Example #1
        private async Task insertContainerMetric(BenchmarkExperiment appTest)
            var metricStat = new ContainerMetric();

            IProgress <ContainerStatsResponse> progress = new Progress <ContainerStatsResponse>(stats =>
                //var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stats);

                metricStat.ContainerId         = appTest.AppContainerId;
                metricStat.ContainerName       = appTest.DockerFriendlyName;
                metricStat.DateTimeCreated     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                metricStat.DockerDateTimestamp = stats.Read;
                //JsonDockerResponse = json,
                metricStat.BenchmarkExperiment = appTest;
                metricStat.MemoryLimit         = stats.MemoryStats.Limit;
                metricStat.MemoryUsage         = stats.MemoryStats.Usage;

                metricStat.SetCPUPercentage(stats.CPUStats, stats.PreCPUStats);


            await _dockerAppClient.Containers.GetContainerStatsAsync(appTest.AppContainerId, new ContainerStatsParameters { Stream = false }, progress, CancellationToken.None);

            await _containerMetricRepo.AddAsync(metricStat);
        protected override void EstablishContext()
            //Prepare supplied data collections
            suppliedMetricHirearchy = GetSuppliedMetricHierarchy();

            //Set up the mocks

            //Set expectations

        protected override void EstablishContext()
            metricTemplateBinder.Setup(x => x.GetTemplateName(It.IsAny<Dictionary<string, string>>())).Callback<Dictionary<string, string>>(x => postedContextValues.Add(x)).Returns("template name");
            metricRenderer.Setup(x => x.Render(It.IsAny<String>(), It.IsAny<MetricBase>(), It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<IDictionary<string, object>>())).Callback((string templateName, object mb, int depth, IDictionary<string, object> dictionary) => postedMetricRenderingValues.Add(new MetricRenderingParameters { TemplateName = templateName, MetricBase = (MetricBase)mb, Depth = depth }));

            metricBase = GetSuppliedMetricBase();

            metricRenderingContextProvider.Setup(x => x.ProvideContext(It.IsAny<MetricBase>(), It.IsAny<IDictionary<string, object>>())).Callback((MetricBase m, IDictionary<string, object> d) => contextDictionary["AggregateMetricId"] = m.MetricId);
            rootMetric = (ContainerMetric) metricBase;

            suppliedRenderingMode = RenderingMode.Overview;
        public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> FlattenMetricTree(ContainerMetric metricTreeRootNode)
            var model = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>();

            //We only export metrics that can contain data.
            var granularMetrics = metricTreeRootNode.DescendantsOrSelf.Where(x => x.MetricType == MetricType.GranularMetric);
            foreach (dynamic metric in granularMetrics)
                var propertyName = Utilities.Metrics.GetMetricName(metric);
                model.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(propertyName,metric.Value));
            return model;
Example #5
 private void SetParent(ContainerMetric parent)
     foreach (var child in parent.Children)
         var container = child as ContainerMetric;
         if (container != null)
         child.Parent = parent;
Example #6
 private MetricBase GetSuppliedMetricInstanceTree()
     var metricBase = new ContainerMetric
                                MetricId = 1,
                                MetricNodeId = 1,
                                Name = "Metric One",
                                MetricType = MetricType.ContainerMetric,
                                Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                         new GranularMetric<int>
                                                                 MetricId = 2,
                                                                 MetricNodeId = 2,
                                                                 Name = "Metric Two",
                                                                 Value = 55,
                                                                 MetricType = MetricType.GranularMetric
                                                         new AggregateMetric
                                                                 MetricId = 3,
                                                                 MetricNodeId = 3,
                                                                 Name = "Metric Three",
                                                                 MetricType = MetricType.AggregateMetric,
                                                                 Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                                                        new GranularMetric<int>
                                                                                                 MetricId = 4,
                                                                                                 MetricNodeId = 4,
                                                                                                 Name = "Metric Four",
                                                                                                 Value = 2155,
                                                                                                 MetricType = MetricType.GranularMetric
     return metricBase;
        protected virtual void ProcessForChildren(MetricInstanceSetRequestBase metricInstanceSetRequest, MetricMetadataNode metricMetadataNode, MetricDataContainer metricDataContainer, 
                                                  ContainerMetric parentMetric, Dictionary<string, object> initializationActivityData)
            // Initialize the list if it's not already initialized
            if (parentMetric.Children == null)
                parentMetric.Children = new List<MetricBase>();

            // Iterate through the children in the metadata
            foreach (var node in metricMetadataNode.Children)
                // Call recursively to create the tree
                var newChildMetric = CreateMetric(metricInstanceSetRequest, node, metricDataContainer, parentMetric, initializationActivityData);
        protected ContainerMetric GetSuppliedMetricHierarchy()

            var hirearchy = new ContainerMetric
                MetricNodeId = 1,
                MetricType = MetricType.ContainerMetric,
                DisplayName = "Overview Root",
                Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                              new ContainerMetric
                                                      MetricNodeId = 11,
                                                      MetricType = MetricType.ContainerMetric,
                                                      Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                                         new AggregateMetric
                                                                               MetricNodeId   = 111,
                                                                               MetricType = MetricType.AggregateMetric,
                                                                               DisplayName="State Assessments",
                                                                               Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                                                                  new ContainerMetric
                                                                                                          MetricNodeId = 1111,
                                                                                                          MetricType = MetricType.ContainerMetric,
                                                                                                          DisplayName = "State Assessment one",
                                                                                                          Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                                                                                              new GranularMetric<int> { MetricNodeId = 11111, DisplayName = "Assessment X 11111", Value = 11111, MetricType = MetricType.GranularMetric},
                                                                                                                              new GranularMetric<int> { MetricNodeId = 11112, DisplayName = "Assessment Y 11112",Value = 11112, MetricType = MetricType.GranularMetric },
                                                                                                                              new GranularMetric<int> { MetricNodeId = 11113, DisplayName = "Assessment Z 11113",Value = 11113, MetricType = MetricType.GranularMetric }
                                                                             new AggregateMetric
                                                                               MetricNodeId   = 112,
                                                                               MetricType = MetricType.AggregateMetric,
                                                                               DisplayName="Other Standard Assessments",
                                                                               Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                                                                  new ContainerMetric
                                                                                                          MetricNodeId = 1121,
                                                                                                          MetricType = MetricType.ContainerMetric,
                                                                                                          DisplayName = "SAT",
                                                                                                          Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                                                                                              new GranularMetric<int> { MetricNodeId = 11211, DisplayName = "Math 11211", Value = 11211, MetricType = MetricType.GranularMetric },
                                                                                                                              new GranularMetric<int> { MetricNodeId = 11212, DisplayName = "Science 11212", Value = 11212, MetricType = MetricType.GranularMetric },
                                                                                                                              new GranularMetric<int> { MetricNodeId = 11213, DisplayName = "Social Studies 11213", Value = 11213, MetricType = MetricType.GranularMetric }
                                            new ContainerMetric
                                                    MetricNodeId = 12,
                                                    MetricType = MetricType.ContainerMetric,
                                                    DisplayName = "Attendance & Discipline",
                                                    Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                                       new GranularMetric<int> { MetricNodeId = 121, DisplayName = "Attendance 121", Value = 121, MetricType = MetricType.GranularMetric },
                                                                       new GranularMetric<int> { MetricNodeId = 122, DisplayName = "Discipline 122", Value = 122, MetricType = MetricType.GranularMetric }

            setParents(hirearchy, null);

            return hirearchy;
        private MetricBase GetSuppliedMetricBase()
            var tree = new ContainerMetric
                           MetricId = 1,
                           MetricVariantId = 1000, // This is intentionally MetricId * 1000
                           MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                           DomainEntityType = "StudentSchool",
                           Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                            new GranularMetric<int>
                                                    MetricId = 2,
                                                    MetricVariantId = 2000, // This is intentionally MetricId * 1000
                                                    MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                    Value = 5,
                                                    Enabled = false
                                            new AggregateMetric
                                                    MetricId = 5,
                                                    MetricVariantId = 5000, // This is intentionally MetricId * 1000
                                                    MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                    Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                                        new GranularMetric<decimal>
                                                                                MetricId = 10,
                                                                                MetricVariantId = 10000, // This is intentionally MetricId * 1000
                                                                                MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                                                Value = 99,
                                                                                Enabled = true
                                                                        new ContainerMetric
                                                                                MetricId = 11,
                                                                                MetricVariantId = 11000, // This is intentionally MetricId * 1000
                                                                                MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                                                Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                                                                   new GranularMetric<decimal?>
                                                                                                           MetricId = 12,
                                                                                                           MetricVariantId = 12000, // This is intentionally MetricId * 1000
                                                                                                           MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                                                                           Value = null
                                                                        new ContainerMetric
                                                                                MetricId = 13,
                                                                                MetricVariantId = 13000, // This is intentionally MetricId * 1000
                                                                                MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                                                Children = new List<MetricBase>
                                                                                                   new GranularMetric<decimal?>
                                                                                                           MetricId = 14,
                                                                                                           MetricVariantId = 14000, // This is intentionally MetricId * 1000
                                                                                                           MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                                                                           Value = null
                                                                                                   new GranularMetric<decimal?>
                                                                                                           MetricId = 15,
                                                                                                           MetricVariantId = 15000, // This is intentionally MetricId * 1000
                                                                                                           MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                                                                           Value = 3.4m
                                                                                                   new GranularMetric<decimal?>
                                                                                                           MetricId = 15, // This is intentionally 15 (matching previous entry), testing the metric variants
                                                                                                           MetricVariantId = 30000, // This is intentionally MetricId * 2000
                                                                                                           MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.PriorYear,
                                                                                                           Value = 3.4m

            InitializeParent(tree, tree.Children);

            return tree;
 private void InitializeParent(ContainerMetric parent, IEnumerable<MetricBase> children )
     foreach (var metric in children)
         metric.Parent = parent;
         var container = metric as ContainerMetric;
         if (container != null)
             InitializeParent(container, container.Children);