Example #1
        public void LockAll()
            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(ircRandomChooseXRange, "IsEnabled", false);
            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(icNumberOfFormulars, "IsEnabled", false);
            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(ircSystematicChooseXRange, "IsEnabled", false);

            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(rbChooseRandom, "IsEnabled", false);
            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(rbChooseRange, "IsEnabled", false);

            UIElementCollection childs = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(pnlFactors, "Children") as UIElementCollection;

            if (childs != null)
                IEnumerator _enum = ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(childs, "GetEnumerator") as IEnumerator;
                while ((bool)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(_enum, "MoveNext"))
                    UIElement element = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(_enum, "Current") as UIElement;
                    if (element.GetType() == typeof(InputSingleControl))
                        (element as InputSingleControl).LockControls();
Example #2
        //private ArrowLine GetLine(ArrowLine l)
        //    foreach (ArrowLine line in m_Arrows)
        //    {
        //        double srcx1 = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(line, "X1");
        //        double srcx2 = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(line, "X2");
        //        double srcy1 = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(line, "Y1");
        //        double srcy2 = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(line, "Y2");
        //        double destx1 = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(l, "X1");
        //        double destx2 = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(l, "X2");
        //        double desty1 = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(l, "Y1");
        //        double desty2 = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(l, "Y2");

        //        if (srcx1 == destx1 && srcx2 == destx2 && srcy1 == desty1 && srcy2 == desty2) return line;
        //    }
        //    return null;

        //private bool ContainsLine(ArrowLine l)
        //    return GetLine(l) != null;

        //public void AddCircle(PrimesBigInteger counter, double x, double y)
        //    Polyline p = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(Polyline)) as Polyline;
        //    ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(p, "Stroke", Brushes.Black);
        //    ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(p, "StrokeThickness", 1.5);
        //    PointCollection pc = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(p, "Points") as PointCollection;
        //    int c = 16;
        //    double radius = 25;
        //    for (int value = 0; value <= c; value++)
        //    {
        //        double angle = (360.0 / (double)c) * value;
        //        double top = radius / 2 + (Math.Sin((angle * 2 * Math.PI) / 360.0) * radius / 2);
        //        double left = radius / 2 + (Math.Cos((angle * 2 * Math.PI) / 360.0) * radius / 2);
        //        ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(pc, "Add", new object[] { new Point(top, left) });
        //    }
        //    if (!ContainsCircle(x, y))
        //    {
        //        m_Circles.Add(p);
        //        m_CirclesMark.Add(counter, p);
        //        ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(ArrowArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { p, x });
        //        ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(ArrowArea, "SetTop", new object[] { p, y });
        //        ControlHandler.AddChild(p, ArrowArea);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        ResetCircle(counter, x, y);
        //    }

        public void AddCircle(PrimesBigInteger counter, Ellipse source)
            Polyline p = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(Polyline)) as Polyline;

            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(p, "Stroke", Brushes.Black);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(p, "StrokeThickness", 1.5);
            PointCollection pc     = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(p, "Points") as PointCollection;
            int             c      = 16;
            double          radius = 25;
            double          x      = (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "GetLeft", source);
            double          y      = (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "GetTop", source);

            for (int value = 0; value <= c; value++)
                double angle = (360.0 / (double)c) * value;
                double top   = radius / 2 + (Math.Sin((angle * 2 * Math.PI) / 360.0) * radius / 2);
                double left  = radius / 2 + (Math.Cos((angle * 2 * Math.PI) / 360.0) * radius / 2);
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(pc, "Add", new object[] { new Point(top, left) });
            if (!m_CirclesSource.ContainsKey(source))
                m_CirclesSource.Add(source, p);
                m_CirclesMark.Add(counter, p);
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(ArrowArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { p, x });
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(ArrowArea, "SetTop", new object[] { p, y });
                ControlHandler.AddChild(p, ArrowArea);
                p = m_CirclesSource[source];
                ResetCircle(counter, p);
Example #3
 public void AddToGrid(Grid g, string text, int row, int col, int rowspan = 0, int columnspan = 0)
         new object[] { g, text, row, col, rowspan, columnspan });
Example #4
        private void DrawNumberButton(PrimesBigInteger value, double x, double y)
            Ellipse nb = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(Ellipse)) as Ellipse;

            //NumberButton nb = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(NumberButton)) as NumberButton;
            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "NumberButtonStyle", NumberButtonStyle.Ellipse.ToString());
            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "BINumber", value);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "Width", 6);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "Height", 6);
            ToolTip tt = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(ToolTip)) as ToolTip;

            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tt, "Content", value.ToString());
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "ToolTip", tt);

            //if (value.IsPrime(10))
            //  ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "Background", Brushes.Blue);
            //  ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "Background", Brushes.Gray);
            if (value.IsPrime(10))
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "Fill", Brushes.Blue);
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "Fill", Brushes.Gray);

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetTop", new object[] { nb, y - 3 });
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { nb, x - 3 });
            ControlHandler.AddChild(nb, PaintArea);
Example #5
        private void Step1()
            long sqrt = (long)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(m_Value)) + 1;

                string.Format(Primes.Resources.lang.WpfControls.Factorization.Factorization.qs_step1_squareroot, new object[] { m_Value.ToString("D"), Math.Sqrt(m_Value).ToString("N"), sqrt }));
            int counter = 0;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(this, "PrepareStep1");

            for (long i = Math.Min(m_Count, 0); i <= Math.Abs(m_Count); i++)
                ControlHandler.AddRowDefintion(gridFirstStep, 1, GridUnitType.Auto);
                string a       = (sqrt + counter).ToString("N") + "²";
                string aminus1 = (Math.Pow((sqrt + counter), 2) - m_Value).ToString("N");

                    new object[] { gridFirstStep, a, counter + 1, 0, 0, 0 });
                    new object[] { gridFirstStep, aminus1, counter + 1, 1, 0, 0 });

        private void Paint()
            Ellipse el = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(Ellipse)) as Ellipse;

            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(el, "Width", Aperture);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(el, "Height", Aperture);
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(CircleArea, "SetTop", new object[] { el, 25 });
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(CircleArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { el, 25 });
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(el, "StrokeThickness", 1.0);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(el, "Stroke", Brushes.Black);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(el, "Name", "dontremove");

            ControlHandler.AddChild(el, CircleArea);

            //Ellipse middle = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(Ellipse)) as Ellipse;
            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(middle, "Width", 2);
            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(middle, "Height", 2);
            //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetTop", new object[] { middle, 25 + (Aperture / 2.0) - 1.0 });
            //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { middle, 25 + (Aperture / 2.0) - 1.0 });
            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(middle, "StrokeThickness", 1.0);
            //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(middle, "Stroke", Brushes.Black);
            //ControlHandler.AddChild(middle, PaintArea);
            //Line l = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(Line)) as Line;
            //l.Y1 = l.Y2 = 25 + Radius;
            //l.X1 = 25 + Radius;
            //l.X2 = 25 + 2*Radius;

            //l.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
            //l.StrokeThickness = 1.0;

            //ControlHandler.AddChild(l, PaintArea);
Example #7
        public void MoveCircle(Ellipse source)
            Polyline pl = m_CirclesSource[source];
            double   x  = (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "GetLeft", source);
            double   y  = (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "GetTop", source);

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(ArrowArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { pl, x });
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(ArrowArea, "SetTop", new object[] { pl, y });
Example #8
 public TextBoxValidator(IValidator <T> validator, TextBox tbSource, string defaultvalue)
     : this(validator, tbSource)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbSource.Text))
         Validator.Value = defaultvalue;
         ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tbSource, "Text", defaultvalue);
         ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(tbSource, "SelectAll");
Example #9
        //class myc : IValueConverter
        //    #region IValueConverter Members

        //    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        //    {
        //        return value;
        //    }

        //    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        //    {
        //        return value;
        //    }

        //    #endregion

        private void ResetLine(PrimesBigInteger counter, ArrowLine l)
            if (l != null)
                m_ArrowsMark.Add(counter, l);
                UIElementCollection children = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(ArrowArea, "Children") as UIElementCollection;
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(children, "Remove", new object[] { l });
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(children, "Add", new object[] { l });
Example #10
        private void ClearArrows()
            UIElementCollection childs = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(ArrowArea, "Children") as UIElementCollection;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(childs, "Clear");
Example #11
        private void ResetCircle(PrimesBigInteger counter, Polyline p)
            if (p != null)
                m_CirclesMark.Add(counter, p);

                UIElementCollection children = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(ArrowArea, "Children") as UIElementCollection;
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(children, "Remove", new object[] { p });
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(children, "Add", new object[] { p });
Example #12
        private void DrawThread()

            double size = CalculateSize() * m_UnitWidth;

            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(PaintArea, "Width", size);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(PaintArea, "Height", size);
            double sawidth  = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(PaintArea, "Width");
            double saheight = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(PaintArea, "Height");

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(sv, "ScrollToVerticalOffset", new object[] { sawidth / 2.0 });
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(sv, "ScrollToHorizontalOffset", new object[] { saheight / 2.0 });
            int    direction    = 0;
            double x1           = size / 2.0;
            double y1           = size / 2.0;
            int    lenghtFactor = 0;
            long   value        = m_From.LongValue;

            while (value <= m_To.LongValue)
                if (direction % 2 == 0)
                double x2 = x1, y2 = y1;
                Calculate(x1, y1, (Direction)direction, lenghtFactor, ref x2, ref y2);
                DrawLine(x1, x2, y1, y2);

                for (int j = 0; j < lenghtFactor; j++)
                    if (value > m_To)
                    x2 = x1;
                    y2 = y1;
                    Calculate(x1, y1, (Direction)direction, 1, ref x2, ref y2);

                    if (PrimeNumbers.isprime.Contains(value))
                        DrawNumberButton(value, x1, y1);
                    value = value + 1;
                    x1    = x2;
                    y1    = y2;

                direction = (direction + 1) % 4;

        private void ResetLine(ArrowLine l)
            ArrowLine ltmp = GetLine(l);

            if (ltmp != null)
                UIElementCollection children = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(ArrowArea, "Children") as UIElementCollection;
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(children, "Remove", new object[] { ltmp });
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(children, "Add", new object[] { ltmp });
Example #14
        private void Paint()
            Ellipse el = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(Ellipse)) as Ellipse;

            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(el, "Width", Aperture);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(el, "Height", Aperture);
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(CircleArea, "SetTop", new object[] { el, Margin });
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(CircleArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { el, Margin });
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(el, "StrokeThickness", 1.0);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(el, "Stroke", Brushes.Black);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(el, "Name", "dontremove");
            ControlHandler.AddChild(el, CircleArea);
Example #15
        private void CreatePoint(int value)
            double x, y;

            GetCoords(value, out x, out y);
            y -= PointRadius;
            x -= PointRadius;

            Ellipse point = m_Points.ContainsKey(value) ? GetEllipseAt(m_Points[value]) : null;

            if (point == null)
                point         = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(Ellipse)) as Ellipse;
                point.ToolTip = new ToolTip();
                (point.ToolTip as ToolTip).Content = value.ToString();
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(point, "Width", PointRadius * 2);
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(point, "Height", PointRadius * 2);
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(point, "Fill", Brushes.Black);
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(point, "Stroke", Brushes.Black);
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(point, "StrokeThickness", 1.0);
                ControlHandler.AddChild(point, PaintArea);

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { point, x });
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetTop", new object[] { point, y });

            if (m_CirclesSource.ContainsKey(point))

            if (m_Points.ContainsKey(value))
                m_Points[value] = new Point(x, y);
                m_Points.Add(value, new Point(x, y));

            Label  lbl   = ControlHandler.CreateLabel(value.ToString(), null);
            double _left = x - 5;
            double _top  = y;

            _left += (x < Radius) ? -7 + (-2 * (int)Math.Log(value)) : 2;
            _top  += (y < Radius) ? -20 : 0;
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { lbl, _left });
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetTop", new object[] { lbl, _top });
            ControlHandler.AddChild(lbl, LabelArea);
Example #16
        public int NewLine()
            RowDefinitionCollection rowDefinitions =
                ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(gridMessages, "RowDefinitions") as RowDefinitionCollection;
            RowDefinition rd = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(RowDefinition)) as RowDefinition;

            GridLength gl = (GridLength)ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(GridLength), new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(GridUnitType) }, new object[] { 1, GridUnitType.Auto });

            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(rd, "Height", gl);

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(rowDefinitions, "Add", new object[] { rd });
        public void Reset()
            UIElementCollection childs = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(PaintArea, "Children") as UIElementCollection;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(childs, "Clear");
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(PaintArea, "Height", 0);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(PaintArea, "Width", 0);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(lblActualDivisor, "Text", "");
Example #18
        //private void CreateArrow(PrimesBigInteger counter, Point from, Point to)
        //    ArrowLine l = null;
        //    if (from.X == to.X && from.Y == to.Y)
        //    {
        //        AddCircle(counter, from.X, from.Y);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        l = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(ArrowLine)) as ArrowLine;
        //        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "Stroke", Brushes.Black);
        //        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "StrokeThickness", 1.5);
        //        //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(l, "SetBinding", new object[] { ArrowLine.X1Property, new Binding("(Point.X)") { Source = from  }, new Type[] { typeof(DependencyProperty), typeof(BindingBase) } });
        //        //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(l, "SetBinding", new object[] { ArrowLine.Y1Property, new Binding("(Point.Y)") { Source = from }, new Type[] { typeof(DependencyProperty), typeof(BindingBase) } });
        //        //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(l, "SetBinding", new object[] { ArrowLine.X2Property, new Binding("(Point.X)") { Source = to }, new Type[] { typeof(DependencyProperty), typeof(BindingBase) } });
        //        //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(l, "SetBinding", new object[] { ArrowLine.Y2Property, new Binding("(Point.Y)") { Source = to }, new Type[] { typeof(DependencyProperty), typeof(BindingBase) } });
        //        //l.SetBinding(Line.X1Property, new Binding("(Point.X)") { Source = from, Converter = new myc() });
        //        //l.SetBinding(Line.Y1Property, new Binding("(Point.Y)") { Source = from, Converter = new myc() });
        //        //l.SetBinding(Line.X2Property, new Binding("(Point.X)") { Source = to, Converter = new myc() });
        //        //l.SetBinding(Line.Y2Property, new Binding("(Point.Y)") { Source = to, Converter = new myc() });

        //        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "X1", from.X);
        //        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "Y1", from.Y);
        //        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "X2", to.X);
        //        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "Y2", to.Y);
        //        if (!ContainsLine(l))
        //        {
        //            ControlHandler.AddChild(l, ArrowArea);
        //            m_Arrows.Add(l);
        //            m_ArrowsMark.Add(counter, l);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            ResetLine(counter, l);
        //        }
        //    }

        private void CreateArrow(PrimesBigInteger counter, Ellipse from, Ellipse to)
            if (from == to)
                AddCircle(counter, from);
                ArrowLine l = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(ArrowLine)) as ArrowLine;
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "Stroke", Brushes.Black);
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "StrokeThickness", 1.5);
                //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "X1", (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "GetLeft", from)+3);
                //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "Y1", (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "GetTop", from)+3);
                //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "X2", (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "GetLeft", to)+3);
                //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(l, "Y2", (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "GetTop", to)+3);
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(l, "SetBinding", new object[] { ArrowLine.X1Property, new Binding("(Canvas.Left)")
                                                                                 Source = from
                                                                             }, new Type[] { typeof(DependencyProperty), typeof(BindingBase) } });
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(l, "SetBinding", new object[] { ArrowLine.Y1Property, new Binding("(Canvas.Top)")
                                                                                 Source = from
                                                                             }, new Type[] { typeof(DependencyProperty), typeof(BindingBase) } });
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(l, "SetBinding", new object[] { ArrowLine.X2Property, new Binding("(Canvas.Left)")
                                                                                 Source = to
                                                                             }, new Type[] { typeof(DependencyProperty), typeof(BindingBase) } });
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(l, "SetBinding", new object[] { ArrowLine.Y2Property, new Binding("(Canvas.Top)")
                                                                                 Source = to
                                                                             }, new Type[] { typeof(DependencyProperty), typeof(BindingBase) } });

                Pair <Ellipse, Ellipse> pair = new Pair <Ellipse, Ellipse>(from, to);
                if (!m_SourceDestination.Contains(pair))
                    m_ArrowsWithSourceAndDestination.Add(pair, l);
                    ControlHandler.AddChild(l, ArrowArea);
                    m_ArrowsMark.Add(counter, l);
                else if (m_ArrowsWithSourceAndDestination.ContainsKey(pair))
                    l = m_ArrowsWithSourceAndDestination[pair];
                    ResetLine(counter, l);
Example #19
        private void DrawButtons()
            double x1 = 0;
            double x2 = 8;

            if (m_Buttons.Count > 0)
                x1 = (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "GetLeft", new object[] { m_Buttons[0] });
                x2 = (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "GetLeft", new object[] { m_Buttons[1] });

            UIElementCollection children = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(PaintArea, "Children") as UIElementCollection;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(children, "Clear");

            double width = (double)ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(LineArea, "ActualWidth");
            double len   = width - (PADDINGLEFT + PADDINGRIGHT);

            if (len < 0)
                len = 100;
            m_UnitSize = len / (m_ButtonScale - 1);

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(LineArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { numberline, PADDINGLEFT });
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(numberline, "Width", len);

            double y = (double)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(LineArea, "GetTop", new object[] { numberline }) + numberline.Height / 2;

            int buttonsize = Math.Max(3, Math.Min(20, (int)(len / m_ButtonScale)));

            for (int i = 0; i < m_ButtonScale; i++)
                double x = i * m_UnitSize + PADDINGLEFT;
                DrawNumberButton(m_Start.Add(PrimesBigInteger.ValueOf(i)), x, y, buttonsize, buttonsize);

            if (m_Buttons != null && m_Buttons.Count > 0)
                NumberButton nb = m_Buttons[m_Buttons.Count - 1];
                Canvas.SetLeft(pToNumber, Canvas.GetLeft(nb) - 6);
                lblCountPoints.Text = m_Buttons.Count.ToString();
Example #20
        private void DrawNumberButton(PrimesBigInteger value, double x, double y, double width, double height)
            NumberButton nb = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(NumberButton)) as NumberButton;

            nb.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(nb_MouseMove);
            //nb.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(nb_MouseLeave);
            nb.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "NumberButtonStyle", NumberButtonStyle.Ellipse.ToString());
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "BINumber", value);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "Width", width);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "Height", height);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(nb, "BorderBrush", Brushes.Black);

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetTop", new object[] { nb, y - height / 2 });
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { nb, x - width / 2 });
            ControlHandler.AddChild(nb, PaintArea);
            m_ButtonsDict.Add(value, nb);
Example #21
        public void Clear()
            ColumnDefinitionCollection columnDefinitions =
                ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(gridMessages, "ColumnDefinitions") as ColumnDefinitionCollection;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(columnDefinitions, "Clear");

            RowDefinitionCollection rowDefinitions =
                ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(gridMessages, "RowDefinitions") as RowDefinitionCollection;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(rowDefinitions, "Clear");

            UIElementCollection childs =
                ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(gridMessages, "Children") as UIElementCollection;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(childs, "Clear");

            m_CurrentRow = m_FormerRow = -1;

            counter = 1;
Example #22
        private TextBlock Get(int colum, int row)
            UIElementCollection childs = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(gridMessages, "Children") as UIElementCollection;

            if (childs != null)
                IEnumerator _enum = ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(childs, "GetEnumerator") as IEnumerator;
                while ((bool)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(_enum, "MoveNext"))
                    UIElement element = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(_enum, "Current") as UIElement;
                    if (element.GetType() == typeof(TextBlock))
                        int _row = (int)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(gridMessages, "GetRow", new object[] { element });
                        int _col = (int)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(gridMessages, "GetColumn", new object[] { element });
                        if (_row == row && _col == colum)
                            return(element as TextBlock);

        private void CreatePoint(int value)
            double pointsize = 4.0;
            double angle     = (360.0 / (double)m_Value.IntValue) * value;
            double top       = Radius + 25 + (Math.Sin((angle * 2 * Math.PI) / 360.0) * Radius - (pointsize / 2.0));
            double left      = Radius + 25 + (Math.Cos((angle * 2 * Math.PI) / 360.0) * Radius - (pointsize / 2.0));

            Ellipse point = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(Ellipse)) as Ellipse;

            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(point, "Width", pointsize);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(point, "Height", pointsize);
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetTop", new object[] { point, top });
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { point, left });
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(point, "Fill", Brushes.Black);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(point, "Stroke", Brushes.Black);
            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(point, "StrokeThickness", 1.0);
            ControlHandler.AddChild(point, PaintArea);

            Label  lbl   = ControlHandler.CreateLabel(value.ToString(), null);
            double _top  = top;
            double _left = left - 5;

            _top  += (top < Radius) ? -20 : 0;
            _left += (left < Radius) ? -7 + (-2 * (int)Math.Log(value)) : 2;
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetTop", new object[] { lbl, _top });
            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(PaintArea, "SetLeft", new object[] { lbl, _left });
            ControlHandler.AddChild(lbl, PaintArea);
            if (m_Points.ContainsKey(value))
                m_Points[value] = new Point(left, top);
                m_Points.Add(value, new Point(left, top));
Example #24
        private void DrawGrid()
            UIElementCollection childs = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(this.NumberRectangle, "Children") as UIElementCollection;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(childs, "Clear");

            RowDefinitionCollection rowdefs = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(this.NumberRectangle, "RowDefinitions") as RowDefinitionCollection;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(rowdefs, "Clear");

            ColumnDefinitionCollection coldefs = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(this.NumberRectangle, "ColumnDefinitions") as ColumnDefinitionCollection;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(coldefs, "Clear");

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Rows + this.Rows - 1; i++)
                GridLength gl = GridLength.Auto;
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    gl = (GridLength)ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(GridLength), new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(GridUnitType) }, new object[] { 1.0 / this.Rows, GridUnitType.Star });
                    gl = (GridLength)ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(GridLength), new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(GridUnitType) }, new object[] { 1, GridUnitType.Pixel });
                    //rd.Height = new GridLength();
                    //Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
                    //rect.Height = 1.0;
                    //rect.Fill = Brushes.Black;
                    //Grid.SetColumnSpan(rect, this.Columns + this.Columns - 1);
                    //Grid.SetRow(rect, i);
                RowDefinition rd = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(RowDefinition)) as RowDefinition;
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(rd, "Height", gl);
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(rowdefs, "Add", new object[] { rd });


            for (int i = 0; i < this.Columns + this.Columns - 1; i++)
                GridLength gl = GridLength.Auto;
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    gl = (GridLength)ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(GridLength), new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(GridUnitType) }, new object[] { 1.0 / this.Columns, GridUnitType.Star });
                    gl = (GridLength)ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(GridLength), new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(GridUnitType) }, new object[] { 1, GridUnitType.Pixel });
                    //Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
                    //rect.Width = 1.0;
                    //rect.Fill = Brushes.Black;
                    //Grid.SetRowSpan(rect, this.Rows + this.Rows - 1);
                    //Grid.SetColumn(rect, i);
                ColumnDefinition cd = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(ColumnDefinition)) as ColumnDefinition;
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(cd, "Width", gl);

                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(coldefs, "Add", new object[] { cd });
Example #25
        public override QSResult Execute(ref QSData data)
            IList <int>   m_Factors = data.CalculateFactorBase();
            StringBuilder fb        = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (int i in m_Factors)
                if (fb.Length > 0)

                string.Format(Primes.Resources.lang.WpfControls.Factorization.Factorization.qs_step2_B, data.B, fb.ToString()));

            IList <long> list    = new List <long>();
            int          counter = 1;

            foreach (QuadraticPair pair in data)
                ControlHandler.AddRowDefintion(Grid, 1, GridUnitType.Auto);

                AddToGrid(Grid, pair.A.ToString(), counter, 0, 0, 0);
                AddToGrid(Grid, pair.B.ToString(), counter, 1, 0, 0);
                TextBlock     tb = AddTextBlock(counter, 2);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                long b = pair.B;
                if (b < 0)
                    b = -b;
                    pair.AddExponent(-1, 1);

                if (b != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_Factors.Count; i++)
                        int f   = m_Factors[i];
                        int exp = 0;
                        while (b % f == 0)
                            b /= f;
                        if (exp > 0)
                            if (sb.Length > 0)
                                sb.Append(" * ");
                            if (exp > 1)
                                sb.Append("^" + exp);
                        pair.AddExponent(f, exp);

                if (b > 1 && sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(" * " + b);
                ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb, "Text", sb.ToString());

                pair.IsBSmooth = (b == 1) || (b == 0);
                string s = pair.IsBSmooth ? Primes.Resources.lang.WpfControls.Factorization.Factorization.qs_step2_yes : Primes.Resources.lang.WpfControls.Factorization.Factorization.qs_step2_no;
                ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(this, "AddToGrid", new object[] { Grid, s, counter++, 3, 0, 0 });


Example #26
        public void _AddMessage(string message, Brush color, int column, int row)
            lock (logobjext)
                if (message != null)
                    UIElementCollection childs = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(gridMessages, "Children") as UIElementCollection;
                    TextBlock tb = null;
                    if (m_OverrideText)
                        TextBlock _tb = this.Get(column, row);
                        if (_tb != null)
                            tb = _tb;
                            tb = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(TextBlock)) as TextBlock;
                        tb = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(TextBlock)) as TextBlock;
                    ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb, "TextWrapping", TextWrapping.Wrap);
                    ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb, "Text", message);
                    ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb, "Foreground", color);
                    //ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb, "Width", Math.Max(this.ActualWidth - 100, 50));
                    ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb, "FontSize", 12);
                    ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb, "HorizontalAlignment", HorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    tb.Padding = new Thickness(10, 5, 10, 5);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Trim()))
                        tb.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(tb_MouseLeftButtonDown);
                        tb.MouseMove           += new MouseEventHandler(tb_MouseMove);
                        tb.MouseLeave          += new MouseEventHandler(tb_MouseLeave);
                    Grid.SetColumn(tb, column);
                    Grid.SetRow(tb, row);
                    //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(gridMessages, "SetColumn", new object[] { tb, column });
                    //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(gridMessages, "SetRow", new object[] { tb, row });
                    //ControlHandler.AddChild(tb, gridMessages);
                    //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(childs, "Add", new object[] { tb });
                    if (m_FormerRow != m_CurrentRow)
                        if (m_ShowCounter)
                            TextBlock tb1 = ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(TextBlock)) as TextBlock;
                            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb1, "TextWrapping", TextWrapping.Wrap);
                            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb1, "Text", counter.ToString() + ". ");
                            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb1, "Foreground", color);
                            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb1, "FontSize", 12);
                            ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(tb1, "HorizontalAlignment", HorizontalAlignment.Left);

                            Grid.SetColumn(tb1, 0);
                            Grid.SetRow(tb1, row);

                            //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(gridMessages, "SetColumn", new object[] { tb1, 0 });
                            //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(gridMessages, "SetRow", new object[] { tb1, row });
                            //ControlHandler.AddChild(tb1, gridMessages);
                        Rectangle rec = (Rectangle)ControlHandler.CreateObject(typeof(Rectangle));
                        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(rec, "Width", Math.Max(this.ActualWidth - 100, 50));
                        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(rec, "Fill", Brushes.LightGray);
                        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(rec, "Height", 1.0);
                        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(rec, "HorizontalAlignment", HorizontalAlignment.Left);
                        ControlHandler.SetPropertyValue(rec, "VerticalAlignment", VerticalAlignment.Bottom);

                        if (m_Columns > 0)
                            Grid.SetColumnSpan(rec, m_Columns);
                        Grid.SetRow(rec, m_CurrentRow);

                        //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(gridMessages, "SetColumnSpan", new object[] { rec, m_Columns });
                        //ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(gridMessages, "SetRow", new object[] { rec, m_CurrentRow });
                        //ControlHandler.AddChild(rec, gridMessages);
                        m_FormerRow = m_CurrentRow;

                    ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(scroller, "ScrollToEnd");
Example #27
 private void AddMessage(string message, Brush color, int column, int row)
     ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(this, "_AddMessage", new object[] { message, color, column, row });
Example #28
 private Ellipse GetEllipseAt(Point p)
     return((Ellipse)ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(this, "_GetEllipseAt", new object[] { p }));
Example #29
 private void SetupStop()
     ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(this, "_SetupStop");
Example #30
        private void ClearLabels()
            UIElementCollection childs = ControlHandler.GetPropertyValue(LabelArea, "Children") as UIElementCollection;

            ControlHandler.ExecuteMethod(childs, "Clear");