { { map.RemoveAllObstaclesFromTile(target); DamagePopUp.Create(target.transform.position, "Wall Break", PopupType.DEBUFF); } initiator.UpdateUI(); yield break; }
// Start is called before the first frame update public static DamagePopUp Create(Transform copy, Vector3 offset, int damage, Transform parent) { Transform damageposition = Instantiate(copy,, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopUp damagePopUp = damageposition.GetComponent <DamagePopUp>(); damageposition.transform.SetParent(parent); damageposition.transform.position = parent.transform.position + offset; damagePopUp.Setup(damage); return(damagePopUp); }
public static void CreateDamagePopUp_Text(string text, Transform location) { Initialize(); DamagePopUp instance = Instantiate(popUpText); Vector2 screenPosition = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(new Vector3(location.position.x, location.position.y + 3, location.position.z)); instance.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform, false); instance.transform.position = screenPosition; instance.SetText(text); }
void Shoot() { if (timeBtwShots > 0) { return; } RaycastHit2D info = Physics2D.Raycast(muzzle.position, transform.right, Distance, shootWut); GameObject obj = Instantiate(projectile, muzzle.position, Quaternion.identity); Bullet bullet = obj.GetComponent <Bullet>(); CS.Shake(); if (offset == 0) { bullet.offset = -90f; } else { bullet.offset = 90f; } audioSource.Play(); if (info.collider != null) { if (!info.collider.CompareTag("Environment")) { Enemy enemy = info.collider.GetComponent <Enemy>(); if (enemy != null) { Vector3 popUp = info.collider.gameObject.transform.position; if (!isCritical) { enemy.TakeDamage(Damage); DamagePopUp.DamagePop(pfDamagePopup, "Hit", popUp); } if (isCritical) { enemy.TakeDamage(Critical); DamagePopUp.DamagePop(pfDamagePopup, "Critical", popUp); } } } } if (isCritical) { Fired = 0; TillCritical = Random.Range(4, 6); } if (RecoilIsActive) { playerController.KnockBack(10f, new Vector2(1f, 0f), RecoilForce); } Fired++; timeBtwShots = totalTimeBtwShots; }
// Creating DamagePopup public static DamagePopUp Create(Vector3 postion, int damageAmount) { var damagePopTransform = Instantiate(PlayerHealth.instance.damagePopUpText, postion, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopUp damagePop = damagePopTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopUp>(); damagePop.Setup(damageAmount); return(damagePop); }
//For when the player e.g. picks up a healthPickUp. public void heal(int healingAmount) { // Debug.Log (gameObject + " heals " + healingAmount + "points"); health += healingAmount; if (health > startingHealth) { health = startingHealth; } DamagePopUp.CreateTorchHealthPopUp(healingAmount, ui, false); updateHealth(); StartCoroutine(ParticlesCoroutine()); }
public void OnOpenButton() { // Debug.Log($"Chest empty: {isEmpty}"); if (!isEmpty) { inventory.AddItem(Instantiate(item)); openChestPanel.SetActive(false); Debug.Log($"Added {item.itemName} to inventory"); DamagePopUp.Create(gameObject.transform.position, $"{item.itemName} added to convoy", PopupType.ITEM_COLLECT); isEmpty = true; } }
// Ranged AoE of 2-tile radius. Deals x1.5 physical damage to all targets in range public override IEnumerator Execute(Unit initiator, List <Unit> targets) { foreach (Unit target in targets) { int attackDamage = BattleManager.CalculateMagicDamage(1.5f * initiator.stats[StatString.PHYSICAL_DAMAGE].Value, target); target.stats[StatString.HP].AddModifier(new StatModifier(-attackDamage, StatModType.Flat)); DamagePopUp.Create(target.transform.position, string.Format("- {0} HP", attackDamage), PopupType.DAMAGE); } UpdateStats(initiator, targets); yield break; }
public override IEnumerator Execute(Unit initiator, List <Unit> targets) { foreach (Unit target in targets) { int healingAmount = Mathf.CeilToInt(0.8f * initiator.stats[StatString.MAGIC_DAMAGE].Value); target.stats[StatString.HP].AddModifier(new StatModifier(healingAmount, StatModType.Flat)); DamagePopUp.Create(target.transform.position, string.Format("+ {0} HP", healingAmount), PopupType.HEAL); } UpdateStats(initiator, targets); yield break; }
//For when the enemy object takes damage public void takeDamage(int damage, bool crit, GameObject source) { //Debug.Log (gameObject + " takes " + damage + " damage."); if (healthBar == null) { InstantiateHealthBar(); } health -= damage; healthBarImage.fillAmount = (float)health / startingHealth; float lerp = (float)health / (float)startingHealth; if (lerp <= .5f) { lerp *= 2f; healthBarImage.color = Color.Lerp(, Color.yellow, lerp); } else if (lerp > .5f) { lerp -= .5f; lerp *= 2f; healthBarImage.color = Color.Lerp(Color.yellow,, lerp); } DamagePopUp.CreateDamagePopUp(damage, gameObject, crit); if (clip_takeDamage != null) { ObjectPooler.Instance.PlayAudioSource(clip_takeDamage, mixerGroup, pitchMin, pitchMax, transform); } if (health <= 0) { if (anim != null) { // Debug.Log ("animation time"); anim.SetTrigger("Die"); // Debug.Log (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo (0).Length); } // Debug.Log ("dead"); ReturnPlayerData(source); Die(); } else if (clip_takeDamage != null) { ObjectPooler.Instance.PlayAudioSource(clip_takeDamage, mixerGroup, pitchMin, pitchMax, transform); } }
private void HandleAttack() { foreach (Structure struc in enemyStructuresInRange) { if (struc != null) { if (behaviour == Behaviour.Win) { if (struc.gameObject.GetComponent <Base>() != null) { state = State.Attacking; DamagePopUp.Create(struc.transform.position, 20, false); struc.TakeDamage(20); } } if (behaviour == Behaviour.Destroy) { state = State.Attacking; if (attackTarget == null) { attackTarget = struc; } else { DamagePopUp.Create(attackTarget.transform.position, 20, false); attackTarget.TakeDamage(20); } if (attackTarget != null) { speed = 0; if (attackTarget.IsDead()) { speed = MAX_SPEED; } } } if (behaviour == Behaviour.Rampage) { state = State.Attacking; speed = MAX_SPEED / 2; DamagePopUp.Create(struc.transform.position, 20, false); struc.TakeDamage(20); } } } }
// Does 110% magic damage to all units in range, and also reduces attack damage by 20% public override IEnumerator Execute(Unit initiator, List <Unit> targets) { foreach (Unit target in targets) { int attackDamage = BattleManager.CalculateMagicDamage(1.2f * initiator.stats[StatString.MAGIC_DAMAGE].Value, target); float armorDebuff = 0.2f; target.stats[StatString.HP].AddModifier(new StatModifier(-attackDamage, StatModType.Flat)); target.stats[StatString.ARMOR].AddModifier(new StatModifier(-armorDebuff, duration, StatModType.PercentAdd)); DamagePopUp.Create(target.transform.position, string.Format("- {0} HP", attackDamage), PopupType.DAMAGE); DamagePopUp.Create(target.transform.position, string.Format("\n\n- {0}% Attack", armorDebuff * 100), PopupType.DEBUFF); } UpdateStats(initiator, targets); yield break; }
public override IEnumerator Execute(Unit initiator, List <Unit> targets) { foreach (Unit target in targets) { int heuristicDistance = Mathf.CeilToInt(Vector3.Distance(initiator.transform.position, target.transform.position)); var attackDamage = Mathf.CeilToInt((1 + (heuristicDistance - 1) * 0.2f) * BattleManager.CalculatePhysicalDamage(initiator.stats[StatString.PHYSICAL_DAMAGE].Value, target)); target.stats[StatString.HP].AddModifier(new StatModifier(-attackDamage, StatModType.Flat)); DamagePopUp.Create(target.transform.position, string.Format("- {0} HP", attackDamage), PopupType.DAMAGE); } UpdateStats(initiator, targets); yield break; }
public void TakeDamage(Vector3 attackPosition, float damageAmount, Transform source, Color customColor) { health -= damageAmount; CheckDeath(); SetTarget(source); image.fillAmount = health / maxHealth; Vector3 dirFromAttacker = (transform.position - attackPosition).normalized; float knockbackDistance = 10f; transform.position += dirFromAttacker * knockbackDistance; SpawnBlood(); DamagePopUp.Create(transform.position, damageAmount, customColor); Debug.Log("YOU HIT AN ENEMYYYYY"); }