protected bool GetCubeAddAndRemovePositions(Vector3I intersectedCube, bool placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic, out Vector3I addPos, out Vector3I addDir, out Vector3I removePos) { bool result = false; addPos = new Vector3I(); addDir = new Vector3I(); removePos = new Vector3I(); MatrixD worldInv = MatrixD.Invert(CurrentGrid.WorldMatrix); Vector3D intersectionPos; addPos = intersectedCube; addDir = Vector3I.Forward; Vector3D rayStart = Vector3D.Transform(IntersectionStart, worldInv); Vector3D rayDir = Vector3D.Normalize(Vector3D.TransformNormal(IntersectionDirection, worldInv)); RayD r = new RayD(rayStart, rayDir); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) // Limit iterations to 100 { var cubeBb = GetCubeBoundingBox(addPos); if (!placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic && cubeBb.Contains(rayStart) == ContainmentType.Contains) { break; } double?dist = cubeBb.Intersects(r); if (!dist.HasValue) { break; } removePos = addPos; intersectionPos = rayStart + rayDir * dist.Value; Vector3 center = removePos * CurrentGrid.GridSize; Vector3I dirInt = Vector3I.Sign(Vector3.DominantAxisProjection(intersectionPos - center)); addPos = removePos + dirInt; addDir = dirInt; result = true; if (!CurrentGrid.CubeExists(addPos)) { break; } } Debug.Assert(!result || addDir != Vector3I.Zero, "Direction vector cannot be zero"); return(result); }
protected bool GetBlockAddPosition(float gridSize, bool placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic, out MySlimBlock intersectedBlock, out Vector3D intersectedBlockPos, out Vector3D intersectExactPos, out Vector3I addPositionBlock, out Vector3I addDirectionBlock, out ushort?compoundBlockId) { intersectedBlock = null; intersectedBlockPos = new Vector3D(); intersectExactPos = new Vector3(); addDirectionBlock = new Vector3I(); addPositionBlock = new Vector3I(); compoundBlockId = null; if (CurrentVoxelBase != null) { Vector3 hitInfoNormal = m_hitInfo.Value.HkHitInfo.Normal; Base6Directions.Direction closestDir = Base6Directions.GetClosestDirection(hitInfoNormal); Vector3I hitNormal = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(closestDir); double distance = IntersectionDistance * m_hitInfo.Value.HkHitInfo.HitFraction; Vector3D rayStart = IntersectionStart; Vector3D rayDir = Vector3D.Normalize(IntersectionDirection); Vector3D intersection = rayStart + distance * rayDir; // Get cube block placement position (add little threshold to hit normal direction to avoid wavy surfaces). addPositionBlock = MyCubeGrid.StaticGlobalGrid_WorldToUGInt(intersection + 0.1f * Vector3.Half * hitNormal * gridSize, gridSize, CubeBuilderDefinition.BuildingSettings.StaticGridAlignToCenter); addDirectionBlock = hitNormal; intersectedBlockPos = addPositionBlock - hitNormal; // Exact intersection in uniform grid coords. intersectExactPos = MyCubeGrid.StaticGlobalGrid_WorldToUG(intersection, gridSize, CubeBuilderDefinition.BuildingSettings.StaticGridAlignToCenter); // Project exact intersection to cube face of intersected block. intersectExactPos = ((Vector3.One - Vector3.Abs(hitNormal)) * intersectExactPos) + ((intersectedBlockPos + 0.5f * hitNormal) * Vector3.Abs(hitNormal)); return(true); } Vector3D?intersectedObjectPos = GetIntersectedBlockData(ref m_invGridWorldMatrix, out intersectExactPos, out intersectedBlock, out compoundBlockId); if (intersectedObjectPos == null) { return(false); } intersectedBlockPos = intersectedObjectPos.Value; Vector3I removePos; if (!GetCubeAddAndRemovePositions(Vector3I.Round(intersectedBlockPos), placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic, out addPositionBlock, out addDirectionBlock, out removePos)) { return(false); } if (!placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic) { if (MyFakes.ENABLE_BLOCK_PLACING_ON_INTERSECTED_POSITION) { Vector3I newRemovepos = Vector3I.Round(intersectedBlockPos); if (newRemovepos != removePos) { if (m_hitInfo.HasValue) { Vector3 hitInfoNormal = m_hitInfo.Value.HkHitInfo.Normal; Base6Directions.Direction closestDir = Base6Directions.GetClosestDirection(hitInfoNormal); Vector3I hitNormal = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(closestDir); addDirectionBlock = hitNormal; } removePos = newRemovepos; addPositionBlock = removePos + addDirectionBlock; } } else { if (CurrentGrid.CubeExists(addPositionBlock)) { return(false); } } } if (placingSmallGridOnLargeStatic) { removePos = Vector3I.Round(intersectedBlockPos); } intersectedBlockPos = removePos; intersectedBlock = CurrentGrid.GetCubeBlock(removePos); if (intersectedBlock == null) { Debug.Assert(false, "No intersected block"); return(false); } return(true); }