Example #1
        [AllowAnonymous] // This needs to allow anonymous because the user accessing this page won't have an account yet.
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreateModel model)
            // Make controller base class do security check on itself, and validate account creation fields.
            if (ModelState.IsValid && ValidateCreateModel(model))
                IdentityUser user = new IdentityUser // Satisfy both UserName and Email field of IdentityUser with the provided email.
                    UserName = model.Email,
                    Email    = model.Email

                // Attempt to create account and get hold onto result.
                IdentityResult result = await userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded) // Account creation succesful.
                    // Retrieve the user that was just created.
                    IdentityUser id = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email);

                    // Create Profile instance with primary key ID of IdentityUser for password, provided name, and default values.
                    // The user's Profile is retrieved using the Id of their IdentityUser.
                    Profile profile = new Profile
                        Password       = id.Id,                               // The user will not enter this number when logging in, this will get passed behind the scenes.
                        FirstName      = FirstLetterToUpper(model.FirstName), // provideded
                        LastName       = FirstLetterToUpper(model.LastName),  // provideded
                        Bio            = "",                                  // default
                        ProfilePicture = 0,                                   // default
                        DateTime       = DateTime.UtcNow                      // default

                    // Add profile to the database.

                    // Sign them in with the profile that was just added to the database.

                    // Return home page.
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                else // Account creation failed.
                    // Transfer errors from account creation results to controller model state so they can be displayed on error page.
                    foreach (IdentityError error in result.Errors)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", error.Description);

            // If controller model state or credentials were invalid, send back provided account details and or account creation result errors.
Example #2
         *  Returns home page to user.
        public IActionResult Index()
            // If someone is logged in, bring them home.
            if (currentProfile.profile == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));

            currentProfile.SetProfile(profileRepo.ById(currentProfile.profile.ProfileId)); // Refreshes current profile

            // Returns home page to user with their ProfileID attached.
Example #3
        public void DeleteImage(int imageId)
            // Get a handle on the image record by ImageID provided.
            Models.Image image = imageRepo.ById(imageId);

            // Validate image ownership.
            if (image.ProfileId == currentProfile.id)
                // Burrow into the nested dependencies and delete them on the way out.
                // Pattern: (1)prep list, (2)fill list, (3)loop list, (4)repeat pattern on dependencies, (5)delete record.

                List <Post> posts = new List <Post>(); // (1)Prep list.
                foreach (Post p in postRepo.Posts.Where(p => p.ImageId == imageId))
                }                         // (2)Fill list.
                foreach (Post p in posts) // (3)Loop list.
                    // (4)Repeat pattern on dependencies.
                    List <Comment> comments = new List <Comment>();
                    foreach (Comment c in commentRepo.ByPostId(imageId))
                    foreach (Comment c in comments)
                        List <Like> commentLikes = new List <Like>();
                        foreach (Like l in likeRepo.ByTypeAndId(2, c.CommentId))
                        foreach (Like l in commentLikes)


                    List <Like> postLikes = new List <Like>();
                    foreach (Like l in likeRepo.ByTypeAndId(1, p.PostId))
                    foreach (Like l in postLikes)

                    // (5)Delete record.

                // If the user is using the image to be deleted as a profile picture, give them their default profile picture.
                if (currentProfile.profile.ProfilePicture == imageId)
                    // Get profile by current user's ProfileID.
                    // (By doing this, instead of using currentUser.profile, it gaurentees that this is the latest version of the profile.)
                    Profile profile = profileRepo.ById(currentProfile.id);
                    profile.ProfilePicture = 0;         // Give default profile picture ImageID.
                    profileRepo.SaveProfile(profile);   // Commit profile changes.
                    currentProfile.SetProfile(profile); // Update CurrentProfile in session.

                // Remove fullsize and thumbnail images from file system.
                DeleteFromFileSystem(image.Name, env.WebRootPath);

                // Delete image record from database.