private string ProcessPropertyDetails(int amount, string componentName, string propertyName, int maxBonuses, float levelsPerBonus = 1.0f)
            var    player  = GetPC();
            string result  = string.Empty;
            int    penalty = 0;

            while (amount > 0)
                if (amount >= maxBonuses)
                    int levelIncrease    = (int)(maxBonuses * levelsPerBonus);
                    int chanceToTransfer = CraftService.CalculateReassemblyChance(player, penalty);
                    result  += componentName + " (+" + maxBonuses + " " + propertyName + ") [RL: " + levelIncrease + "] " + GetChanceColor(chanceToTransfer) + "\n";
                    penalty += (maxBonuses * 5);
                    amount  -= maxBonuses;
                    int levelIncrease    = (int)(amount * levelsPerBonus);
                    int chanceToTransfer = CraftService.CalculateReassemblyChance(player, penalty);
                    result += componentName + " (+" + amount + " " + propertyName + ") [RL: " + levelIncrease + "] " + GetChanceColor(chanceToTransfer) + "\n";

Example #2
        private int ProcessProperty(int amount, int maxBonuses, ComponentBonusType bonus, float levelsPerBonus = 1.0f)
            string resref  = _componentType.ReassembledResref;
            int    penalty = 0;
            int    luck    = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(_player, PerkType.Lucky) + (_playerItemStats.Luck / 3);
            int    xp      = 0;

            ItemPropertyUnpacked bonusIP = new ItemPropertyUnpacked
                Property       = (int)CustomItemPropertyType.ComponentBonus,
                SubType        = (int)bonus,
                CostTable      = 62,
                CostTableValue = 0,
                Param1         = 255,
                Param1Value    = 0,
                UsesPerDay     = 255,
                ChanceToAppear = 100,
                IsUseable      = true,
                SpellID        = -1

            while (amount > 0)
                int chanceToTransfer = CraftService.CalculateReassemblyChance(_player, penalty);
                // Roll to see if the item can be created.
                bool success = RandomService.Random(0, 100) <= chanceToTransfer;

                // Do a lucky roll if we failed the first time.
                if (!success && luck > 0 && RandomService.Random(0, 100) <= luck)
                    _player.SendMessage("Lucky reassemble!");
                    success = true;

                if (amount >= maxBonuses)
                    if (success)
                        int levelIncrease = (int)(maxBonuses * levelsPerBonus);
                        // Roll succeeded. Create item.
                        bonusIP.CostTableValue = maxBonuses;
                        ItemProperty bonusIPPacked = NWNXItemProperty.PackIP(bonusIP);
                        NWItem       item          = _.CreateItemOnObject(resref, _player);
                        item.RecommendedLevel = levelIncrease;
                        BiowareXP2.IPSafeAddItemProperty(item, bonusIPPacked, 0.0f, AddItemPropertyPolicy.ReplaceExisting, true, false);

                        xp += (150 * maxBonuses + RandomService.Random(0, 5));
                        _player.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Red("You failed to create a component. (+" + maxBonuses + ")"));
                        xp += (50 + RandomService.Random(0, 5));
                    // Penalty to chance increases regardless if item was created or not.
                    penalty += (maxBonuses * 5);
                    amount  -= maxBonuses;
                    if (success)
                        int levelIncrease = (int)(amount * levelsPerBonus);
                        bonusIP.CostTableValue = amount;
                        ItemProperty bonusIPPacked = NWNXItemProperty.PackIP(bonusIP);
                        NWItem       item          = _.CreateItemOnObject(resref, _player);
                        item.RecommendedLevel = levelIncrease;
                        BiowareXP2.IPSafeAddItemProperty(item, bonusIPPacked, 0.0f, AddItemPropertyPolicy.ReplaceExisting, true, false);

                        xp += (150 * amount + RandomService.Random(0, 5));
                        _player.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Red("You failed to create a component. (+" + amount + ")"));
                        xp += (50 + RandomService.Random(0, 5));
