private void Btn_DeleteUser_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var resultMsg = MessageBox.Show("Selected user will delete.\n\nAre you sure?", "Delete User", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (resultMsg == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { var result = db.DeleteUser((long)cb_users.SelectedValue); switch (result) { case 1: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Delete User", "Successfully deleted", StatusColor.Success, 3); UnloadAllFields(); cb_users.SelectedIndex = -1; LoadUsers(); cb_users.IsEnabled = true; wp_editPanel.IsEnabled = false; break; case 0: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Error", "User not found", StatusColor.Error, 3); CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); break; case -1: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Error", "Something went wrong", StatusColor.Error, 3); CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); break; default: break; } } }
private void baseView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var billsCordination = GetRectangle(heading_Bills, baseView); var foodCordination = GetRectangle(heading_FoodBills, baseView); var creditCordination = GetRectangle(heading_creditCards, baseView); var expectedCordination = GetRectangle(heading_expectedBills, baseView); _animations = new CustomAnimations(billsCordination, expectedCordination, creditCordination, foodCordination); }
private void Btn_signIn(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { userRecord = new User(); db = new core.DB(); #region user data transfer to MainWindow mainWindow = (IUserInfoTransfer)Application.Current.MainWindow; if (txt_uName.Text != "" && txt_uPass.Password != "") { if (db.SignIn(txt_uName.Text, txt_uPass.Password, out userRecord)) { mainWindow.Transfer(userRecord); notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Login", "Successfully logged in", StatusColor.Success, 3); RemoveThis(); } else { lbl_WarningMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); if (MainWindow.dataContextMainWindow.UserInfo.Authorization != 0) { mainWindow.Transfer(new User() { User_ID = 0, UserName = "******", Authorization = 0, SuperUser = false }); // Default Data Transfer notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Invalid User", "Username or password is wrong. (+) Current session closed", StatusColor.Warning, 3); } else { notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Invalid User", "Username or password is wrong", StatusColor.Error, 3); } txt_uPass.Password = ""; txt_uPass.Focus(); } } else { lbl_WarningMessage.Content = "fields should not be null"; lbl_WarningMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } #endregion }
private void Btn_SaveMyProfil_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { lbl_WarningMessage.Content = "fields should not be empty"; lbl_WarningMessage.Visibility = CheckEmpty() ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; if (!CheckEmpty()) { var currentPass = txt_CurrentUPass_new.Password; if (CurrentUser.UserPassword != currentPass) { lbl_WarningMessage.Content = "current password is faulty"; lbl_WarningMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; txt_CurrentUPass_new.Password = ""; txt_CurrentUPass_new.Focus(); } else { if (PassDontMatch()) { lbl_WarningMessage.Content = "passwords do not match"; lbl_WarningMessage.Visibility = txt_uPass_new.Password != txt_RuPass_new.Password ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); txt_RuPass_new.Password = ""; txt_RuPass_new.Focus(); } else { User user = new User { User_ID = CurrentUser.User_ID, UserName = txt_uName_new.Text, UserPassword = (txt_uPass_new.Password != "") ? txt_uPass_new.Password : CurrentUser.UserPassword, SuperUser = false, Enable = true, Authorization = CurrentUser.Authorization, Email = txt_eMail_new.Text, Name = txt_name_new.Text, SecondName = txt_secondName_new.Text, Surname = txt_surname_new.Text, Title = txt_title_new.Text, Position = txt_position_new.Text, PhotoAddress = "", CardID = txt_cardID_new.Text, DateTime = CurrentUser.DateTime }; using (db = new DB("UsersDB", "")) { var result = db.UpdateUser(ref user, CurrentUser.User_ID); switch (result) { case 1: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Update User", "Successfully updated", StatusColor.Success, 3); RemoveThis(); txt_CurrentUPass_new.Password = ""; // UnloadAllFields(); break; case 0: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Error", "Something went wrong", StatusColor.Error, 3); CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); break; case -1: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Error", "User is not found", StatusColor.Error, 3); CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); txt_uName_new.Text = ""; txt_uName_new.Focus(); break; case -2: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Error", "Same User already exist", StatusColor.Error, 3); CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); txt_uName_new.Text = ""; txt_uName_new.Focus(); break; default: CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); break; } } } } } else { CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); txt_CurrentUPass_new.Focus(); } }
private void Btn_SaveUser_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { lbl_WarningMessage.Content = "fields should not be empty"; lbl_WarningMessage.Visibility = CheckEmpty() ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; if (!CheckEmpty()) { var currentPass = core.CryptorEngine.Encrypt(txt_CurrentUPass_new.Password, true); if (CurrentUser.UserPassword != currentPass) { lbl_WarningMessage.Content = "your password is faulty"; lbl_WarningMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; txt_CurrentUPass_new.Password = ""; txt_CurrentUPass_new.Focus(); } else { if (PassDontMatch()) { lbl_WarningMessage.Content = "passwords do not match"; lbl_WarningMessage.Visibility = txt_uPass_new.Password != txt_RuPass_new.Password ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); txt_RuPass_new.Password = ""; txt_RuPass_new.Focus(); } else { User user = new User { User_ID = SelectedUser.User_ID, UserName = txt_uName_new.Text, UserPassword = txt_uPass_new.Password, SuperUser = false, Enable = true, Authorization = (short)cb_auth_new.SelectedValue, Email = txt_eMail_new.Text, Name = txt_name_new.Text, SecondName = txt_secondName_new.Text, Surname = txt_surname_new.Text, Title = txt_title_new.Text, Position = txt_position_new.Text, PhotoAddress = "", CardID = txt_cardID_new.Text, DateTime = DateTime.Now }; using (db = new core.DB()) { var result = (int)db.UpdateUser(user); switch (result) { case 1: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Update User", "Successfully updated", StatusColor.Success, 3); RemoveThis(); txt_CurrentUPass_new.Password = ""; Btn_CancelUpdate_Click(sender, e); LoadUsers(); break; case 0: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Error", "Something went wrong", StatusColor.Error, 3); CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); break; case -1: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Error", "User is not found", StatusColor.Error, 3); CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); txt_uName_new.Text = ""; txt_uName_new.Focus(); break; case -2: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Error", "Same User already exist", StatusColor.Error, 3); CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); txt_uName_new.Text = ""; txt_uName_new.Focus(); break; default: CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); break; } } } } } else { CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); } }
private void Btn_CreateUser_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { lbl_WarningMessage.Content = "fields should not be empty"; lbl_WarningMessage.Visibility = CheckEmpty() ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; if (!CheckEmpty()) { if (txt_uPass_new.Password != txt_RuPass_new.Password) { lbl_WarningMessage.Content = "passwords do not match"; lbl_WarningMessage.Visibility = txt_uPass_new.Password != txt_RuPass_new.Password ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); } else { User user = new User { UserName = txt_uName_new.Text, UserPassword = txt_uPass_new.Password, SuperUser = false, Enable = true, Authorization = (short)cb_auth_new.SelectedValue, Email = txt_eMail_new.Text, Name = txt_name_new.Text, SecondName = txt_secondName_new.Text, Surname = txt_surname_new.Text, Title = txt_title_new.Text, Position = txt_position_new.Text, PhotoAddress = "", CardID = txt_cardID_new.Text, DateTime = DateTime.Now }; using (db = new core.DB()) { var result = db.AddUser(user); switch (result) { case 1: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Create User", "Successfully created", StatusColor.Success, 3); RemoveThis(); UnloadAllFields(); break; case 0: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Error", "Something went wrong", StatusColor.Error, 3); CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); break; case -1: notifyCall = new NotificationPanelCall("Error", "Same User already exist", StatusColor.Error, 3); CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); txt_uName_new.Text = ""; txt_uName_new.Focus(); break; default: CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); break; } } } } else { CustomAnimations.ShakeAnimation(this); } }