internal MetricsSinkAdapter(string name, string description, MetricsSink sink, string context, MetricsFilter sourceFilter, MetricsFilter recordFilter, MetricsFilter metricFilter, int period, int queueCapacity, int retryDelay, float retryBackoff, int retryCount) { = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(name, "name"); this.description = description; this.sink = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(sink, "sink object"); this.context = context; this.sourceFilter = sourceFilter; this.recordFilter = recordFilter; this.metricFilter = metricFilter; this.period = Contracts.CheckArg(period, period > 0, "period"); firstRetryDelay = Contracts.CheckArg(retryDelay, retryDelay > 0, "retry delay"); this.retryBackoff = Contracts.CheckArg(retryBackoff, retryBackoff > 1, "retry backoff" ); oobPutTimeout = (long)(firstRetryDelay * Math.Pow(retryBackoff, retryCount) * 1000 ); this.retryCount = retryCount; this.queue = new SinkQueue <MetricsBuffer>(Contracts.CheckArg(queueCapacity, queueCapacity > 0, "queue capacity")); latency = registry.NewRate("Sink_" + name, "Sink end to end latency", false); dropped = registry.NewCounter("Sink_" + name + "Dropped", "Dropped updates per sink" , 0); qsize = registry.NewGauge("Sink_" + name + "Qsize", "Queue size", 0); sinkThread = new _Thread_86(this); sinkThread.SetName(name); sinkThread.SetDaemon(true); }
private MutableMetric NewImpl(Metric.Type metricType) { Type resType = method.ReturnType; switch (metricType) { case Metric.Type.Counter: { return(NewCounter(resType)); } case Metric.Type.Gauge: { return(NewGauge(resType)); } case Metric.Type.Default: { return(resType == typeof(string) ? NewTag(resType) : NewGauge(resType)); } case Metric.Type.Tag: { return(NewTag(resType)); } default: { Contracts.CheckArg(metricType, false, "unsupported metric type"); return(null); } } }
/// <summary>Construct a metrics record</summary> /// <param name="info"> /// /// <see cref="MetricInfo"/> /// of the record /// </param> /// <param name="timestamp">of the record</param> /// <param name="tags">of the record</param> /// <param name="metrics">of the record</param> public MetricsRecordImpl(MetricsInfo info, long timestamp, IList <MetricsTag> tags , IEnumerable <AbstractMetric> metrics) { this.timestamp = Contracts.CheckArg(timestamp, timestamp > 0, "timestamp"); = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(info, "info"); this.tags = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(tags, "tags"); this.metrics = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(metrics, "metrics"); }
internal MethodMetric(object obj, MethodInfo method, MetricsInfo info, Metric.Type type) { this.obj = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(obj, "object"); this.method = Contracts.CheckArg(method, Runtime.GetParameterTypes(method ).Length == 0, "Metric method should have no arguments"); = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(info, "info"); impl = NewImpl(Preconditions.CheckNotNull(type, "metric type")); }
internal MetricsSourceAdapter(string prefix, string name, string description, MetricsSource source, IEnumerable <MetricsTag> injectedTags, MetricsFilter recordFilter, MetricsFilter metricFilter, int jmxCacheTTL, bool startMBeans) { this.prefix = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(prefix, "prefix"); = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(name, "name"); this.source = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(source, "source"); attrCache = Maps.NewHashMap(); infoBuilder = new MBeanInfoBuilder(name, description); this.injectedTags = injectedTags; this.recordFilter = recordFilter; this.metricFilter = metricFilter; this.jmxCacheTTL = Contracts.CheckArg(jmxCacheTTL, jmxCacheTTL > 0, "jmxCacheTTL" ); this.startMBeans = startMBeans; }